So, I completely forgot my badge. Can I get a new one some how?
You can go to the Will Call kiosk and plead with them, but I can guarantee nothing.
I am in the same situation. Do you know of anything I could do to increase my chances of getting a replacement?
Be genuine. Odds are still low.
--Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
If I want to start the day at the 6th floor PC freeplay ( Battlefield 3 tournement(hopeing to get in 11am heat), where would I wait? Can I wait on the 6th floor, or should I stay in the lobby?
If I want to start the day at the 6th floor PC freeplay ( Battlefield 3 tournement(hopeing to get in 11am heat), where would I wait? Can I wait on the 6th floor, or should I stay in the lobby?
You will be able to go upstairs and wait by the PC room on floor 6 starting at 8am.
--Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
This is driving me nuts: does anyone who attended Kris & Scott's Blamimation panel today know the name / artist of the song that was playing just before & right after the panel? Scott was making fun of it. If you can help me & are still at PAX, I will reward you with a drawing of a sailboat OR a delicious soda of your choice.
A non-feline Roast Beef Kazenzakis who uses punctuation and capital letters.
Swag bag stations are all over the place. Less tapped-out sources include the 6th floor near the south escalators, and the satellite theaters in the Sheraton -- the latter still had a few hundred just sitting around late this afternoon.
What the hell? Other than the swagbag and 2 shirts and couple pins, and didn't get any swag at all. Bummed.
That's really most of what you'll get. Anything better you have to work for, win in a contest, or already be following the exhibitor or something. For example, I've been a Facebook Fan of Trion's Rift, so I saw two things: they were giving away tickets to a Friday Night Rift party to anyone who asked, and at one point they had a contest to find one of their employees, with a clue. So me and a friend found the guy, got into the party, and a special lanyard, and t-shirt, and an in-game item and title for Rift.
Also, if you see someone else walking around with swag, don't be afraid to ask "Where did you get that big pink hat??" Pax is one place to ignore the "Don't talk to strangers" rule.
Yeah, this year the vendors are making people work for their swag (which is a good thing). Last year too many people just showed up, asked for crap and walked away. I know the stuff is free, but the vendors should get just a little love for their efforts (and dime).
I quit today at 5 tshirts. Do not need or want more (although some I did not get were sweet). Plus lines at some booths were in the hours for a wait!!!!! THat is too long for me, even with the cell phone to divert my attention.
I just did not have much fun today for some reason. It SEEMED way more crowded than last year in the Expo halls, and the lines seems a lot slower.
But there is lots of good things to see and play. I just think I will be "done: early this year. Plus the weather is too good in Seattle this weekend not to do stuff "outside".
BIG SHOUT OUT to OnLive for the MASSIVE freebie. I was not planning on trying out there service, but for their efforts, I will give it a try.
One more thing, for the PAX staff. It is kind of BS how they queue everyone in the morning. Actually I ahve not problem with the queuing, but when they actually start moving the various lines into the Expo, it is BS that "newer" lines got to go before older ones.
I'm honestly quite shocked how fast everything went. I know people have said that you have to plan for only a couple of things, but man, I went to the AVGN panel in the morning (freaking awesome), and it took like 5 hours out of me. It was worth it though.
I hope I get a chance to play Skyrim, Counter Strike, Mass Effect 3, etc. tomorrow.
Anyone knows in OnLive are still going to be giving away their console tomorrow?
I got 9 tshirts, a hat, sunglasses, countless avatar codes/free downloadable games, Halo toys, etc for free today. I m not here to brag, but where should I put where I got everything (there used to be a swag post but it got merged)? I know where to find most of the swag on the floor, and would love to also trade/give some of it away.
Edit: Ill post where I got my favorite swag here for now:
If you want any of this stuff let me know, I am going to do a giveaway for the website I run, but you guys can have first dibs/trading rights.
Resistance Tshirt- good quality, at PS3 booth for playing multiplayer, get the same for Uncharted 3, which has a long line. Ratchet and Clank you need to get a paper hat, and have one of each (4) on 4 different people.
Poker Night (the Telltale games one)- For free if you go to where they are selling Jurassic Park stuff (retail $5)
Halo mini toys- Next to where they do panels, sign up for a community thing, get two toys.
