Borderlands 2 info trickling out!
Some stuff we know for sure:
- Four new classes, including Salvador the Gunzerker whose special ability is dual wielding weapons.
- The old characters will appear as NPCs.
- Gun manufacturers will be more significant in the new game, including Bandit weapons with things like beer bottle scopes.
It's not clear yet exactly what percentage of aliens will be based on human female anatomy.
Here is
a month's worth of articles and videos at Game Informer.
Antihippy brings us
a bunch of images from gaf, including this one:
And now, standing on the shoulders of giants, Borderlands thread TWELVE!
eleven ten nine eight seven six five four three two one)
So what is this game?
It's a shooter with light RPG elements and a heavy emphasis on loot gathering (a la Diablo/Titan Quest/WoW, but GUNS!) in a distinctive art style set in a sci fi Mad Maxy/Firefly-y backwater planet.
The single-player is terrific, but the game really shines in co-op with up to 3 other players. It is an ambitious new IP from developer Gearbox and has some real flaws and bone-headed design decisions. If shooting and looting is your cup of tea, though, there is WAAAAY more to like than to dislike.
This trailer really captures the feel of the game:
This preview is pretty much perfect in terms of what you can expect:
And this is how I feel when I play the game:
(Thanks, Axen!)
So there are DLC. How are they?:
General forum consensus on the DLC's seems to be:
#1 Zombie Island:PRO: Fun, good sized new areas to explore with entertaining new main and side quests, arguably better story than main game, more stuff to do for your characters esp. if Playthrough 2 is not your bag, zombie baddies are generally interesting
CON: Doesn't increase level cap, no one is shooting at you, zombies are dark against dark background, no fast travel or vehicles (lots of running), spitter zombies are a bit bullshit and penalize melee builds
WHEN TO PLAY: The enemies scale, so you
can play anytime after level 10. If you are playing the main game at the time, though, you will be significantly over-leveled when you return.
OVERALL: Most folks seem to like it. Word of advice, get the Braaaaains quest sooner rather than later:
#2 Moxxi's Underdome Riot:PRO: Hardcore, Only place to run your so-called badass characters against a crucible of wave after wave of attackers, Moxxi (the character) is awesome - very funny, Gun bank & Claptrap w/ monocle, two extra skill points available (one for each playthrough)
CON: Hard. Core. No experience, no loot drops (except for a few unremarkable drops from Moxxi after each five waves), all-or-nothing 25 or 100 round events - no pausing, no saving, no incremental progress, no Spiderants (probably a PRO for some)
WHEN TO PLAY: Any time. There's no experience and no loot to speak of, so you can Moxxi it up any time and return to any storyline without impact.
OVERALL: A few want exactly this. For most it is just too much effort for too little reward. If you are a completionist or just want the skill points, get a lowbie to host and just run through it with higher level characters.
#3 Secret Armory of General KnoxxPRO: Big, interesting new enemies, good times with favorite characters, new characters and story, funny, Level cap increased to 61, great loot after finishing main story, farmable superboss, new vehicles, new superrare weapon rarity
CON: Very hard, especially the first few encounters. No fast travel - so lots and lots of driving (not great for just playing 20 min)
WHEN TO PLAY: Playthrough 1 badguys start at level 35 and Playthrough 2 start at 50. If you want to play the main game, Knoxx and Zombie Island, you could do worse than playing them in that order.
OVERALL: Pretty awesome actually. Some folks are put off by the difficulty or all the driving. Most seem to enjoy it and some (including me) think it's handily the best of the 4.
#4 Claptrap RevolutionPRO: Big. Shooting claptraps. Fantastic (super farmable) reward at end of storyline quest. A few good laughs.
CON: Recycled enemies get old fast, especially bosses. First DLC done by someone other than Gearbox and it shows in terms of consistency of gameplay, design and especially humor. Two of the absolute least interesting fetch quests in the history of video games. Multiple achievements based on obscure random drops.
WHEN TO PLAY: Post Knoxx.
OVERALL: Lots of negative feelings about this one from many of the core players. If you want more Bordlerlands and maybe some new places to put all the loot you got from Knoxx through it's paces, this DLC will deliver. Just don't expect the highs of Zombie Island or Knoxx.
DLC 4 -- Claptrap's New Robot Revolution:
No activation limit/SecuROM for Steam version!
"The Claptraps are revolting!"
"They certainly are."
