I wouldn't give a fuck if someone married their dog. I don't see how it impacts my life in any way
Sexual abuse of children and animals doesn't normally affect you directly, but it's still bad.
Which is why animals and children cannot give consent.
Which is why same-sex marriages will not slippery-slope into bestiality and pedophilia!
I could see it potentially leading to polygamy somewhere in the future, but that's all consenting adults and if they're happy or at least pretending to be happy like many marriages, I don't see how that isn't also just as valid.
Woah who said anything about sexual abuse. I'm just saying if they got married I wouldn't care.
That opens a whole other can of worms, the assumption that marriages are innately sexual.
I wouldn't give a fuck if someone married their dog. I don't see how it impacts my life in any way
Sexual abuse of children and animals doesn't normally affect you directly, but it's still bad.
Which is why animals and children cannot give consent.
Which is why same-sex marriages will not slippery-slope into bestiality and pedophilia!
I could see it potentially leading to polygamy somewhere in the future, but that's all consenting adults and if they're happy or at least pretending to be happy like many marriages, I don't see how that isn't also just as valid.
Woah who said anything about sexual abuse. I'm just saying if they got married I wouldn't care.
Marriage ain't official until it's consummated so either sign this annulment or fuck that dog so we can lock you up. Morality police ain't got all day!
I wouldn't give a fuck if someone married their dog. I don't see how it impacts my life in any way
Sexual abuse of children and animals doesn't normally affect you directly, but it's still bad.
Which is why animals and children cannot give consent.
Which is why same-sex marriages will not slippery-slope into bestiality and pedophilia!
I could see it potentially leading to polygamy somewhere in the future, but that's all consenting adults and if they're happy or at least pretending to be happy like many marriages, I don't see how that isn't also just as valid.
You don't need a slippery-slope analogy to illustrate problems polygamy can lead to. Keeping marriage between two people is in society's best interest.
Was Tesla asexual or did he elect to abstain from sex?
Because if Tesla supports it, I support it. Otherwise I'll need to meet a real-life asexual person before I can form a generalization about it.
sorry I don't know much about Tesla
here, wikipedia says it better (I'd search other sites but I'm at work and don't want to end up in porn land)
Asexuality, in its broadest sense, is the lack of sexual attraction and the lack of interest in and desire for sex. Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy, which are behavioral; the latter is usually for a religious reason. A sexual orientation, unlike a behavior, is believed to be "enduring". Some asexuals do have sex, despite lacking a desire for it.
aka if tesla never ever fucked anyone or showed any desire to and it wasn't because of religious reasons, if he didn't fuck anyone because he just didn't give a shit, then yeah, he was probably asexual. Please see: Morrissey
Morrissey, Throughout much of his career, he maintained in interviews that he was asexual and celibate. Johnny Marr stated in a 1984 interview that "Morrissey doesn't participate in sex at the moment and hasn't done so for a while, he's had a lot of girlfriends in the past and quite a few men friends." In 1986, Morrissey claimed that he was "dramatically, supernaturally, non-sexual." In a 1994 interview, he claimed that "sex is actually never in my life," and as such, he argued that "I have no sexuality."
I wouldn't give a fuck if someone married their dog. I don't see how it impacts my life in any way
Sexual abuse of children and animals doesn't normally affect you directly, but it's still bad.
Which is why animals and children cannot give consent.
Which is why same-sex marriages will not slippery-slope into bestiality and pedophilia!
I could see it potentially leading to polygamy somewhere in the future, but that's all consenting adults and if they're happy or at least pretending to be happy like many marriages, I don't see how that isn't also just as valid.
You don't need a slippery-slope analogy to illustrate problems polygamy can lead to. Keeping marriage between two people is in society's best interest.
Yeah, but I struggle to define when the law should step in and prevent something or when we should let people figure out for themselves that it was a bad idea. I mean, they're consenting adults. They aren't hurting anyone else. The only part I could actually see needing government intervention is when children are involved.
Yeah, but I struggle to define when the law should step in and prevent something or when we should let people figure out for themselves that it was a bad idea. I mean, they're consenting adults. They aren't hurting anyone else.
