[WoW] [Hunters], Misdirecting everyone but tanks since '07



  • EmporiumEmporium Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I think shaman and druids that wear agility gear have about as much use for int as hunters do now.

    Emporium on
  • NoisymunkNoisymunk Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Emporium wrote: »
    I think shaman and druids that wear agility gear have about as much use for int as hunters do now.

    It's not high on their priority list, but they get some spell power and crit from it.

    Noisymunk on
  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    So I just unlocked my third call pet slot. Any recommendations on what to carry around with me? I'm using a cat and a crab right now. I'm wondering if I should get something a little more tank-y than my crab (since I've been speccing him more for dps so far), like a turtle or bear. Is there a pet that does good AOE threat? My crab can't hold aggro for shit. (or maybe that's a lower-tier talent?)

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Your Crab is actually a Tenacity pet, so he'll have the same talents as a Bear would. One of those talents is Thunderstop, which does a little AoE damage and might help out.

    Honestly, pets aren't very good at AoE tanking; typically if you want your pet to hold AoE threat you'll use Misdirection and hit Multishot or throw one Arcane Shot into each mob, something like that. The threat from Misdirection fades eventually but you can use it on your pet with no cooldown if you Glyph it.

    Of course, you may not have some of those powers or talents yet. You can also use Freezing Trap to contain extra mobs that run at you or Feign Death to get them to leave you alone.

    It's also a good idea to let your pet run in first and attack for a second or two so they can build a modest threat lead.

    What spec are you leveling as?

    Rius on
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I'm pretty sure tenacity pets get an AoE moderate threat move that makes them pretty decent AoE tanks. I never had any issues with my crab holding aoe threat as I leveled. I can't remember what level it becomes available at though.

    Delphinidaes on
    NNID: delphinidaes
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  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Rius wrote: »
    Your Crab is actually a Tenacity pet, so he'll have the same talents as a Bear would. One of those talents is Thunderstop, which does a little AoE damage and might help out.

    Honestly, pets aren't very good at AoE tanking; typically if you want your pet to hold AoE threat you'll use Misdirection and hit Multishot or throw one Arcane Shot into each mob, something like that. The threat from Misdirection fades eventually but you can use it on your pet with no cooldown if you Glyph it.

    Of course, you may not have some of those powers or talents yet. You can also use Freezing Trap to contain extra mobs that run at you or Feign Death to get them to leave you alone.

    It's also a good idea to let your pet run in first and attack for a second or two so they can build a modest threat lead.

    What spec are you leveling as?

    Beast Mastery. And so far I don't have access to Thunderclap - it must be further down the tree. I'm only level 42, so I'm not even close to Misdirection unfortunately :(

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    Rius wrote: »
    Your Crab is actually a Tenacity pet, so he'll have the same talents as a Bear would. One of those talents is Thunderstop, which does a little AoE damage and might help out.

    Honestly, pets aren't very good at AoE tanking; typically if you want your pet to hold AoE threat you'll use Misdirection and hit Multishot or throw one Arcane Shot into each mob, something like that. The threat from Misdirection fades eventually but you can use it on your pet with no cooldown if you Glyph it.

    Of course, you may not have some of those powers or talents yet. You can also use Freezing Trap to contain extra mobs that run at you or Feign Death to get them to leave you alone.

    It's also a good idea to let your pet run in first and attack for a second or two so they can build a modest threat lead.

    What spec are you leveling as?

    Beast Mastery. And so far I don't have access to Thunderclap - it must be further down the tree. I'm only level 42, so I'm not even close to Misdirection unfortunately :(

    You're close to Thunderclap; a Tenacity pet can get it as the seventh overall talent once they're level 44.

    Rius on
  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Cool beans, at least I'm close to it. Do tenacity pets eventually get that talent ferocity pets get that heal them when they do damage? Because that talent is awesome :)

    I mainly ask because I was trying to solo Gnomeregan and it would have gone fine except my crab couldn't hold aggro for shit. I actually switched to my lion for Thermaplugg and it worked WAY better (even with me forgetting to turn off Aspect of the Daze... whoops!)

