I'm sorry for being sarcastic/mocking/trolling those who asked this question, and I'm sorry for using all-caps. I was just frustrated that its the type of question that can be avoided by reading previous posts, especially reading the first 10 posts as the title of the thread commands. I can only imagine that SmallLady put a lot of time and effort to start this thread and already on the second page, people are are skipping all of her work.
ptriz21_teamkill on
3DS: 3325-2059-2105
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2011
The same questions commonly get asked in this thread throughout the year. We're all pretty used to it by now.
Moe Fwacky on
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
Next PAX: PAX AUS 2017
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
klokateer9047A.K.A Captain Freezeezy Long island,NYRegistered Userregular
edited March 2011
Hey all, After having to miss this years east due to a death in the family me and my nerd crew really want to make up for it this summer by going to prime. The problem is we're all only 16 and I want to ask some PA-ers advice on how feasible us flying from new york to seattle could be. We've always wanted to go and pax east was a godsend but now we'll be crushed if we'll miss a whole year pax!
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2011
Well the hard part for you guys (outside of cost) will probably be a hotel room. Most hotels require the person checking in be at least 21 years old. If you can get an adult to come with you and have the cash to cover the costs (expect about $800-$1000 per person including spending cash) then it's totally doable.
Moe Fwacky on
klokateer9047A.K.A Captain Freezeezy Long island,NYRegistered Userregular
Well the hard part for you guys (outside of cost) will probably be a hotel room. Most hotels require the person checking in be at least 21 years old. If you can get an adult to come with you and have the cash to cover the costs (expect about $800-$1000 per person including spending cash) then it's totally doable.
Thanks for the quick reply,maybe i'll check out the hotel share thread on the off chance someone will be okay with us staying with them.
Well the hard part for you guys (outside of cost) will probably be a hotel room. Most hotels require the person checking in be at least 21 years old. If you can get an adult to come with you and have the cash to cover the costs (expect about $800-$1000 per person including spending cash) then it's totally doable.
Thanks for the quick reply,maybe i'll check out the hotel share thread on the off chance someone will be okay with us staying with them.
I think you have better than an off-chance that someone will let you stay with them. Watch for the Hotel Share Thread
At first I was going to rage at the required age of 21, because we're coming all the way from oversea's (Glorious Belgium + A friend from the UK) but then I remembered he's becoming 21 in June. (I'm 20 on the 31st of August)
Well the hard part for you guys (outside of cost) will probably be a hotel room. Most hotels require the person checking in be at least 21 years old. If you can get an adult to come with you and have the cash to cover the costs (expect about $800-$1000 per person including spending cash) then it's totally doable.
In my experience, the age requirement is more likely to be 18 than 21. That said, if you're under 21, it never hurts to call and make sure you can check in, but I can definitely vouch for the Sheraton accepting reservations from the 18-21 set.
I was just wondering if the train dates had been decided yet. I know last year the departure date was the day before and after pax, just making sure its still he same, since train tickets are under $100 round trip right now.
So I saw these pictures and stories on here about parties from Pax East. Just a curious question: Are the parties only open to those only showcasing or are they open to all PAX attendees. If its a mix of both or the latter, are they tough to get into ? :?
It depends. If it's an exhibitor/developer throwing the party, often times they're invite only. Sometimes they're closed to the public and only open to developers/industry people, sometimes they're open to players (like the CCP event at PAX East), etc. The general rule of thumb is to ask around.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Well the hard part for you guys (outside of cost) will probably be a hotel room. Most hotels require the person checking in be at least 21 years old. If you can get an adult to come with you and have the cash to cover the costs (expect about $800-$1000 per person including spending cash) then it's totally doable.
In my experience, the age requirement is more likely to be 18 than 21. That said, if you're under 21, it never hurts to call and make sure you can check in, but I can definitely vouch for the Sheraton accepting reservations from the 18-21 set.
It never hurts to get in writing via email either. That way, you don't wind up in a scenario where someone misunderstood the other or someone didn't know what they were talking about. 18 seems to be the age though, I've only ever heard 21 for drinking or gambling.