Rage and Prey 2 tshirts- Be at their booth at the right time
Lord of the Rings Tshirt- White handprint on the front, Lord of the Rings Online booth, far left if you are looking at it, you need to do some Facebook thing for a backpack, but just ask for a thsirt
OnLive tshirt- No line, ask anyone at the booth for one
Hardest stuff to get- Skyrim plush hat and The Old Republic shirts, the lines are crazy long
An internet friend I'm meeting in Seattle has asked me if I could get some art from a magic the gathering artists there who will be signing mats. I said no problem, but I'm not sure where I would get that. can anyone point me in the right direction/time?
It looks like Card Kingdom will have some options, both at their booth and at the store (there's a free shuttle to/from PAX!)
Swag bag stations are all over the place. Less tapped-out sources include the 6th floor near the south escalators, and the satellite theaters in the Sheraton -- the latter still had a few hundred just sitting around late this afternoon.
I came in at 10:30 yesterday and they were out. But while in line for Wil Wheaton's panel, I saw a bunch of swag bags on the table. I was going to ask if I could take one, but I figured they were preparing them for the next day. So we ARE allowed to take one?
I think you can take one, or you can ask a friendly enforcer nearby.
as a side note I was really disappointed to see a few swag bags broken apart and all over the floor as I left from the Keynote/Q&A yesterday. Leaving trash for others to clean up = being a dick.
I'm just curious what all was in the swag bags. By the time we got there, everything was gone, gone, gone. I did get a sweet End of Nations hat though so can't complain too much. I was just wondering so I know what to look for on ebay.
I'm just curious what all was in the swag bags. By the time we got there, everything was gone, gone, gone. I did get a sweet End of Nations hat though so can't complain too much. I was just wondering so I know what to look for on ebay.
Just a bunch of flyers, a Dead Island comic book, World of Tanks game, Promotions, Coupons, Game Careers Guide, a Nico tshirt, a deck of Magic Cards and of course, the PAX schedule/map guide.
At the Gabe & Tycho Q&A, they basically said it'd be Labor Day weekend every year until 2019, as there's this other convention that has the convention center booked every seven years on Labor Day weekend.
We tried every morning to get swag bags. Saturday we got there at 10:30 and they told us they had run out at 9:30... which is strange since supposedly they don't even open PAX until 10. When they had none Sunday morning I was floored .... Don't they know how many people are going to be at PAX and then provide bags accordingly?
We tried every morning to get swag bags. Saturday we got there at 10:30 and they told us they had run out at 9:30... which is strange since supposedly they don't even open PAX until 10. When they had none Sunday morning I was floored .... Don't they know how many people are going to be at PAX and then provide bags accordingly?
I was a little surprised/disappointed by this as well. We went to 10am panels both Saturday and Sunday and missed out. The number of passes is a known quantity, it seems like matching that number would be the goal.
Is there any kind of post-event lost and found? I totally left a bag with some purchases at the show.
I'm looking for this or a lost and found thread. One of my good friends lost her phone (a Droid X) or had it stolen by the Uncharted 3 booth. She set it down turned around and it was gone. I'm hoping someone picked it up and turned it in.
i grabbed a swag bag on saturday and there were some enforcers telling people to only take one swag bag for the entirety of PAX, not one per day. i guess they were having people take multiple bags in search of rare swag of complete sets
We tried every morning to get swag bags. Saturday we got there at 10:30 and they told us they had run out at 9:30... which is strange since supposedly they don't even open PAX until 10. When they had none Sunday morning I was floored .... Don't they know how many people are going to be at PAX and then provide bags accordingly?
Swag bags are filled with items provided by sponsors/vendors, and assembled by a team of Enforcers the weekend before PAX. Some vendors only provide 5,000 items, some provide 50,000 items, and the bags are stuffed until the items run out. I believe the count of swag bags this year was 70,000, although an [E] who was at SAX could probably correct me (I'm going off what my [E] husband told me) if I'm wrong, so they do in fact do their best to ensure that every attendee receives a swag bag. I'm sorry that you did not receive one.
Is there any kind of post-event lost and found? I totally left a bag with some purchases at the show.
