I was terrible at this game.
I was at
Shorty's last night and was reminded how much I miss the old arcades. Growing up, every pizza place in the world had an arcade, big or small, they were there. Waiting for you to beg your parents for quarters and supplement the restaurant's income.
The first time I felt the satisfaction of entering my initials came when I beat this at Godfather's Pizza:
Then when I was in middle school this incredible arcade opened up and I spent all of my money there.
Then they got robbed and set on fire and they never reopened.
Then there was Gameworks! Wow that was awesome until they stopped getting new games.
There is hope!
Ground Kontrol
That place looks rad as hell. They just relocated or
There's a place up north from me that has some games that Shoe keeps bugging me go to as well. Starting on my birthday
THIS is happening right in my back yard. Well not litereally, but it's one bus away.
What did you waste all your quarters and time on?
Steam: evilumpire Battle.net: T0NKKA#1588 PS4: T_0_N_N_K_A
Twitter Shirts and such HELP!
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Oh shit when did the job happen?
Signed paperwork earlier this week. Flying out to Georgia at 6am for two weeks for training.
Holy shit congratulations!
Really, I was terrible at everything except Mortal Kombat and pinball, but that was just because I'd mash buttons at MK until my opponent died from Blanka's electricity attack
But the first time I ever had my initials up for high-ish score on something was the Addams Family pinball machine
Also, Jess you are mixing up your fighting games, silly lady.
Satans..... hints.....
Silly me, my Mortal Kombat character of choice was always Raiden because he reminded me of the storm dudes from Big Trouble in Little China
And now that I've destroyed my "gamer cred"...
Skeeball, crane games, and the occasional basketball one. I also like the ones where you'd put a quarter in and you'd try to have it land so it'd knock over more quarters
I've got a Dave & Busters card with about 50,000 tickets on it
Once in college, I went to the arcade to get some quarters for laundry and spent the entire $5 on that Capcom trivia game. The one that's like quizbowl combined with DnD. Fuckin old pop culture categories were my bane.
It's cool.
Tokyo Wars! Almost every arcade I went to as a kid had this for some reason. I think virtually every game is better when you have a cab designed around it.
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
Nothing else need be said.
awww jeah
There was also a Golden Axe machine at one of the only Ice Rinks in Melbourne. Love me some Golden Axe.
shit was awesome, but there was never anyone there really
last time I was there they had turned it into a room full of vending machines
it was sorta really depressing
The new ones (I think that HotD 4 is out now) just aren't as fun.
Fuckin clocking the thing on very hard with one credit.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
A very hot woman and I got kicked out of that at Gameworks for taking way too much time hogging the machine.
So we went and made out in the back of her car in the parking garage instead.
You know that isn't just any DDR video, right?
One day, I was totally on fire and went through Area 51 on one credit. Was never able to do it again.