Hotel Reg is Up!

WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
edited April 2011 in PAX Archive

I dunno if it can go down or something... So I'll post sum proof laterz

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Wingedillidan on


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited April 2011
    Excitement! Now all we need are the passes :)

    zerzhul on
  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    No kidding! The anticipation is killing me!

    WuShock on
    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • thegh0ststhegh0sts Sydney, NSWRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    i want the passes first, then worry about hotels later!

    thegh0sts on
    Next PAX: PAX AUS 2017
    Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
  • tr0tskytr0tsky Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    thegh0sts wrote: »
    i want the passes first, then worry about hotels later!

    why? Hotels sell out faster than passes do, and are easier to cancel.

    tr0tsky on
  • DeciusDecius I'm old! I'm fat! I'M BLUE!Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Even though my odds of coming to PAX are slim, still booked a hotel just in case. Let's hope I can come!

    Decius on
    I never finish anyth
  • Spud387Spud387 Man of Inaction Vancouver, BC, CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    My friends and I are going this year for sure, so I booked the hotel since location and rooms are usually the first to get snapped up.

    We Booked a 2 bed room at the Sheraton

    Spud387 on
    Prime 2016 Status: Skipping. 2017, The Return.

    Attended: PAX Prime 2010/'11/'12/'13/'14
  • PinkRangerPinkRanger Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Booked me and my buddies rooms at the Sheraton. Can't wait!

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  • _Cowsvils__Cowsvils_ Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    There's a possibility that I might be PAXing solo this year, is it wise to make reservations now and then deal with finding possibile people to split it with later?

    _Cowsvils_ on
  • DeciusDecius I'm old! I'm fat! I'M BLUE!Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Yes book your hotel now. The best and closest ones will go extremely fast.

    Decius on
    I never finish anyth
  • AltDeleteAltDelete Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Booked! Sarah and I are staying at the Olive 8. We got a transfer to it two years ago when the Grand Hyatt overbooked. Beautiful place.

    Thanks for the heads up, Wingedillidan!

    AltDelete on
  • kbschmidkbschmid Calgary, ABRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    W00t. In at the Sheraton, and my wife is coming this year :)

    kbschmid on
    By day, a mild-mannered charity guy
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    PAX Prime 09, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18
  • MxWoodMxWood Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    hmm to book or not to book since i'll probably go solo would it be better to find a room to share... hmm

    MxWood on
  • rnicollrnicoll Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Was the Homewood Suites on there at any point? I booked a twin room for my group earlier, and figured I could cancel if I got a cheaper rate via PAX... from what I've seen so far, very glad I booked early!

    Oh, and I'd agree with what others have said about book hotels first. My advice is to book, in order:
    1. Hotel
    2. Tickets
    3. Flights

    rnicoll on
  • MTSonic11MTSonic11 Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Thanks Wingedillidan for posting!!

    I just nabbed the Homewood Suites for 4 nights. I was torn between the Sheraton and Homewood Suites, but my other half has food allergies and being able to store and prepare our own food is huge. I also saw before this that there's a Whole Foods not to far away, which is more awesomeness.

    3rd PAX, but 1st Prime, SO EXCITED! :D

    MTSonic11 on
  • RicinRicin Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    I am happy that I got my room booked although of course it happened on a day I slept in and I now have to find a room for the first night I am there (no pax rooms in the Grand Hyatt on Wednesday night apparently, but there are rooms so I will call the hotel).

    I believe you should book in the following order:
    1. Flight (Generally cheaper the farther out you book)
    2. Hotel (Because you know your dates because of how you set up your flight)
    3. PAX Tickets (3-day badges are normally around for months before they start sending out the warnings).


    Ricin on
  • ptriz21_teamkillptriz21_teamkill Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Booked at the Sheraton! This will be the closest we have ever stayed. No more dreadful 5 block walks at 2 in the morning.

    ptriz21_teamkill on
    3DS: 3325-2059-2105
  • thegh0ststhegh0sts Sydney, NSWRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    tr0tsky wrote: »
    thegh0sts wrote: »
    i want the passes first, then worry about hotels later!

    why? Hotels sell out faster than passes do, and are easier to cancel.

    true but having the pass feels more definite.

    thegh0sts on
    Next PAX: PAX AUS 2017
    Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
  • rnicollrnicoll Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    thegh0sts wrote: »
    tr0tsky wrote: »
    thegh0sts wrote: »
    i want the passes first, then worry about hotels later!

    why? Hotels sell out faster than passes do, and are easier to cancel.

    true but having the pass feels more definite.

    I'd rather prefer to have a hotel I need to cancel (for no charge) over the much more likely scenario of tickets and nowhere to stay...

    rnicoll on
  • DeciusDecius I'm old! I'm fat! I'M BLUE!Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    yeah...I don't know...having a guaranteed roof over my head seems pretty like a pretty concrete thing.

    Edit: To further nail this home, I don't think I'm even going to be able to make it to PAX and I've reserved a hotel. That should tell you something.

    Decius on
    I never finish anyth
  • Jenny_SpaghettiJenny_Spaghetti I am 3 ginger midgets in a trench coat. Calgary, CanadalandRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Sheraton booked! KICKASS!

