Hey all,
I have a quick question concerning Excel. At work I maintain a spreadsheet of all the company's clients and the progress that we make for each one. Essentially, I keep a huge sheet with all sorts of information that each week my boss wants specific versions of this sheet as a report. This means that I spend an immense amount of time each week cutting and pasting my big spreadsheet into lots of little spreadsheets (there are eight versions I currently have to produce) and then distribute them to each member of our staff based on their responsibility.
Now, I was wondering if there was any way to make Excel auto-populate these reports for me. In my mind, and I don't have any sort of formal Excel instruction, it seems like I could set the spreadsheet to automatically pop things into different tabs, i.e. if a client record is marked as "closed", that same entry would pop up under a tab marked "closed". Now, I'm not certain that Excel could even do such a thing, can it?
This isn't a do-or-die, but these weekly reports are getting quite unwieldy and errors inevitably pop up from time to time as I dissect and reassemble these spreadsheets on a weekly basis. If I can't make this process easier through Excel, I'm sure I can convince my boss to spring for tracking software, but a client-tracker in Excel that I have control over is far more appealing than the software that's out there.
Any help would be appreciated. My Google-Fu has come up with very little, mostly because I'm uncertain exactly what I'm even looking for.
That way you keep all the info in the main sheet, and any changes you make to that data are reflected in the other sheets.
Zoolander has it right, this method is exactly what I would do in your situation.
Once you have the pages populating the data for a single client, all you would have to do is copy the data, open a new spreadsheet, and use 'paste special->values' so it won't attempt to reference the main spreadsheet. It's still kinda persnickety, but it will be a lot more accurate than copying by hand each time you need to submit a report.
right click the destination cell
Choose, 'paste special' and in the bottom right hand corner of the paste special dialogue box, there's a button saying 'paste as link' or something like that. Push that.
I've got a bit more advice but it'll have to wait for when I'm not trying to type on my phone, sorry.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
Not being an Excel person, I forgot to mention that the data that needs to be populated is both varied and multi-cell. Each client entry takes up a full row of 11 Cells. I need to be able to pull data based on common cell entries.
For example: I need to pull two types of reports, basically. The first is simply sorting and populating by who clients are assigned to, which is one of the cells. I want to be able to pull all of the "Crowing" cells out from the "Dave" and "Mary" cells and onto a second sheet. Secondly, I need to pull reports based on a date range, i.e. pulling all rows of client info who haven't been contacted in over a week.
I'm sorry, it's more complex than I first presented it as. I need to populate whole rows of info info multiple reports each based off the contexts of different, specific columns per report.
I've got plenty of training info relating to this that'd be really handy for you. I'll get on to it sometime tomorrow and PM you the info
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
I'd then use a formula to reference all the static information, like headers, etc. for all of the separate tabs. (=Main!A1 and so on). Then, depending on the "deciding value" for each of the tabs, I would write IF statements either copying information from the Main sheet or copying a blank cell (=IF(Main!$C2="Closed",Main!A2,"")).
This formula would be copied into each cell in the sub tab so it would pull information for each column from the Main sheet only if "Closed" is entered in the right column. Otherwise, it just results in a blank row. This may seem strange, since you'll just end up with each tab as large as the Main sheet except with a bunch of blank rows all over depending on the deciding values.
What I would do when I need to run a report for my boss is open the Main sheet file, save it, and then go to the tab of the report I want. Then I would highlight all of the data in the tab, including the blank rows (but not including the header row) and Sort so that all the blanks end up at the bottom. Then I'd just set my Print Area to only include the rows that actually have data instead of blanks and voila! I've now printed the report for "Closed" cases without having to copy or paste any data (risking errors) and I haven't "stopped" any of the actual work the sheet does, because I'll just close the file and not save my changes, ensuring the original file still has all the proper references going on.
