Pre (and post) PAX Boardgame get together - See you PAX Prime 2012!



  • Ghola DuncanGhola Duncan Registered User regular

    And can I just say to the person bringing Cosmic Encounters, I am extremely interested in giving it a try.

    My wife and I and friend are arriving in Seattle at 1:30ish. We are planning on getting together with some friends for lunch at Pikes Market and then hitting up the Sci Fi Museum. You are welcome to tag along with us.

    A couple of us are then attending Pre PAX dinner. After that I am all for playing Cosmic Encounters. I have the expansions so it can play up to 7, with a minimum of 3.

    It is an awesome game of house rules, where every game is different. We usually play with 2 powers each, so some symbiotic power relationships can come in.
    though powerful combinations can still be thwarted with good strategy.

  • VinterVinter Registered User regular
    I would like to play battle star galactica at the pre pax party if its still available.

    The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault.

    Xbox GT: Master Vinter Steam: Vinter PSN: VinterM 3DS: 4699-5853-7381
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    What's the protocol on reserving a table? BSG takes up a bit of space and will need a large-ish table (ie: can't play it on an end table). At PAX East this year, there wasn't nearly enough seating available in the lobby and the hotel got kind of pissy with the fact that the gamers took up the bar tables all night and didn't order anything but soda. Since I'm running the BSG 7:00 game, I'm hoping to make it as smooth as possible.

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • Gene ParmesanGene Parmesan Registered User regular
    What's the protocol on reserving a table? BSG takes up a bit of space and will need a large-ish table (ie: can't play it on an end table). At PAX East this year, there wasn't nearly enough seating available in the lobby and the hotel got kind of pissy with the fact that the gamers took up the bar tables all night and didn't order anything but soda. Since I'm running the BSG 7:00 game, I'm hoping to make it as smooth as possible.

    There are two areas at the Sheraton, one being the bar and the other a smaller lobby. Tables will be in extremely short supply so claiming an area and getting a table size appropriate to your game is really important. If you want to play citadels, please pick a small table. If you want to play BSG you need a big table but please don't drag tables from nearby. We tried this with Arkham last year and the waitress got upset since less tables = less orders and tips. It's not perfect but this is the best solution short of charging people to attend. And again, please order drinks and tip. It will go a long way to being accommodated.

  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    Is anyone bringing Magic cards? PAX is the only time that I get to play Magic, and I'm looking forward to it... I'm hoping that people will bring their decks to this to pass the time between games! I'll be bringing mine! =)

    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • susansusan Registered User regular
    Is anyone bringing Magic cards? PAX is the only time that I get to play Magic, and I'm looking forward to it... I'm hoping that people will bring their decks to this to pass the time between games! I'll be bringing mine! =)

    I somehow collected about 10 Magic starter decks last year from all the various handout locations. *shrug* Maybe I should get back into it someday...

    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
  • Ghola DuncanGhola Duncan Registered User regular
    I will have a couple of my magic decks with me =).

  • ArikadoArikado Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Me and Adonus76 are bringing a M12 box on the train with us. We were planning on doing a draft on the train but we might consider doing it at the Sheraton if people are willing to pay their way in since interest from the train folk has been lukewarm. Then you keep what you draft and there's also prizes for the winners.

    Arikado on
    BNet: Arikado#1153 | Steam | LoL: Anzen
  • DracilDracil Registered User regular
    I will have a buncha EDH and several 60 card decks. Obviously I generally prefer EDH. :P

    3DS: 2105-8644-6304
    Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
    MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
  • VinterVinter Registered User regular
    Ive just gotten back into magic, so ill be bringing my decks along. So if some one wants to kick the ass of a newbie using some intro decks im game! :lol:

    The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault.

    Xbox GT: Master Vinter Steam: Vinter PSN: VinterM 3DS: 4699-5853-7381
  • MTSonic11MTSonic11 Registered User regular
    My other half and I will be joining the pre-PAX board gamers. We did this for the first time back in March and had a great time. I flew into Boston, so I really wasn't able to bring any games back in March, I felt like I wasn't contributing much. I played Shadow Hunters with a bunch of awesome people and my boyfriend taught some people how to play Zombie Dice who had just bought it.

    I brought a bunch of games this time (all the way across the country, we took the train)! Granted, I haven't had time to play a bunch of them, so I'll feel kinda stupid bringing them and not knowing how to play them ;) But, at least we can provide some! I'll try to freshen up and/or learn some in the next 2 days.

    Currently, we have Munchkin, Munchkin Zombies, Munchkin Impossible, Struggle for Catan (card game), Forbidden Island, Fluxx, Zombie Fluxx, Pirate Fluxx, Castle Panic, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Gloom...and the classic Uno. I'll look through the thread to see what people are bringing, I'm sure the more popular ones will be duplicates, but I can't see why bringing them would hurt.

    We just got in to Seattle this morning and I'm staying at at Homewood Suites. Bringing them two blocks down to the Sheraton will be no problem.

    I'd like to get some games of Castle Panic going actually, they are 20-30 minute games, simple to learn and play, but we enjoy it a lot.

    This is my first PAX Prime, but I'm hoping to see some familiar faces from the past 2 East's and of course meeting some new friends. I got really excited today when we were walking around and seeing a few PAX shirts already :)

  • Ghola DuncanGhola Duncan Registered User regular
    I would be interested in buying into the M12 box. Also EDH, I only have the premade decks, I have yet to make any of my own.

  • B for BusinessB for Business Registered User regular
    I'll be there. I only have a few small games that can fit in my carryon though. zombie dice and some of the magic decks i've gotten from the previous couple of PAX's. Would also love to try arkham horror if that is going to be there.

