I have a WPN824N Netgear router, and I want to switch the wireless security from WPA to WEP in order to use my DS online.
However, I've run into a problem. When I change the security to WEP and hit save, I get this error message:
Additionally, when I try to connect to the network on wireless I get stuck on "Validating Identity". I've tried messing around with the wireless connection properties (This is on Windows XP by the way) and have had no luck getting through. I've even tried renaming the router's network to try connecting without any previous settings and have had no luck.
Googling the error message hasn't helped much either, the only solutions I've found were "use WPA" which isn't an option since the DS can't connect to that.
Also, you're going to get owned if you live anywhere with people nearby and use WEP. I'm just sayin, is all... never log on to a bank website from your house. Or facebook, or amazon...
Steam Profile | Signature art by Alexandra 'Lexxy' Douglass
But yeah, to the OP, I concur with the above. Hard reset it and just do a quick set up. Be warned, I still had a hell of a time getting my DS connected even tinkering around like this for a bit.
Cracking WEP is trivial.
Firesheep = All your base are belong to bored teenagers, passing cars, the dude next door, etc.
Seriously, your mom could pull off this hack. WEP = your shit is owned.
I looked around on my settings and I found this option and it seems to have done the trick. Thanks!