My roommate and I were walking back from the dining center on my campus. As we walked down the block a girl yelled something to us (Mind you, its St. Patrick's Day. Every college kid is drunk this night) and I basically snubbed her (I wasn't paying attention to her. I was in my own personal world) We didn't get 20 meters down the block when her boy friend ran up on us and pushed my roommate. He got scared and ran off. I however, stood my ground. Once he realized that I wouldn't take his shit he called his friend from half a block away for support. Long story short they realized I was a military man and felt stupid, apologized, and left.
Regardless, I might not be so lucky in the future and started looking at pepper spray. Would Pepper Spray actually be a worthwhile investment? I'd prefer not to use my fists like a troglodyte and brawl it out in a self defense situation. If so, is there any special considerations I should take if I buy it and deploy its usage? Mind you, I'm not retarded when it comes to weapons of any kind. I'm not going to pepper spray anyone for the "lulz" or use it for pranks. It would only ever be used for self defense in a situation where I am physically, not verbally threatened).
I suspect you've already done this, but check the specific laws in your town. I would recommend talking to a police officer in your town to find out how things are handled, the specific circumstances in which you can legally use the stuff, what the consequences would be otherwise, etc. Of course there are going to be situations in which suffering the legal consequences would be better than not acting, but it's always a good idea to know where you stand in the law.
Running is always the best option in these situations.
That said, and having looked into it in the past, I feel that something like this pepper spray gel would be the best bet.
Less affected by wind, sticks pretty well
Improvolone on
Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
I suspect you've already done this, but check the specific laws in your town. I would recommend talking to a police officer in your town to find out how things are handled, the specific circumstances in which you can legally use the stuff, what the consequences would be otherwise, etc. Of course there are going to be situations in which suffering the legal consequences would be better than not acting, but it's always a good idea to know where you stand in the law.
For example, it's illegal to carry pepper spray in New York that was purchased outside New York.
And really, if you get jumped by 2+ people and you try to whip out the pepper spray and they get it from you...well that's going to suck...
As opposed to the jovial good time which would occur otherwise?
Besides reiterating the previous mentions of "Check your local Law" I'd also point out that some jurisdictions allow people to carry "Dog Spray" as a defense against "Dog Attacks". Something to inquire about anyway.
And really, if you get jumped by 2+ people and you try to whip out the pepper spray and they get it from you...well that's going to suck...
As opposed to the jovial good time which would occur otherwise?
I would rather get mugged and/or roughed around a little than get sprayed with my own pepper spray.
Rikushix on
Waffles or whateverPreviously known as, I shit you not, "Waffen"Registered Userregular
edited March 2011
All jokes aside, its not the first time its happened. Last semester I almost got jumped over pizza. Yes, pizza. I was walking home with my pizza that I picked up and had a group threaten and chase me for it. Luckily for me they couldn't catch me. Overall, crime on my campus is going up and has been going up. Better safe than sorry imo
The wise Improvolone said this already, but I want to stress it:
In almost every possible situation involving potential violence, your best option is to get the fuck away - and if running isn't an option, like for instance if the aggressor has a gun, or if you're surrounded, your best option shifts slightly to do whatever the fuck they tell you to do, then run away.
The wisdom of running away doesn't decrease if you're carrying mace, or a knife, or a gun: it increases, because all of those things can be taken from you and used against you, making the situation exponentially more dangerous. If a couple of thugs demand your wallet, you lose whatever cash you had in your wallet, and you need to suffer through the inconvenience of cancelling your credit cards. If a couple of thugs demand your wallet, and you pull out a can of pepper spray, you're almost certainly going to end up getting badly hurt.
I'm not denying that mace can have very specific situational uses. And there are times when fighting back is the only thing you can do, and when that happens, then yeah, you scream for help and fight like hell using any weapon you can wrap your hand around. But 99 times out of 100, if some punk tries to mug you, or if some douche at a party gets up in your face, or if any other situation prompts you to feel the need to engage in physical self defense, your best response is to walk or run away.
Honestly, the really worrying thing here is your attitude. You gain absolutely nothing by "standing your ground" when a stranger tries to start shit with you. Your roommate was completely right to avoid that particular conflict; you only got out of it because the guys trying to pick a fight with you ended up being weaker than you. That doesn't make you Rambo, it makes you lucky - and carrying a weapon that could be turned against you is an excellent way to make sure you don't get that lucky again.
