Prepare for trouble, and make it double! The second PAX Prime Pokemon League is coming soon, and soon your childhood dreams of fighting Gym Leaders, earning badges, and defeating the dastardly Team Rocket will be realized.
The PAX Pokemon League is an alternate-reality game that is played during all of PAX and is played with your own copy of Pokemon Black or White. Full rules are posted
on our website.
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
Be the very best. Like no one ever was.
Just so you all know, We're taking a good long look at applications this week! There are a lot of good applications, but we still want more! To have a good shot at being a leader (if that's what you want to do) Go sign up Post-haste! The sooner you apply, the more likely you are to get accepted.
That being said: if you don't apply soon, don't take it like you'll never be accepted. The nature of the beast is that people drop from the league for many reasons, so we're always in search of good leaders.
All else fails, show us what you've got and be crowned champion of the Pax Pookemon Legue as a challenger!
Please do not be alarmed if you don't hear back on your application until then.
If not, then maybe as a grunt or a Veteran or whatever. I may have an idea for the Buttoneering to coinside with this.
Although, discovering that the battles are done with Pokemon above level 50 scaled down to that level makes the amount of time I've spent grinding my Pokemon up to level 80 look a bit silly...
Got some leveling and grinding to do! Well, starting tomorrow when I pick up my copy at the midnight launch of Portal 2.
Soneone at the original League (from last year) actually did rather well in a national TCG Competition. I'm pretty sure he'll be back this year. <= bad <= good
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch-
Who are these shadowy figures? What awaits you in the league?
Stay tuned, and don't let this thread die.
Nay, I need that for other precious gaming, like Steel Batallion and the like.
God, highlight of the whole show for me. Hahahahaha!
Poster design spoilered to conserve space.
I got really into it, just wish I had more time to improve my skills with it.
much like many things.
This next week for example, when I'm not pal'ing around with Disney mascots, I'm going to be doing some serious training.
And in the meantime...
Who are these people?
What do they have to do with the PAX Pokemon League?
Will we ever get to see anything but pictures of silhouettes?
All these questions and more will be answered soon!
While you're waiting, I hope you're getting your Pokemon team ready for the battle of a lifetime!
(And Losar, I said it already on the PPL forums, but I LOVE the poster so much!)
Be the very best. Like no one ever was.
My team is only in its early 30s. And then once I get them up to 50 I'm going to have to farm those stupid feathers off of that stupid bridge. My pony, she is so fragile - you poke her and she faints. But man, does she pack a punch.
Oh well, it shall be worth it. And of course huge thanks to all involved for setting this up again - I'm looking forward to seeing the gym leaders! I think I've got my elemental types covered, but there's always room adjustment.
I would also suggest checking out the actual PPL forums. They've got a board there dedicated to getting your team up to snuff. I don't know as much about Black/White as I did with the previous games, but if you've got any questions feel free to ask any through a PM or here and I'll do my best to help.
i.e. Me. I don't know what the frickity-frack the reasons behind their IVs, EVs, Nature/Mood, etc etc etc; but all of us can do the best to our ability to answer questions you may have--just like Gameshark said.
Just checking in and seeing if things are picking up or not. I'm not heading to Prime, but I'm still eager to see what's going on and the like. Personally, I'm waiting for the next East competition...already have seven teams ready to be used at a moment's notice (I've been a busy little bee)
I've also been chatting with a few people who are going to act as my you all might be facing a few of my teams when Prime comes along! I'm looking forward to seeing how they fare. :twisted:
Black: 0647 5155 3272
Pkmn Breeder
Certified Gold Card Carrier - (E4, Entralink, Musical, Pokedex Complete)
Everyone make sure lots of pictures of the PPL are taken - I'm counting on you!