most private events ive been to at the Cobra's are all-you-can-smoke for a flat rate, but they may charge everyone the $5 (i believe) fee for a "Lifetime" membership, as long as you dont lose your card. Plus for private parties you can have alcohol. also a plus. its a low-key BYOB affair, but its a possibility. They would probably give you all the whole place too, and its pretty spaceous, id say at least 15+ pipes with plenty of seating. They finally fixed up their website too, The Cobra Lounge. I sent them an email and ill give you a heads up when i hear back.
most private events ive been to at the Cobra's are all-you-can-smoke for a flat rate, but they may charge everyone the $5 (i believe) fee for a "Lifetime" membership, as long as you dont lose your card. Plus for private parties you can have alcohol. also a plus. its a low-key BYOB affair, but its a possibility. They would probably give you all the whole place too, and its pretty spaceous, id say at least 15+ pipes with plenty of seating. They finally fixed up their website too, The Cobra Lounge. I sent them an email and ill give you a heads up when i hear back.
I like the idea of an all you can smoke thing. However the problem is that we need to get money in advance for it and idk if there is enough interest to warrant renting the entire place. Also I'd like to keep it alcohol free, seeing how I am the ripe young age of 20 and there aren't many non drinking events out there for the 18+ crowd. Just my 2 cents.
pillarofdawn on
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thread on the forums.
Sounds like a good way to start spreading the inevitable PAX flu around early. Haha.
This sounds like fun, but my pre-PAX schedule is getting kinda tight. Sorry if I missed this being discussed, but when exactly would this be?
AFAIK there is no set time. This would be a great Pre-Pre-Pax Dinner activity though. Get together, have some afternoon snacks and smoke a whole shitpile of shisha and then go to the Pre-Pax Dinner!
They card for those who arent 21+, and if we get a rough number i can pass it on. I havent heard back, but I have other sources. The all-you-can-smoke is easy to arrange, if you throw enough cash down they will accomodate even with just a normal group. They are open Tues-Sun 7pm-2am, so it works well with expo hours.
Here's a map of the directions, it's close, roughly a mile between. Map From WSCTC to The Cobra Lounge Seattle
To reference a general location, its on the outskirts of the Triwizard bar circuit.
edit the first post, should be able to add it there. then just link back to the first page.
Also, heard back from Cobra today, they said "chillax, they will be in touch soon."
A note, the lounge charges $5 for the lifetime membership fee, it is a legal thing and is NOT negotiable, even if you will only ever go once. So I would guess if we had about 20 people attend, you could charge 20-25 bucks reasonably and it would cover the all-you-can-smoke fee. Even if we dont have the whole place for that price, its large enough to be worth it.
I couldn't create a poll but i went ahead and created a facebook event open to everyone! Only click attend if you are pretty sure you are going. Invite your friends . EDG2000 and IDS3remix send me a message on there and ill give you admin
Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this one guys, message sent. Not sure what updates I can provide, so please where you guys might need help when it comes time.
i was personally thinking of a thursday event... i know the bar crawl runs then.. but it makes a nice 18-20yo. event and it would be cheaper than getting it on a friday or saturday. and since they are closed monday and i have teardown to attend sunday night, i figured thursday would be best.
also, it would be prudent to mention, this is a NO POT venue. They will kick you out with no refund and take your stash. I have seen it done. If you plan to smoke some green, do it off-site please .
I would kind of like to get in on this as it's been years since I've had hookah. One of my buddies might be interested too as he can't drink. I could bring delicious things to eat! Only thing is I couldn't make it if it's the same night as the TWDT. Only one vice per night for me.
Hello gentlemen and ladies, I never post much but I lurk in the shadows. The reason I am posting to today is for the past four years at PAX after they kick us out of the convention hall, myself and a few friends grab our pipes and tobacco and sit on the steps on the street corner smoking for a few hours. If you would be interested in joining us we show up after the PC freeplay shuts down, as it is usually the last thing that runs at PAX, we would be happy to relax and chat about the day with you all.
Hello gentlemen and ladies, I never post much but I lurk in the shadows. The reason I am posting to today is for the past four years at PAX after they kick us out of the convention hall, myself and a few friends grab our pipes and tobacco and sit on the steps on the street corner smoking for a few hours. If you would be interested in joining us we show up after the PC freeplay shuts down, as it is usually the last thing that runs at PAX, we would be happy to relax and chat about the day with you all.
