Did anyone happen to see a small black Lowepro camera bag with a SmugMug strap around the last car seat 30 or at the observation car? I seem to have misplaced it, along with my camera inside
Thanks for letting me tag along with you guys! I had loads of fun, and I'm sorry I couldn't make it all the way up. I'm enjoying my stay in Eugene though! (My aunt was making fun of me for passing out in the car on the way to her place, LOL) Next year though! Hopefully. Maybe.
ToxicCrayonGirl on
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
Thank you for joining us. Hope to see you next year.
I just wanted to tell those of you who gave the redhead in green the stink eye when the pizza arrived, and especially the guy who tried to close the pizza box on my hand, I paid for it. I understand how seriously we geeks take our pizza, but maybe if you had bothered to make room for new people that arrived in the lounge, or even say "Hi. Oh I see you're grabbing pizza. Are you from the forum," you could avoid scaring people like me right back into coach. Not cool.
For no other reason than just to let the PAX universe know how awesome PAXTrain is, I took donations for drinks, and we stopped by a convenience store and picked up about 100 cans of soda and ice to stock a cooler full of Pepsi, Diet Coke, A&W Root Beer, A&W Cream Soda, Mtn Dew, Diet Mtn Dew, Dr Pepper, and Sunkist orange soda.
Also, whoever failed to bring Cards Against Humanity on the return trip, you're committing a serious crime against PAXTrainLateNight. WE NEED OUR LATE NIGHT COMEDY FIX!
For no other reason than just to let the PAX universe know how awesome PAXTrain is, I took donations for drinks, and we stopped by a convenience store and picked up about 100 cans of soda [...]
Thank you so much for doing this. The drinks were lovely and refreshing.
As for the pizza, though I didn't join in on it, I'd like to apologize for the behavior of the rude people. I know a few other train-goers mentioned this happened, but said they weren't able to get close enough with the crowd to help before paying people had already been rebuffed.
I had a great time on the train again. Special thanks to everyone who brought games and shared food. Also, my boyfriend was very appreciative of all the well-considered advice from people who play-tested his strategy board game. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, and he's already started making minor changes to the rules and tracking down games people suggested he look at.
I think the most disappointing thing about the train for me this year was, um, missing the train on monday morning.
Had to take the Cascades home, a bit later. Thankfully, I had a new con-bought Onirim deck to play with, which fit quite nicely on the tray-table at my seat, but solitaire gaming just isn't the same.
On a side note... Yamara, who do I need to talk to in order to get a PDF of the most recent version of your boyfriend's game? That was awesome fun and I want a set of my own.
The pizza happened at a bad time and pissed off non-pizza people and non-PAX people cause of the rush of people running around getting their food.
That's when the conductor got angry at PAX people who were just chilling.
Next year I will see if a couple people are willing to wait on tables so we only have a few people moving around instead of like 50+ and/or wait a bit for people to get settled in before we pull out the pizza. If anyone else has any other ideas to get the pizza drive more organized let me know.
Also, whoever failed to bring Cards Against Humanity on the return trip, you're committing a serious crime against PAXTrainLateNight. WE NEED OUR LATE NIGHT COMEDY FIX!
All we had to entertain ourselves was a couple people laughing hysterically, a softly sung lullaby, Conquest of Nerath, and HI-FIVE BRO. There may have been more, but I kept nearly falling asleep.
Maybe next year for pizza have a sign up list and make people go in order, giving preference to people who donated?
*Edit* Do it in groups, not one at a time ^^'
ToxicCrayonGirl on
CuvisTheConquerorThey always say "yee haw" but they never ask "haw yee?" Registered Userregular
Also, whoever failed to bring Cards Against Humanity on the return trip, you're committing a serious crime against PAXTrainLateNight. WE NEED OUR LATE NIGHT COMEDY FIX!
I thought We Didn't Playtest This At All filled the gap nicely.
Hey folks, thanks for the great times! I wish we had more room in the ops car on the way up, I discovered a number of people missed out on gaming with others due to lack of table space, we'll see what we can do about next year!
On a side note... Yamara, who do I need to talk to in order to get a PDF of the most recent version of your boyfriend's game? That was awesome fun and I want a set of my own.
Mike is working on some hasty changes to be able to mail out an alpha extremely-draft copy to a limited number of testers. If you gave him your email, he'll contact you. If not, PM me an email. Right now, it'll be low res as we try to get things sussed out.
CuvisTheConquerorThey always say "yee haw" but they never ask "haw yee?" Registered Userregular
BTW, if anybody wants to keep in touch on Facebook, my profile is http://www.facebook.com/CuvisTheConqueror. I tried to add people, but then I realized that I didn't remember a lot of people's last names, and the ones I did remember were way too common for me to find the right one.
I am still distilling through all my RAW photos, and there is someone playing Minecraft next to me, and it is destroying my sense of urgency to upload the rest of the photos. So here are just the group photos for now. (SO MANY MINECRAFT THINGS TO DO!)