BLaZuRE on
PAX West 2017 Checklist:
[X] Order Badges [X] Hotel [ X ] Flight [ X ] Time Off [ X ] Bobcat [ . ] Office Set [ . ] Challenge Coin [ . ] Sanity
In my experience, the age requirement is more likely to be 18 than 21. That said, if you're under 21, it never hurts to call and make sure you can check in, but I can definitely vouch for the Sheraton accepting reservations from the 18-21 set.
Legally it is 18, but as company policy most hotels in the downtown Seattle area require the person checking-in to be 21. I had to deal with this the first year I went to PAX. You'll be able to reserve your hotel but when you go to check in, they may ask to have someone over 21. If you look on many websites, such as Homewood Suites, it says in writing that you need to be 18 to reserve a room, however the particular Homewood Suites you go to may still require someone to be 21.
I ended up getting a friend that was over 21 to go with my group that year but when we checked in, the person at the desk didn't notice (or didn't care) that I was under 21. I definitely recommend to call around before booking anywhere. I'd also probably ask to speak to a manager when you do.
I feel dumb but can I inquire what the Condoms are for?
(other than the obvious use)
I think that's exactly what they're talking about? It's never a bad idea to have condoms at places where you're going to be with your other half or potentially meeting people.
We seemed to forget them (but remembered everything else.) Paying $5-7ish for them at the Westin sucked, though they came with a free, nasty, un-approving look from the cashier lady!
I feel dumb but can I inquire what the Condoms are for?
(other than the obvious use)
Where did condoms turn up in the thread? Oh, found, under the really well prepared list...
I'd go with the "probably the obvious" answer, though. I'm aware the geek stereotype doesn't include sex, but the increasing number of kids at PAX (and the panels on parenting) alone should disprove that theory.
Failing that theory, I believe they're good for storing water, daft party games involving bananas and teeth, and highly inappropriate balloon animals...
Edit: Wait, the condoms confused you, and the super glue didn't!?!
I carried them on hikes and such... instant waterproofing for gadgets.
Why does super glue confuse you? I *ALWAYS* have superglue on me (bottle in desk/car/backpack). Never know when you need to mend something that broke :P
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited April 2011
Most of the injury-related items on that list can easily be found in most standard first-aid kits, btw.
Why does super glue confuse you? I *ALWAYS* have superglue on me (bottle in desk/car/backpack). Never know when you need to mend something that broke :P
In hindsight, this is probably because I don't think trusting me with superglue would end well, and therefore I tend not to consider it a solution, rather than anything else.
forgot to mention... those industry parties are such a waste... i remember going to IGN's party 2 hours early just to find it already packed. did manage to make it into another that was a bit more private.
my advice for those parties... make friends with the booth people. they will hook you up
TeknoRed10 on
"Walking the path of Heaven, the man who will rule everything."
What if you're a game dev interested in speaking on a panel? Invite only? Send a proposal? Que?
This one I can answer! In the next few weeks our panel submission process will go live on paxsite.com, you submit a proposal and information via the form and the panel team will go over it.
What if you're a game dev interested in speaking on a panel? Invite only? Send a proposal? Que?
This one I can answer! In the next few weeks our panel submission process will go live on paxsite.com, you submit a proposal and information via the form and the panel team will go over it.
I'm from St. Louis, but am going to be in Seattle visiting some family from Aug 13-22. With Prime being that weekend, I'm just going to smash the two vacations together and stay on the extra days.
That said, I'll have a few days in-between my family vacation and PAX. Are there traditionally any early bird pre-PAX festivities? Anyone willing to divulge their favorite bar, restaurant, microbrew, coffee shop, tea house, live music joint, or other entertainment venue? I'll have 2-3 days to kill and I can only spend so much time at Pike Place Market.
I know this is incredibly early! I'm happy to ask again once PAX is closer...but my family is already planning the 'family vacation' part of my adventure, so I'd like to get a jump on the second half as well.
TeeArrWilliams on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited April 2011
There's the Magical Mystery Tour which runs the Wednesday and Thursday before PAX and the pub crawl (Triwizard Drinking Tournament) which runs that Thursday evening. There's also a Pre-PAX dinner before the pub crawl and probably more smaller events that will crop up as well.
I never finish anyth
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
cool, cos I am basing my booking time by when they release the tickets.
will keep a close eye on it.
