Some background on me, i do accounting systems so i am neither an accountant, nor a programmer but dabble in both. We do budgets for the future around mid year, and it is A HASSLE. basically, my boss hasn't liked any of my alternatives, and does it in a very manual way, which causes shitloads of busy work for me.
I created an access database for this, and a form where he can select a subentity (one column) and navigate through the PL lines (another column) for that entity and see a full year of editable figures for one line item at a time. basically, what i'd like to do is somehow build a form that shows each line of the PL on the same "page" and he can edit the entire PL as he sees fit. I'd like to put in dynamic calculated fields as well, but i'd like to cross that bridge when i come to it.
Long story short, is there a way to display and edit multiple records in a form in access?
Here's my form,
and the underlying data:
(Sorry about the whitespace, doing this quickly)
Currently, each page of the form is a row of this data. I'd like to have the periods across the top (which i can do) but have multiple rows showing, in this example, all the rows for track code 0000 on the same "page"
I know this is a convoluted request, but i've hit a wall at my expertise level, i'm trying to impart how much i've done so nobody wastes their time giving me advice i've already tried.
Create a query that groups by track code, then aggregates the period values? I'm assuming you're wanting a sum or something.
Then use that as the datasource of your form instead of the table.
I can get a report to show what i want, but unfortunately i need it to be dynamic so my boss can make changes on the fly, which will flow into my main table so i can easily export it, and upload it into our GL program. otherwise, i'm basically back to square one.
Also, i tried using a vlookup in excel to feed a "main" sheet from the multiple tabs by track code, but there are just too many, and the spreadsheet tends to lock up. so that's not an option either.
I'm assuming you're not quite clear on what a query is if "dynamic" is your issue.
You want what exactly? The data, but summed up for each track code, one row per track code?
I need the form to display the base data b/c my boss makes changes at that level. I just it to be displayed differently in the form. the whole idea for this is to have something in the format he is used to seeing, but he can edit it in real time. Instead of having it in excel, editing it, and then me having to go back over everything and input it into our GL.
You want to look into a subform. You would have the main form where you can select the track code, and then a subform in datasheet view that filters based on that track code.
You'd have a row for each entry and you'd be able to make changes directly in it. You could add totals to the main form that update later on if you wished.