Not saying they can't have gang bangs just saying they shouldn't marry. Marriage carries a lot of legal ramifications with it and not just if there's children. If you think divorces and squabbles over inheritance are messy as it is what do you think it would be like in the case of one guy with 3 wives, each with their own kids, and half of them don't like each other?
Asexuals are up to 1% of the population, right? I knew a guy who identified as asexual once, not that that was something you learn instantly in casual conversation
Communities that practice or have practiced polygamy have shown histories of spousal abuse and alienation of some of the unmarried.
That said, that might be correlation, not cause. After all, go back a century and spousal abuse/alienation of the un-married is pretty much universal in most places.
I think polygamy is one of these things where it can be symptomatic of both a relatively primitive but also a relatively advanced culture. Something that you get rid of to prevent abuse but then re-allow because there is consensus that people should have the freedom to engage in polygamy if they want, and there isn't a threat of people being coerced into it.
Solar on
ButtersA glass of some milksRegistered Userregular
edited May 2011
Polygamy is directly related to alienation it's not just correlative. When a few Mormon elders start hoarding all the wives for themselves it forces younger males to leave the community if they wish to start a family of their own.
Yeah, but I struggle to define when the law should step in and prevent something or when we should let people figure out for themselves that it was a bad idea. I mean, they're consenting adults. They aren't hurting anyone else.
Not saying they can't have gang bangs just saying they shouldn't marry. Marriage carries a lot of legal ramifications with it and not just if there's children. If you think divorces and squabbles over inheritance are messy as it is what do you think it would be like in the case of one guy with 3 wives, each with their own kids, and half of them don't like each other?
Yeah, I can go with what you're saying here. Legal ramifications are exactly the kind of framing something like the banning of a polygamy needs to back it up.
Asexuals are up to 1% of the population, right? I knew a guy who identified as asexual once, not that that was something you learn instantly in casual conversation
It's not really a big deal
you just don't really care for having sex
but everyone is different
I know a lot of asexuals. I know asexual genderqueers and queers and asexual ftms and asexual heteroromantic cisgendered people. I know some who have had sex and do have sex and some who jerk off and some who don't and some who draw a prolific amount of pornography
how you choose to express their gender or sexual identity is up to you. If you express your gender in a way that feels right to you, yay. There is no way to be a personal gender. It can change over time. It's up to you to decide who you are yaaaayyY~~~
its just a big fun mix bag of identities outside of hey I'm straight or gay or a man or a woman
there are boys who paint their nails who are still boys and there are boys with vaginas who are still boys and there are girls with penises and girls who play sports yaaaay queers and non gender binary individuals do whatever feels best
i'm just rambling now
because I'm waiting for them to fix the cooling here at work and getting orange all over my hands
if anyone has any questions PM me because there has been a lot of bad representation on this forum concerning certain topics and I'm going to get to working and washing my hands now
I have never eaten from a Chick-Fil-A and while I now live in the American South where they are plentiful I still will not eat their allegedly-tasty sandwiches because they are a homophobic company.
I have never eaten from a Chick-Fil-A and while I now live in the American South where they are plentiful I still will not eat their allegedly-tasty sandwiches because they are a homophobic company.
I find it fascinating(aka horrifying) that despite becoming more accepting of things like homosexuality the majority of people are still unaware of or mocking of people who fall outside of the gender expression or sexuality binary. A friend of mine just finished up a gender and sexuality class in University and they touched on asexuals on the last day of class and it was pretty much met with laughter and scorn and mockery.
This is new to me and I find it odd and sad, partly because, well, it's so closed-minded and partly because I'm asexual myself. Not that it would be much of a problem generally, seeing that it's not something that comes up often, if ever, but still.
I have never eaten from a Chick-Fil-A and while I now live in the American South where they are plentiful I still will not eat their allegedly-tasty sandwiches because they are a homophobic company.
Their chicken is pretty good but you can do better especially in the South.
I have never eaten from a Chick-Fil-A and while I now live in the American South where they are plentiful I still will not eat their allegedly-tasty sandwiches because they are a homophobic company.
Their chicken is pretty good but you can do better especially in the South.
Yeah, I thank the universe that I still have Popeye's. I mean, he's a sailor. No way he hasn't banged a deckhand or 3 on one of those long, lonely nights.
Isn't chick-fil-a a bit like In 'n' Out? Legendary in areas that don't have it, kinda meh in areas that do?
