Pre-PAX East meet-up in Southern NH at The Pinball Wizard

kentakenta Registered User regular
edited March 2011 in PAX Archive
Anyone here interested in a night of arcade gaming the night before PAX East starts?

I'm setting up a meet at The Pinball Wizard, a fairly new arcade that opened in Pelham NH. Approx 45 minutes from Boston, or really local for those of us who already live in Southern NH or the Merrimack Valley.

I've setup a Facebook (gasp!) event here: but otherwise the details are:

The Pinball Wizard Arcade
150 Bridge St.
Pelham, NH

Time: Thursday March 10th, @7:00PM

Details: (Copy/Paste from the FB event page)
Since a lot of us are taking Friday off for PAX let's get together the night before for some pinball and arcade gaming. To make this more entertaining and IF we have enough people present I'd like to setup a mini-Omgeathon!


We will start this at 8PM. Meet in the back function room just before 8PM for details and to form teams and sign up.

- Form teams of 3 members
- Teams will then nominate one team member to play each of the games in the first round
- Each member must play only 1 of the games
- Scores to be recorded by score-keepers or self-recorded (I trust you)

GAME 1: Ms. Pacman
GAME 2: Pinball: Black Knight 2000
GAME 3: Marvel vs. Capcom

Points are awarded to the teams based on score in each game:
First place : 10 points
Second place: 7 points
Third Place: 3 points
Below Third: 1 point

Highest score for TOP TWO teams ADVANCE to ROUND TWO.
* In case of a tie for first or second place. Higher score in Ms. PacMan advances the team.

ROUND TWO: Team Head-to-Head face off!
Remaining two teams will then nominate one team member to play each of the following games against the competing team's member:
GAME 1: Ski Ball
GAME 2: Toobin'
GAME 3: Street Fighter 2 CE (Tie Breaker if needed)

Winning team members of the final team compete against each other in a 3-player game. Game TBA at the event.

PRIZE: I'm putting together a grab bag of items, details TBD.


I encourage people to form teams with new people. Get to know your team members and talk to those that you'll be playing against while waiting to play the games.

Even if you don't want to play/compete. It would be cool to have official score-keepers at each game or.... do you own thing and mingle with other fellow PAX'ers.

This is a PUBLIC event. Feel free to share it with other PAX attendees, gamers, or anyone who wants to join us for a night of arcade gaming.

If you're interested, let me know here or sign up on the event page. The more the merrier. And, FWIW I have no affiliation with the arcade. I'm just a guy who likes pinball :)

Twitter: @kentakoga
3/10 Pre-PAX Meet-up @ The Pinball Wizard in Pelham, NH
kenta on


  • kentakenta Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I checked with the owner they she offered to give anyone showing their PAX badge an additional 10 tokens when purchasing $20 worth. This is on top of their usual deal which is, buy $20 and get 20 tokens free. (100 total). Now it's 110 tokens with your PAX badge as an ad hoc promotion.

    kenta on
    Twitter: @kentakoga
    3/10 Pre-PAX Meet-up @ The Pinball Wizard in Pelham, NH
  • BackwoodsBackwoods Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    I've been to this place and it's AWESOME. Kind of in the middle of nowhere but has lots of old school games like Ms. Pacman, Galaga, and Dig Dug, 90's fighters like Sreet Fighter, Mortal Kombat 1-4, Capcom's Vs. series, and even sit down games like Crazy Taxi and Virtual On. I can't make it on Thursday on account of the Pokecrawl, but I guarantee this will be a great time!

    My fave game there: Metal Slug X

    Backwoods on
  • kentakenta Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Middle of nowhere but far far closer than say... Fun Spot. Smaller collection of the classics, but the Wizard has a much larger selection of pinball.

    kenta on
    Twitter: @kentakoga
    3/10 Pre-PAX Meet-up @ The Pinball Wizard in Pelham, NH
  • kentakenta Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Started putting together a prize pack for the mini-omegathon. So far in the bag:
    - Rock Band stickers (yes totally recycled from last year's PAX :D )
    - Rilakkuma headphone cord manager!


    More to come....

    kenta on
    Twitter: @kentakoga
    3/10 Pre-PAX Meet-up @ The Pinball Wizard in Pelham, NH
  • kentakenta Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Updated Mini-Omegathon prize bag:

    - Rock Band stickers (yes totally recycled from last year's PAX East)
    - Rilakkuma headphone cord manager! (KAWWIIII!)
    - Be-Open bottle opener (
    - Full Metal Panic figurine (some assembly required)


    kenta on
    Twitter: @kentakoga
    3/10 Pre-PAX Meet-up @ The Pinball Wizard in Pelham, NH
  • kentakenta Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    A final bump and some images of tomorrow's venue:



    kenta on
    Twitter: @kentakoga
    3/10 Pre-PAX Meet-up @ The Pinball Wizard in Pelham, NH
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