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
I was just wondering when 2011 hotel reg will be up? want to get it down as soon as possible.
I'm sorry for being sarcastic/mocking/trolling those who asked this question, and I'm sorry for using all-caps. I was just frustrated that its the type of question that can be avoided by reading previous posts, especially reading the first 10 posts as the title of the thread commands. I can only imagine that SmallLady put a lot of time and effort to start this thread and already on the second page, people are are skipping all of her work.
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
Xbox live:Wonderboy9047
@Astonishingmike on twitter
Thanks for the quick reply,maybe i'll check out the hotel share thread on the off chance someone will be okay with us staying with them.
Xbox live:Wonderboy9047
@Astonishingmike on twitter
I think you have better than an off-chance that someone will let you stay with them. Watch for the Hotel Share Thread
Thank everything that is holy for that.
Thanks, cant wait!!
PAX Prime 2011 Challange Coin Thread -- Order your 2011 PAX Prime Challange Coin!
I'm 99% sure we'll be leaving on the 14 Coast Starlight on Aug 24th at 10:15am to arrive on the 25th at 8:45pm.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Wil Wheaton usually hits it up.
It never hurts to get in writing via email either. That way, you don't wind up in a scenario where someone misunderstood the other or someone didn't know what they were talking about. 18 seems to be the age though, I've only ever heard 21 for drinking or gambling.
[X] Order Badges [X] Hotel [ X ] Flight [ X ] Time Off [ X ] Bobcat [ . ] Office Set [ . ] Challenge Coin [ . ] Sanity
(other than the obvious use)
Pax Prime Hotel [X]
Pax Prime Flight []
Legally it is 18, but as company policy most hotels in the downtown Seattle area require the person checking-in to be 21. I had to deal with this the first year I went to PAX. You'll be able to reserve your hotel but when you go to check in, they may ask to have someone over 21. If you look on many websites, such as Homewood Suites, it says in writing that you need to be 18 to reserve a room, however the particular Homewood Suites you go to may still require someone to be 21.
I ended up getting a friend that was over 21 to go with my group that year but when we checked in, the person at the desk didn't notice (or didn't care) that I was under 21. I definitely recommend to call around before booking anywhere. I'd also probably ask to speak to a manager when you do.
I think that's exactly what they're talking about? It's never a bad idea to have condoms at places where you're going to be with your other half or potentially meeting people.
We seemed to forget them (but remembered everything else.) Paying $5-7ish for them at the Westin sucked, though they came with a free, nasty, un-approving look from the cashier lady!
Stay safe, kids :P
Where did condoms turn up in the thread? Oh, found, under the really well prepared list...
I'd go with the "probably the obvious" answer, though. I'm aware the geek stereotype doesn't include sex, but the increasing number of kids at PAX (and the panels on parenting) alone should disprove that theory.
Failing that theory, I believe they're good for storing water, daft party games involving bananas and teeth, and highly inappropriate balloon animals...
Edit: Wait, the condoms confused you, and the super glue didn't!?!
Why does super glue confuse you? I *ALWAYS* have superglue on me (bottle in desk/car/backpack). Never know when you need to mend something that broke :P
In hindsight, this is probably because I don't think trusting me with superglue would end well, and therefore I tend not to consider it a solution, rather than anything else.
This is 100% true.
Also, if you want to be awesome, be an ENFORCER.
my advice for those parties... make friends with the booth people. they will hook you up
What if you're a game dev interested in speaking on a panel? Invite only? Send a proposal? Que?
This one I can answer! In the next few weeks our panel submission process will go live on paxsite.com, you submit a proposal and information via the form and the panel team will go over it.
Appreciate it.
That said, I'll have a few days in-between my family vacation and PAX. Are there traditionally any early bird pre-PAX festivities? Anyone willing to divulge their favorite bar, restaurant, microbrew, coffee shop, tea house, live music joint, or other entertainment venue? I'll have 2-3 days to kill and I can only spend so much time at Pike Place Market.
I know this is incredibly early! I'm happy to ask again once PAX is closer...but my family is already planning the 'family vacation' part of my adventure, so I'd like to get a jump on the second half as well.
If so will we be allowed to make them in BYOC if it is built into a computer?