I'm looking for this or a lost and found thread. One of my good friends lost her phone (a Droid X) or had it stolen by the Uncharted 3 booth. She set it down turned around and it was gone. I'm hoping someone picked it up and turned it in.
The lost and found is packed up and shipped to the PA warehouse after we finish teardown. Email describing your items and if they were found, some way of getting them to you will be worked out.
--Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
We tried every morning to get swag bags. Saturday we got there at 10:30 and they told us they had run out at 9:30... which is strange since supposedly they don't even open PAX until 10. When they had none Sunday morning I was floored .... Don't they know how many people are going to be at PAX and then provide bags accordingly?
Swag bags are filled with items provided by sponsors/vendors, and assembled by a team of Enforcers the weekend before PAX. Some vendors only provide 5,000 items, some provide 50,000 items, and the bags are stuffed until the items run out. I believe the count of swag bags this year was 70,000, although an [E] who was at SAX could probably correct me (I'm going off what my [E] husband told me) if I'm wrong, so they do in fact do their best to ensure that every attendee receives a swag bag. I'm sorry that you did not receive one.
We planned to fill 25,000 bags (if every attendee took only 1 bag, this would mean every or nearly every attendee would get a bag*). Most of the sponsors provided at least 25,000 items, but a few did not. There were only ~23,000 niconico shirts, so we stopped filling bags when we ran out of shirts (over 11 hours of bag stuffing by hundreds of Enforcers).
On Saturday, there was an issue with many attendees taking more than one bag, so we stopped giving them out pretty early that day so there would be some left over for the Sunday-only attendees. The Sunday bags (~5,000) were available in the Queue Room starting at 8am and were all gone by around 9am. I am sorry that all that wanted a bag did not receive a bag.
The show opens at 8am and the bags are available starting at that time. The show starts at 10am and it's totally possible that the available bags for the day will be all taken before the 10am start. This difference between "open" and "start" times is similar to a concert. For example, concerts often open doors at 7pm but the performance might not begin until 8:30pm or later.
*The 70,000 number that people throw around is an "attendance" estimate. Attendance is the count of the number of people that enter a show over the course of the show. Since someone with a 3 day badge enters the show three times, they are counted 3 times for the attendance count. If the attendance was actually 70,000 and they were all 3-day pass holders, 23,000 bags would be more than enough for every person to get a bag. The way that PAX actually determines the official attendance figure is based on a relatively complicated formula based on the money taken in from sales of the 10 different badge types, the ratios of the different types, and how many of them were actually used; the total number of people that enter the building on a given day is not directly counted.
--Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
What a super informative post, jaberwockynmt! That sort of info (especially the last paragraph) should be put in a FAQ if it isn't there already. Thanks!
The number of people this year who took multiple pieces of swag / shirts / things like that to resell them was insane.
There's someone on eBay right now (successfully) selling 100 of the Pax Sivir LoL skins for $40 each... the ones that came in the swag bags.
Something like that shouldn't be allowed, as that takes swag away from people who actually want to get it for themselves.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
the convention center and theaters?
Yes, definitely. People are using backpacks for swag and nutritional storage, so be sure to take your wearable holding bag of choice!
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
1) Where do I pick up my swag bag?
2) What time do people usually start lining up Saturday morning?
You can get plenty of Swag Bags anywhere if you arrive early (like at 9:00 am).
I was there today at 9:00 and there was plenty of room to be among the first on line. I suspect Saturday will be about the same.
Also, if you see someone else walking around with swag, don't be afraid to ask "Where did you get that big pink hat??" Pax is one place to ignore the "Don't talk to strangers" rule.
I quit today at 5 tshirts. Do not need or want more (although some I did not get were sweet). Plus lines at some booths were in the hours for a wait!!!!! THat is too long for me, even with the cell phone to divert my attention.
I just did not have much fun today for some reason. It SEEMED way more crowded than last year in the Expo halls, and the lines seems a lot slower.
But there is lots of good things to see and play. I just think I will be "done: early this year. Plus the weather is too good in Seattle this weekend not to do stuff "outside".
BIG SHOUT OUT to OnLive for the MASSIVE freebie. I was not planning on trying out there service, but for their efforts, I will give it a try.
One more thing, for the PAX staff. It is kind of BS how they queue everyone in the morning. Actually I ahve not problem with the queuing, but when they actually start moving the various lines into the Expo, it is BS that "newer" lines got to go before older ones.
