Evening ladies and gents!
I remember last year how I was looking around for nifty and unique sales booth, but it was only after I came back and read the blogs that I really saw everything that was to be offered. Too bad because I went straight by a couple of places that would have definitely interested me.
What do you guys remember seeing? Do you happen to know if something new will be available?
I clearly remember the following:
- PA Merch booth in full effect: Pretty much everything there is to find on the PA store with some interesting specials, not to mention the unique PAX East scarf.
- More than just one hobby shop: They mostly looked alike and sold pretty much everything you would expect so I could not say that I found any rarities (thought some did sell Magic the Gathering Cards). However I thought it was cool to have those guys around, after all there was so much gaming, you would thing that people would get interested on the spot for something they just tried. Heck I would not be surprised if they made some decent sales just selling things that people dearly needed but forgot at home.
- Gaming company Merch: A bit like PA but usually a bit more modest, some companies brought along swag and merch to seel. We bought a cool hoodie from Behemoth.
- Gaming company promos: I don't remembe many booths that did this, but some did offer pre-sales that came with exclusive items, etc... I did not find much interest here myself but it's not to say it was outright a bad idea. I'm sure some people where delighted.
One thing I would like to know is if it's possible to buy PC related accessories. Anything along the lines of courier bags, decals and so on? I remember seeing a company that made a special kind of LAN carry bag, but now I wish I paid more attention. I don't remember seeing anyone selling PC stuff, yet to me it sounds like a natural idea.
i don't remember someone selling bags.
No man should have that kind of power.(Twitter)
I remember the Alienware booth but I also don't remember them selling anything, aside from letting you foold around with their expensive hardware. Which is good really, because I never got to see one in person before PAX.
This year I SHOULD have more spending money, so I'm hoping to get a few more things than last year.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
I made the mistake last year of not leaving space in my suitcase for boardgames, so I couldn't buy any. Won't be making that mistake again!
Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
EX: Magic cards will be near the MTG area. Board games will be near the open gaming area. PC equipment should be in the PC lounge, I assume.
The exhibit hall didn't have a lot for sale. There were a couple of video game dealers, along with a few equipment companies (someone was selling headphones in the back, for example) but most of the exhibits were there to either give out info or to allow you to demo a game or equipment.
As far as finding the rare stuff, the rule of first come first served is in full effect. EX: for you board game fans, you could've bought Zombie Dice and Cthullu dice, months before their official release, if you knew where to find them at the con (no, they were not for sale at the SJ booth). They didn't last past Friday, from what I heard.
Personally, I would love to see a company selling refurbished, out of print games, although the problem with this is there's no way to preview the games. They also don't come cheap, but if I see a second edition Talisman (complete set with all the expansions), I'm grabbing it, although will definitely cost me some serious cash. I'd also be tempted by an original Dark Tower in working condition.
I'd spend the first two hours on Friday taking a basic inventory of the booths with stuff for sale, if for no other reason than to see if they have rare items for sale. It'll also give you a good look at what the con has to offer in terms of events and activities.
As for who showed up last year, that was an excellent look at the local companies in the area. The local game stores and companies all showed up, which I think is a wonderfull idea. I hope they decide to do so again.
Yahoo group GCIACST
One of my fondest memories of PAX East 2010 was playing that game when the folks from SJ demoed it. That would have been a wonderful thing to bring back. Well at least I found it a few months later after it was released
I calmly said nothing, but it was just a really cool moment for me. A bit later one I came back to the room and did as nothing happened, though I was beaming through most of the day just because of that.
There was a dealer selling classic games in the expo hall. Most of the tabletop & card game folks in the main hall were selling stuff.
does anyone know if they sell astro a40 headsets at pax? im looking to buy them at pax
Astro had a HUGE booth set up at Prime, but because the Headsets were the "exclusive" Pax merch, they were being sold at at PA merch stand. Don't know how it will work at east.
A taste of some of the stuff I nabbed at Prime:
I am glad to hear that astro was at Prime..But last year at East astro was nowhere to be seen except in the PC freeplay room where they were used. Triton was there in full force last year and now that everyone has realized how big East really is I'm sure we will see astro there.
