So, long story short, turns out I have a family/business connection to the CEO of a company in my field of study. We traded emails, and he wants me to send a resume with work/academic history so he can forward around and see if any departments have an immediate need. I've googled different resume templates, but I obviously want this to look good. Basically, I'm looking for any advice in putting together a solid resume.
Work History
My work history is pretty limited (three companies, just transferred to a new position with my current company). Not sure how to really beef this up I suppose, or even if it is necessary.
Academic history
I graduated highschool in 06', got an associates in the arts in 08', and am currently in a bachelor of science program. Beyond my current gpa, and any awards like presidents honor roll I can remember, I'm not sure what else to put here. I'd be fine with simply providing transcripts, but not sure if thats too much.
Luckily this section will be pretty solid, since after I started my current stint in college I joined up with several
Beyond this I'm somewhat at a loss
For organizations, if you don't have a leadership role and/or specific acomplishments, leave them off.
For school, I put down the names of some courses that were relevant to what the resume was asking.
That's silly. It's a resume. It's goal is to clearly and quickly sell your achievements and communicate your skills. Unless you're in a really niche creative field, the originality of your Microsoft word created document isn't given a thought by most people.
This is especially true since most big companies parse them and make them plain text now anyways so that they can be easily searched in their HR database.
I <did something> and it resulted in <tangible benefit>. You want active tense wherever possible as well. So rather than saying "I worked on a team that prepared quarterly reports," say "I prepared quarterly management reports with a 3 person team. Executive X relied on these reports for monthly procurement/finance/strategy decisions that drove $XXX in spending."
Emphasize your impact wherever you've been.