I figured I would book my hotel sooner than later for PAX East 2012. Specifically I was looking at the Westin Waterfront or the Seaport sicne they are the closest and showed the most activity.
It looks like neither are taking any reservations for the weekend for the 6th to the 8th of April 2012. The Marriot Waterfront looks like it will let you make an order, but at 260$. That will dig a decent hole in one's budget if you plan on staying a few extra nights (I'll most likely be paying for the entire thing again).
I don't like to assume, but in thise case I kind of have too: The Westin and Seaport are probably holding off whatever they have left for the PAX Hotel specials. The problem is that last year they ran out of those in a flash. In fact if memory serves correction, you only had a few hours if you wanted to book something at the Hotel connected to the BCEC before everything was taken. I feel like it's a bit risky to wait out and hunt down for a hotel deal, after all we are 70,000 people trying to attend this thing. I'd like to have a plan B.
I'm curious though, did anyone already book their rooms right after PAX 2012?
While I loved staying at the Westin, I can understand most people not wanting to pay their normal nightly rate. That being said, I will wait for the PAX rate, but may consider staying there even if I can't get it. It was just so darn convenient.
The Renaissance Waterfront or the Seaport were a few blocks away, but more affordable. I think I remember seeing pre-paid and normal rates for around $229-249/night for both properties. Again, these will have varying factors and also the fact that PAXE2012 falls on a holiday weekend next year.
Obviously the smart thing to do is to wait for the rates and I'll aim to get the closest thing possible. If that fails, anything else that has shuttle service will be considered.
One of the bigger lessons I learned last year was that a "respectable walking distance" may be nice on paper, but in practice, it just does not work. I was completely caught off guard by the volume of stuff I picked up throughout the day, everyday, minus the shopping even. It just accumulates and at some point all you want to do is dump that stuff somewhere. Then again, it may just be me, but there was a lot more swag and shopping to be done compared to 2010. Walking around the entire day took it's toll on both of us and every walk back to the hotel was longer and longer.
The real killer was Saturday night when we left at the closing time. 1+ hour to take a taxi, none could be found by walking further out and we had to make our way back through all the drunken patrons that had to leave their respective bars and clubs due to the Boston curfew. With all the stuff we had on us and the day's fatigue, the 25 minute walk took 45 minutes instead.
I'll admit that I did not get why so many people made a big fuss about having a hotel with 0.0 miles to location, but now I totally understand. It's definitely worth the extra money
See you guys in April!
We need to hang more in 2012.
You could reserve a room now and then cancel if you snatch one at PAX rate.
I found the options for places to stay pretty lacking for East, but the cabs were pretty reasonable.
My thoughts exactly, save for the cab thing, which was last year's plan and did not work as well as I wished.
But, at worse, I'll do what I did last year and be ready for it instead of being surprised.
Yes, we must hang. And I will bring more candies.
Frugus is being extreme. Do not fret. The PAX rate hotels will be announced in Sept/Oct and we will book them gloriously.
also, for others who are considering it, i stayed at westin for the last pax and my compatriots and i all agreed the convenience was worth every dollar. i will definitely be there again next year.
Yes indeed!
In my defense, the plan is to wait for the special offers. However I was thinking about establishing a plan B, which consisted of booking a room at a normal rate just in case I could not get onto the Hotel special bandwagon (the good rooms go fast!). I was just surprised to see that I could not book anything just now. Hence, the thread.
Also, just got word from the PAX Organizers.
Interesting piece of info. Now it's time to talk about Mint Areos and that amazing Oreo within a huge chocolate chip cookie cookie.
Also, I concur with Frugus - the amazing Oreo within a huge chocolate chip cookie cookie? No words can describe its wonder.
Has this turned into a PAX East forumer reunited thread?
I am making outlines for the Hitchhiker's Guide to PAX East 2012 this weekend. I am ready to start planning for East but I will be patient.
About what was the PAX East Hotel deal this year?
Flight: [X]
Lodging: [X]
Passes: [X]
Excitement: [10/10]
Frugus, Rdr, you are pillars of the PAX community as always.
For this part year, which was my first PAX, I went with a friend who could get a discounted hotel rate, and I paid an embarrassingly low rate. The hotel was about a ten minute drive to the event, and parking there was free. I drove to and from the convention centre each day, and parking there was about $10 per day. I never found the parking lot too full upon my arrival, but I was early each day. It did look pretty full by the time things got into full swing.
