Or at least maybe point me in a proper direction (I am going to see a doctor - I just want some idea what I'm in for)
Here's the issue. I can focus on things with both eyes just fine, if I make a point of doing so. But for some reason, I seem to fall into this habit of only looking at things with one eye. And if I do that, my other eye wanders off in freaky directions.
Here's my brilliant visual aid:
I could be like O_O normally, but eventually it's going to fall into O_ o territory.
I can prevent this from happening if I focus on not letting it happen. It doesn't ever happen against my will. It just kind of happens when I'm not paying attention.
This is easily corrected with outpatient surgery, it says, but
if it is this, and they operate on both eyes, will I be blinded during my recovery?
Or is this a totally normal thing that happens to everyone and I should just look at things with both eyes from now on?