That falls under WWheaton's "dick" category.
I hope I get a chance to play Skyrim, Counter Strike, Mass Effect 3, etc. tomorrow.
Anyone knows in OnLive are still going to be giving away their console tomorrow?
Edit: Ill post where I got my favorite swag here for now:
If you want any of this stuff let me know, I am going to do a giveaway for the website I run, but you guys can have first dibs/trading rights.
Resistance Tshirt- good quality, at PS3 booth for playing multiplayer, get the same for Uncharted 3, which has a long line. Ratchet and Clank you need to get a paper hat, and have one of each (4) on 4 different people.
Poker Night (the Telltale games one)- For free if you go to where they are selling Jurassic Park stuff (retail $5)
Halo mini toys- Next to where they do panels, sign up for a community thing, get two toys.
Rage and Prey 2 tshirts- Be at their booth at the right time
Lord of the Rings Tshirt- White handprint on the front, Lord of the Rings Online booth, far left if you are looking at it, you need to do some Facebook thing for a backpack, but just ask for a thsirt
OnLive tshirt- No line, ask anyone at the booth for one
Hardest stuff to get- Skyrim plush hat and The Old Republic shirts, the lines are crazy long
Found it, thanks
Google +
I came in at 10:30 yesterday and they were out. But while in line for Wil Wheaton's panel, I saw a bunch of swag bags on the table. I was going to ask if I could take one, but I figured they were preparing them for the next day. So we ARE allowed to take one?
as a side note I was really disappointed to see a few swag bags broken apart and all over the floor as I left from the Keynote/Q&A yesterday. Leaving trash for others to clean up = being a dick.
Just a bunch of flyers, a Dead Island comic book, World of Tanks game, Promotions, Coupons, Game Careers Guide, a Nico tshirt, a deck of Magic Cards and of course, the PAX schedule/map guide.
From my understanding, they set aside a certain number for each day. Other booths follow this policy too.
I was a little surprised/disappointed by this as well. We went to 10am panels both Saturday and Sunday and missed out. The number of passes is a known quantity, it seems like matching that number would be the goal.
I'm looking for this or a lost and found thread. One of my good friends lost her phone (a Droid X) or had it stolen by the Uncharted 3 booth. She set it down turned around and it was gone. I'm hoping someone picked it up and turned it in.
Swag bags are filled with items provided by sponsors/vendors, and assembled by a team of Enforcers the weekend before PAX. Some vendors only provide 5,000 items, some provide 50,000 items, and the bags are stuffed until the items run out. I believe the count of swag bags this year was 70,000, although an [E] who was at SAX could probably correct me (I'm going off what my [E] husband told me) if I'm wrong, so they do in fact do their best to ensure that every attendee receives a swag bag. I'm sorry that you did not receive one.
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
On Saturday, there was an issue with many attendees taking more than one bag, so we stopped giving them out pretty early that day so there would be some left over for the Sunday-only attendees. The Sunday bags (~5,000) were available in the Queue Room starting at 8am and were all gone by around 9am. I am sorry that all that wanted a bag did not receive a bag.
The show opens at 8am and the bags are available starting at that time. The show starts at 10am and it's totally possible that the available bags for the day will be all taken before the 10am start. This difference between "open" and "start" times is similar to a concert. For example, concerts often open doors at 7pm but the performance might not begin until 8:30pm or later.
*The 70,000 number that people throw around is an "attendance" estimate. Attendance is the count of the number of people that enter a show over the course of the show. Since someone with a 3 day badge enters the show three times, they are counted 3 times for the attendance count. If the attendance was actually 70,000 and they were all 3-day pass holders, 23,000 bags would be more than enough for every person to get a bag. The way that PAX actually determines the official attendance figure is based on a relatively complicated formula based on the money taken in from sales of the 10 different badge types, the ratios of the different types, and how many of them were actually used; the total number of people that enter the building on a given day is not directly counted.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
There's someone on eBay right now (successfully) selling 100 of the Pax Sivir LoL skins for $40 each... the ones that came in the swag bags.
Something like that shouldn't be allowed, as that takes swag away from people who actually want to get it for themselves.