Well, I've got a mouse problem.
It's been doing this for maybe a few days now, but now it is really bothering me. During WoW, or surfing the internet or anything, my mouse decides to stop working. Just no explanation, the computer says it still works and right click works sometimes but left click doesn't and the actual arrow doesn't move onscreen. Sometimes it just randomly comes back on but lately it seems to die off and not turn back on until alot later. I've had this mouse for awhile but it's never done this.
Also, any other mouses plugged into the computer decide to do this too, at least, the other Optical mouse I plugged in did. It's never as bad, and re-plugging it in seems to fix it sometimes but tha's for the USB mouse, my original mouse doesn't work like taht for some reason.
I'm thinking that it may be a computer problem but that is one thing I don't know how to fix, a mouse. Can any of you guys give me some assistance with this nuisance?
Oh yeah, it's a HP mouse, and the other one I tried is a Microsoft mouse, I dunno if this makes a difference though.
Edit: After posting this my original mouse started to work again after like 30mins, it's gonna die again soon though.