We have a problem with certain websites in this house so I'm trying to block them. I have a Linksys WRT54G v3.1 wireless router, and it has filtering in the web-based set-up, but it's complete bullshit.
One of the websites actually gets blocked on the desktop and only partially blocked on the laptop. All of the other websites don't get blocked at all.
Is there a certain way to get it to work through the router, or is there any free programs/ways to do this?
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
The interface is a little clunky (you can only name 4 websites per policy, though you can have up to 10 policies active at any time) but it works in a pinch.
The alternative is to buy a content-filtering firewall like a Sonicwall.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Edit the hosts file on his computer(s), and add domain entries pointing to
Yes, I said I tried that and it doesn't really work.
Also, fuck your sig. I clicked the heart and went to fucking invader zim.
You can also point the domains to some other website's IP, instead of the loopback address.
At night, the ice weasels come."
Edit: Never mind, it's working now. Thanks
It sounds like some of the policies aren't correctly set up. If some sites are blocked on one PC and some sites are blocked on the other PC, you might want to check the PC list for each policy and just change each one to an IP range of 1-254. Also leave off any www. or any other bullshit before the actual domain name. Like, if you want to block www.porn.com just enter porn.com without the www, this acts as blocking [anything].porn.com.
Otherwise I dunno what to tell you, it's always worked fine for me.
Well, it was gonna be recursive Hasslehoff, but that was too NSFW.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
I would add multiple sites to one policy and only one of the sites would actually be blocked.
I looked it up on Linksys's forums and it seems like that's a common problem. People have said they've talked with tech support and followed the process exactly and it still doesn't work.