Has anyone been to Video Games Live?

MugenmidgetMugenmidget Registered User regular
edited February 2007 in Games and Technology
It's actually coming to Houston again, so I'd have a chance to see it. But I wondered if anyone here had gone and had some impressions to share. From what I've seen the presentation is fairly interesting.

Comments on the music selection and supposed gaming competitions and playable demos would be welcome.

Mugenmidget on


  • RandomEngyRandomEngy Registered User regular
    edited February 2007
    I went to the premiere in Seattle. They only had the music accompanied by video... no demos or competitions. The music selection was pretty good though: Halo, Metal Gear Sold, Zelda, Mario, Advent Rising and a fair number of other songs. It was a pretty nice presentation and I had a good time.

    RandomEngy on
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