CLAPTRAP REVOLUTION TRAILER3rd DLC -- The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
No activation limit/SecuROM for Steam version!
Fuckawesome Trailer
Big new areas (larger than first two DLC combined) designed for postgame characters:
- New bad guys - Midgets riding skags, Stidery things, Jetpack Lancers, Mechs, Dual-katana wielding she-ninjas, etc.
- New vehicles, including the Lance APC that can hold all 4 players
- Level cap goes up from 50 to 61
- New "pearlescent" rarity of weapons
- No more duped weapons (!) and other fixes (Patch notes for XBox, PS3, and PC)
- More Scooter, more Moxxi, more achievements, more, more, more!
PC Players Can Mod in Fast Travel
Some handy person on the GB forums created a mod for fast travel to the various Knoxx locations,
here (aka teleport mod, oasis mod, knoxx hub mod).
BONUS:Guide to Siren Soloing Crawmerax
DLC 2 -- Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot:
The new adventure on Pandora is called Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot and has three new Riot Arenas.
Basically Horde/Firefight in Pandora. Good co-op fun, although be advised no experience for killing baddies (there is experience for completing challenges) and no loot drops except as prizes underneath Moxxi's perch.
Also there's an
item bank staffed by a dapper claptrap in a monocle and tophat.
UNDERDOME TRAILERDLC 1 -- The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned:
Zombie killing gameplay in a new area about the size of the Arid Badlands. Consensus seems to be that its good fun - nice to have a new area to shoot and some very funny dialogue - with some quibbles (dark zombies on dark backgrounds, no fast travel, braaaaaains quest should start earlier).
Protip: Go find the "
Braaaaaains" quest immediately.
ZOMBIE ISLAND TRAILERHelpful Advice for New Players
- The accuracy stat on weapons is surprisingly important. Accuracy is the percentage change for your shot to go down the center of the targeting reticule. So most starter shotguns, for example, w/ accuracy stats like 11, won't hit anything more than 10 feet away. Some weapons may feel 'loose' until you find a different gun or up your proficiency.
- Inventory space is your most precious commodity out of the gate. Make hard decisions and sell most stuff you find that you aren't using. (This gets easier as you unlock your 3rd and 4th active weapon slot.) Some folks who hoard early find they have to spend all their money just to buy more ammo. If you sell almost all the stuff you find, you won't have this problem after the first few levels.
- Contrary to standard RPG experience, you probably don't want to carry medkits around with you. There is no quick button for them, they heal over time, they are expensive, and they take up precious inventory space. Usually enough medkits will drop when you are fighting and pretty soon all characters have a low level skill that lets them either run away or get health or both.
- When you can afford it, upgrade your ammo capacity for the 1-2 gun types you use most. Makes a big difference. You do this from the ammo kiosks by buying the ammo type SDU (Storage Deck Upgrade) upgrade.
- Re-speccing is cheap and available at any of the New-U stations scattered throughout Pandora. Definitely play with builds once you get 10+ skill points to mess around with.
- The kiosks rotate inventory every twenty minutes. Check often. It's not uncommon to find something really great. My first orange weapon ever came from a kiosk.
- Level matters a lot in this game. If you face a baddie more than a couple levels above yours, your shots will do as much damage as spitballs. There's one storyline encounter in particular that will kick your ass if you go straight for it. If you find yourself getting completely trounced, do a couple of side missions. This is much less of a problem in general after you unlock vehicles.
- When you first get a vehicle, read the pop-up, esp. how to lock on the turret. (Two of the three dumbest encounters of the game are bypassed quickly with turret lock on.)
- If you do all the side missions you will pretty quickly be somewhat overleveled for the storyline missions (after the first 2-3 bosses). If you are finding the game to be too easy, ease up on the side missions (and/or try using some different weapons.)
- There are a bunch of "challenges," basically in-game achievements, you can get XP for. Melee X guys or Melt Y dudes w/ corrosive damage, that sort of thing. Access the list and view your progress in a subscreen off your quests screen.
- When you play co-op, have the host log out last to minimize chances of lost data.
- In almost all circumstances, the machine gun car is better than the rocket car.
- Skags burn nicely.
Tips w/ Very Minor Spoilers
- When you first start a game, follow the Claptrap's instructions until he unlocks the town gate and you hear bandit cars roaring overhead. Then stop, go to the nearby hotel (behind you) and loot the ammo around it. Jump on top of the building to find a weapon chest. Whatever you find is almost guaranteed to be better than your starting weapon. Then there is another little area against some rocks opposite the hotel from the gate that has some more ammo and money.
