Apparently some guy has made a new game called "Dick-joke simulator with some light survival-horror elements". Or DJSWSLSHE for short. His name is Shinji Mikami. He's worked on some other sims too.
There was his "Son-of-the-devil
simulator" (which was paired with some light beat em up gameplay). His "Anime Facial Expression
simulator". And whom could forget his breakout-classic, "Stilted voice acting, awkward dialogue
simulator" - which has been adapted into several movies that have stayed true to the series' trademark awkward delivery, and barely coherent plot.
With DJSWSLSHE, players get to step into the large shoes of Garcia Fucking Hotspur as he and his English life-partner, Johnson, take their comedy act on the road through the pits of hell. All the while, they're trying out new material on unsuspecting demons.
So, SE++, I ask you: Do you enjoy dick jokes? Do you enjoy slaying demons? Do you enjoy telling ever more creative dick jokes whilst slaying demons? If you answered "no" why the fuck are you here anyways? You know what SE++ is about, right?
e: This guy helped make it. I dunno. I think he made like some Wii shovelware or something? Never heard of him.
Oh, also if you're having trouble with the game, here are the controls:
TL;DR: Shadows of the Damned: Business as Usual
Tycho's twitter:
Then don't look down in the shower.
I don't have enough people hating me recently
Is Suda involved in this? I actually heard about this game for the first time today.
Fuck. Now that you point that out, it seems completely obvious. How did I miss that?
That's a fair point, but, well, Japan.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
You can move and shoot.
where are these rad comments from
the difference is that this game actually looks funny, while DNF was...not
but let's not talk about DNF we might bring the wrath of mod down upon us
No More Heroes guy and RE/DMC guy working together on a game is basically what I wanted all these years and never even knew it
this game
Man I can't believe how under the radar this game is
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully