SirUltimosDon't talk, Rusty. Just paint.Registered Userregular
edited March 2011
They had the extended warranty though, so Futureshop replaced it with a 65" 3D TV. Still awesome. I've still gotta bring some games over though and play them on that wonderful thing.
*sigh* Ok fine you beat me down guys, I think I'll get SSFIV as a launch title and just trade in my 360 copy next time GS has another decent trade in deal. This is only because of Amazon's 10 dollar free credit deal.
That'll be my launch title too. Let me know if you want to play against someone locally. It'd be good to do some of that street pass combat stuff.
Are you suggesting that you drive the 15-20 minutes it takes to get to my house, and we hang out playing 3DS, PS3, 360, Wii, DreamCast, on my 73" 3D TV? You are a sick man, you hear me, a sick man!
I wouldn't be opposed to you coming out my way. I gots me a Golden Axe machine now.
But that TV sounds flippin rad!
While that arcade machine sounds awesome, when space is at a premium why not just load it up with hundreds of classic games?
The machine was a steal. Otherwise, yeah, that other option is certainly attractive. I've seen cocktail cabinets loaded up with games, which is something I might consider once finances are a little more stable. I'm doing ok for myself but the mortgage has to come first.
My girlfriend's family had a 70" inch TV until the damn thing broke. It was like a fucking wall. Every single time I saw the thing it brought a tear to my eye..
The depressing downside is that you eventually get used to the size.
My ex girlfriend never got used to my size.
I think she liked my TV too. 8-)
Rehab on
NNID: Rehab0
PaperLuigi44My amazement is at maximum capacity.Registered Userregular
Actually I've never seen the show, so I don't get what you are implying. Please explain.
There's an episode where we learn that he has not one but two of the walls in his apartment replaced with TVs (although the "TVs" are obviously offscreen).
Advertising the 3D effect is hard! Maybe if someone is watching a 3D broadcast, with a 3D TV and wearing 3D glasses would work, but even that situation doesn't convey how 3D looks without glasses.
You'll just have to find a way to try before you buy and Gamestop is allowing you to do that... the day before the 3DS launches in America.
Head over to Gamestop's 3DS launch page to see if a retail store near you will be holding one of the special 3DS preview events on March 26th. I'm guessing the suits are hoping to push a lot of preorders for the next day. It's not known what games you'll be able to play or what kind of access you'll get to the 3DS system but you can bet on seeing a ton of Nintendo's 3D handheld leading up to its North American launch on March 27th.
For continuing coverage on the lead up and launch of the 3DS, check out Game Revolution's new-fangled tag page for the 3DS.
We've got one more interview lying around from GDC and a couple more still coming from PAX. In our last hurrah before we wait another long year for GDC 2012, we talk with Capcom fighting guru extraordinaire, Seth Killian. Not only do we go over some of the finer details about the upcoming 3DS launch title, Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, we also find out just what the hell is up with the character roster in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Enjoy!
Rehab on
NNID: Rehab0
The_SpaniardIt's never lupinesIrvine, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Actually I've never seen the show, so I don't get what you are implying. Please explain.
There's an episode where we learn that he has not one but two of the walls in his apartment replaced with TVs (although the "TVs" are obviously offscreen).
We had a demo unit up at my work tonight, so I got to spend a minute or so with the system. The game was Pilotwings, which I just don't fucking care about, but otherwise the 3D effect was pretty impressive. It only took my eyes a second or two to get used to it, and after that I was fine.
I've got to say, the field of view is a lot more restricting than I expected from impressions back when the system was revealed. I basically had to hold my head in exactly the right spot, and any deviation from that spot ruined the 3D effect. It's a neat gimmick, but I anticipate I'll be leaving the 3D turned off the majority of the time.
The demo was also the blue system, and dear god was it ugly. Kinda glad I left my preorder as black now.
Hey, does anyone know if we've seen reviews on the new Samurai Warriors?
Reviews from people who don't hate relatively shallow drafted-farmhand-killing-simulators, ideally. It's kind of difficult to get an actual read on these games when most of the US reviewers don't even like the series.
I think it's safe to say that it will be a typical Warriors game. If you've played one, you already know what you're going to get. That's Koei's thing.
I think it's a much better fit for a handheld, though.
True. Mostly I'm wondering if they'll do the same thing the PSP titles did, with fewer enemies that have more health. I found it not really to my taste, which leans more towards "I want a killcount of several hundred inside of 30 minutes".
It doesn't look like there are that many enemies on screen in the videos, so it's possible.
Cherrn on
All creature will die and all the things will be broken. That's the law of samurai.
Hey, does anyone know if we've seen reviews on the new Samurai Warriors?