- You will unlock fast travel and won't have to run around everywhere, but not in the first 15 or so levels.
- Every Claptrap you save after the first gives you a Backpack SDU upgrade. You have to activate it in your inventory, and when you do you get three glorious more inventory slots (42 max, 45 w/ a bug). Prioritize saving Claptraps accordingly.
- Similarly, you will find artifacts that imbue your class special ability with an elemental effect. You have to activate it from your inventory. If you get a message that you can't use it, either 1) it's for another class, or 2) you already have that level of elemental ability (there are 6 levels.) When you have multiple elements, you can change which element is active from the skills screen. It's a diamond to the left of your main ability.
- In 90% of the games I've played, when you first fix the medkit/shield machine, the special sale item is a slightly improved shield with a slow health regen. Hugely useful. If you've looted everything to that point, you will be able to buy it.
- Yes, you can respec your skill tree for a nominal fee. You go to a New-U station, which are pretty much everywhere (as soon as you enter a new area, you're next to one) and you can do it there for a certain percent of your wealth.
- Where is the last piece?! For find-the-pieces quests, your quest marker only points you to the general area. If you can't find the last piece, use the treasure marker on your HUD instead of the quest marker.
- You can play with multiples of the same class. Four Bricks? No problem.
- Class mods require at least one skill point in whatever they are buffing. No points in Silent Resolve? No buff from the mod.
- Class mods CAN exceed the normal five point limit of skills.
- You can play with people of a higher or lower level than yourself, you'll get mad XP if you're the lower level player. Be advised there's a bug where you may get all their quests, which is confusing but shouldn't actually break anything.
- Artifacts are consumed, not equipped. Activate it from your inventory and then go to your skill tree, and click the diamond-shaped box to the left of your main class skill. You'll get a list of every artifact you've used. Pick whatever is best for the situation! (If you can't consume an artifact from inventory its either for a different class or you already have that level (of up to 6.))
- Getting a second car w/ 3-4 players is not intuitive. There's a tab in the vehicle spawn stations (use the shoulder button or mouse to access) for a second vehicle. That said, sometimes it's fun to just push a friend around Pandora with the front of your car.
- Steam achievements were added in August 2010. Here's a list of which ones are retroactive and which ones you'll have to do or redo.
A few helpful links (Spoilers Ahoy!)Gearbox Forums (esp.
known issues and fun
screenshot thread)
Borderlands WikiClaptraps GuideVery Handy MapThe Vault Hunters!From left to right: Roland, Lilith, Mordecai, Brick
Want info about the Vault Hunters and what character types they play like and their skill trees? Check the
OP of thread 11.
Super Useful PC Tweaks & Tips!
Someone on the GB Forums created a nifty
Borderlands Configuration Editor to make these changes easier.
Save Game Editor (Thanks, TNTrooper)
There's a setting in WillowEngine.ini: "OneFrameThreadLag=true"
Change it to false if you don't want one frame of lag between your mouse motion and rendering.
Make sure you also have the previously OP listed "bEnableMouseSmoothing" value set to false.
This made a HUGE difference for me, the game feels so much more responsive now, especially in online play.
Minor tip for PC folks that seem to escape a lot of people:
Press Y in game to private message a person on your friends list.
-Press Y
-Type: <friend's ID> <your message>
Also, chat messages are stored, so upon pressing Y again (this also works with T), just press the up arrow key to cycle through previously sent messages. This can be easier/faster than typing in the friends' name every time.
Note that you do NOT see what you have typed after pressing enter, it just closes the chat window.
There also seems to be a more forgiving queue with messages like this, for example if you send a message while your friend is zoning, logging in, etc.
On the downside, the fucking message still only displays on-screen for the standard 5 seconds, and as far as I know, there is no keystroke to pull up a window of previous messages/chats.
How to set screen resolution in windowed mode
I did this by editing the .INI files before launching the game. In WillowEngine.ini, I changed Fullscreen to false, changed ResX to 1600, and ResY to 900. So I run 1600x900 windowed on my 1680x1050 monitor. However, I think if you go poking around in the video settings after manually changing the .INI, the game will stomp your tweaks when it saves video settings. So make your preferred video changes in-game first, exit the game and twiddle the .INI, then relaunch.
