Simple on the back and front end. I'd be happiest if it did nothing more than safely write to the DB and generate a plaintext file to be included from a PHP script (like Newspro did when it was still maintained).
Does something like this exist, or do I have to make it myself?
may be what you're looking for.
You can host on your own server and installation was pretty painless for me.
If it doesn't exist, I'll just make it.
It's got a five minute install out of the box, most web hosting services have a self installer if you're not hosting it on your own server, and there's about 30,000 free themes out there that look great, or you can code your own in about 20 minutes with little experience just copying various CSS and HTML from other sites you admire.
It's probably the easiest blogging platform out there with the most customization options and support offerings.
I use wordpress. Wordpress just isn't the right solution for this specific thing.