That sounds fun as well, I usually go to the PC freeplay, maybe we could hit up a few games there and chill or whatever afterwards. But you should for sure come to the hookah meetup! its gonna be radical
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thread on the forums.
Not all of our group going smokes so I was going to be nice to them but the guy who doesn't smoke bailed on us for this year so I am in. I will be bringing a few guys with me as well and probably some games too. It should be a good time.
Not all of our group going smokes so I was going to be nice to them but the guy who doesn't smoke bailed on us for this year so I am in. I will be bringing a few guys with me as well and probably some games too. It should be a good time.
I had a streak for about a year where that was all I bought with my money. I realized I had a problem and that it was kinda a racket so I stopped buying them lol.
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thread on the forums.
Seriously people, come check this out. If your under 21, and have NOTHING to do thursday night, come game it up with us. Good music, good environment, good hot dogs (PoDogs is seriously right around the corner) and awesome people! $5 bucks will get you in the door, and you can chill with awesome folk!
Do you think you can collaborate with Kropotkin who makes the forum badges into seeing if we can pick some up during the hookah? They say you can get them through "pre pax events" or if you answer a question...but the only one I ever got it from was the pre pax dinner, which is 21+ this year.
Figured i'd post to bump us on the forums. So while i'm at it i'll throw up a price layout for people.
Q: How much does it cost to smoke hookah?
Flavored Bowl | $14
Premium Bowl | $17
Refill | half price
Lifetime Membership $5
Q: What is a premium bowl?
Our premium bowls are filled with shisha and infused with herbal additives. These additives include (Wormwood, Damiana, Kava Kava and Hops Flower).
Q: What flavors do you have?
We carry a rotating mix of flavors with a new set of 5 each night.
So I figure since we won't all have a hookah to ourselves, people can pitch in with each other to cut the price down a bit. And this would allow for us to smoke even longer
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thread on the forums.
Sounds awesome! Can't wait to hear the good word.
I like the idea of an all you can smoke thing. However the problem is that we need to get money in advance for it and idk if there is enough interest to warrant renting the entire place. Also I'd like to keep it alcohol free, seeing how I am the ripe young age of 20 and there aren't many non drinking events out there for the 18+ crowd. Just my 2 cents.
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
This sounds like fun, but my pre-PAX schedule is getting kinda tight. Sorry if I missed this being discussed, but when exactly would this be?
Here's a map of the directions, it's close, roughly a mile between. Map From WSCTC to The Cobra Lounge Seattle
To reference a general location, its on the outskirts of the Triwizard bar circuit.
7 PAX veteran
Also, heard back from Cobra today, they said "chillax, they will be in touch soon."
A note, the lounge charges $5 for the lifetime membership fee, it is a legal thing and is NOT negotiable, even if you will only ever go once. So I would guess if we had about 20 people attend, you could charge 20-25 bucks reasonably and it would cover the all-you-can-smoke fee. Even if we dont have the whole place for that price, its large enough to be worth it.
7 PAX veteran
"pax prime hookah" is the name of the group
Eww, that kinda interferes with basically every other major PAX party and the concerts. Oh well.
7 PAX veteran
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
Also, for facebook folk check out the FB event page! and invite your PAX brethren!
7 PAX veteran
Who are you working for?
7 PAX veteran
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
awesome! if you would, toss it on the facebook thingy
7 PAX veteran
even if your not a smoker come hang with us!
7 PAX veteran
I've been trying to tell my friend to go! He lives in WA and is going to PAX, but the smoking thing makes him uncomfortable to go I think.
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
7 PAX veteran
7 PAX veteran
7 PAX veteran
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
7 PAX veteran
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
Seriously people, come check this out. If your under 21, and have NOTHING to do thursday night, come game it up with us. Good music, good environment, good hot dogs (PoDogs is seriously right around the corner) and awesome people! $5 bucks will get you in the door, and you can chill with awesome folk!
7 PAX veteran
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
OMNOM on souls you should invite all of your friend going to pax to it as well
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
7 PAX veteran
Q: How much does it cost to smoke hookah?
Flavored Bowl | $14
Premium Bowl | $17
Refill | half price
Lifetime Membership $5
Q: What is a premium bowl?
Our premium bowls are filled with shisha and infused with herbal additives. These additives include (Wormwood, Damiana, Kava Kava and Hops Flower).
Q: What flavors do you have?
We carry a rotating mix of flavors with a new set of 5 each night.
So I figure since we won't all have a hookah to ourselves, people can pitch in with each other to cut the price down a bit. And this would allow for us to smoke even longer