How to change FOV:
>> my documents\games\borderlands\willowgame
open willowinput.ini
Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="FOV 90",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
add it amongst the other bindings, change the fov to whatever you want and switch it by the corresponding keys
How to turn off In-Game Voice Chat:
>> my documents\games\borderlands\willowgame
open willowengine.ini
find bHasVoiceEnabled=true
change it to false and you wont be transmitting voice all the time. Then you can use a better voice chat system, like Steam VOIP or Ventrilo. At least until Gearbox decides to patch this version up :P
(shamelessly stolen from the GBX forums ;-))
If the mouse feels odd to you, try this:
>> my documents\games\borderlands\willowgame
open willowinput.ini
Find bEnableMouseSmoothing=true, change to false
How to turn off the opening splash screens:
1) Navigate to My Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config
2) Open WillowEngine.ini
3) Search for "FullScreenMovie"
4) Erase all the entries in the [FullScreenMovie] section (Do not go past the next section title, wrapped in square brackets!)
5) Make the file read only: (Right click, properties, read only)
6) Done! All you see now is the engine logos and such (much better than seeing all the other videos).
Zoom Toggle
Within WillowInput.ini:
Put the text below under [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]
Bindings=(Name="ZoomIn",Command="StartAltFire | setbind ThumbMouseButton zoomout",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftT rigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False, bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ZoomOut",Command="StopAltFire | setbind ThumbMouseButton zoomin",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTr igger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,b IgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ThumbMouseButton",Command="zoomout ",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrig ger= False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnore Shift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
If you want to use the right mouse button to zoom:
Bindings=(Name="ZoomIn",Command="StartAltFire | setbind RightMouseButton zoomout",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftT rigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False, bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ZoomOut",Command="StopAltFire | setbind RightMouseButton zoomin",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTr igger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,b IgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Also Find:
Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="advance dbutton bAdvancedButtonAux5",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt =False,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnor eCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
and Replace with:
Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="zoomin" ,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigger=F alse,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreS hift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
To make crouch momentary instead of toggle:
Within WillowInput.ini
Search for the following line under [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]:
advancedbutton bAdvancedButtonAux1 | SwitchSeats
and change to
Duck | SwitchSeats
Want obsessive info about elemental damage? Check the
OP of thread 11.
Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and WOOOOOOOO GUNS
Note: This six chest run was nerfed in the Feb. patch, downgrading what had been red chest to lower quality whites. Follow this link to a complete walkthrough with pics in thread nine.
Rarity! From Bestest to Worstest!
Dark Orange
Items in your inventory are sorted by rarity. With your most rarest items at the top of the list. So double check that "white" weapon that is listed above your Orange weapon, it's more than likely a Pearl.
Understanding Gun Flavor Text!
Found in the stats boxes of guns are sometimes cryptic or humorous messages. These lines indicate a certain effect on the gun. Several decoded messages are as follows:
010011110100110101000111 (OMG) - Shoots an AoE electrical shock; similar to a rocket launcher. (Eridian 101100 Cannon)
2 More Bullets Makes All The Difference - Fires 5 round burst instead of standard 3 round burst. (Combat Rifles)
A beast of many forms - Fire, Lightning, and Poison. - Bullets alternate between the 3 elemental damage types on every shot. (Revolvers)
A Gift from Papa Krom - Fires a three-shot burst when aiming. (Repeater Pistols)
A hunter lives among the stars... - Chance to do Random Shock Damage in vicinity of user when fired. (Sniper Rifles)
Aim for the Sniper - Better accuracy while scoped. (Shotguns)
A Lead Wind Blows... - Fires two bullets per one ammo. (SMGs)
A Watchful Eye - Increased zoom. (The Sentinel)
Ammo is no longer an issue. - Regenerates Ammo. (Repeater Pistols)
BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM!BAM! - While scoped, a five round burst. (Sniper Rifles)
Be Careful Not to Drop It... Might Lose A Toe - +100% Melee Damage. (Repeater Pistols)
Beware The Horde - Once fired, one rocket becomes several. The longer the rockets travel, the more they split, which can lead to 20+ rockets for a single shot! (Rocket Launchers)
Beyond Groovy - Fires rockets instead of regular ammo. (Shotgun - Obtained from killing Flynt)
Big Tony says "Hi" - Massive magazine size. (Repeater Pistols)
Bring Out Your Dead - High Corrosion Chance. (Shotguns, reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Bring The HEAT! - Incendiary Rounds. (Revolvers, Repeater Pistols)
Careful... you might put someone's eye out - unknown (Rider, reference to the movie 'A Christmas Story'; Specifically the Red Rider BB gun and the infamous saying "You'll shoot your eye out.")