Reviews from people who don't hate relatively shallow drafted-farmhand-killing-simulators, ideally. It's kind of difficult to get an actual read on these games when most of the US reviewers don't even like the series.
I think it's safe to say that it will be a typical Warriors game. If you've played one, you already know what you're going to get. That's Koei's thing.
I think it's a much better fit for a handheld, though.
True. Mostly I'm wondering if they'll do the same thing the PSP titles did, with fewer enemies that have more health. I found it not really to my taste, which leans more towards "I want a killcount of several hundred inside of 30 minutes".
It doesn't look like there are that many enemies on screen in the videos, so it's possible.
Tragic. There is nothing I would love more than to get several-hundred high killcounts on the go.
My waffling continues -- currently I have a preorder for SSFIV in at Amazon thanks to the $10 credit. I was bouncing between that and Shadow Wars for weeks, but what tipped my hand to Street Fighter was also that most of my DS backlog consists of slower, mostly turn-based games (DQVI, Etrian Odyssey 3, Miles Edgeworth, a bunch of puzzles in Picross 3D, etc.). I felt like I wanted something more twitchy and fast-paced, plus the online play and StreetPass modes seem awesome.
I still have SSFIV on PS3, but I'm hoping the two different online modes in the 3DS one will inspire me to play more, as the only people still playing the console versions are high-level experts that kick my ass nonstop. So having a version with a big ol' "CASUALS PLAY HERE" stamp will hopefully mean I can enjoy myself withou spending months in the training mode.
As for those whose issue with Pilotwings was that it was just Wuhu Island again, it may interest you to know there are some surrounding islands this time. One is marked on the map as a smaller, private island, another a deserted island, and then way out there, you've got the "island" which housed the golf courses in Wii Sports, if I'm not mistaken.
Those satellite islands were always around Wuhu though, weren't they?
Well, I'll confess: my time on Wuhu has been in Wii Fit/Plus, and I don't remember seeing them. Wii Sports Resort, I can't speak for. I still need to get that.
From what I have seen of the Nintendo ports that have made it to the DS and 3DS so far, only N64 games are being considered! Not that I mind given that one of those games is Ocarina of Time and its getting the substanital overhaul that it is. Hopefully they go that extent with Starfox, but even if they don't its still a great game that will probably benefit a lot from simply being in 3D.
There is a whole section of the e-shop that deals with 3D retrofitted NES/SNES games. One of the games they had people demo was Punch Out.
I want to see the blizzard in Donkey Kong Country and the stuff coming out of the background in Yoshi's Island in 3D SO bad.
And really, I hope that we see original games with that kind of stuff in mind, too. 3D effects doesn't mean it has to be nothing but 3D gameplay, after all.
I'd also like to see a good brawler in the vein of Final Fight, TMNT, or River City Ransom which puts the 3D to good use across that plane of movement.
Oh, and a note for those who will be in Toronto (or can easily get there) on the 26th: there is a six-hour launch event happening in Yonge-Dundas Square, and they're giving away a 3DS every hour.
So, if you want one but don't have the money, there's that possibility.
Vancouver is hosting one as well, but I don't know if they're giving away 3DSes. Swag, yes, but not sure about the consoles.
We had a demo unit up at my work tonight, so I got to spend a minute or so with the system. The game was Pilotwings, which I just don't fucking care about, but otherwise the 3D effect was pretty impressive. It only took my eyes a second or two to get used to it, and after that I was fine.
I've got to say, the field of view is a lot more restricting than I expected from impressions back when the system was revealed. I basically had to hold my head in exactly the right spot, and any deviation from that spot ruined the 3D effect. It's a neat gimmick, but I anticipate I'll be leaving the 3D turned off the majority of the time.
The demo was also the blue system, and dear god was it ugly. Kinda glad I left my preorder as black now.
I thought the blue looked far better than the black unit.
For me the only game where the 3D field of view becomes a problem is kid Icarus when I tried the demo out in Manchester. That for me though has more to do with the controls being quite difficult to use the touch screen, stick and face buttons all at the same time makes the eyes wonder a little. I do agree though the field of vision is very restrictive for the 3D effect which makes me wonder if nintendo should have gone with the route LG is using for the Optimus 3D phone.
Btw, my coworkers were able to get that kotaku bypass thing to work on our unit at work. They ended up having a good time with Face Raiders, apparently.
I think I'm going to load the AR cards up on my iphone and go check it out, because honestly, I think the AR games is what I'm most excited for--there's a ton of potential there.
