FLCL revolves around Naota. His life in the city of Mabase is interrupted by the arrival of Haruko Haruhara (who is an alien) who bursts on the scene by running Naota over with her Vespa scooter, then giving him CPR and hitting him on the head with a blue vintage Rickenbacker 4001 left-handed electric bass guitar.[2][3] Later, Naota is shocked to find Haruko working in his house as a live-in maid.
Since then, Giant Robots from Medical Mechanica have been coming out of Naota's head and cause more problems for Naota. Haruko is using Naota for her search for the Pirate King, Atomsk, because Naota's head is the only one that can create a passageway for the robots. It also puts her at odds with Medical Mechanica, the monolithic industrial corporation. At the same time, Naota is being watched by Commander Amarao, who believes that Medical Mechanica is out to conquer the galaxy. The combination of circumstances gets Naota involved in a three-way battle between Haruko, Amarao and Medical Mechanica. The underlying theme is Naota's coming of age as he becomes more mature and learns to express his feelings.
no, no, no!
Wimble on
#pipeCocky Stride, Musky odoursPope of Chili TownRegistered Userregular
edited May 2011
FLCL is actually a lot of fun.
It's very self aware.
#pipeCocky Stride, Musky odoursPope of Chili TownRegistered Userregular
edited May 2011
hmmm rock/metal
See when it comes to hip hop, I'm always hooked by the music and the vocals grow on me over time. I looooove hip hop that sticks to its soul traditions, that's why I always enjoy The Roots.
FLCL revolves around Naota. His life in the city of Mabase is interrupted by the arrival of Haruko Haruhara (who is an alien) who bursts on the scene by running Naota over with her Vespa scooter, then giving him CPR and hitting him on the head with a blue vintage Rickenbacker 4001 left-handed electric bass guitar.[2][3] Later, Naota is shocked to find Haruko working in his house as a live-in maid.
Since then, Giant Robots from Medical Mechanica have been coming out of Naota's head and cause more problems for Naota. Haruko is using Naota for her search for the Pirate King, Atomsk, because Naota's head is the only one that can create a passageway for the robots. It also puts her at odds with Medical Mechanica, the monolithic industrial corporation. At the same time, Naota is being watched by Commander Amarao, who believes that Medical Mechanica is out to conquer the galaxy. The combination of circumstances gets Naota involved in a three-way battle between Haruko, Amarao and Medical Mechanica. The underlying theme is Naota's coming of age as he becomes more mature and learns to express his feelings.
no, no, no!
Terrible summary, you really just want to go look it up on TV tropes to understand just how incredibly badshit insane crazy awesome the show is. (look up Gurren Lagann while you are there).
Some people I know were watching it religiously and saying it was great. I'm not big on anime though, I just like a few.
I did play Mahjong with them online while they were into that, they all knew the rules, I had no need for such knowledge. I'm lucky enough to win anyway.
stimtokolos on
AJRSome guy who wrestlesNorwichRegistered Userregular
edited June 2011
I like Kanye. I don't think he's all that great as a rapper, but he's a great producer.
I just heard someone say it's the first day of winter. Is this true?
Fuck my life.
LaCabra on
VivixenneRemember your training, and we'll get through this just fine.Registered Userregular
edited June 2011
I don't know if they're saying it because it's the first day of June (hence the June-July-August winter) or if it's actually, meteorologically, the first day of winter
2DS/3DS Friend code 0361-7385-2366
Twitter: @PoeticGecko
no stop laughing it's all about sports anime it is the best
2DS/3DS Friend code 0361-7385-2366
Twitter: @PoeticGecko
Don't look at me I'm a monster!
Oh, on the topic of rap, can anyone recommend me some rap I won't hate? I've never listened to much.
It was completely insane.
hajime no ippo is about boxing and prince of tennis is about tennis
those are the only ones I've watched but I know there are more
I say phoeey to your dumb big robot animes
It probably already exists come to think.
Well what kind of music do you like in general? Hip Hop has many many different styles. I'll post a few of my favourites though
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
no, no, no!
It's very self aware.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better
I just had fun groaning at the plot summary
I listen to a fair range of stuff, but the biggest folders in my music library are rock/metal and electronic. That's probably not very helpful.
I'm really liking that first one you posted though! I'll go through and listen to them all.
See when it comes to hip hop, I'm always hooked by the music and the vocals grow on me over time. I looooove hip hop that sticks to its soul traditions, that's why I always enjoy The Roots.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
None shall pass is actually one of the few rap songs I've really liked previously, but I'd forgotten what it was called. Glad to find it again.
I also listen to a fair bit of stuff with a slower tempo, so that might be why 3030 is doing it for me more.
EDITx2: Not really feeling it for Truth.
Plot summaries? A lot of shit sounds stupid when you listen to plot summaries.
FLCL is amazing, my second favorite of all time, ever. Probably never going to drop any lower than that.
There is a special place in hell reserved for whoever made this video.
Terrible summary, you really just want to go look it up on TV tropes to understand just how incredibly badshit insane crazy awesome the show is. (look up Gurren Lagann while you are there).
Anime night at mine? :winky:
I'll throw a couple of rap songs out there too. These aren't favourites, just songs I've recently heard and enjoyed.
I turn up, I'm the only one there, the lights are dimmed, and it slowly dawns on me that the olive oil you made me bring isn't for the barbecue.
I'm not that fancy
and of course
Yeah, I'm pretty keen on Common's stuff.
Also Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, the Gorillaz, The Streets etc. etc. etc.
we used to re-enact the episodes with a balloon
no Kanye
Kanye is awful
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
woo sports anime
I'm not sure why I made myself the ambassador of sports anime but I'm gonna embrace it
I thought--
I thought I was the only one with this opinion!
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
Some people I know were watching it religiously and saying it was great. I'm not big on anime though, I just like a few.
I did play Mahjong with them online while they were into that, they all knew the rules, I had no need for such knowledge. I'm lucky enough to win anyway.
sorry I get distracted easily
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
yeah pretty much
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
I will pay to get your haircut like mine. (terribly)
Fuck my life.