Cross Their Heart, Hope They Die - Spread follows a cross-shaped pattern. (Shotguns)
Death Rains from Above - Additional rockets fire from the initial explosion. (Rocket Launchers)
Double Whammy! - Shoots 2 bullets (per shot) at a 200% Burst Fire - (Revolvers, Repeater Pistols)
Drop the Hammer - Chance to cause massive damage, pellet spread on wall is in the shape of a hammer. (Shotguns)
Fast Hands - Super fast reload.
Feel the Sting - Fires 2 bullets with each shot. (Repeater Pistols)
Five Heads of Death - Each shot fires five tightly-grouped bursts, spaced out along a horizontal path. (Shotguns)
Fools! They call me maaaad! - Bullets zig-zag when fired, and ricochet. (Revolvers)
For the Mother Land - Ignores shield. (Snipers)
Give Sick. - High chance for Corrosive damage, effect has a chance to transfer to nearby enemies.
Gonna cook someone today - Creates small nuclear explosion when fired. (Rocket Launchers)
Guns of the Revolution never fall silent. - Massive Magazine. (Combat Rifles)
Hallelujah! - Regenerates Ammo (SMG's)
Have A Nice Day - Shots create a 'smiley-face' pattern, not really.
Hold Your Ground... Forever - Regenerates Ammo (Combat Rifles)
Holy Crap, It Shoots Rockets! - shoots rockets instead of pellets. (Shotguns, uses the weapon's ammo type not actual rockets)
I Can Do This All Day... - Regenerates Ammo. (Shotguns)
"I feel like I'm gonna break this thing." - Slower walking speed while held, causes massive shock damage (Alien Rifles, reference to the movie 'Men In Black'; Specifically, the ridiculously-powerful miniature handgun, 'The Noisy Cricket')
I Have You In My Eye, Sir - Massive Zoom. (Seen on a white sniper rifle)
I LIKE IT! - Massive explosive damage. (Sniper Rifles)
Invade your skull. - While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. (Repeater Pistols)
I spy with my little eye... - Massive scope zoom. (SMG's)
It Rises! - Rockets have an arced trajectory. (Rocket Launchers)
It's a Helluvah Thing - Speculated to have some knockback effect.
It's a Painful Thing - ??? (The Blister)
Lightning never strikes the same place twice, but it can strike freaking everywhere! - Area-of-Effect Shock (Alien Rifles)
Makes Their Brain Hurt - Each shot fires a shotgun-like burst. (Sniper Rifles)
May God have mercy upon my enemies because I won't - Ignores shields. (Is a famous quote from Patton, WWIl U.S. Army General)
Monster Kill! - Fires all rockets simultaneously with each trigger pull. (Rocket Launchers, possible reference to the 'Unreal' Series, mainly on the PC, where the rocket launchers can shoot up the six rockets with one shot. Getting five kills within four seconds of each other is a MONSTER KILL!)
Never Stop Shooting - Regenerates ammo. (Repeater Pistols)
Omnia vincit amor - 100% critcal damage bonus. (Lady Finger)
One Bad Dog - Massive Magazine. (Shotguns)
OMG! it shoots rockets! - FIRES ROCKETS (found randomly on a midget shotgunner and was white rarity.)shotgun)
Pain Heals. - Heals your co-op buddy when you shoot him.
Pele demands a sacrifice! - Massive Fire Damage.
Pew Pew Pew! - Has a chance to home in on your target.
Ride the Wave, Dude! - Bullets follow a wave pattern up and down as they go out from the gun. (Shotgun)
Slice Slice! - 300% Melee Damage.
Sniper Killer... Qu'est que c'est - Fully Automatic. (Sniper Rifles, reference to the song Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads, the lyrics are "Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?"; The full phrase in French is Un ami, qu'est-ce que c'est?)