All jokes aside, its not the first time its happened. Last semester I almost got jumped over pizza. Yes, pizza. I was walking home with my pizza that I picked up and had a group threaten and chase me for it. Luckily for me they couldn't catch me. Overall, crime on my campus is going up and has been going up. Better safe than sorry imo
OK, this right here? This is an excellent example of my point.
Some drunk college kids tried to take your pizza from you. You ran away, and escaped the situation with no harm done. If for some reason you hadn't been able to run away, they would have taken your pizza, and you would have been out $10.
What would have happened if some drunk college kids had tried to take your pizza from you, and you were carrying mace? If you were to (wisely) escape by running away, the mace would have contributed nothing to your safety - you'd be just as well off without it. If you were to use the mace, on the other hand, every possible outcome would have been worse - the "best" result would have been you spraying mace into the faces of a bunch of college kids, causing them intense pain and possible physical damage, opening yourself up to civil and potentially criminal charges. The worst result would have been you either missing them or just spraying them enough to enrage them, and if you were to escalate the violence of the situation like that, you would end up losing a whole lot more than a pizza.
If you're a reasonably healthy, fit person (which I'm assuming you are, military man and all), your best possible self-defense weapons are a good pair of shoes and an ounce of common sense. Adding mace or knives or guns to your arsenal makes you less safe, not more, especially if you're the sort of person who would try to use them.
The reason I'm not entirely against mace is because you can use it from a distance (unlike a taser) and if you need to use it, it allows you to get away. It incapacitates your attacker so that you can run.
Improvolone on
Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
More importantly, you said you were a military man. Is this currently true? I would think that would change your situation drastically as the penalties for you getting into a fight would range further while being actively involved in the military.
You might also talk to the campus PD, informing them of what you've noticed as an increase in situations like this will help them do their job and you can ask what they recommend to do in this case.
I agree with the "best option is running away", but disagree that it's different if what happens if you get caught.
So 3 guys threaten you and want your pizza, you:
A. Hand if over, they take it and maybe shove you down as they run off
B. You run and get away
C. You run and they catch you, the fact you ran will have pissed them off and they will likely take the pizza AND rough you up
D. You spray them and get away
E. You pull the spray and REALLY piss them off, they take the pizza, rough you up BAD and possibly spray you with your own stuff.
I'd say get the spray and think REALLY hard before using it. Know that even with it running may be the best option and only pull it out if you have a good chance of incapacitating a single aggressor or two and THEN running.
Running, as others said is the best option. But that is no reason to be unprepared for when you cannot run, or someone you are with cannot run.
I say be prepared to fight if you have to. Pepper spray is a good choice because it incapacitates and is non-lethal, that could spare you a lot of legal hassle. It might get taken from you, that would suck, but I personally would take that risk. I prefer to have advantages that make the fight as unfair as possible for my aggressor. And I like to have options. If my only plan is to run away, and I can't do that, then I am screwed.
Running, as others said is the best option. But that is no reason to be unprepared for when you cannot run, or someone you are with cannot run.
I say be prepared to fight if you have to. Pepper spray is a good choice because it incapacitates and is non-lethal, that could spare you a lot of legal hassle. It might get taken from you, that would suck, but I personally would take that risk. I prefer to have advantages that make the fight as unfair as possible for my aggressor. And I like to have options. If my only plan is to run away, and I can't do that, then I am screwed.
Yes, this. There are plausible situations in which pepper spray would allow you to get away without being hurt. As long as you exercise good judgement, having the option available to you is always going to be better.
You've never done the Gas chamber champ? You should know how effective CS is.
Y'know, I was just going to bring this up. As someone in the military, you should know how CS, or the civilian equivalent, will affect someone.
You tag someone in the face with pepper spray - who isn't expecting it - they'll leave you alone.
Yes, I have done the CS chamber. Even been hooah enough to go through it with no mask on just for kicks (and spending the next 20 minutes thinking that was a really dumb idea). The one in basic was brutal though, they burned a lot more of the tablets, took my mask off that first time and all thoughts of being hooah and shouting the soldier's creed with what breath I had evaporated in a second. You can't see and it feels like you cannot breathe (you can, just seems like you can't). Afterwards your skin itches like crazy till you can shower.
