Let's talk about the things we
don't do.
I am getting dangerously close to 30 and I still don't know how to drive. Technically I had my learner's permit for a few years and then that expired, and now I live in downtown Toronto where nobody drives because there's too much traffic. It's also incredibly expensive to get a car insured here, there are no gas stations anywhere near the downtown core and parking is next to impossible, but those are all excuses.
Really I don't drive because I'm deathly afraid of hitting or being hit by another car. I do however, love the engineering inside of cars, and Top Gear is pretty much the only show I watch now.
Speaking of TV, I pretty much stopped watching TV in the early 2000s back in the boom of horrible reality television. Sometime between then and now, TV stopped sucking and a bunch of awesome shows came out. There are even some decent sci-fi shows, which was my favorite entertainment genre back when I watched TV. I still haven't seen Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Fringe, or any Dr. Who series.
I think part of my problem is
this. I used to keep up with some TV by downloading it, but now even that seems like too much work. Also I've gotten so used to using the net for entertainment
I no longer have the attention span to watch a one hours TV show jesus christ what's wrong with me.
Tabletop gaming
I never really played D&D and its ilk when I was growing up, although thanks to videogames I know a lot about the rules and lore. In fact I find it fun to read up on these things on their various wikis:
When Zapathasura awoke in the Ravnos homeland of India, it devoured all its nearby childer in moments, and sent psychic ripples across the world and spirit realms. Psychics, madmen and anyone even vaguely touched by the supernatural felt on edge or suffered visions and nightmares. The nightmares usually featured the Demon-King Ravana (representing Zapathasura).
Zapathasura rampaged across India to Bangladesh for two days, calling its childer to it, but on the third day was attacked by three of the eldest Kuei-jin Bodhisattvas. All this supernatural activity did not go unnoticed by the forces of the Technocracy, who used orbital mirrors to focus the power of the sun on the Antediluvian, but the Boddhisatvas and their allies had called a supernatural storm to shield them from sunlight while they battled Zapathasura. The Technocracy then employed magical "neutron bombs", killing all of Zapathasura's combatants - including those who were controlling the storm. As the clouds parted, Zapathasura had been weakened enough by the bombs and battle that the focussed sunlight destroyed it.
The awakening of the Antediluvian had a profound effect on all its childer. While the battle raged, Ravnos vampires' power over the Chimerstry Discipline grew stronger, though harder to control. But at the instant Zapathasura died, every Ravnos on Earth felt an uncontrollable bloodlust, compelled to destroy or diablerize other members of their clan. This madness lasted for four days, and only a small number of Ravnos still survive.
This shit seems so cool! The lore for the White Wolf games is neat, although this stuff is all from the outdated version of the game. I also like the explanation of how magic works in the Mage games.
Fortunately I have had the chance to try a few tabletop games with Pony, Cass and Choco not that long ago and they've been a lot of fun! although my current schedule doesn't give me much time to pursue them regularly.
I suppose I never really sought games like this out on my own since I tend to think of 'gaming' as a solitary thing. It didn't help that my first impressions of tabletop gaming came from the horrible neckbeards in my highschool, who managed to work both their persecution complexes and feelings of elitism into making anyone who wasn't intimately familiar with gaming feel uncomfortable.
So what strange things
don't you guys do? What popular things do you just not get into?
this thread
Oh playing video games. That's a thing I have stopped doing frequently for a while now, yet somehow i still spend enough time to read about them.
Also: Twitter
Fantasy sports
Elimination Reality TV
I had a light lunch and it's 65 degrees here so now I'm thinking about using it.
which is a board game, not a RPG
but when you have time, we should play it!
Instead i spend most of my time going to class, doing work, with my girlfriend, and planning grad school/career prospects. I preemptively checked into square-hood it seems.
I technically have a facebook account, but I really don't have the first clue what I'm supposed to be doing with it. Every few months I log on, look at what some people I don't really know or barely talk to are doing, feel vaguely uncomfortable about spying on them, and then log back off.
like tv
i watch basically no tv, but not because i am not interested in it. there are lots of shows i actually want to watch. but somehow the fact that there's all this great stuff out there (and that it's so time-consuming to follow them) keeps me from ever doing anything, like a weird blend of decision paralysis and... some other shit.
Yeah, that's what mine has devolved to over the years
The only thing I actually like it for anymore is seeing pictures my family has taken/sharing vacation photos
Also: Seconded
-> Driving. I have no desire to drive at all. I live in Toronto which has amazing traffic.
-> Clubbing. Not my thing, not now, probably not ever. I liked dancing at prom, but I don't want to pay $10 for a drink and then dudes rub their crotches against my ass.
Apparently packages have showed up, but I haven't been home yet! I'll be going back sometime this week coming up.
They're called illusions, Michael.
Netflix, Hulu, & Basic have just about everything I want, in a much more convenient fashion
I like the idea of them but the execution is repulsive in my experience.
Actually I really don't like online gaming very much at all
I am not interested in Jack's sex life. He likes bondage!?
Actually, I thought it was really funny.
You need better online gaming friends
Oh, is that the kind of massive one that's like the board game version of Master of Orion? It sounds awesome! Come February I should have free weekends again (I hope).
I grew out of online gaming with strangers around the time halo 2 was big. Almost all of the games I play right now either don't require playing online for them to be fun, or i dont have friends to play them with.
just don't get the hype
jk love 'em
I have one, I just don't use it for anything and am probably making someone who wanted that handle mad.
We purchased it from a man in a gaming store, and this man had an enormous gut that was not close to covered by a t-shirt with a white lion airbrushed onto it.
It was hilarious and awkward.
I just never saw the hype.
It really makes a big difference
In fact I have barely done any online gaming recently because my online buddies are still playing WoW or Day of Defeat original or something random
Except Trackmania.