Sniper Rifles are for Chumps. - High accuracy, tight pellet spread. (Shotguns)
Sometimes, I Forget To Reload - Unlimited ammo. - ( The Dove)
Tear it up - 300% Burst Fire Count. (SMG's)
The All-Seeing Eye. - Massive zoom. (Combat Rifles)
The Cutting Edge - Shots have a chance to ignore shields, massive zoom. (Sniper Rifles)
The Destructor has come. - While scoped, fires the entire clip in one burst. (Combat Rifles, reference to the movie Ghost Busters; Specifically a quote from the character "Gozer the Gozerian")
The Legend Lives - Knocks target back when hit. (Shotguns)
The ultimate close quarters feline. - Large magazine with low accuracy. (SMG's)
Thwack - Critical Damage deals more damage. (Sniper Rifle)
TORGUE! Bastard guns for bastard people! - Massive damage bonus (Torgue brand Combat Rifles)
Unending Firepower - Ammo is unlimited, it spends when you fire, but instantly regenerates.
Unrelenting Firepower - Regenerates ammo. (Revolvers)
The Unstoppable Force! - Rockets periodically explode in mid-flight. (Rocket Launchers, note the rocket continues traveling to hit its target, regardless of how many times it explodes in flight.)
Vengeance is Yours -100% melee damage, possibly. (Repeater Pistols
Walk It Off - Chance to score a critical hit on an enemy's legs. (Sniper rifles)
War is in your blood - Massive Magazine. (Combat Rifles)-( The Meat Grinder)
Why Don't You Go Shoot Yourself An Elephant? - Massive Damage, no scope. (Sniper Rifles)
We Don't Need No Water... - x4 Fire. (SMG)
Your Move, Creep - Fires a three-round burst per one ammo. (Repeater Pistols references the movie Robocop, the clue is one of the character's catchphrases, and the three-round burst is indicative of his signature sidearm, the Auto-9)
Note: Some of these effects may not be 100% accurate.
Also, some of these effects only apply to certain guns, such as those dropped by bosses, and the description relates to the boss itself, such as the description for "The Clipper" says "Be Careful Not to Drop It... Might Lose A Toe" belongs to the boss "Nine Toes " and is the reason for his namesake.
Manufacturers! aka: Brand Loyalty!
Atlas - All around good accuracy, fire rate, power, and low recoil for the level of the weapon. Rare at lower levels.
Dahl - These weapons will most likely have less recoil than most guns.
Eridians - Alien weaponry, generally high damage, unlimited ammunition.
Hyperion - These weapons feature long range scopes and high accuracy.
Jakobs - These weapons will typically have high damage, even without additional effects.
Maliwan - Weapons made by this corporation will always do elemental damage.
S&S Munitions - This company makes guns with extended magazines.
Tediore - This company makes guns that are lightweight and will reload faster.
Torgue - Typicaly combine good damage, low recoil, and high fire rate.
Vladof - Fires quicker than most other average guns.
Class Mods! A Path To A Better You!
Courtesy of Iolo
Eventually you'll find class mods which can be equipped in your inventory (under your shield and grenade mod). Class mods can add points to skills in your skill tree.
- You must have at least one point in a skill for the mod to have an effect. This was confirmed by Gearbox employee ennui over on the GB forums.
- Skill points + Mod points can exceed 5.
Mods can also affect other skills, like a soldier mod that gives the whole team ammo regen or a siren mod that increases SMG damage. There are 5-6 types of mods for each class, each with a name (like Siren's Plaguebringer, Mercenary, Firefly, etc.) and each coming in various strengths and configurations. Mods also tend to be worth more money than low level guns and grenade mods you'll find in the same area, so even mods for other classes may be worth making space for (when solo) to sell.Kasanagi's Intro to Weapon Modding & Other Tales(Patched out. Still interesting.)
Gearbox forumers are going to town on gun-modding.
This thread has fun pictures of various parts and at least one dude making Pandora versions of Earth weapons.
This thread is a doctoral dissertation on gun components and their possible combinations.
PC version crashing?
It's a big blue watery road
XBox secret achievement spoiler
Tee-hee ==>
Did you know this is what Borderlands looked like before the awesome redesign?
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked:
ComicCon 2009 trailer set to "No Heaven" by DJ Champion
Borderlands is for REAL GAMERS
Borderlands: Claptrap Web Series ep. 1
Borderlands: Claptrap Web Series ep. 2
Borderlands: Claptrap Web Series ep. 3
When posting in this thread or playing online with PAers remember the words of Jesus:
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
Post a link to your Steam page in the thread for an invite (any member can invite you.)