Basically, a sub tab would look like this (formula-wise):
A1=Main!A1 || B1=Main!A2 || C1=Main!A3 || D1=Main!A4
A2=IF(Main!$C2="Closed",Main!A2,"") || B2=IF(Main!$C2="Closed",Main!B2,"") || C2=IF(Main!$C2="Closed",Main!C2,"") || D2=IF(Main!$C2="Closed",Main!D2,"")
A3=IF(Main!$C3="Closed",Main!A3,"") || B3=IF(Main!$C3="Closed",Main!B3,"") || C3=IF(Main!$C3="Closed",Main!C3,"") || D3=IF(Main!$C3="Closed",Main!D3,"")
And so on, as many columns across as you need and as many rows down as you need (or could possibly need--if you want a blank in the Main sheet to be appear blank in the sub tab until there's data to pull, those formulas end up looking like this: =IF(Main!A2="","",IF(Main!$C2="Closed",Main!A2,""))).
[Fake Edit]
Per your latest post: I would make a sub tab for each person (one for Crowing, one for Dave, one for Mary, etc.) and just work the same way as above.
For the date range, how is that driven? Are you just looking a a Latest Contact Date column on the main sheet and then doing the mental math to figure out that Client X hasn't been contacted in 8 days or more? If it's that, the formulas get a little trickier, but not much. (If you're actually editing the Main sheet with something like "overdue" or whatnot, that's just the same formula action as above, really.)
Checking to see if Today's Date is more than 7 days after the Last Contact Date and then deciding to either pull that information into the sub tab or generate a blank would give you a formula like this: =IF((TODAY()-Sheet1!$B2)>7,Sheet1!A2,"").
You can also check multiple cells in deciding to pull data or blanks, but I can go into that if you want.
Let me know if you have any questions or something doesn't seem right.
[Real Edit]
Basically, it ends up with some clean-up work you have to do before printing off reports for your boss, but it ensures that you never "lose" information in a cut+paste transfer and there are no transcription errors either. It seems to me that a quick sort and print area set-up is a lot quicker and cleaner than a bunch of copy+paste action.
I'll have to get back to this a little later, but there's a lot of info there. I really appreciate it. Hopefully I'll have a chance to try this out by the end of the day.
Now, is there any way to speed up the process of putting in these formulas? I'll have to do this, it seems, by hand and copy/paste changing the values each time. Since I'm looking at a total of hundreds of entries, can this process be sped up at all?
For each sub tab, write the formula once in A2 (basically), change the "deciding value" in the formula, and then fill right and fill down as needed.
My last question (I assume) is going to be this: I have a bunch of values I need caught in the same formula as above, except these do not have identical cell contents. What I have is a bunch of coded files like "BR0008" and "BR0015" that I need to populate on a different tab. Is there a wildcard? Could I use "BR*" or similar to catch everything in that column that begins with "BR..."?
Thanks so much!
Since you're asking, I'm guessing it doesn't just need to capture every BR0015 but, perhaps, everything in the BR series? Like, what's the data look like in there?
If it's something like you need to pull all the data in the BR series, you could change the data-pulling formula like this:
This looks at the first 2 characters from the left of the contents in cell C2 on the Main sheet to see if they are "BR". If they are, it pulls the data. If not, it generates a blank. You can use this formula to check for any type of series prefix, changing the number after in the second part of the LEFT formula depending on the number of characters you want to look for. Does that make sense?
If that's not exactly what the data is like, let me know, and we can figure out what will work.
Also, yeah, this is probably something that Access would be better for... if you knew how to work with Access and database tables and whatnot. I don't, so I'll leave that to someone else to offer help with. VThornheart is good with Access and a helpful sort of poster, if you like.
You just need to...
Looks like I'm not needed after all
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
Excel can do some amazing things if you know a bit of the above... and management really considers this to be black magic... there are countless people spending hours or days every week manually massaging data out of excel spreadsheets. If you know how to automate the process, you are a walking money printer. Keep that in mind.