    Jenny_Spaghetti on
  • Sgt SupermanSgt Superman Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Got my room at the Sheraton booked, last year I went for two days and just drove home instead of staying in a hotel. This year I will get to see a lot more. Can't wait.

    Sgt Superman on
    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
  • dragon keeper xdragon keeper x Registered User regular
    edited April 2011

    dragon keeper x on
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  • dragon keeper xdragon keeper x Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    at the sheraton. do they give any complimentary breakfasts or dinners or anything? you would think paying 209 a night they would. vs a hotel/motel thats cheap giving free food.

    dragon keeper x on
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  • LoltoLolto Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    executive hotel pacific imo

    Lolto on
  • JediknightkarlJediknightkarl Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Looks like the sheraton is the hotel of choice. Thats where i will be

    Jediknightkarl on
    damn...bit my tongue....i hate that.
  • DeciusDecius I'm old! I'm fat! I'M BLUE!Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Meh I prefer the Homewood. Free WiFi, breakfast buffet, and a kitchenette!

    Decius on
    I never finish anyth
  • septagonseptagon Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Booked at the Sheraton! Oh my aching wallet... just the same, can't wait!

    septagon on
  • SkimblecatSkimblecat Victoria BCRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Homewood! Free decent breakfast (take stuff for lunch later) and free wifi :-)

    Skimblecat on
    PAX Prime Security Team Lead
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  • hml151hml151 Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Over the last five years of booking hotels, I've learned how far we are willing to walk, scummy the hotel can be, and what amenities we want. I found having a refrigerator is the best, since I rarely finish a whole meal at one time. Honestly just need a bed and a toilet!

    hml151 on
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  • King of MarsKing of Mars A freak among weirdos A city in my mindRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Not 100% sure if I'm going, but booked anyway. Better safe than sorry. :)

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  • CaptainTapoleCaptainTapole Awesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw! Northern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    The Sheraton has been good to the Boyfriend and I, so we go there once again.

    FYI!! Some hotels (ie The Westin on Fifth and Stewart) are having a sale on Priceline, so check out there as well.

    CaptainTapole on
    The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
  • thegh0ststhegh0sts Sydney, NSWRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    rnicoll wrote: »
    thegh0sts wrote: »
    tr0tsky wrote: »
    thegh0sts wrote: »
    i want the passes first, then worry about hotels later!

    why? Hotels sell out faster than passes do, and are easier to cancel.

    true but having the pass feels more definite.

    I'd rather prefer to have a hotel I need to cancel (for no charge) over the much more likely scenario of tickets and nowhere to stay...

    fair enough though i want to stay till the 1st of september and there's no option for that date on the hotel reg page.

    thegh0sts on
    Next PAX: PAX AUS 2017
    Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited April 2011
    thegh0sts wrote: »
    rnicoll wrote: »
    thegh0sts wrote: »
    tr0tsky wrote: »
    thegh0sts wrote: »
    i want the passes first, then worry about hotels later!

    why? Hotels sell out faster than passes do, and are easier to cancel.

    true but having the pass feels more definite.

    I'd rather prefer to have a hotel I need to cancel (for no charge) over the much more likely scenario of tickets and nowhere to stay...
    fair enough though i want to stay till the 1st of september and there's no option for that date on the hotel reg page.

    Yeah, you can only get the PAX rate "around pax". People that I know that are doing longer vacations tend to book at the PAX rate for the nights that are available, and at full price for other nights. It may be 2 or 3 separate reservations depending on days before and after the pax rates, but it's likely worth the discount. Also, once OnPeak gives your reservation to the hotel (usually a couple of weeks prior to PAX) you could probably get them to link your non-OnPeak reservations with your OnPeak reservation so it's one cohesive stay (that's just conjecture though, not sure if it can be done).

    zerzhul on
  • Cerrato0426Cerrato0426 Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    2 rooms booked at Homewood! Was the group option available the last couple years? I don't remember it. Made it easy to get my rooms.


    Cerrato0426 on
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Homewood rooms left: Wed: 0 Thurs: 1 Fri: 12 Sat: 12 Sun: 5 Mon: 6

    Kinda wish I noticed this in time to get a wednesday night room. but dang, one more room left for thusday night, the pre-pax dinner and triwizard tournament day

    PikaPuff on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Signed up to grand hyatt as always. Now trying to let everyone on Twitter and Facebook that the hotels are up. I really better start working on that badge....

    kropotkin on

  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    All booked at The Sheraton. crowne plaza was nice last year but that walk uphill at the end of a long day was a mother...

    Pascual on
  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Tough decision, because I've had a really good experience at other Homewoods, but I went with the Sheraton because I'm bringing my son and being able to just run up to the room whenever we want will be a huge convenience for us.

    WuShock on
    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • sean7690sean7690 Registered User new member
    edited April 2011
    This will be my first PAX and im also going to be solo. The general consensus seems to be to book hotels now but I can't afford to book an individual room or risk not finding people to split with. Will people who do have a group room and need to people to share advertise on here or anything?

    sean7690 on
  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    sean7690 wrote: »
    This will be my first PAX and im also going to be solo. The general consensus seems to be to book hotels now but I can't afford to book an individual room or risk not finding people to split with. Will people who do have a group room and need to people to share advertise on here or anything?

    A thread will go up closer to the event and people can post if they have or need room in there.

    Pascual on
This discussion has been closed.