More topic-relevantly, I never considered that asexuality was really a thing you could identify with or even readily define. I mean hell, I enjoy sexytimes as much as the next horny dude, but I decided a long time ago that sex wasn't worth the sum effort as an end in itself (fun), but IS worth the effort as a means to an end (making babies)
And since I want absolutely nothing to do with children ever ever god I hate the little fuckers, well, I dunno I guess that makes me 'asexual'?
(edit) also, Popeye's rules, and before anyone else says otherwise, Raising Cane's chicken is fucking awful
Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words to convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that 'til you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind, and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments, and to keep my happiness independent of the caprice of others. You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent. But as you have done it,and as we are generally indulgent to those we love, I shall not scruple to pardon the fraud you have committed, on condition that for my sake, if not for your own, you will always continue to merit the partiality, which you have artfully instilled into me.
I guess it's anecdotal, all I know is everywhere I've gone and talked to people round the west (and in my own opinion) their food is nothing special at all
I have never eaten from a Chick-Fil-A and while I now live in the American South where they are plentiful I still will not eat their allegedly-tasty sandwiches because they are a homophobic company.
If I had known about this when I was down there in March, I would not have gone there.
I'll make sure that I am avoiding it when I go back down next week.
More topic-relevantly, I never considered that asexuality was really a thing you could identify with or even readily define. I mean hell, I enjoy sexytimes as much as the next horny dude, but I decided a long time ago that sex wasn't worth the sum effort as an end in itself (fun), but IS worth the effort as a means to an end (making babies)
And since I want absolutely nothing to do with children ever ever god I hate the little fuckers, well, I dunno I guess that makes me 'asexual'?
No, that just makes you a loser.
But really no I don't think that means you're asexual.
Viscount Islands on
I want to do with you
What spring does with the cherry trees.
While I always try to remain respectful to people, when I hear a virgin claim that he is asexual and has no desire for sex, I cannot help but hypothesize that this is his coping mechanism because he, much like the 16-year-old me before I changed high schools, assumes he is never going to have sex anyway.
I would never voice this in-person but it's a thought I have. Like I said, I've never gotten to know a self-identifying asexual.
Maybe they truly have no desire for sexual closeness or maybe all the sex they've had (if they've had any) has been total rubbish. Maybe they've been heavily influenced by an overbearing morality system that emphasizes that sexual thoughts and actions are evil and dirty. Maybe they have a poor body-image and are protecting themselves from rejection by denying themselves the opportunity.
This is all just my brain having a hard time processing asexuality into something I can empathize with.
Sex is just such a diverse tapestry of potential experiences that being disinterested in it in any form strikes me as needing more explanation.
I have never eaten from a Chick-Fil-A and while I now live in the American South where they are plentiful I still will not eat their allegedly-tasty sandwiches because they are a homophobic company.
Their chicken is pretty good but you can do better especially in the South.
Yeah, I thank the universe that I still have Popeye's. I mean, he's a sailor. No way he hasn't banged a deckhand or 3 on one of those long, lonely nights.
asexuality is one thing, and that is, of course, totally understandable, but if you are straight dude and you can't see how many options there are aside from "sex as procreation" and "sex as a pleasurable end in itself," I don't even
my orgasm is like one-fiftieth the pleasure I derive from great sex
That opens a whole other can of worms, the assumption that marriages are innately sexual.
Marriage ain't official until it's consummated so either sign this annulment or fuck that dog so we can lock you up. Morality police ain't got all day!
You don't need a slippery-slope analogy to illustrate problems polygamy can lead to. Keeping marriage between two people is in society's best interest.
sorry I don't know much about Tesla
here, wikipedia says it better (I'd search other sites but I'm at work and don't want to end up in porn land)
aka if tesla never ever fucked anyone or showed any desire to and it wasn't because of religious reasons, if he didn't fuck anyone because he just didn't give a shit, then yeah, he was probably asexual. Please see: Morrissey
Yeah, but I struggle to define when the law should step in and prevent something or when we should let people figure out for themselves that it was a bad idea. I mean, they're consenting adults. They aren't hurting anyone else. The only part I could actually see needing government intervention is when children are involved.
Communities that practice or have practiced polygamy have shown histories of spousal abuse and alienation of some of the unmarried.