I am still distilling through all my RAW photos, and there is someone playing Minecraft next to me, and it is destroying my sense of urgency to upload the rest of the photos. So here are just the group photos for now. (SO MANY MINECRAFT THINGS TO DO!)
BTW, if anybody wants to keep in touch on Facebook, my profile is http://www.facebook.com/CuvisTheConqueror. I tried to add people, but then I realized that I didn't remember a lot of people's last names, and the ones I did remember were way too common for me to find the right one.
Also, whoever failed to bring Cards Against Humanity on the return trip, you're committing a serious crime against PAXTrainLateNight. WE NEED OUR LATE NIGHT COMEDY FIX!
Sorry we stayed with friends in Seattle till Wed, and played with 4 other PAX goers on the way home on that train.
The train was amazing, really glad my crew decided to go this year. For the love of Cthulhu, if we chatted at all, send me a PM...I am *so* sad that I didn't collect a single goddamn phone number!
Bearbarossa, I am super sorry to hear that that happened. I know it was a little tricky finding space, let alone breaking into the crowd at first...and that your experience was over the pizza you paid for really stinks Hopefully you'll give the train a shot again next year...I know people are trying hard to organize things better.
I also want to thank everyone for being so nice to my group, even when we went out and ordered our own pizza all sneaky like. We didn't want to deal with the hassle and you all were mega cool about giving us space without giving us any crap about it.
Hey all, just wanted to let you know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. =p I had a blast at my first PAX, and I feel like I could fill a book with all the awesome/interesting experiences and people that made the journey what it was. I haven't attempted to do so because I still have a hard time parsing the words beyond "OMG it was teh awesome!!!!!1!!!1".
The easiest way to keep in touch with me is probably Twitter at the moment - @PolarisDb. Feel free to PM me here, as well. I still read the forums quite a bit but I just don't find myself with a lot of time to participate in discussions at the moment. I'm working on changing that though, as I have never enjoyed the company (online or in real life) of a better group of people.
I can bring that with me, getting on in Klamath Falls in about 9 hrs.
Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
As for the pizza, though I didn't join in on it, I'd like to apologize for the behavior of the rude people. I know a few other train-goers mentioned this happened, but said they weren't able to get close enough with the crowd to help before paying people had already been rebuffed.
I had a great time on the train again. Special thanks to everyone who brought games and shared food. Also, my boyfriend was very appreciative of all the well-considered advice from people who play-tested his strategy board game. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, and he's already started making minor changes to the rules and tracking down games people suggested he look at.
That's when the conductor got angry at PAX people who were just chilling.
Had to take the Cascades home, a bit later. Thankfully, I had a new con-bought Onirim deck to play with, which fit quite nicely on the tray-table at my seat, but solitaire gaming just isn't the same.
On a side note... Yamara, who do I need to talk to in order to get a PDF of the most recent version of your boyfriend's game? That was awesome fun and I want a set of my own.
There are some PAX Train pictures there. Let me know if you want some of them for the thread, Mike.
Next year I will see if a couple people are willing to wait on tables so we only have a few people moving around instead of like 50+ and/or wait a bit for people to get settled in before we pull out the pizza. If anyone else has any other ideas to get the pizza drive more organized let me know.
All we had to entertain ourselves was a couple people laughing hysterically, a softly sung lullaby, Conquest of Nerath, and HI-FIVE BRO. There may have been more, but I kept nearly falling asleep.
*Edit* Do it in groups, not one at a time ^^'
I thought We Didn't Playtest This At All filled the gap nicely.
Thanks for the awesome time, everyone!
I have posted photos on Facebook, including the Train trip both ways (from Davis/Sac), Buttoneers, and the Lando Society inducting G&T.
Group photos on the facebook group:
Please tag yourself on the photos in facebook so that we may all keep in touch.
Hopefully, people'll start tagging themselves/others on facebook so you can find them. Join the group if you're not, already. http://www.facebook.com/groups/174659255921071/
I still have unclaimed shirts for:
Slicehawk (Neuroslice)
You goofs already paid me, so send me a PM!
Sorry we stayed with friends in Seattle till Wed, and played with 4 other PAX goers on the way home on that train.
Bearbarossa, I am super sorry to hear that that happened. I know it was a little tricky finding space, let alone breaking into the crowd at first...and that your experience was over the pizza you paid for really stinks
I also want to thank everyone for being so nice to my group, even when we went out and ordered our own pizza all sneaky like. We didn't want to deal with the hassle and you all were mega cool about giving us space without giving us any crap about it.
The easiest way to keep in touch with me is probably Twitter at the moment - @PolarisDb. Feel free to PM me here, as well. I still read the forums quite a bit but I just don't find myself with a lot of time to participate in discussions at the moment. I'm working on changing that though, as I have never enjoyed the company (online or in real life) of a better group of people.
XBL/PSN-Polaris314/Twitter/DJ P0LARI5