    Also, you know, it'd be nice for those instances where I'm a lower level than the tank and yet he sucks so bad that I pull aggro from him like nothing :P

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    Cool beans, at least I'm close to it. Do tenacity pets eventually get that talent ferocity pets get that heal them when they do damage? Because that talent is awesome :)

    Way down at the bottom of the Tenacity tree is a talent that heals the pet for 1%/2% whenever they Growl, which should be every 3.5 seconds at that time. Not the greatest thing in the world, but every little bit helps.

    Mend Pet is also most effective on Tenacity pets due to the Blood of the Rhino talent in the second tier.

    Rius on
  • DacDac Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Going through BRD, my tanks tended to be pretty irritated that my Crab tanked damage better than they did.

    Blood of the Rhino + Mend Pet major glyph for the lulz.

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Rius wrote: »
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    Cool beans, at least I'm close to it. Do tenacity pets eventually get that talent ferocity pets get that heal them when they do damage? Because that talent is awesome :)

    Way down at the bottom of the Tenacity tree is a talent that heals the pet for 1%/2% whenever they Growl, which should be every 3.5 seconds at that time. Not the greatest thing in the world, but every little bit helps.

    Mend Pet is also most effective on Tenacity pets due to the Blood of the Rhino talent in the second tier.
    And use the Glyph of Mending major if you're leveling as BM (or maybe even as any spec, actually). 40% of your pet's health over 10 secs is pretty huge.

    forty on
  • DrunkMcDrunkMc Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Yeah, Tenacity pets become insane. My Rhino has something like %56 Damage Reduction right now. He's a beast, good times!

    A couple of my friends and I did MC last night, I got 5/8 Giant Stalker...woo? Then we went right into BWL and I tamed Chrommaggus! I now have a CoreHound and Chromemaggus! Good times!

    DrunkMc on
  • BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    What is the difference between a core hound in MC? the ones in Hyjal and other places? besides level?

    Brainleech on
  • reVersereVerse Attack and Dethrone God Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    They look different.

    reVerse on
  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    For kicks last night I went into BFD and tamed that turtle boss in there. Apparently 4.0 updated him to use the same model as the turtle npc in Hyjal (the normal one, not the fire one :P). He looks pretty awesome. I decided I'll spec him a little different from the crab so I'm speccing him for pure damage absorption (stam/armor) rather than more of the attack talents.

    P.S. - Whatever moron decided to not make a boat to Lor'Danel from Darnassus and not give you the FP for free *unless* you take the flight from Darnassus proper and not ground level needs to die. I ran around forever trying to figure out how to get to freaking Darkshore, and then had to take that stupid FP from the top of the tree which must take like 5 minutes just decending the tree itself. *sigh*

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • DrunkMcDrunkMc Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Brainleech wrote: »
    What is the difference between a core hound in MC? the ones in Hyjal and other places? besides level?

    Yeah, it's just the look. I also wanted to tame them as revenge for both killing me a ton in Vanilla WoW a few years back. Now these mighty beasts that used to take 40 people to kill bow to my every whim! MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

    DrunkMc on
  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    DrunkMc wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    What is the difference between a core hound in MC? the ones in Hyjal and other places? besides level?

    Yeah, it's just the look. I also wanted to tame them as revenge for both killing me a ton in Vanilla WoW a few years back. Now these mighty beasts that used to take 40 people to kill bow to my every whim! MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

    I am tempted to tame one from MC and name it "LootTheDamnDog" ;)

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • DrunkMcDrunkMc Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    DrunkMc wrote: »
    Brainleech wrote: »
    What is the difference between a core hound in MC? the ones in Hyjal and other places? besides level?

    Yeah, it's just the look. I also wanted to tame them as revenge for both killing me a ton in Vanilla WoW a few years back. Now these mighty beasts that used to take 40 people to kill bow to my every whim! MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

    I am tempted to tame one from MC and name it "LootTheDamnDog" ;)

    That'd be awesome. I named him Snuggles to demean the shit out of him so everyone points and laughs at the big bad dog....named Snuggles.

