Hey all! To add even MORE things to distract you from pre-PAX preparations, on Wednesday night (the 24th) let's play boardgames at the College Inn in the U-district! Happy Hour is 4-7 PM, I'm guessing I'll/we'll be there from about 5:30 - 10 PM (I still have to work the next day). If you can make it, great, if not, we'll see you an incredibly short amount of time afterwards. Here's the College Inn's website: http://collegeinnpub.com/index.html
I'll bring that LOTR trivia game and maybe Jurassic Park boardgame... And there will be some other games as well! Yay for the somewhat-return of Happy Hours!
Count 2 for the tabletop gaming at the Sheraton - we'll be there in the afternoon. No weddings that day after all!
We'll bring Gamers vs. Evil and a couple other short games. Anybody know how to play Khronos or Ascension? We've got them but haven't played them yet.
Sweet... sounds good. The old thread is still getting views (391 times as of now) So hopefully, some of those people will show as well. After all, one would think that someone wouldn't be viewing a Seattle Meetup thread if there was no way they'd go...
I've also gotten a couple replies from people saying they can't make it, but want to come then text time. So we should be in good shape to do more of these... Maybe make it every month or two. Or at least have a couple meetups, leading up to a larger event.
I wonder if that bar is going to be open... hrmmmm
The Lobby Lounge hours are 4:00 PM - 11:55 PM. On a totally unrelated note... I can't get my profile picture to post, ever since I tried to change it. I tried removing it and re loading it, but no dice. Anyone else have this problem?
School starting real soon, and I'll be dorming at UW.
I've been trying to get into tabletop gaming, but I couldn't find a beginners thing or something like that. Aside from the one or two demos I seen at PAX each year, my experience is nonexistent (though it does seem really fun)
I was wondering if anyone at or near UW has something set up like this and if I could join in?
School starting real soon, and I'll be dorming at UW.
I've been trying to get into tabletop gaming, but I couldn't find a beginners thing or something like that. Aside from the one or two demos I seen at PAX each year, my experience is nonexistent (though it does seem really fun)
I was wondering if anyone at or near UW has something set up like this and if I could join in?
Experience is overrated... especially since every board game is different. Even ones in the same series. Every PAX, I end up learning new games that I've never played before. The best way to learn is just to jump in and play
School starting real soon, and I'll be dorming at UW.
I've been trying to get into tabletop gaming, but I couldn't find a beginners thing or something like that. Aside from the one or two demos I seen at PAX each year, my experience is nonexistent (though it does seem really fun)
I was wondering if anyone at or near UW has something set up like this and if I could join in?
School starting real soon, and I'll be dorming at UW.
I've been trying to get into tabletop gaming, but I couldn't find a beginners thing or something like that. Aside from the one or two demos I seen at PAX each year, my experience is nonexistent (though it does seem really fun)
I was wondering if anyone at or near UW has something set up like this and if I could join in?
I wonder if that bar is going to be open... hrmmmm
I also wondered that. The bar at the Daily Grill will be open, and they have a loungey area with couches and table service and martinis. Unfortunately, they can't serve in the lounge - but I'd be down for splitting the party for a couple of hours...
RedWingedBlackBird - Thanks for setting this up. It was a total blast, all 12 hours of it! We all had a brilliant time and collapsed into bed in the wee, wee hours. We missed you at Kushibar though - you would have loved it, but we ate lots of Takoyaki in your honor.
Thanks to everyone that attended the meetup on Sunday... It was a great. Got to play some new games, eat some good cookies & muffins, and made some new gamer friends. Looking forward to the next meetup! Probably 1st or 2nd week of October... spread the word.
If you're on Capitol Hill and enjoy board games, there will be ample board games and gamers to play them with at Chao Bistro tonight. This is also the bar that hosts Starcraft Viewing parties, they treat their nerd regulars well. http://chaobistro.com/
I'd want to do another tabletop gaming meetup next month in the Seattle area... say between the 10th and the 20th. I work weekends right now... so a Tues or Weds would work way better for me. Since I live 3 hours from Seattle, realistically, I would probably have to take at least 1 1/2 days off work if it was on a weekend. The last one we did was on Sunday night, which was a work night for most people... But I would like some feedback as to what day of the week works best for most people who want to do this?
I'll bring that LOTR trivia game and maybe Jurassic Park boardgame...
Mainly, this is a bump, but also...school starts soon (or already has) for many of us and our spawns.
Which means I know I need to drink heavily so that I can help with homework. How about you!?? What better time to drink than anytime?
Any time man. I am down like veal.
Hufflepuff: Death Eaters / Head of House
We'll bring Gamers vs. Evil and a couple other short games. Anybody know how to play Khronos or Ascension? We've got them but haven't played them yet.
I wonder if that bar is going to be open... hrmmmm
Sweet... sounds good. The old thread is still getting views (391 times as of now) So hopefully, some of those people will show as well. After all, one would think that someone wouldn't be viewing a Seattle Meetup thread if there was no way they'd go...
The Lobby Lounge hours are 4:00 PM - 11:55 PM. On a totally unrelated note... I can't get my profile picture to post, ever since I tried to change it. I tried removing it and re loading it, but no dice. Anyone else have this problem?
I've been trying to get into tabletop gaming, but I couldn't find a beginners thing or something like that. Aside from the one or two demos I seen at PAX each year, my experience is nonexistent (though it does seem really fun)
I was wondering if anyone at or near UW has something set up like this and if I could join in?
I sub music: My Youtube
Experience is overrated... especially since every board game is different. Even ones in the same series. Every PAX, I end up learning new games that I've never played before. The best way to learn is just to jump in and play
Pen and Paper Gaming Club. I think they're doing something for Dawg Daze this year.
Really? sweet
I sub music: My Youtube
I also wondered that. The bar at the Daily Grill will be open, and they have a loungey area with couches and table service and martinis. Unfortunately, they can't serve in the lounge - but I'd be down for splitting the party for a couple of hours...
Just dont time it around the BF3 or Gears3 releases :P
Oh there will certainly be a BF3 LAN, I guarantee that :P
It's goddamn painful.
If you're on Capitol Hill and enjoy board games, there will be ample board games and gamers to play them with at Chao Bistro tonight. This is also the bar that hosts Starcraft Viewing parties, they treat their nerd regulars well.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
(trying to keep it under 30 people, lol)