About 8 years ago I used to play this card-based game with a bunch of people I don't really talk to anymore. I remember that the concept was pretty simple and we could all sit happily playing it for hours, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called. I start to lament its absence in my life every time I sit down to play Fluxx, which is also awesome but not the same.
It was Munchkin-like (but not Munchkin), and I'm pretty sure the basic concept was that you used the numbers on the cards to pull rank on other players each hand. I seem to remember an almost Hearts-like strategy to when you played what numbers, which I think you had to put down in groups, and the cards all had pictured on them whatever nobility was meant to match the rank of the card.
Annnnd all of that could be wrong because it's been so long, but I'm pretty sure I would recognize it immediately if I saw it, and nobody I know seems to remember what I'm talking about. Any help on this important matter of reliving my early 20's by playing fun games would be appreciated.
Thank you!
I see how it is.
This is like when a tenant contact comes to get a new passcard and signs their own sheet. We're through the looking glass here...
The version I grew up playing used one standard 52-card deck for 2-4 players, two decks for 5 or more players. Red threes and jokers were the highest possible cards - one of them would beat any number of other cards, and end the round. Twos were next highest, and were special because you could play one less of them than the current number of cards in the round - for example, if someone played two kings, you could use a single two to beat it (though you could still be beaten by someone using a red three or a joker). The rest of the cards followed normal rank order, with black threes being the lowest.
Regina Fong, if that game doesn't work "Dilberti" into the title it's dead to me.
Man, you'd think I never make threads here.