We have 3 of us staying at the Max hotel which is pretty close. We're driving down from Canada that day so we're not sure what time we'll get in but would love to join in a few games!
Would anyone be interested in a game of Conquest of Nerath? It's the latest Dungeons and Dragons board game from Wizards of the Coast that is nothing at all like Risk. Really, it isn't. I'm a big fan of it and am bringing it over all the way from the UK to play it at PAX itself. I should be able to make the pre-pax event as I get into Seattle in the afternoon. Here's the stats:
Kropotkin's Conquest of Nerath game
Time: 7:00p.m Thursday (Pre-PAX party)
3 seats available (4 total players)
Length - 2-3 hours
I'd love to but my CitOW game will be running at 9. If you want to play it again later in the night I'm all yours
Myself and a mate (Skyntara) are coming over from Aus for our first (and likely last) PAX. Staying in the Sheraton, so would be great to get some board gaming in beforehand (not to mention all the gaming opportunities during PAX itself).
We know Cosmic Encounter, Smallworld, and Arkham Horror (vanilla), plus usual favourites like Settlers of Catan. Obviously not able to bring anything over on the plane though.
Would love to be able to get in a game of something we haven't played, if people are happy to teach
Doofenshmirtz: Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
Gene I want to say thanks again for last year, that was fun as hell! Noticed you caught a picture of my friends and I as well, or our backs. I know one of my friends will be interested in this as he isn't a drinker so I will stop by to check it out this year as well!
Would anyone be interested in a game of Conquest of Nerath? It's the latest Dungeons and Dragons board game from Wizards of the Coast that is nothing at all like Risk. Really, it isn't. I'm a big fan of it and am bringing it over all the way from the UK to play it at PAX itself. I should be able to make the pre-pax event as I get into Seattle in the afternoon. Here's the stats:
Kropotkin's Conquest of Nerath game
Time: 7:00p.m Thursday (Pre-PAX party)
3 seats available (4 total players)
Length - 2-3 hours
I have been interested in this game and would love to give it a try, but I am not able to make it to the pre-PAX event, perhaps during the normal convention days/hours?
Gene I want to say thanks again for last year, that was fun as hell! Noticed you caught a picture of my friends and I as well, or our backs. I know one of my friends will be interested in this as he isn't a drinker so I will stop by to check it out this year as well!
Gene - got the Pegasus Expansion for BSG, go ahead and update the game description up top. Thanks Muchly!
What is 'Aye, Dark Overlord'? Sounds intriguing.
I've played it before - It's like a roleplaying game of sorts. One player gets to be the titular Dark Overlord and the rest of the players are his dimwitted minions. Some horrible terrible disastrous thing has occured (like the overlord's pizza not having the correct toppings or something) and the players try to pass the blame around.
... I will probably will be bringing Cosmic Encounter (New FFG version with expansions), Dominion (with some of the expansions), and Dune the board game (from the 70s).
Can I just say what a pleasure - nay - privilege it is to find another Dune geek on the forums? I would like to shake your hand, sir.
My wife and I have decided to skip Triwizard and join you guys after the Pre-PAX Dinner. So count us in. There seems to be a decent amount of schedules already going up, so we can plan Dune or whatever when we arrive or a time during/ post pax.
I am ABSOLUTELY up for BSG, and can either run a separate game (I have base, Pegasus, and Exodus) or add in as a player on the one at 7, whichever y'all would prefer.
Me and Ms Dismortis can likely turn up for some Thursday night board game funnery, can't commit to a board but we'll likely be available to fill seats and do pickup games and lose with gusto. I might be willing to drag along my much-loved and much-abused original Talisman boardgame with all the expansions. Except for the Amulet card, I'm fairly sure that card got eaten in a fit of rage 20 years ago.
Me and Ms Dismortis can likely turn up for some Thursday night board game funnery, can't commit to a board but we'll likely be available to fill seats and do pickup games and lose with gusto. I might be willing to drag along my much-loved and much-abused original Talisman boardgame with all the expansions. Except for the Amulet card, I'm fairly sure that card got eaten in a fit of rage 20 years ago.
Talisman? Now, that' s a name game that I haven't heard in a long, long time. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face
Doofenshmirtz: Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
Flight booked! I'll be in Seattle well before the event starts ( I had thought the last few days I might have to show up around 11pm thursday but found a great deal at the 11th hour) so I'll probably be at the hotle lobby an hour early or so if anyone wants to get an early start. Event still starts at 7:00 but if anyone wants to get a ahold and play something, great.
