Alright then, looks like we've got everyone but samurai6966, but he's not been talking much, may have dropped out. I figure we'll give him a day or so, and then we can begin!
Alright, No word from samurai6966, and since he only made one post, I'm gonna go with the 5 we have. I'll start up the IC thread in a bit, this'll be the OOC.
Ah, hell, I've tried to find a good Deadlands game for ages (IRL and online both) and now one crops up and I miss it.
I don't suppose there's any chance you're still accepting sign-ups? (Even if you are, I've never played in a Penny Arcade PbP before so I understand if you don't want me)
Sure, why not? Heh, I warn you, it's my first time DMing a PbP, so it may not be a GOOD Deadlands game :-D Just make up your char quick, the game's started, but not much has happened.
What is the plan for dice rolling? I'm partial to invisible castle, mostly because I can get to it while I'm at work. For Savage Worlds, I believe the dice code would be ";" for a d8 roll with a d6 wild die.
Sure, that works, also I realized that I forgot to assign Fate Chips to ya'll! I'll do that now, and see how well that roller system I had planned works.
Matev - Brett Rivers - 2 Blue 1 White
Radical Ans - Edmond 'Finn' Finnegan - 1 Blue 2 White
Erich Zahn - Jacob Harrison - 2 White 1 Blue 1 Red
Celebrim - Bertram Smythe - 2 White 1 Red
OptimusZed - Plays With Fire - 2 White 1 Red
Popesnax - 3 White
Not sure the best way to keep track of these...Maybe on the front page on the character list?
White isn't bad, they just do less for you. They act like common bennies in SW. I don't have my DL books on me atm or I'd post a rundown on what the different fate chips do for you.
White Fate Chips are the most common sort and act just like regular bennies. So, if you spend one, you get to reroll a trait roll and keep the best result. All the usual Savage Worlds rules on bennies apply to white Fate Chips.
A red chip allows you to roll a d6 and add it to your current total (this die can Ace as usual). This negates a critical failure from rolling a 1 on your skill die, should that be an issue. Or you can choose to use a red chip as a white chip.The bad news is that the Marshal gets a free draw from the Fate Pot for his critters and cowpokes every time you use a red chip. The Marshal does not get a draw if you use a red chip as a white (to reroll, soak a wound, or eliminate a Shaken condition).
Blue chips work just exactly the same as red chips except for one difference. Using a blue chip doesn’t give the bad guys a chip (the Marshal doesn’t get a draw), no matter what you use it for.
There’s one more type of chip your posse might see after it becomes a little better acquainted with the Weird West’s dark underbelly. These suckers aren’t put in the pot when you start the game. They’re added when your group beats a really nasty critter of the Weird West and lives to tell about it. The Marshal has the complete info on when to add these to your pot. Legend chips are one-use affairs—spend ’em and
they’re gone—and can be used in one of two ways :
1) They can be used like a blue fate chip, and add +2 to the final total.
2) They can be used to reroll ANY roll—damage rolls, rolls on a table, a malfunction check, and so on.
A player can trade in an unplayed Legend chip at the end of a session, the for an automatic Experience Point. Don’t bother rolling the bones.
I changed my habit to cocaine from opium. I'm thinking hyperactivity would be preferable to lethargy.
Also, my character would have grown a beard to be less recognizable from any wanted posters if they exist. I'm new to drawbacks so I'm leaving it open for Dragon's interpretation.
Oh, and by the way, any issues, questions, suggestions, comments or anything at all, don't hesitate, I'm just tryin to make this as fun as I can, any help or advice would be welcome!
If you rolled a 6, then you would roll that one again though. Whenever you roll the max number, you roll that dice again. So if you had 3d6, say, and rolled a 3, 2 and 6, you would roll the six again (say you got a 4) and add it, so your total would be 10.
BTW, My time zones are a bit weird, so posting may be a bit strange. I'll do my best to keep up with it as fast as I can though! For now, sleep. And I'd suggest not telling the deputy you through she was a guy! :-D
I rolled a Priest, to round out the party's archetype. I'm correct in understanding that in this version of Deadlands Blessed have access to all miracles from the get-go, essentially, right? (Most of my experience is with DL classic)
Elias Quinn was foreordained to join the Clergy more or less from his birth to a family of Irish immigrants in New York. After taking Holy Orders in 1855, Quinn spent the next several years working as a Missionary in China, where he sought to minister to the country's Christian Taiping revolutionaries. There Elias witnessed the horrific atrocities of the Taiping Rebellion, during the course of which he also came to understand that the Taipings' religion was a preposterous mockery of his own faith. He left China in 1860, having lost both his illusions and his left arm in the chaos of the war.
