The subject line describes it all.
I opened up Firefox to, of all things, check this forum, and nothing would load on it. Not penny-arcade, not google, nothing. I reset my internet, which I figured was the case, but nothing. I try Chrome, my backup browser, and also nothing. I try League of Legends and Ventrilo, and both work fine, but the browsers still fail to work.
On a lark, I open up IE9, and it works great. I then refresh both Chrome and Firefox, and they come to life. I work on Firefox instead, and after a few minutes, it stops working. Same run around--I refresh IE9's home page, and then Firefox works again.
Here's the thing: this is completely sudden, and I can't think of any changes I've made to my computer. I did not have this problem on Thursday.
Is there any information I can share to help diagnose this problem, or any other tests I should attempt? I am fairly computer literate, but I have no clue where to start. In the meantime, I've discovered that IE9 is actually pretty nice.
EDIT 1: I may have a solution. A while back, I changed my DNS servers to
Google's public DNS. I can't remember why, honestly. I turned it back to automatic, so I'll give that a try.
EDIT 2: Nope. No luck with the DNS thing.
EDIT 3: So far, restarting the computer has solved the issue. Still have no idea what happened, and I don't know if it'll last. We'll see.
EDIT 4: Happening less often, but still occasionally happens. Waiting a bit or refreshing IE9 seem to do the trick.
League of Legends: MichaelDominick; Blizzard(NA): MichaelD#11402; Steam ID: MichaelDominick
Also, next time it screws up, try opening up the command prompt and pinging (or whatever website) to see if you get a response.
(are you using a home cable/dsl router, or in a more complex setting)
in chrome, you can go to:
which will let you see if chrome is trying to use a proxy, what its dns settings are, what connections it has open, and a test to let you figure out what might be going on.
You might also want to use CCleaner to wipe your DNS cache to reload everything from your ISP's DNS servers. I've used this to fix random connection issues over the years since I use DynDNS with OpenDNS as a back-up.
Also, check for a Proxy.