Wanna shoot people with foam darts? Nerf's got ya covered in any way you could like.
Looking for good ol' fashioned cowboy duel? Get a Maverick. It's a six-shooter revolver!
Hired to be a Nerf assassin? Get a Longstrike. It's a sniper rifle!
Looking to be a foam dart Al Capone? Get the Raider. It's like a tommy gun!
Maybe you need to fight off easily defeated zombies? Get the Barrel Break. It's a double-barreled shotgun!
Forming a Nerf assault team? Get a Stampede. It's a fully automatic machine gun!
Need to fortify your Nerf...uh...fort? Get a Vulcan. It's a chain gun!
How about something you can sneak into an 1885 shindig to shoot a blacksmith? Get a Reflex. It's a derringer!
Or maybe you wanna jump sideways through the air while firing two guns as doves fly behind you out of an explosion? Get a Barricade (or two). It's semi-automatic handgun!
Oh wait, what's that? You don't like guns? You like your Nerf wars more medieval style? Well hold the damn phone, skippy. Nerf ain't gonna leave you high and dry.
They've got big swords!
Little swords!
Shields!...with some kinda little half sword thing. Or maybe it's supposed to be a dagger. Whatevs
Bows and Arrows!
Holy crap, Nerf makes a lot of awesome stuff. I would buy one of every single one of these if I could.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
The game is Russian Roulette, instead of dying though you just take a shot.
We've had some fun with them recently.
I prefer a Glock 36.
need to get my raider, recon and maverick out of the closet and put them up somewhere, maybe paint 'em up all nice
also I've never seen that barrel break before and I want it
sup girl I hear you like foam cores if you know what I'm sayin
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They have come out with SO MUCH cool stuff since then. I really wish they'd had the nerf melee weaponry back then because we had used plastic lightsabers/swords and those could hurt like a bitch
It's a damn semi-auto hand gun. How rad is that?
You're boring. Get out.
there's a new nerf hatchet
it is basically the shit
Nerf is going to be a thing in this young man's life.
A serious thing. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
that nerf hatchet looks like it would hurt
That is super rad.
Nerf makes ammo vests and bandoliers too.
But what they really need to do is make holsters for the hand guns and scabbards for the swords.
I wanna have a Maverick on my hip and a Marauder on my back.
cottonballs everywhere
Steam: Grizz
3DS: 4038-6012-7259
it's pretty much the nerf equivalent of the SAW
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so cool
especially when you steal the raider's drum magazine for it
We would set up a base in someone's room upstairs and then go from the basement up two floors and try and bust the fuck in.
Six or seven college dudes playing with toy guns is way more fun than it should be.
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for shame
womp rat at 200 yards bro
I totally remember my friend having this game and wanting it so bad but my mom wouldn't let me buy it.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
I think he has every nerf gun Geek posted and then some.
Edit: okay, I don't think he has that shotgun? He has the Deploy, the Spectre-Rev 5, and a few others I don't see on there, but also don't know the name of. I can't keep all his damn guns straight. Damn husband. Damn him. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Out of the box it is a disappointment, after some simple mods though you can make it a respectable Nerf rifle.