But CS and pepper spray are different beasts. They fall into the same family of chemical agents, that is all (choking agents).
I do have first hand experience using pepper spray though. One of my former room mates (this was before the military) got aggressive with me and charged at me, I sprayed him with the spray, he took one more step then fell to his knees. He was a pretty big guy too. Considering my other options were A) Let him pummel me, Shoot him with one of my handguns, C) Smash his head in with the nearby frying pan, or D) try and fight him hand to hand (given he had an easy 100 lbs on me, that wasn't a great option), I think I picked the best route. I couldn't run, my apartment was the second floor of a house and he was between me and the only exit.
Pepper spray doesn't work very well, carry bear mace, use your fists, or run.
The following story illustrates why if you are curious.
When I was younger I used to graffiti and midway through my 'career' a fellow tagger was killed by a bunch of drunk frat boys in the next town over (they accidentally beat him to death.) My tag partner and I started carrying stuff for self defense, he rocked pepper spray and a high power slingshot, I rolled with my knife. A couple weeks later we got jumped by a local gang while we were doing something stupid. My partner sprayed the first guy who came at us, it just pissed the guy off. My buddy got decked in the face, and with nothing but sheer stupid luck I busted out probably the sweetest cross over kick in the history of poorly trained martial artists. My Bruce Lee silly-goosery caught everyone off guard just long enough for my buddy and I to take off running.
You should never over estimate the power of pepper spray or underestimate the value of running.
There is a chance your friend purchased really shitty pepper spray and missed the dudes face. Pepper spray is easily beat by a breeze.
I would not be surprised. Back when I was in first year of university and living in rez, a guy on our floor (known for being a clown), stole some girl's pepper spray and while goofing around with another guy, sprayed it in his face. This happened in a stairwell a good thirty or forty feet from my door, and around corners, no less. Less than a minute after it happened, I stepped out into the hallway for no more than a few seconds and came back inside coughing. I didn't stop coughing for the next hour. Another group of friends was in the common room even further down the hall (fifty, sixty feet from the stairwell at least?) and behind a closed door; after half an hour they had to leave because they were feeling the effects.
That stuff's powerful. But it's clear it can travel. As a military guy I think you'll know the value of using all the tactics in your arsenal before resorting to pepper spray.
Rikushix on
TurksonNear the mountains of ColoradoRegistered Userregular
edited March 2011
Check your state laws regarding it. Make sure the active ingredient is Oleoresin Capsicum. Try to get at least 8% (depending of state law). And remember that OC spray is not instant, it can take several seconds to take effect.
And either keep some Baby Shampoo or Liquid Dish Soap on hand in case you end up contaminating yourself. It's going to take 3-4 good scrubbings to get rid of it. And the first time will be just as bad as when you first got sprayed.
Are these locals/townies that are causing the trouble or fellow students? Either way, more than likely if you hose them down with pepper spray, they are not coming after you. However, if they see you some day down the road and recognize you, you might be in for some trouble. If they are fellow college kids, it might be worth it to find out who they are and report them before it comes to that. I went to a really small school though, so i'd pretty much be guaranteed to run into them constantly.
I don't know, I think running will only encourage other people to harass you more, you need to learn how to defend yourself. Learn to fight, beat up one of the guys and no one will ever do it again.
First thing I'm wondering is, who the hell randomly charges people in the street and attacks them, or attacks them over a pizza?
Perhaps you should be calling the cops because each one of those situations would increase the patrols in the area and cut down on the chances of stupid convenience crimes like that from happening.
What the random douchbag charging you was about, though, other than being fucking crazy, is beyond me.
I don't know, I think running will only encourage other people to harass you more, you need to learn how to defend yourself. Learn to fight, beat up one of the guys and no one will ever do it again.
See that sounds great on paper, until the cops show up at your school with an awesome warrant for your arrest for assault because he got a bunch of his dickface friends to say you started it. I'd love for it to be a world where somebody gets punched who deserves it, lesson learned and that's that. But it rarely happens.
I don't know, I think running will only encourage other people to harass you more, you need to learn how to defend yourself. Learn to fight, beat up one of the guys and no one will ever do it again.
See that sounds great on paper, until the cops show up at your school with an awesome warrant for your arrest for assault because he got a bunch of his dickface friends to say you started it. I'd love for it to be a world where somebody gets punched who deserves it, lesson learned and that's that. But it rarely happens.
