On Sunday morning I was walking to get breakfast when I experienced a sudden spike of pain in my mouth. It was on the right side, lower jaw, back near the molars I think. It hurt like a motherfucker, but probably lasted less than one full second. By the time I realized it was a problem it was gone. I couldn't find any sign of residual soreness or tenderness, so I chalked it up to one of those weird things that bodies sometimes do, and I let it go.
Well, it happened again, at about 3:30 this morning. It was enough to wake me up, but again, by the time I was awake and realized what had happened the pain had already disappeared. Like before, no residual pain of any kind. I can't trigger it, or at least I don't know how. I can talk and eat and drink and don't notice any problem at all.
I do have a dentist appointment in a little over a month, but if this keeps happening I'll try to move it up. What I'm curious about is, does anyone have any idea what this might be? It's outside any of my prior experiences with mouth-related ailments, although I've had pretty good luck in that regard (one cavity and two wisdom teeth out).
Should have been a rock star.
Have you been doing anything weird in the activity department? Reptetative motions, some kind of new sport/exercise... PLAYING WoW TOO MUCH???? hehe Seriously though, I've had some weird shit happen to my neck/jaw area from bad mousing habits.
Unofficial PA IRC chat: #paforums at irc.slashnet.org
I think it is near my lower unremoved wisdomtooth - but it's hard to tell, the two times this has happened the pain has disappeared so fast that I don't have a good feel on the exact location.
Those wisdom teeth need to come out eventually, though. Maybe this will jumpstart that effort.