Hey all,
So I was recently on steam and decided to play some more Gyromancer, which I haven't touched in months, and remembered my hidden addiction to little puzzle combat. Games like Puzzle Quest or Gyromancer are just more satisfying than playing Bejeweled/Bejeweled Twist on their own.
For those of you who haven't heard of Gyromancer, I offer the wikipage, but it's bejeweled twist + some combat twists.(oh the clever pun!)
I'm wondering if anyone knows of any similar types of games that are easy to pick up/put down and are fun.
There's Puzzle Quest and Puzzle Quest 2 (standard Bejeweled). Also Galactrix, but the hexes make everything less convenient there. And Puzzle Kingdoms, but I couldn't really get into that.
If you like word games at all I'd recommend Bookwork Adventures and its sequel as well. Both great little games.
FFXIV: Tchel Fay
Nintendo ID: Tortalius
Steam: Tortalius
Stream: twitch.tv/tortalius
Is that still getting an XBLA release? Looks great, but if it's coming to XBLA I'd rather play it there.
Check out Puzzlegeddon as well, at least a demo. It wasn't my cup of tea, but it looks like it could be lots of fun.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X