InkSplat on
Origin for Dragon Age: Inquisition Shenanigans: Inksplat776
Just got back. And I can verify that the Select + Start + L + R thing does indeed work. The camera is really cool, but the AR thing doesn't seem to really like the phone, since as you move, glare can kind of obscure the info it needs. But it still worked.
InkSplat on
Origin for Dragon Age: Inquisition Shenanigans: Inksplat776
I'm not great at figuring out exactly what's wrong, but it's clear that something was done to smooth the jaggies on the PS2 version that simply isn't done on the 3DS version. Even the text bubbles look poor on the 3DS render.
I had a go on one today! The ones they have here in Scarborough, England are fully 'unlocked': I started on an AR game, and then asked the girl to play some non-camera software and she backed out to the main menu and put me in PilotWings.
The 3D. Yes it works, very naturally, you've heard it all before. What surprised me was how much it didn't impress me. I've been spoiled by PC gaming, but the framerate when it was running 3D was very noticeable. I thought it might be an AR/camera lag thing, but nope, quite noticable on PilotWings too. Hopefully this is just because the software is not yet optimised for the hardware, as is often seen in release titles, but who knows. Also, the 3D slider slides gracefully from say... '10' being the highest 3D value, all the way down to '1'... but then as you go all the way to 2D, it flicks to 2D as if it was some alien mode. The FPS does improve in 2D, so much that it wasn't passively noticeable like it was in 3D (it's still "noticeable", but shouldn't get in the way).
Don't get me wrong, this thing is still preordered. But I'm avoiding all the release titles and I imagine the vast majority of my play will be 2D.
I had a go on one today! The ones they have here in Scarborough, England are fully 'unlocked': I started on an AR game, and then asked the girl to play some non-camera software and she backed out to the main menu and put me in PilotWings.
The 3D. Yes it works, very naturally, you've heard it all before. What surprised me was how much it didn't impress me. I've been spoiled by PC gaming, but the framerate when it was running 3D was very noticeable. I thought it might be an AR/camera lag thing, but nope, quite noticable on PilotWings too. Hopefully this is just because the software is not yet optimised for the hardware, as is often seen in release titles, but who knows. Also, the 3D slider slides gracefully from say... '10' being the highest 3D value, all the way down to '1'... but then as you go all the way to 2D, it flicks to 2D as if it was some alien mode. The FPS does improve in 2D, so much that it wasn't passively noticeable like it was in 3D (it's still "noticeable", but shouldn't get in the way).
Don't get me wrong, this thing is still preordered. But I'm avoiding all the release titles and I imagine the vast majority of my play will be 2D.
You know the game that really impressed me with the 3D was Nintendogs of all titles, I agree with you that the 3D wasn't all that impressive with some of the titles ( Pilotwings, Ridge Racer) but id say if you get the chance check nintendogs out.
I'm not great at figuring out exactly what's wrong, but it's clear that something was done to smooth the jaggies on the PS2 version that simply isn't done on the 3DS version. Even the text bubbles look poor on the 3DS render.
It's the resolution, man. 3DS's screen res isn't anywhere near a TV's... if you only count one eye at a time (which I think is reasonable) the res is only 400×240. The screen can technically display 800x240 but the horizontal count is divided by 2. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but even an old tube TV will display a PS2 game at a much higher resolution: 640x480.
So yeah. Any time you reduce the resolution of a game you're going to get jaggies. The 3D effect may help, with the 2 images sort of anti-aliasing each other, but it's never going to be as smooth looking in a screenshot as... well, ANY other system except for older handhelds. Personally, I consider the low res to be kind of a letdown... I was hoping Nintendo would at least give us a 720p screen in the DS successor. (Yeah, yeah, I know, costs.)
I had a go on one today! The ones they have here in Scarborough, England are fully 'unlocked': I started on an AR game, and then asked the girl to play some non-camera software and she backed out to the main menu and put me in PilotWings.
The 3D. Yes it works, very naturally, you've heard it all before. What surprised me was how much it didn't impress me. I've been spoiled by PC gaming, but the framerate when it was running 3D was very noticeable. I thought it might be an AR/camera lag thing, but nope, quite noticable on PilotWings too. Hopefully this is just because the software is not yet optimised for the hardware, as is often seen in release titles, but who knows. Also, the 3D slider slides gracefully from say... '10' being the highest 3D value, all the way down to '1'... but then as you go all the way to 2D, it flicks to 2D as if it was some alien mode. The FPS does improve in 2D, so much that it wasn't passively noticeable like it was in 3D (it's still "noticeable", but shouldn't get in the way).
Don't get me wrong, this thing is still preordered. But I'm avoiding all the release titles and I imagine the vast majority of my play will be 2D.
You touched on something I couldn't really put my finger on last night.