Join Steam group chat to drum up people for a game. (It's not always hopping these days, so sometimes you have to loudly announce you are heading into chat in the forum.)
Gamespy IDs! What, Like You're So Special?
I will probably regret this, but if you want to be added to the list PM me. Forum name then GSID is the format.
IceBurner = Jezzgiott
rakuencallisto = rakuencallisto
Forar = ForarW
Darkchampion3d = PANuclearmonkee
addsbadgers = addsbadgers
tofu = killertorfu
Lawndart = Lawndart
Raoulduke20/SarahPalin = BongRips2012
DiannaoChong = DiannaoChong
DeMoN = Toxic_Cizzle
MonkeyConQueso = Aubvry
mojojoeo = xMojoJoeOx
Scribemite = Discomite
Senshi = Senshibot
Sunstrand = XxSunstrandxX
Darmak = darmakx99
fsmith1 = fsmith1
Goose! = g0oseyourself
Zetx = zet_ecks
Cobalt60 = CobaltSixty
Iolo = iolonotlolo
GoodkingjayIII = goodkingjayiii
Syphonblue = syphonblue
Edomatic = Jack&Jonsey
harvest = CrimsonHarvest
Izanagi-Okami = BulbasaurPA
Grape Ape = InauguralGomez
AustinP0027 = AustinP0027
wavecutter = wavecutter
Zerocow = PA_Zerocow
revcom = melian dialogue
darunia106 = darunia106
Khavall = Khavall
SanderJK = SanderJK
Hawk = SamuraiHawk
intelnavi = Commanderintelnavi
Antithesis = Morinaei
John Zoidberg = PA_Zoidberg
MagicPrime = MagicPrime
cwapfobrains = cwapfobrains
RisenPhoenix = KrylonBlack
TheBana = thebana
Kendrik = Kendrik01
Toastie Toast = ToastieToast
PikaPuff = PikaPuff
Zen Vulgarity = ZenVulgarity
Racist Joke = LeutGreen
Jakorian = jakorian
zhen_rogue = zhen_rogue
cogell = cogell
bushidogamer = bushidogamer
SimpsonsParadox = SimpsonsParadox
Pony = Mean_Pony
krizz02 = krizz02
Mahnmut = jericho89
Kainy = Kain3k
hotlunch = BorderIFBS
dumbmanex = dumbmanex
Herkimer = Herkimer1
MrVyngaard = TheClockmaker
The Dude With Herpes = Galedrid
Bullio = Bullio_Marf
JimmyNavio = JerryNavio
Rhapsody = therappattack
captaink = captainkeel
Koldanar = Nukinstein
Custom Special = PAF4ll0ut (0 is zero)
Korlash = Skarjak
Stigweard = Brenner
urahonky = urahonky
Zombie Hero = Pastalonius
Elementalor = Elementalor
Saint Justice = Saint_Justice
curly haired boy = curlyhairedboy
Nuka = NukaSandvich
Yathrin = Yathrin
Heir = heir03
Syrionus = Syrionus
NerdyHeritage = Pentheshaman
Descendant X = DescendantCthulhu
pabhism = pabh
ResIpsaLoquitur = LoPretzel
Brilliantinsanity = BrilliantInsanity
Pierceneck = Pierceneck
XBOX 360 MetaTags For Cool Dudes!
(simply add the tag and view the friends list of the tag, only PA'ers have this tag added so you'll only play with PA'ers. Smart, yes?
PA Borderwangs (full)
PA Wanglands (MIA)
Until we get an active metatag again, folks who want to play General Knoxx can request in the thread to be listed here. Format is "PAName = XBoxName" and you'd better use the yellow or else (I might miss you).
Iolo = MobiusBacon
boredatwork = JaqSaq
Preacher = JudasDubois (PST 6-10ish)
Jack Eddy = jeddylee
deowolf = deowolf
Nick T = Convic Nic
Nickle= NickleDL
trednis= Rudy the Tall
Grimthwacker = Grimthwacka
Tridus1x = Tridus1x
Heffling = Alpha_Night
chasm = lJesse Custerl
JonnyBot = Jonny the Robot
Strikerkc = Strikerkc
Binny = Binny
Scribemite = Discomite
The Fourth Estate = Sant Saviour
Jay Foxfire = Mailman12089
OptimusZed = batshido
Rabidredneck = Rabidredneck010
PSN Name-O'S!