After returning to the United States, Elias spent several years in a comfortable seminary in the Northeast, but his experiences in China left him uneasy with that simple life. The calamities of the latter '60s and rumors of the weird happenings out west ultimately prompted Father Quinn to board a Westward train, to bring the Light of God wherever God chose to put him.
Yep yep, don't have to chose or use power points, just gotta pray real hard I figure you'll just be walkin along with em, no need to show you joining or anything like that? You were always on the train, and anyone who says different is a filthy liar!
It did occur to me breifly just before my first post, but I figured since Finn's a curious fellow he'd want to see what the hubbub with the poster was first
I was just parusing Pinnacle's downloads site when I came across the combat survival guide. I know we haven't had any combat yet, but that guide provides a useful reference when you're in the thick of things.
Based on the description of Saints' Icons, etc. at the memorial, am I correct in assuming that the Walkers are Catholic?
It probably isn't that obvious, but just based on what we can see, is that true of the majority of the townsfolk as well? It isn't that important, but since Quinn's Catholic I guess it might affect his dealings with people on some level.
6 people in house is probably a bit much. I can catch up on info with one of you when you come back out of the house. Also, if we need to ride somewhere I'll need to purchase an (el-cheapo) horse and saddle so give me some time before darting out of town .
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
I don't suppose there's any chance you're still accepting sign-ups? (Even if you are, I've never played in a Penny Arcade PbP before so I understand if you don't want me)
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
Test Savage Worlds roll. (,
Matev - Brett Rivers - 2 Blue 1 White
Radical Ans - Edmond 'Finn' Finnegan - 1 Blue 2 White
Erich Zahn - Jacob Harrison - 2 White 1 Blue 1 Red
Celebrim - Bertram Smythe - 2 White 1 Red
OptimusZed - Plays With Fire - 2 White 1 Red
Popesnax - 3 White
Not sure the best way to keep track of these...Maybe on the front page on the character list?
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
It's bad, isn't it?
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
A red chip allows you to roll a d6 and add it to your current total (this die can Ace as usual). This negates a critical failure from rolling a 1 on your skill die, should that be an issue. Or you can choose to use a red chip as a white chip.The bad news is that the Marshal gets a free draw from the Fate Pot for his critters and cowpokes every time you use a red chip. The Marshal does not get a draw if you use a red chip as a white (to reroll, soak a wound, or eliminate a Shaken condition).
Blue chips work just exactly the same as red chips except for one difference. Using a blue chip doesn’t give the bad guys a chip (the Marshal doesn’t get a draw), no matter what you use it for.
There’s one more type of chip your posse might see after it becomes a little better acquainted with the Weird West’s dark underbelly. These suckers aren’t put in the pot when you start the game. They’re added when your group beats a really nasty critter of the Weird West and lives to tell about it. The Marshal has the complete info on when to add these to your pot. Legend chips are one-use affairs—spend ’em and
they’re gone—and can be used in one of two ways :
1) They can be used like a blue fate chip, and add +2 to the final total.
2) They can be used to reroll ANY roll—damage rolls, rolls on a table, a malfunction check, and so on.
A player can trade in an unplayed Legend chip at the end of a session, the for an automatic Experience Point. Don’t bother rolling the bones.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
Also, my character would have grown a beard to be less recognizable from any wanted posters if they exist. I'm new to drawbacks so I'm leaving it open for Dragon's interpretation.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
You only need to beat a target number of 4, so that is a success.
BTW, My time zones are a bit weird, so posting may be a bit strange. I'll do my best to keep up with it as fast as I can though! For now, sleep. And I'd suggest not telling the deputy you through she was a guy! :-D
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
I rolled a Priest, to round out the party's archetype. I'm correct in understanding that in this version of Deadlands Blessed have access to all miracles from the get-go, essentially, right? (Most of my experience is with DL classic)
After returning to the United States, Elias spent several years in a comfortable seminary in the Northeast, but his experiences in China left him uneasy with that simple life. The calamities of the latter '60s and rumors of the weird happenings out west ultimately prompted Father Quinn to board a Westward train, to bring the Light of God wherever God chose to put him.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
He's a relatively unobtrusive person as long as nobody's committing blasphemies or performing abominations, so I guess it makes sense.
Oh, this'll be fun times, you and I'll have padre...
Heh, yah, sure, it's in the stables, deduct...hmm, stable cost not listed...lets say $1 a day, and that includes feeding and bedding.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
And sad to see that I'm so incredibly Sloooooow.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
It probably isn't that obvious, but just based on what we can see, is that true of the majority of the townsfolk as well? It isn't that important, but since Quinn's Catholic I guess it might affect his dealings with people on some level.
Yeah real crappy there... ;-)
Hey, it's only been 1 ace a roll, that's like, nothing...! ;-)