I really wasn't impressed either. Maybe it's because I'm fully aware of the tricks it's using to pull off the glass-free 3D, but all I could think was "yep... it's 3D"
I'm not great at figuring out exactly what's wrong, but it's clear that something was done to smooth the jaggies on the PS2 version that simply isn't done on the 3DS version. Even the text bubbles look poor on the 3DS render.
It's the resolution, man. 3DS's screen res isn't anywhere near a TV's... if you only count one eye at a time (which I think is reasonable) the res is only 400×240. The screen can technically display 800x240 but the horizontal count is divided by 2. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but even an old tube TV will display a PS2 game at a much higher resolution: 640x480.
So yeah. Any time you reduce the resolution of a game you're going to get jaggies. The 3D effect may help, with the 2 images sort of anti-aliasing each other, but it's never going to be as smooth looking in a screenshot as... well, ANY other system except for older handhelds. Personally, I consider the low res to be kind of a letdown... I was hoping Nintendo would at least give us a 720p screen in the DS successor. (Yeah, yeah, I know, costs.)
Hell, 480p would have been a vast improvement.
It's not the resolution. There is something wrong with those screenshots. Plenty of 3ds games don't look like that.
Here's a resized Vesperia image for the heck of it:
That was just a quick resize so oviously the interface isn't suited for the size, but you can easily produce something that looks much better than what those Abyss shots show at that resolution.
Heck, here's an earlier SS they showed:
Rakai on
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]XBL: Rakayn | PS3: Rakayn | Steam ID
mntorankusuI'm not sure how to use this thing....Registered Userregular
edited March 2011
Sure, that's what it would look like with 16x antialiasing.
I really think the goal for someone making a 3D game shouldn't be to wow you with the "Oh neat, it's 3D!" I think that ideally, you should start it and not even notice. It'll just be in 3D, and after a little while, it'll just look natural.
I Want One Of Those. They had a deal in February that brought the total price to £168. Even without getting any games for another month, that's the cheapest deal so far, and I doubt it'll be that cheap for a while - the next best is Tesco's but it's a forced bundle.
Willeth on
@vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming! @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Saw a demo unit in a Best Buy in Edmonton. It was just some guy showing it off, no fancy pod or anything. Their were too many people so I didn't get a chance to try it out .
Dritz on
There I was, 3DS: 2621-2671-9899 (Ekera), Wii U: LostCrescendo
Iwoot is pretty cool; I've bought quite a lot of stuff from them before.
I'm feeling like kind of a chump for pre-ordering from my local GameStation now, but I used to work there so I like to patronise it. At least I can get it at midnight; the last time I pre-ordered something from an online store, it hadn't arrived weeks after everybody else already had it. By the time it was in my hands, I already knew that Cedric Diggory died at the end
The machine was a steal. Otherwise, yeah, that other option is certainly attractive. I've seen cocktail cabinets loaded up with games, which is something I might consider once finances are a little more stable. I'm doing ok for myself but the mortgage has to come first.
Actually I've never seen the show, so I don't get what you are implying. Please explain.
My ex girlfriend never got used to my size.
I think she liked my TV too. 8-)
There's an episode where we learn that he has not one but two of the walls in his apartment replaced with TVs (although the "TVs" are obviously offscreen).
Trying Before Buying The 3DS Just Got Easier
And Street Fighter!
Seth Killian Interview
Well no then cause it's only one wall for me.
I've got to say, the field of view is a lot more restricting than I expected from impressions back when the system was revealed. I basically had to hold my head in exactly the right spot, and any deviation from that spot ruined the 3D effect. It's a neat gimmick, but I anticipate I'll be leaving the 3D turned off the majority of the time.
The demo was also the blue system, and dear god was it ugly. Kinda glad I left my preorder as black now.
AR dragon chest burster!
It doesn't look like there are that many enemies on screen in the videos, so it's possible.
Tragic. There is nothing I would love more than to get several-hundred high killcounts on the go.
Well, bright and early it is then.
Hey, I have a blog! (Actually being updated again!)
3DS: 0860-3240-2604
I still have SSFIV on PS3, but I'm hoping the two different online modes in the 3DS one will inspire me to play more, as the only people still playing the console versions are high-level experts that kick my ass nonstop. So having a version with a big ol' "CASUALS PLAY HERE" stamp will hopefully mean I can enjoy myself withou spending months in the training mode.
Well, I'll confess: my time on Wuhu has been in Wii Fit/Plus, and I don't remember seeing them. Wii Sports Resort, I can't speak for. I still need to get that.
I want to see the blizzard in Donkey Kong Country and the stuff coming out of the background in Yoshi's Island in 3D SO bad.