Does that ever happen? I have never seen that happen, also if you were alone and all his friends say you started it it will look suspicious anyways, like not making any sense at all.
From my experience most people will be too ashamed to report it to the cops.
I don't know, I think running will only encourage other people to harass you more, you need to learn how to defend yourself. Learn to fight, beat up one of the guys and no one will ever do it again.
See that sounds great on paper, until the cops show up at your school with an awesome warrant for your arrest for assault because he got a bunch of his dickface friends to say you started it. I'd love for it to be a world where somebody gets punched who deserves it, lesson learned and that's that. But it rarely happens.
Does that ever happen? I have never seen that happen, also if you were alone and all his friends say you started it it will look suspicious anyways, like not making any sense at all.
From my experience most people will be too ashamed to report it to the cops.
Yes, dicks will be dicks. Generally if someone starts shit with you randomly they have no problem going to the police to say you sprayed them for no reason after you started a fight.
I've seen it happen once or twice, person got arrested but they didn't get more than a fine or community service. One guy got jail time though, but that was a bar fight, so.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
That said, and having looked into it in the past, I feel that something like this pepper spray gel would be the best bet.
Less affected by wind, sticks pretty well
For example, it's illegal to carry pepper spray in New York that was purchased outside New York.
And really, if you get jumped by 2+ people and you try to whip out the pepper spray and they get it from you...well that's going to suck...
I'll let other discuss the legalities of it all.
As opposed to the jovial good time which would occur otherwise?
Besides reiterating the previous mentions of "Check your local Law" I'd also point out that some jurisdictions allow people to carry "Dog Spray" as a defense against "Dog Attacks". Something to inquire about anyway.
I would rather get mugged and/or roughed around a little than get sprayed with my own pepper spray.
In almost every possible situation involving potential violence, your best option is to get the fuck away - and if running isn't an option, like for instance if the aggressor has a gun, or if you're surrounded, your best option shifts slightly to do whatever the fuck they tell you to do, then run away.
The wisdom of running away doesn't decrease if you're carrying mace, or a knife, or a gun: it increases, because all of those things can be taken from you and used against you, making the situation exponentially more dangerous. If a couple of thugs demand your wallet, you lose whatever cash you had in your wallet, and you need to suffer through the inconvenience of cancelling your credit cards. If a couple of thugs demand your wallet, and you pull out a can of pepper spray, you're almost certainly going to end up getting badly hurt.
I'm not denying that mace can have very specific situational uses. And there are times when fighting back is the only thing you can do, and when that happens, then yeah, you scream for help and fight like hell using any weapon you can wrap your hand around. But 99 times out of 100, if some punk tries to mug you, or if some douche at a party gets up in your face, or if any other situation prompts you to feel the need to engage in physical self defense, your best response is to walk or run away.
Honestly, the really worrying thing here is your attitude. You gain absolutely nothing by "standing your ground" when a stranger tries to start shit with you. Your roommate was completely right to avoid that particular conflict; you only got out of it because the guys trying to pick a fight with you ended up being weaker than you. That doesn't make you Rambo, it makes you lucky - and carrying a weapon that could be turned against you is an excellent way to make sure you don't get that lucky again.
OK, this right here? This is an excellent example of my point.
Some drunk college kids tried to take your pizza from you. You ran away, and escaped the situation with no harm done. If for some reason you hadn't been able to run away, they would have taken your pizza, and you would have been out $10.
What would have happened if some drunk college kids had tried to take your pizza from you, and you were carrying mace? If you were to (wisely) escape by running away, the mace would have contributed nothing to your safety - you'd be just as well off without it. If you were to use the mace, on the other hand, every possible outcome would have been worse - the "best" result would have been you spraying mace into the faces of a bunch of college kids, causing them intense pain and possible physical damage, opening yourself up to civil and potentially criminal charges. The worst result would have been you either missing them or just spraying them enough to enrage them, and if you were to escalate the violence of the situation like that, you would end up losing a whole lot more than a pizza.
If you're a reasonably healthy, fit person (which I'm assuming you are, military man and all), your best possible self-defense weapons are a good pair of shoes and an ounce of common sense. Adding mace or knives or guns to your arsenal makes you less safe, not more, especially if you're the sort of person who would try to use them.