P.S. I bought the new wireless set of a30s and they are great!
Do NOT plan on the ATMs near the centre having money. At prime, I remember ATMs being dead in a large radius. Grab cash before your fly, or at the airport.
For those of you wishing to get a sneak peek at some of the games, may I suggest keeping an eye open on Thursday night.
For the GMs/demo team reps of the companies, some of them have a get-together the night before so the company rep can teach the GMs how to play the new games. That's where I learned how to play Zombie Dice, Cthullu Dice, and Nanuk.
If, however, you are walking by and notice this happening, you may be able to hop into the game (at the company rep's discretion). That night, it was myself, two other GMs, the company rep, and four complete strangers who happened to notice us and asked to join in.
You also might pick up some news on products in the works or catch info on deals in the convention (like which booth you could've bought those games in).
Yahoo group GCIACST
I bought my first set of dice from that booth. I even have a picture of it on my dsi. My d20 rolls twenties for me like no other. Since then I decided I can only buy sets of dice at PAX to keep them pure. It didn't hurt my wallet, either.
The PA merch booth generally has bundle deals (these 3 items cost less together than they would individually), but I think the prices are the same otherwise. No idea about any of the other booths. Oh, I don't think you have to pay added sales tax in the convention center.
Ah, to have my old D6's again. Used them whenever I played Axis & Allies and had to roll for infantry as they always came up ones.
Chessex is the grandfather of dice companies, although Dice Tower is catching on, and they've been known to host an A & A tournament from time to time.
Question for the card collectors:
I didn't visit the MTG area last year so I don't know, but was there a dealer selling card protector sleeves without backings (like normal sports card sleeves)? I didn't notice any in the board game area but I figure there may have been some in the MTG area.
Yahoo group GCIACST
I think that might have been us, if it was in the expo hall :-D
Sadly we're not Chessex, tho we try to be almost as cool. We're bringing about 3 times as many dice this year as we brought last year, tho... :-D
Foam Brain Games
I'm glad people are enjoying our dice jewelry
It totally was you guys! I have that free d6 you gave me! That was one of the best moments at PAX East. It's my primary d6 for D&D, and I still visit your website if I roll a one (with the little brain on it). Oh man I'm so excited - I'm buying my next set of dice from you, too.
Please sell them this year. I'll exchange money for your dice goodness.
Stop #1: Keynote, PA Panel
Stop #2: Merch Booth
...and it better be cold, so that i can actually use it, and not look european.
Oh man, those scarves went quick. I think they were sold out early Friday evening. I managed to get ahold of one that was slightly damaged, can't tell unless you look at it close so good enough for me.
Are there any other PAX East items available? I really want to get PA The Series and have some signatures on it. I am sad that I didn't order the DVD earlier when everyone signed them.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
i snagged a practically new copy of jet set radio for dreamcast for $12 and a copy of glover for N64 for like $5
that is the booth i'm hitting up first this year
Well considering there's only been one PAX East so far I don't think we know whether or not they are there every year
It would be awesome if they had scarves again this year though
There is something else people may want to pick up if the wander past the BYOC desk. It's this.
I wonder if I'll get banned for hawking something on the forums that is in fact free? *Waits in anticipation*
We even have a brand new color of our dice to give away this year, with our new logo
I hope they do, but in a different color scheme or design from last year!
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
The two companies have produced some of the most popular and critically acclaimed board games in recent years, so it's definitely worth stopping by to take a look!
I just bought Zombie Dice on Amazon, so once I get hooked on that, I am sure I will look for more non-console games when I am there.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
im hoping they have a scarf every year. im fairly sure last years had the year on it. [EDIT: ok after seeing some pics , maybe it didnt. ]
last year i bought Frag after someone taught us how to play, and this year im hoping to learn how to play Munchkin Quest. i already own it but have no idea how to play it and no patients to figure it out on my own.
Last year I got a bunch of stuff from Twisted Pixel. I probably spent $200 there between the statues, shirts and plushies. I want a Comic Jumper statue this year, they only had one last year that they were giving away, none to buy.
I really wanted the Behemoth's PAXE shirt, but completely forgot about it until it was too late, oops. This year I'll buy everything I want the first day to not miss out.