Not saying they can't have gang bangs just saying they shouldn't marry. Marriage carries a lot of legal ramifications with it and not just if there's children. If you think divorces and squabbles over inheritance are messy as it is what do you think it would be like in the case of one guy with 3 wives, each with their own kids, and half of them don't like each other?
That said, that might be correlation, not cause. After all, go back a century and spousal abuse/alienation of the un-married is pretty much universal in most places.
I think polygamy is one of these things where it can be symptomatic of both a relatively primitive but also a relatively advanced culture. Something that you get rid of to prevent abuse but then re-allow because there is consensus that people should have the freedom to engage in polygamy if they want, and there isn't a threat of people being coerced into it.
i'm not gay, but it still bothers me
Yeah, I can go with what you're saying here. Legal ramifications are exactly the kind of framing something like the banning of a polygamy needs to back it up.
It's not really a big deal
you just don't really care for having sex
but everyone is different
I know a lot of asexuals. I know asexual genderqueers and queers and asexual ftms and asexual heteroromantic cisgendered people. I know some who have had sex and do have sex and some who jerk off and some who don't and some who draw a prolific amount of pornography
how you choose to express their gender or sexual identity is up to you. If you express your gender in a way that feels right to you, yay. There is no way to be a personal gender. It can change over time. It's up to you to decide who you are yaaaayyY~~~
its just a big fun mix bag of identities outside of hey I'm straight or gay or a man or a woman
there are boys who paint their nails who are still boys and there are boys with vaginas who are still boys and there are girls with penises and girls who play sports yaaaay queers and non gender binary individuals do whatever feels best
i'm just rambling now
because I'm waiting for them to fix the cooling here at work and getting orange all over my hands
if anyone has any questions PM me because there has been a lot of bad representation on this forum concerning certain topics and I'm going to get to working and washing my hands now
Their chicken is pretty good but you can do better especially in the South.
Mine too, you'd think with many of the best florists being gay men that people in the industry would be more okay with it.
But nope. Though I imagine it could be far worse.
Alexander Hamilton.
Have you read his letters to John Laurens?
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
Yeah, I thank the universe that I still have Popeye's. I mean, he's a sailor. No way he hasn't banged a deckhand or 3 on one of those long, lonely nights.
More topic-relevantly, I never considered that asexuality was really a thing you could identify with or even readily define. I mean hell, I enjoy sexytimes as much as the next horny dude, but I decided a long time ago that sex wasn't worth the sum effort as an end in itself (fun), but IS worth the effort as a means to an end (making babies)
And since I want absolutely nothing to do with children ever ever god I hate the little fuckers, well, I dunno I guess that makes me 'asexual'?
(edit) also, Popeye's rules, and before anyone else says otherwise, Raising Cane's chicken is fucking awful
like, there aren't any in Hawaii
but I still enjoy some in n out when i am in the mainland
STEAM: BioSpark // POKEMON: 0303 9578 6730
America is RIGHT up there in the thread title, sir. The only thing that gets us more revved up than fast food is inexplicably Christian fast food.
STEAM: BioSpark // POKEMON: 0303 9578 6730
If I had known about this when I was down there in March, I would not have gone there.
I'll make sure that I am avoiding it when I go back down next week.
noooo is ok
No, that just makes you a loser.
But really no I don't think that means you're asexual.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
I would never voice this in-person but it's a thought I have. Like I said, I've never gotten to know a self-identifying asexual.
Maybe they truly have no desire for sexual closeness or maybe all the sex they've had (if they've had any) has been total rubbish. Maybe they've been heavily influenced by an overbearing morality system that emphasizes that sexual thoughts and actions are evil and dirty. Maybe they have a poor body-image and are protecting themselves from rejection by denying themselves the opportunity.
This is all just my brain having a hard time processing asexuality into something I can empathize with.
Sex is just such a diverse tapestry of potential experiences that being disinterested in it in any form strikes me as needing more explanation.
I enjoyed Zaxby's quite a bit.
asexuality is one thing, and that is, of course, totally understandable, but if you are straight dude and you can't see how many options there are aside from "sex as procreation" and "sex as a pleasurable end in itself," I don't even
my orgasm is like one-fiftieth the pleasure I derive from great sex