No, this isn't about Robert Plant. Fuck off! This thread is about growing stuff, not necessarily weed either. Or studying plants. Botany's pretty rad also! The place I lived at before didn't really get any sun, so I couldn't grow any plants that I wanted to grow (I don't want to grow mildew). However we now live in an apartment with large western windows and that includes a garden window like this:
only without the stupid looking bouquet sitting there.
We have a norfolk pine (not really a true pine but they look cool)
A holiday cactus
And then some carnivorous plants which is a somewhat recent hobby of mine.
Carnivorous plants aren't all under one family, they actually comprise a broad range of plants not closely related to each other that simply have in common that they can trap and digest animals (usually insects) for their nitrates and phosphates because they tend to live in environments that are poor in these nutrients for various reasons (for example bogs).
No, I don't have any flytraps. It's actually difficult to grow healthy flytraps indoors without a terrarium, a step I'm not interested in pursuing at this point. Flytraps are actually much easier to grow outdoors, even in climates that get below freezing in the winter and get snow.
So what am I growing so far? Well so far I have a two sundews (genus Drosera). A spoon leaf sundew (D. spatulata)
And I just acquired a lance leaf sundew as well (D. adelae)
Sundews trap their prey with the globules of sticky "sundew" that give them their name. Once a bug is caught in the sticky goo, the leaf then responds by wrapping itself around the victim and secreting enzymes that break down their insides and leave an empty husk behind.
I also have a couple of pitcher plants, specifically Nepenthes which are tropical pitcher plants (as opposed to Sarracenia which are native to North America and not closely related to Nepenthes. The Nepenthes species I'm growing are highland Nepenthes, which means they're adapted to highland tropical conditions so they can handle cool (but not freezing) temperatures and don't actually need true tropical conditions. This makes them reasonably easy to grow indoors as long as you can provide them with the right amount of light.
The first Nepenthes I got is a N. mikei. It's still very young and hasn't produced any mature pitchers yet, but with the days getting longer I'm confident I'll be seeing its first functional pitchers in a few weeks. This is what it'll look like when it's mature (they're relatively small as Nepenthes go).
The other one which I just got today is N. truncata and can get quite a bit larger (it's also quite small right now though). Eventually I'll need to repot it into a hanging pot because they can get quite large!
I find carnivorous plants interesting and I enjoy the exotic appearance of tropical pitcher plants.
What do you grow? Do you have an herb garden? Growing tomatoes? Or are you studying botany? Plants are pretty cool yo!
(I'll take some pics of my Nepenthes tomorrow when it's light out and post them)
Fresh dill and chives makes me so happy
and you've never actually had pesto until you've made it from basil you grew
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
the one where he thinks it is weed
someone do this for me please
are you sure that was basil
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
we planted some baby ones a these last fall
Hopefully we can keep them alive through the miserable OK summer
Also have one of these in the front yard
It's still young so it doesn't get that many blooms, but hopefully we keep this house long enough to see it in full glory!
edit: That's Japanese Kerrias and a Magnolia tree, respectively
Oh hell, I just want room to have a garden full of delicious things
e: Oh gooooddddd Magnolia trees are the hugest pain in the ass to clean up after uggggghhhh
and oh god are they bad? It was here when we moved in, but it literally gets like 3 blossoms a year so far so it isn't that bad
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
that's a full-grown magnolia leaf on the left -- they're kinda huge and leathery and pointy, so a bit difficult to gather.
as for me, all i have right now are vines, and a bedraggled African violet. my favorite plant was probably a bouganvillea that i was going to train into bonsai, but one of our famous surprise storms drowned the poor thing while i was at class. i do love reading gardening books, though, and i actually have a stack i got from the library last Tuesday.
It's worked out pretty well so far, two species of garlic, some basil, and some cilantro. Most of it was coming along fine until I got a bad case of mites infesting the leaves. I've done most of what's recommended, but the bastards won't die.
I think i've got some kind of species of super mite.
When Spring comes i'm gonna try growing marigolds, cacti, some local orange flowers, and try to really get a veggie patch going. I gotta do more sunlight tests though.
Neighbor's house when I lived in CT had a big fucking magnolia tree and every spring after it flowered I was picking up soggy pink petals for weeks off my car and the lawn and the sidewalk and the side of the house and fuuuuuuuck that
Man, all the trees in CT are fucking dirty.
My grandmother never had a single tree in her yard ever, but her neighbor had a big ass maple tree in his yard. Every fall we'd end up raking at least 6 bags of leaves from that fucking tree. That tree and its owner were obnoxious.
There are even a few growing near my apartment in downtown Toronto! You can just snack on a few berries as you walk by.
Goddamn corgis. Menance to society. Rebels without a cause. So... so... so cute, oh man.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Yeah these are pretty awesome, had one in the front lawn as a kid, had to fight off the neighborhood kids with nerf weaponry + super soakers
I've already started working out my rotations through the garden beds, layout, planting seasons all that good stuff.
So excited
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
I didn't even know what the fuck they were until I went to my friends farm in Alberta where they happened to grow them, and then by chance when I came back to Ontario my mom was growing a bunch in our backyard!
They are really, really good.
that is a big ole garden!
how big is your lawn, or is it somewhere else?
Christmas Moss
My brother and I bought a 70acre hobby farm and I've claimed a nice spot right near the house for my veggie garden.
I also want to start a mini orchard. I'm thinking pecans, macadamias, nectarines, lemons, oranges and apples but I still haven't made a final decision on it.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
Sometimes I have the urge to pile my home full of house plants.
But I am not the best at attending to their needs.