You might also talk to the campus PD, informing them of what you've noticed as an increase in situations like this will help them do their job and you can ask what they recommend to do in this case.
I agree with the "best option is running away", but disagree that it's different if what happens if you get caught.
So 3 guys threaten you and want your pizza, you:
A. Hand if over, they take it and maybe shove you down as they run off
B. You run and get away
C. You run and they catch you, the fact you ran will have pissed them off and they will likely take the pizza AND rough you up
D. You spray them and get away
E. You pull the spray and REALLY piss them off, they take the pizza, rough you up BAD and possibly spray you with your own stuff.
I'd say get the spray and think REALLY hard before using it. Know that even with it running may be the best option and only pull it out if you have a good chance of incapacitating a single aggressor or two and THEN running.
I say be prepared to fight if you have to. Pepper spray is a good choice because it incapacitates and is non-lethal, that could spare you a lot of legal hassle. It might get taken from you, that would suck, but I personally would take that risk. I prefer to have advantages that make the fight as unfair as possible for my aggressor. And I like to have options. If my only plan is to run away, and I can't do that, then I am screwed.
Y'know, I was just going to bring this up. As someone in the military, you should know how CS, or the civilian equivalent, will affect someone.
You tag someone in the face with pepper spray - who isn't expecting it - they'll leave you alone.
Yes, I have done the CS chamber. Even been hooah enough to go through it with no mask on just for kicks (and spending the next 20 minutes thinking that was a really dumb idea). The one in basic was brutal though, they burned a lot more of the tablets, took my mask off that first time and all thoughts of being hooah and shouting the soldier's creed with what breath I had evaporated in a second. You can't see and it feels like you cannot breathe (you can, just seems like you can't). Afterwards your skin itches like crazy till you can shower.
But CS and pepper spray are different beasts. They fall into the same family of chemical agents, that is all (choking agents).
I do have first hand experience using pepper spray though. One of my former room mates (this was before the military) got aggressive with me and charged at me, I sprayed him with the spray, he took one more step then fell to his knees. He was a pretty big guy too. Considering my other options were A) Let him pummel me, Shoot him with one of my handguns, C) Smash his head in with the nearby frying pan, or D) try and fight him hand to hand (given he had an easy 100 lbs on me, that wasn't a great option), I think I picked the best route. I couldn't run, my apartment was the second floor of a house and he was between me and the only exit.
The following story illustrates why if you are curious.
You should never over estimate the power of pepper spray or underestimate the value of running.
I would not be surprised. Back when I was in first year of university and living in rez, a guy on our floor (known for being a clown), stole some girl's pepper spray and while goofing around with another guy, sprayed it in his face. This happened in a stairwell a good thirty or forty feet from my door, and around corners, no less. Less than a minute after it happened, I stepped out into the hallway for no more than a few seconds and came back inside coughing. I didn't stop coughing for the next hour. Another group of friends was in the common room even further down the hall (fifty, sixty feet from the stairwell at least?) and behind a closed door; after half an hour they had to leave because they were feeling the effects.
That stuff's powerful. But it's clear it can travel. As a military guy I think you'll know the value of using all the tactics in your arsenal before resorting to pepper spray.
And either keep some Baby Shampoo or Liquid Dish Soap on hand in case you end up contaminating yourself. It's going to take 3-4 good scrubbings to get rid of it. And the first time will be just as bad as when you first got sprayed.
Perhaps you should be calling the cops because each one of those situations would increase the patrols in the area and cut down on the chances of stupid convenience crimes like that from happening.
What the random douchbag charging you was about, though, other than being fucking crazy, is beyond me.
See that sounds great on paper, until the cops show up at your school with an awesome warrant for your arrest for assault because he got a bunch of his dickface friends to say you started it. I'd love for it to be a world where somebody gets punched who deserves it, lesson learned and that's that. But it rarely happens.
Does that ever happen? I have never seen that happen, also if you were alone and all his friends say you started it it will look suspicious anyways, like not making any sense at all.
From my experience most people will be too ashamed to report it to the cops.
Yes, dicks will be dicks. Generally if someone starts shit with you randomly they have no problem going to the police to say you sprayed them for no reason after you started a fight.
I've seen it happen once or twice, person got arrested but they didn't get more than a fine or community service. One guy got jail time though, but that was a bar fight, so.