Pros: Cost. It saved me a lot of money to be a bit further away. Also, I had my car nearby. If we learned anything from Fallout 2, it's that having access to a car trunk makes your life much easier.
Cons: It was a bit more time to go to and from. The people staying in the Westin really seemed to have a great deal, being attached to the centre itself. Also, driving in Boston is at it's best a challenge. More often it was outright hostile. I suspect any cosplayers would be very wise to stay at the attached hotel if their costume is at all a challenge to put together and move around in.
Hope this helps folks. I haven't decided exactly my plan for 2012.
PAX EAST 2011 * 2012 * 2013 *2014 *2015 *2016 | PAX PRIME 2013| PAX UNPLUGGED 2017
yeah, i also wish this wasn't the case. now that i've been to my first pax, i was hoping to use my experiences to convince some friends to come along next year who were on the fence about it, but if they have family stuff to do that weekend it probably won't happen. i understand there are a TON of factors that need to be considered when choosing dates and something has to give, but still, a little disappointing.
I'm figuring everything else was booked...I've never been big with following religious holidays but obviously some friends family's do. My mom will be upset that I'll be missing church but other than that I can deal. I only usually go to church on the holidays anyway
(I though I hit reply on this like an hour ago haha)
PAX EAST 2011 * 2012 * 2013 *2014 *2015 *2016 | PAX PRIME 2013| PAX UNPLUGGED 2017
PAX East 2015: -Pass [X] -Hotel [X] -Time off[X]
twitter: acumen101 | fb: fb.com/acumen101
Steam: acumen101 | xbl/psn: caseBlaster101
Actually it was a bunch of factors that forced the organizers to book those particular dates. If I had more than just a few minutes to respond, I would point you towards a thread that debated this topic (heatedly) until Khoo showed up and explained why there was little choice to do so.
It's not just a question of available dates. It also had to be spaced around other conventions and important industry dates. In the end they had to make a sacrifices, not to mention that Anime Boston is going to be held at the same time at the Hynes. Last time I checked they were genuinely concerned about this and they were in talks with their organizers to have something done jointly. <- That was eons ago and frankly, I don't know what that really means so don't quote me. Heck, I'm always wrong about something. Not even sure what's up with Boston Anime at all. Someone please do a proof on whatever I do~
I strongly suggest that someone searches for that thread (as stated, I'm on the clock).
The thread about the date select:
Robert Khoo's reply:
WoW: BanAnnaPi#1341
Steam: BanAnnaPie
Origin: BanAnnaPie
3DS Friend Code: 3840 - 6540 - 5643
Having been to the first two pax east however I do have some feedback for lodging. The first year I could walk to Hynes easily and this past year I had to take the T. Being able to walk to-from your lodging provides a bunch of pro's; more sleep (if that's even possible during pax), allows you to spend the most time at the convention (had to leave before 12:30am to ensure I didn't miss the last train), and as mentioned before the ease of transportation for situations like complex cosplay or byoc
The only con would be the increased expense of lodging however if I hadn't already been in Boston I think it'd be worth it to be onsite
Hey dude, you and I can totally hang out at next years PAX Boston. I've got all my shots, enjoy long walks on the beach & I'm also Canadian. Triple-threat over here.
At last year's PAX, admittedly my first, I came away with the impression that it would be best to either travel with one person who wants to go to all the same events as you, or a group of people you can break apart for different panels, events, and interests, and reunite later. The group is likely more easily done, although you'll always run into trouble with a crippled cell phone (data rates were pretty slow inside that building sometimes).
But hey, as you get closer, try to find people on here who want to do the same things you do as well. And I highly recommend the pre-PAX events if you can make it. Be in the pub crawl, the board games, dinner, whatever. All are great ways to meet people. So are lines - you have at least one thing in common with the people next to you there.
Be friendly. Talk to people. I promise you, it will turn out well for you.
^-^ Friendly part is easy, since I like people anyway. I will try to crack out of my shell and talk to people. XD Bery shy. And thank you.
Cannot echo this enough as well for everyone. I can honestly say I would not have had as much fun as I did if it were not for all the amazing people I met from participating in the Pax Pokemon League. Mucho