And really, I hope that we see original games with that kind of stuff in mind, too. 3D effects doesn't mean it has to be nothing but 3D gameplay, after all.
I'd also like to see a good brawler in the vein of Final Fight, TMNT, or River City Ransom which puts the 3D to good use across that plane of movement.
Oh, and a note for those who will be in Toronto (or can easily get there) on the 26th: there is a six-hour launch event happening in Yonge-Dundas Square, and they're giving away a 3DS every hour.
So, if you want one but don't have the money, there's that possibility.
Vancouver is hosting one as well, but I don't know if they're giving away 3DSes. Swag, yes, but not sure about the consoles.
Also, you get extra Reward Zone points at Best Buy or a starter kit at Future Shop when you pre-order.
Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
I thought the blue looked far better than the black unit.
For me the only game where the 3D field of view becomes a problem is kid Icarus when I tried the demo out in Manchester. That for me though has more to do with the controls being quite difficult to use the touch screen, stick and face buttons all at the same time makes the eyes wonder a little. I do agree though the field of vision is very restrictive for the 3D effect which makes me wonder if nintendo should have gone with the route LG is using for the Optimus 3D phone.
I think I'm going to load the AR cards up on my iphone and go check it out, because honestly, I think the AR games is what I'm most excited for--there's a ton of potential there.
I think it's a perfectly competent port, that's Tales right there.
Look for yourself:
I'm not great at figuring out exactly what's wrong, but it's clear that something was done to smooth the jaggies on the PS2 version that simply isn't done on the 3DS version. Even the text bubbles look poor on the 3DS render.
The 3D. Yes it works, very naturally, you've heard it all before. What surprised me was how much it didn't impress me. I've been spoiled by PC gaming, but the framerate when it was running 3D was very noticeable. I thought it might be an AR/camera lag thing, but nope, quite noticable on PilotWings too. Hopefully this is just because the software is not yet optimised for the hardware, as is often seen in release titles, but who knows. Also, the 3D slider slides gracefully from say... '10' being the highest 3D value, all the way down to '1'... but then as you go all the way to 2D, it flicks to 2D as if it was some alien mode. The FPS does improve in 2D, so much that it wasn't passively noticeable like it was in 3D (it's still "noticeable", but shouldn't get in the way).
Don't get me wrong, this thing is still preordered. But I'm avoiding all the release titles and I imagine the vast majority of my play will be 2D.
You know the game that really impressed me with the 3D was Nintendogs of all titles, I agree with you that the 3D wasn't all that impressive with some of the titles ( Pilotwings, Ridge Racer) but id say if you get the chance check nintendogs out.
It's the resolution, man. 3DS's screen res isn't anywhere near a TV's... if you only count one eye at a time (which I think is reasonable) the res is only 400×240. The screen can technically display 800x240 but the horizontal count is divided by 2. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but even an old tube TV will display a PS2 game at a much higher resolution: 640x480.
So yeah. Any time you reduce the resolution of a game you're going to get jaggies. The 3D effect may help, with the 2 images sort of anti-aliasing each other, but it's never going to be as smooth looking in a screenshot as... well, ANY other system except for older handhelds. Personally, I consider the low res to be kind of a letdown... I was hoping Nintendo would at least give us a 720p screen in the DS successor. (Yeah, yeah, I know, costs.)
Hell, 480p would have been a vast improvement.
It's probably for the best, as I'm frothing with anticipation enough as it is.
You touched on something I couldn't really put my finger on last night.
I really wasn't impressed either. Maybe it's because I'm fully aware of the tricks it's using to pull off the glass-free 3D, but all I could think was "yep... it's 3D"
It's not the resolution. There is something wrong with those screenshots. Plenty of 3ds games don't look like that.
Here's a resized Vesperia image for the heck of it:
That was just a quick resize so oviously the interface isn't suited for the size, but you can easily produce something that looks much better than what those Abyss shots show at that resolution.
Heck, here's an earlier SS they showed:
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
The tracking pages says I'll get it on Monday. That's surprising.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Who did you order with?
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I second this question.
Twitter 3DS: 0860 - 3257 - 2516
I answered that question!
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Twitter 3DS: 0860 - 3257 - 2516
First time. I think they branched off from As Seen On Screen when they became ASOS and started just being a regular catalogue site.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
I'm feeling like kind of a chump for pre-ordering from my local GameStation now, but I used to work there so I like to patronise it. At least I can get it at midnight; the last time I pre-ordered something from an online store, it hadn't arrived weeks after everybody else already had it. By the time it was in my hands, I already knew that Cedric Diggory died at the end