So I currently am running Windows XP Pro on my HTPC/home server and since I couldnt get the hardware raid to work (shitty Biostar board, I'll
never go Biostar again) I ended up using Windows XP to set up a software RAID 1 arrangement in order to better protect the family files that are being saved to the storage drives.
Now Ive recently been thinking about upgrading to Vista, but Im not sure what that will do to my software RAID configuration. I assume they wont stay RAIDed and when I get to Vista I will be stuck with two drives.
Before anyone asks my reasons for upgrading to Vista are thusly:
1) hardware acceleration for XBMC
2) WEP access point support (my house WiFi is set to WAP2, and my DS cant access it). Ive tried multiple ways to get set up a WAP in XP but so far Ive been unsuccessful.
As I wont really be spending much time in Vista I assume it wont be
that bad.
Id go straight to Windows 7, but the hardware in the HTPC isnt the greatest (AMD 4850e, 1.5GB RAM, 8400GS), but should be capable of running Vista just fine.
Basically, my major concern is the status of my RAID 1 configuration should I upgrade to Vista.
This lists the versions of Vista/Windows 7 that *will* recognise the RAID 1 ("dynamic disk") set up by XP.
will recognise the RAID 1. Other versions will not.
Did not know Windows 7 Home Premium doesnt support RAID 1. Good thing I bought Windows 7 Pro (again, thanks college).
Keep it raided, I think!
Worst comes to worst and I am wrong, it'll see two drives, and after you install on one of them, you'll just have to recreate the RAID under Vista.
You won't need to wipe one of the drives if you have enough room for Vista to install itself.
Just make sure you choose to just install, not format and install because the format will wipe the drive.
If you have enough space on your Windows drive, you should probably be able to install Vista alongside XP*. You can choose to reformat and install, which will wipe XP, but keep your media/RAID drives (make sure you select the right drive, though!)
Once you start Vista, the media drive will show up, and the RAID 1 will show up as a RAID 1. You will be able to check from the disk management menu.
* The only caveat I know of is if you installed Windows XP on a FAT32 drive, instead of NTFS. In this case, if you want to install Vista over your XP drive, you will need to reformat the Windows drive. Your other drives won't be touched, though.
I do have a 200gig hard drive laying around, but Im pretty sure it makes a clicking noise every once and a while...