(Video on page two--my punishment for losing)
Coming Straiiiiight from the wintry, barren north. From our kitchen to your living room! The first ever Live Warhammer Match!
BloodAngels (undead) vs. Tyranids
Here is the playing field:
Special Penny-Arcade rules!
On turn 3, there will be two orbital bombardments chosen by the forumers!
THE FIRST person to post:
"Orbital strike on (Chose a Tyranid model to center it on--ie: "Middle Genestealer on north end of table". Will be able to affect the game!
The FIRST person to post:
"Orbital strike on (Choose a Blood Angels model to center it on) Will be able to call down a strike as well.
(Choose which kind of Orbital Strike in both cases--Demonhunters codex)
That's one orbital bombardment per side!
ALSO, the pengquins in the icy lake an be assaulted for a massacre result, this is the Social Entropy ++ special rule.
Oh, i forgot:
The winner gets to hit the loser over the head with a Sega Genesis, to be broadcast on YOUTUBE!
The mission is cleanse!
(Four quarters)
When you have this many Carnifex's, they call you mister!
Table set up:
Here they come!
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I must get the orbital strike on the Blood Angles. I've already picked the target and strike type..
edit - has that land speeder been modded? It looks like it could transport some marines.
Okay, and no one can do it until I post "THIRD ROUND START!"
Yeah that's what the landspeeder does with VDR rules...also assault cannons. But, this round he's using it as regular landspeeders.
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The winner gets to hit the loser over the head with a Sega Genesis, to be broadcast on YOUTUBE!
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The mission is cleanse!
(Four quarters)
When you have this many Carnifex's, they call you mister!
Table set up:
Here they come!
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I lost a wound on a carnifex and lost four genestealers in the woods to a landspeeder.
I advanced:
I shot his transport and forced his dudes to get out with my venom cannon, bsler!
Fancy tank moves abound!
The Death Company flies forward!
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SoogaGames Blog
I lost a Carnifex to damn Assault cannon fire and Im basically surrounded.
He got lucky and deep struck his damn assasin right next to my biovores, which he previously moved out of cover with that special callidus or whatever ability at the beginning of the game.
I assault his bunker with my shockafex and then charge in the hole with my genestealers, losing three and only making ONE FUCKING REND OUT OF TWENTY DICE! I only kill two spacemarines and then consolidate.
Here's my pic of my other shockfex with two Twin-linked devourers moving in on the death compan but still not inflicting enough damage because of damn space marine armor saves!
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I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
I want a webcam on this, stat!
Oh, there's a brooldlord with his retinue in the middle there.
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Orbital strike on the Bunker-Assaulting Genestealer closest to the marines! Whatever hurts heavy infantry the most!
edit - shit, maybe I should go for the Death Company..
edit2 - ok, I flipped a coin and got the melta torpedo/land raider. So there.
It's 50" wide.
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Okay, so the genestealers just died in the bunker to the Assault Marines so I will default to the Broodlord's Genestealers.
ANd also we will hit the LandRaider with the Melta-Torpedo!
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Tell me you rolled, like, +12 for the penetration.
That is, 8 + 2d6 armor pen.
I got +8 for penetration....:) results incoming. This might take a bit...major developments.
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Fine, I'm not sure it's even 30" long, then. :P
Lol it's 100" long
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We're talking inches here, right?
Orbital strike on the Tyranids....
But, it deviated a few inhces north east and only killed one genestealer in the end! HOOORAY!
The landraider, whoever, was horribly penetrated, lost a weapon and it's crew was stunned:
My dead Tyranid watch from the sidelines:
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The Librarian guys get out and attempt to charge into cover but only get a result of 1"! He knows he's genestealer meat now!
His Death Company assaults my shockafex and my warriors, slaughtering them to a man before they even get to strike back! Bastards!
I charge the Deatch company with My hive Tyrant and everything else in the area.
In the north I charge the librarians with my genestealers, charge the assault marines with my feeder tendril genestealers (to give the shockafex a 3+ to hit.
Here are the resulting shit shows!
And here are the number of dice I get to use with my Scything Talon, fleshooked genestealers!
So many rends, but I fuck up and forget to designate the librarian dude with some of them, so I only kill the squad.
The results of both Shitshows!
ANd here's Madden with the final report:
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My hive tyrant and gunfex beat up the last of the death company and some random marines and then one runs in fear and I chase it down.
My broodlord, some genestealers and my shockafex rush a tank and a landspeeder and blow them up. Four genestealers and some marines die in the resulting explosions.
Broodlord chases down the meat that comes out from inside the tank on my turn:
My Hive Tyrant and Carnifex kill the last marine and then have one chance to kill the Land Raider before it scores my zone:
My rippers tear ass and kill the Assasin!
Hot undead chicks watch and laugh as lascannons tear apart my remaining monstrous creatures and I lose two in one turn. Also, My HIve Tyrant is down to one wound and no longer scoring
My Hive Tyrant and my Carnifex are my last hope to get the undead out of the forest! My hive Tyrant flies over and fails horribly to penetrate. My Gunfex lands one hit and immobilizes the Land Raider, but it's too late. I don't have any scoring units in my zone and I only scored one of the side ones:
Here's the last turn:
Here is my opponent, laughing at me:
Dammit I lost. He took my home zone and I only scored a side quarter worth half the points.
YOUTUBE video forthcoming:
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I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
I'll have to try again here.
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
Really nice battle report. More of the same please.
For some reason the idea of being hit with a Genesis sounds amazing to me...
EDIT: Well not me being hit...watching someone else...
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