    DrunkMc on
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Patch 4.1 wrote:
    Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 5 levels below.
    So if this is true, why bother having pet XP at all anymore?

    forty on
  • HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Seriously, holy shit. FINALLY. No more pet leveling. Thank christ. Another outdated, annoying mechanic bites the dust.

    Halfmex on
  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    forty wrote: »
    Patch 4.1 wrote:
    Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 5 levels below.
    So if this is true, why bother having pet XP at all anymore?

    Thank god. I really don't understand why it under-leveled them in the first place (though I suppose I would take that over the original "it's the same level as the mob" it used to be loooong ago)

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Actually now having given this some thought, I spoke prematurely: this change doesn't eradicate pet leveling. What it does, mind-bogglingly enough, is remove the '3 levels lower' (not 5 as it states in the patch notes) from the mobs you tame. However, you must still level each and every one of them to cap if you tame(d?) them before capping. So if you tamed, say, Terrorpene at 81 but shelved him and got Ghostcrawler at 85 and now you want to bust out T-pene again? You need to level him from 82 to 85 to cap him.

    In essence, things are ever-so-slightly less annoying than they were. The devs are really, really clinging to the pet leveling mechanic as steadfastly as possible.

    Many hunters (myself included) have always felt that the warlock pet mechanic of auto-leveling was the way to go. The devs (well, the old ones at least) always maintained that leveling their pet was part of the "fun" of being a hunter, as it helped them bond with their pet, which is fine in an RP sense, but as a mechanic is just plain fucking stupid.

    Halfmex on
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    Patch 4.1 wrote:
    Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 5 levels below.
    So if this is true, why bother having pet XP at all anymore?

    Thank god. I really don't understand why it under-leveled them in the first place (though I suppose I would take that over the original "it's the same level as the mob" it used to be loooong ago)
    I've wanted pet XP gone for a long time, but it doesn't sound like it's actually gone. It seems like if you level up, any of your current pets will still fall behind (up to the -3 limit), which basically just encourages you to ditch existing pets and retame them.

    forty on
  • DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    So, the hotfix that added like 2k Ranged AP to AotHawk seems fairly insane. My 347 average Survival Hunter (yes I'm still Survival) is back to doing a good 13-16k DPS on boss fights... even while completely forgetting to use Rapid Fire ever. I'm rusty, alright?

    All is right with the world apparently. I've been using that Ask Mr. Robot site to check my gear and realized that Mastery is *much* worse than I originally thought for Survival. Or it changed in the patch, not sure. Anyway, I'm trying to get rid of the stuff now. I hate some of its suggestions though, and there's some weirdness, like the Fluid Death trinket not appearing as an option (I'm 5 or 6 days of Heroic dailies out from being able to buy it.) I also have no intention of grinding Tol Barad for the weapon at Revered.

    I *would* like to get the Amber Messenger, which the site considers the second best ranged weapon available to me, just below the Kickback 5000 or whatever it's called, however my BRC run tonight involved a bunch of people who had never run H BRC before and broke up after a few fails on the second boss. God I hate needing items off the last boss... I miss having a bow.

    Dranyth on
  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    So... anyone got tips for solo'ing Kael in TK, and Maulgar in Gruul's? Void Reaver and Al'ar went smooth as anything, but those two fights gave me an unbelievable amount of trouble.

    Skeith on
  • LolkenLolken Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2011
    Survival hunter here, lvl 347 equipment, doing 13k damage. Is this good, bad, or average? Should I change to MM or BM?

    Lolken on
  • NoisymunkNoisymunk Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Lolken wrote: »
    Survival hunter here, lvl 347 equipment, doing 13k damage. Is this good, bad, or average? Should I change to MM or BM?

    It's average.

    Noisymunk on
  • DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Yessss, Sambas is mine!

    I got out of my Hunter's daily Throne of the Tides run and did another once around the Highlands, NPC Scan yelled at me and I got him no trouble. Seems like a big model.

    I also pulled 27k on Rajh... I love gimmick fights.

    Dranyth on
  • azith28azith28 Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Curious if this happen to anyone else.

    Since level 69 ive been using a devilsaur, and over the weekend i hit 85. Now whats odd is that while i admit im not 100% sure of this i would swear that one of the levels 80-85 my pet did not gain any health when he dinged, and now both of us at 85, he has about the same health as i do.