    Xbox Live - Jaxon121906 10k
    PSN - B_for_Business
  • VinterVinter Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Does any one else play the Game of Thrones card game? I havent played in over a year and would love to get a game in if any one else plays.

    Also as im not on the list of attendees, i will be there for both pre and post.

    Vinter on
    The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault.

    Xbox GT: Master Vinter Steam: Vinter PSN: VinterM 3DS: 4699-5853-7381
  • Virgil_Leads_YouVirgil_Leads_You Proud Father House GardenerRegistered User regular
    edited August 2011
    I can probably make 7:00. Feel free to @ or pm me if you want a player for a game for thursday. I can't say I'm really experienced, but tend to be a fast learner.

    Virgil_Leads_You on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    Hmm... the box idea is tempting, but I have to admit I'd rather have fun playing wacky preconstructed multiplayer games. They're so much fun! I talked to a couple of people on IRC, and they want in on the multiplayer games as well, so there'll definitely be that option available at the gaming night for those interested!

    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • MrPTMrPT Registered User new member
    Hey, can't wait for this, I probably won't be able to be there until around Midnight, but would love to get into a late night game session. Both the pre and the post sessions are going to be in the Sheraton lobby?

  • LumenadducereLumenadducere Registered User regular
    Sorry for coming in so late on this, but if we're interested in some post-PAX gaming, do we just show up at the Sheraton and find you guys, or is there something else we should do? I'll check back on this thread later but right now I'm operating under the assumption that we should just show up at the Sheraton at 6:30 when the convention center is closed.

  • SpawnOfCthulhuSpawnOfCthulhu Also that Snifit guy. Gig Harbor, WARegistered User regular
    Is anyone bringing Magic cards? PAX is the only time that I get to play Magic, and I'm looking forward to it... I'm hoping that people will bring their decks to this to pass the time between games! I'll be bringing mine! =)

    I'll totally be bringing mine!

  • Gene ParmesanGene Parmesan Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    MrPT wrote:
    Hey, can't wait for this, I probably won't be able to be there until around Midnight, but would love to get into a late night game session. Both the pre and the post sessions are going to be in the Sheraton Lobby?


    Gene Parmesan on
  • Gene ParmesanGene Parmesan Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Sorry for coming in so late on this, but if we're interested in some post-PAX gaming, do we just show up at the Sheraton and find you guys, or is there something else we should do? I'll check back on this thread later but right now I'm operating under the assumption that we should just show up at the Sheraton at 6:30 when the convention center is closed.


    Gene Parmesan on
  • MultraMultra Registered User regular
    I will probly be there around ~6, will anyone be there to guide me, my hands will be very full.

  • KaelasKaelas Registered User regular
    I'll probably ushow up once i finish the indy event at gameworks. but it runs late. Id love some events running till opening of pax through the night lol

  • jjcardjjcard Registered User regular

    Me and my friend would like to join the Conquest of Nerath game, but we don't know if we can get there. We are staying at SpringHill Suites and were hoping if someone who is going could swing by and pick us up. This is our first PAX, so we are pretty lost, as well as we don't have a whole lot of money to spend.

  • palmerpalmer Registered User regular
    6:30, I'm here and ready to play :)

  • mcdangermcdanger Registered User regular
    My bus is hella late. Eta 715

  • Gene ParmesanGene Parmesan Registered User regular
    People are showing up for the 7 o clock bag game.

  • andor00andor00 Registered User regular
    Yarr. Here at the sheraton lobby. Is the 7 battlestar game still on?

  • Virgil_Leads_YouVirgil_Leads_You Proud Father House GardenerRegistered User regular
    I'm going to pass on this.
    On my way there, I realized I was operating with 0 hours of sleep.
    Gonna catch some Z's

  • LiraLira Registered User regular
    I'm bouncing between the two lounges wrangling Burning Wheel players. If you see me, flag me down - I'm in a black shirt with a gold wheel.

  • Haggler_PrimeHaggler_Prime Registered User new member
    Hey I'm open for any BSG my number is 778 549 7588 text me if you need someone

  • JakeotakuJakeotaku Registered User regular
    Alright, pretty girl with the pig-tails who was gaming at the Sheraton for the first half of the night, you're gorgeous. I should have said something while you were there. End.

  • VinterVinter Registered User regular
    11 o'clock game of bsg is being setup. Get over here!

    The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault.

    Xbox GT: Master Vinter Steam: Vinter PSN: VinterM 3DS: 4699-5853-7381
  • MultraMultra Registered User regular
    Missing forbidden island. If you have it text me at 509.731.4060.

  • susansusan Registered User regular
    Thank you for hosting, wish I could've stayed longer, was so much fun :) .

    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
  • Gene ParmesanGene Parmesan Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Well this was a pretty successful get together. The hotel staff seemed much happier to see us this time and a lot of people got to play games. I was demoed burning wheel which is really really cool and managed to scrape out a BSG victory as a cylon. I'll see everyone at the convention center and update the op in a few days with the Sunday details, but in the meantime see you at the convention center

    Oh and if anyone wants to get a bite or play a game my number:

    Gene Parmesan on
  • Gene ParmesanGene Parmesan Registered User regular
    Multra wrote:
    Missing forbidden island. If you have it text me at 509.731.4060.

    Please check people, multra brought a ton of games and it would be shitty if he got burned for it

  • Gene ParmesanGene Parmesan Registered User regular
    Alright second things going on now. About a third as many people this time.

  • AkumakeiAkumakei Registered User regular
    Have many games, LFG 7 wonders or Nightfall, possibly BSG, am in main lobby

  • Gene ParmesanGene Parmesan Registered User regular
    I had a better time tonight than Thursday. See you all next year! And please post any suggestions or name changes!

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