PM me if you want in on the list. Alright, it's PA forum names first and the PSN names. You better get the reference! *shakes fist*
Clayburn as Caerus
Doctor Fink as Doctor_Fink
John Zoidberg as Stiff_Ninja
Antihippy as Antiwhippy
Flo as mechaflo
Lord_Asmodeus as Lord_Asmodeu
DasUberEdward as EdwardTheThird
-Loki- as qwertybig
Shorn Scrotum Man as sojakfa
Threepio as rogerwilco
stlobus as lobus
KidDynamite as NinjaForHire
wenchkilla as dragoniemx
GoodOmens as IsotopeX
Mr Pink as Euphanism
Descendant X as DescendantX
ElKaboom as himself
Bullfrogof7272 as himself
Johannen as himself
maraxus94 as himself
Ah_Pook as himself
fmz65 as himself
kazanma as himself
Spicy_Rev as Spicy_RevofDC
CoJoeTheLawyer as CoJoe
spiderpat01 as el_murceilago
Esh as LeLapinNoir
phekno as phekno
Sekxtion as Sekxtion
Zenitram = TheZenitram
ex_peludo = veryeasytarget
DouglasDanger = DouglasDanger
Inigo = Inigo-
NerdyHeritage = InsertWityHere
iammattpleevee as iammattpleevee
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
It was glorious.
My favorite build so far, though, was my melee Siren. That was a lot of fun. It was like playing an ME2 Vanguard in Borderlands.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
a friend of mind had a lot of trouble playing explosives brick with all of the on-kill talents because my soldier and our other friend's siren usually killed all of the weaker enemies before he could ramp up
If you use Sledge's shotgun, it's particularly easy to get stuff outside of the map. Including other players if you duel.
that was so fun
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
it's one of my favorite things about Roland
Also, I have never had the opportunity to play this game multiplayer, except for a short-lived pub game where it was a competition to see how fast we could blow through everything and get loot before any other player.
one of my favorite gaming experiences
hit me (or iolo or any of the other thread regulars) up on steam and we'll get a game going.
i never have a problem with my brick's on-kill skills triggering.
see, i have an ogre.
my biggest problem is blowing through my entire 1000+ ammo capacity for it in 30 seconds.
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
Are most of you guys recent GOTY buyers? Also, does anyone with the PS3 version want to co-op sometime?
I also want to add that the OP for this thread may be the most helpful I've ever read for any game.
I have the 360 version
well, the steam version goes on sale on a fairly regular basis. look for it during the summer thing if valve does that.
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
I half want a sequel but I fear it will never capture the same magic.
I need someone who has the PS3 version.
This is a bold endeavor and I wish I were a younger, less obligated (read: no kids) man who could sign on to accompany you. I hope you find takers and I hope you post updates and screenshots along the way.
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
Playing this reminds me of Fallout, except without all the interesting dialogue or plot. So, basically, Fallout 3.
Got a Siren up to 27. Briefly tried Moxxi's arena... and yeah, no thanks, not yet at least. Tried zombie island, but my guns weren't powerful enough to kill the great pumpkin or the frankenstein guys. The great pumpkin took almost no damage from my guns and would maul me when my power was on cooldown, and the frankenstein guys have this heal move that brings them up to full after I spent three clips from my SMG whittling them down.
Figured I just needed to play the main game until I have better weapons. Doing an elemental damage build, but I'm noticing that most elemental guns have lower base damage, and not everything is affected by them. Sigh.
Elemental weapons do lower base damage, but they make up for it in spades. Whenever elemental damage procs it does anywhere from 1.8x normal to 6 times, depending on the "x" of the weapon and its element.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Honestly I rarely look at enemy levels because I routinely do everything in a zone before going to the next zone; I figured that DLC would scale to my level... and it did, largely, until I got to that point.
I would check the level of the quests for them. Sometimes mobs 3-5 levels higher are doable, but bosses in that range can be really rough.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
I should switch to the SMG skill class mod and go back around level 29. See if that makes a difference. Also, where is the brains quest?
There's a small town crawling with zombies, you get it at the very back in a cabin.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Huh, Jakob's Cove, the first town? Must've walked right by it.
It's off up the hill to the right as you walk through the area, I believe.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
no wonder everyone misses it
Is it recommended you beat the game before doing the DLC? I installed the underdome, but only for the extra storage.