    I'm thinking of grabbing another devilsaur, leveling it up and seeing if its at the same health.

    azith28 on
    Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, Morituri Sum
  • DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Dranyth wrote: »
    Yessss, Sambas is mine!

    I got out of my Hunter's daily Throne of the Tides run and did another once around the Highlands, NPC Scan yelled at me and I got him no trouble. Seems like a big model.

    Haha, what a coincidence, I got Sambas last night in a similar way. I was flying around on my Paladin in Twihi for herbs when I saw him just strutting around. I forgot that NPCScan already had him cached so I logged onto my Hunter asap and booked it over there without anything going wrong.

    It really is a nice model. I don't know if I'll use my Ghostsaber again.

    Dibby on
    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I found Karoma and Sambas within a few hours of each other. My server's pretty low pop, so apart from Loque'nahak I've gotten pretty much every pet within a day or two of desiring them.

    For Loque, I'd just teleport to Sholazar every day and do a circle; after a few weeks I stumbled across him and that was that. Even found him a second time for Frostbitten, lol.

    Rius on
  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    azith28 wrote: »
    Curious if this happen to anyone else.

    Since level 69 ive been using a devilsaur, and over the weekend i hit 85. Now whats odd is that while i admit im not 100% sure of this i would swear that one of the levels 80-85 my pet did not gain any health when he dinged, and now both of us at 85, he has about the same health as i do.

    I'm thinking of grabbing another devilsaur, leveling it up and seeing if its at the same health.

    I don't know off the top of my head how pet health scaling works, but I'm 99% sure that the new devilsaur will have the same health. I think it goes entirely off of your own stamina now? Not sure.

    Skeith on
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Skeith wrote: »
    azith28 wrote: »
    Curious if this happen to anyone else.

    Since level 69 ive been using a devilsaur, and over the weekend i hit 85. Now whats odd is that while i admit im not 100% sure of this i would swear that one of the levels 80-85 my pet did not gain any health when he dinged, and now both of us at 85, he has about the same health as i do.

    I'm thinking of grabbing another devilsaur, leveling it up and seeing if its at the same health.

    I don't know off the top of my head how pet health scaling works, but I'm 99% sure that the new devilsaur will have the same health. I think it goes entirely off of your own stamina now? Not sure.

    The only way your pet should have about the same health you do is if you've maxed out the +health pet talent.

    forty on
  • TheCrumblyCrackerTheCrumblyCracker Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Me and my broski Sambas solod Void Reaver and Leonadas, giving me 2/5 Tier 5 and making my pet nigh invincible!

    What to solo next?

    TheCrumblyCracker on
  • DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Holy crap... that set bonus is pretty insane. Hmm... I wonder if I can solo those to try and get those pieces...

    Dranyth on
  • GlyphGlyph Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Me and my broski Sambas solod Void Reaver and Leonadas, giving me 2/5 Tier 5 and making my pet nigh invincible!

    What to solo next?

    Attumen for the mount if you haven't already.

    Also, BM is liquid sex.

    Glyph on
  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Me and my broski Sambas solod Void Reaver and Leonadas, giving me 2/5 Tier 5 and making my pet nigh invincible!

    What to solo next?

    Unfortunately you're kinda limited to TK; a lot of mechanics in BC make things impossible to solo, such as tainted cores on Vashj. There's a How-to for hunters looking to kill Kael, though, I'll probably take another shot at it myself.

    Skeith on
  • NoisymunkNoisymunk Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I've heard hunters are able to solo Skadi in Utgarde Pinnacle for chances at the mount. Give it a shot!

    Noisymunk on
  • -SPI--SPI- Osaka, JapanRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Yeah skadi is pretty easy. The ICC 5man heroics are a good challenge, equivalent to mandokir back at 80.

    -SPI- on
  • TheCrumblyCrackerTheCrumblyCracker Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Dranyth wrote: »
    Holy crap... that set bonus is pretty insane. Hmm... I wonder if I can solo those to try and get those pieces...

    It was pretty easy to do. I did it as MM as well, probably would have been easier as BM.

    TheCrumblyCracker on
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