Also the Official end of PAX Prime 2011 is 6:30 pm on sunday, so the Post prime party will start immediately after. Super Excited!
I really need to start looking for the games I'm bringing.........
Doofenshmirtz: Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
BAH! I just realized I'm teaching until 9:30 that night, so I won't be able to arrive until 10, maybe 10:30 at the earliest. I'm willing to do a late-start BSG game though, and as mentioned before I have both expansions.
BAH! I just realized I'm teaching until 9:30 that night, so I won't be able to arrive until 10, maybe 10:30 at the earliest. I'm willing to do a late-start BSG game though, and as mentioned before I have both expansions.
I passed on an earlier game of BSG (thats still has slots open btw people!) because I want to be around to help things go smoothly, but if you're willing to play at 11p I'm am very very interested in a game of BSG.
Done and done. As an aside I purchased BANG! today since I saw a group playing it last year and having a lot of fun, looking forward to putting it on a table at the Sheraton.
Done and done. As an aside I purchased BANG! today since I saw a group playing it last year and having a lot of fun, looking forward to putting it on a table at the Sheraton.
You'll really love it. I spent a weekend with a bunch of friends at camp playing it and it's incredibly engaging. Sort of BSG-medium (Saboteur is really BSG-lite). I've also got the iPhone app, though it can't do online play yet, just pass and play. Fairly short game length unless you get 7 or 8 people (though I think you need one of the expansions to play with 8.)
Okay, I'm definitely bringing my copy of Betrayal at House on the Hill. I had a ton of responses from fellow PAXians on Google+ about how awesome the game is.
"Little baby Cthulhu hopping through the forest, picking up the field mice and Sucking Out Their Souls"
Just a small reminder (not to steal any of Gene's thunder, honest!) that we'll have the Tabletop Library that'll be stocked full of games for you to check out during PAX itself. Also, we have a large number of tournaments, starting at 10:00 a.m. Friday -- If there's a tournament early Friday that you wanted to join, keep it's start time in mind while you're playing at the Pre-PAX get together.
Google +
We know Cosmic Encounter, Smallworld, and Arkham Horror (vanilla), plus usual favourites like Settlers of Catan. Obviously not able to bring anything over on the plane though.
Would love to be able to get in a game of something we haven't played, if people are happy to teach
Just a little something a friend and I are putting together for boardgamers who are attending PAX, we now return you to your regular programmed thread
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
I have been interested in this game and would love to give it a try, but I am not able to make it to the pre-PAX event, perhaps during the normal convention days/hours?
What is 'Aye, Dark Overlord'? Sounds intriguing.
A pleasure, see you at the show!
Google +
I've played it before - It's like a roleplaying game of sorts. One player gets to be the titular Dark Overlord and the rest of the players are his dimwitted minions. Some horrible terrible disastrous thing has occured (like the overlord's pizza not having the correct toppings or something) and the players try to pass the blame around.
Much like Paranoia, it's played for the lulz.
Can I just say what a pleasure - nay - privilege it is to find another Dune geek on the forums? I would like to shake your hand, sir.
Google +
Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon
Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
Also the Official end of PAX Prime 2011 is 6:30 pm on sunday, so the Post prime party will start immediately after. Super Excited!
Google +
I passed on an earlier game of BSG (thats still has slots open btw people!) because I want to be around to help things go smoothly, but if you're willing to play at 11p I'm am very very interested in a game of BSG.
Google +
Is that Battlestar Galactica game full? If not I would love to bring me+1 to the game.
Also I'm probably going to head down to kinkos and get a couple dozen "Looking for Players" signs made up so people can advertise open slots.
Google +
There is one going on at 7pm on Thursday with three slots open and another at 11p with 3-5 slots open so pick your poison pal
Google +
Google +
Put you down for the 11p game, that okay?
Google +
Sounds great!
You'll really love it. I spent a weekend with a bunch of friends at camp playing it and it's incredibly engaging. Sort of BSG-medium (Saboteur is really BSG-lite). I've also got the iPhone app, though it can't do online play yet, just pass and play. Fairly short game length unless you get 7 or 8 people (though I think you need one of the expansions to play with 8.)
Dice Age
Glory to Rome
The Resistance
Jungle Speed
Covert Action
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MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
Here's the Board/Card Game and Miniatures Tournaments Schedule