If you want to have a general purpose rune page: MS Quints, Armor yellow, MR/Mr Level/CDR(either one is general enough) blues, AD reds(if you don't have a clue what you like to play). If you know that you like mages more, go for mpen reds, if you know you like physical champs more, go for arpen reds/as reds. It's a far from optimal rune page that can be used on almost any champ.
I actually looked around a bit deciding on champs for each role. Zil, Annie, Jax, Vlad, Alistar. I Lack AD but other than that, they're all ok with AP runes i think. Vlad is the oddest one out.
KayWhat we need...Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered Userregular
Gold quints are also good for all champions. At ~25 minutes they're roughly equivalent of any scaling quint at level 18.
They're super cheap too, 500 ip.
Jephery on
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
i don't like gold quints
in a lategame situation my problem is always a lack of itemslots instead of a lack of gold, and gold quints take time to provide a benefit as opposed to other quints which just take levels, or nothing.
I haven't tried it fully, but I can switch to the EU server and download the files for it and be ready to play. I couldn't login cause they were down last night of course.
But in theory you'd just make an account after switching and loading the NA choice.
The red buff change is going to make certain other champions better off I think. Gangplank's slow is going to suffer, but he is going to get into parrrley and then melee range faster, so his passive slow will start stacking sooner. Other junglers that had issue closing the gap will likewise be better off with a speed buff than a slow.
I also hope that means I can run into the jungle between waves and score some neutral minions.
I also hope it leads to more lane roaming, where people sort of take turns clearing the jungle and appearing in another lane.
Worst case scenario we are back to 2-1-2 or something else and that leads to fun aggressive play. Because I can't stream tournaments and thus absolutely don't care what the highest ELO does since that has no bearing on my enjoyment of the game.
yeah i'm astonished that people dont' like the sounds of these jungle changes
the entire goal is to make laning less passive, if it turns out it backfires they won't go through with them
i don't like gold quints
in a lategame situation my problem is always a lack of itemslots instead of a lack of gold, and gold quints take time to provide a benefit as opposed to other quints which just take levels, or nothing.
Your points are valid, but for an "any champ I just hit 20" rune page though, they're pretty good. Especially when Flat HP quints are 2k each as opposed to 500.
Jephery on
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
i don't like gold quints
in a lategame situation my problem is always a lack of itemslots instead of a lack of gold, and gold quints take time to provide a benefit as opposed to other quints which just take levels, or nothing.
For an "any champ" starting rune page though, they're pretty good. Especially when Flat HP quints are 2k each as opposed to 500.
i think the difference here is that i'm of the opinion that if you aren't buying the absolute optimal stuff, it isn't worth spending IP on it
but i can totally see why people would feel otherwise, and gold quints do sound kinda funny to have on like, gangplank
Ah i bought the health quints, i'd been saving ip since like level 10 or something. That and eu has a 15 day ip bonus now and i have a 12 win ip bonus left for some reason. Basically I'M ROLLING IN DOUGH
Zen VulgarityWhat a lovely day for teaSecret British ThreadRegistered Userregular
They're not optimal for any champ, but they're useful on anyone, especially when you're still a newer player. Gold just isn't a problem in the long run and is a waste of quint spots imo.
KayWhat we need...Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered Userregular
I haven't tried it fully, but I can switch to the EU server and download the files for it and be ready to play. I couldn't login cause they were down last night of course.
But in theory you'd just make an account after switching and loading the NA choice.
Ugh, I need to download more files? Laaaame. Shouldn't it just be the same game regardless? Now, who to use from the free champs.
i don't like gold quints
in a lategame situation my problem is always a lack of itemslots instead of a lack of gold, and gold quints take time to provide a benefit as opposed to other quints which just take levels, or nothing.
For an "any champ" starting rune page though, they're pretty good. Especially when Flat HP quints are 2k each as opposed to 500.
i think the difference here is that i'm of the opinion that if you aren't buying the absolute optimal stuff, it isn't worth spending IP on it
but i can totally see why people would feel otherwise, and gold quints do sound kinda funny to have on like, gangplank
They're really good when you think in gold equivilancy terms, like 20g = 1 ap (from Needlessly Large Rod), so at 20 minutes, you have 120 gold from a gold quint, or 6 ap, at 25 minutes 7.5 ap. A scaling AP quint only goes up to 7.7 ap. At 30 minutes you're beating the scaling quint in efficiency, assuming you can make use of the gold.
Flat hp isn't exacly optimal, since flat damage, armor pen, ap, or movement speed are much better in most cases. Flat hp is also a lot less useful in the case where you're doing doran's stacking, which is a decent opener on many characters, since the dorans provide the hp you need to trade blows.
Jephery on
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
Forever Zefirocloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered Userregular
I've been using movespeed quints so far
I guess eventually I'll specialize more
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
I haven't tried it fully, but I can switch to the EU server and download the files for it and be ready to play. I couldn't login cause they were down last night of course.
But in theory you'd just make an account after switching and loading the NA choice.
Ugh, I need to download more files? Laaaame. Shouldn't it just be the same game regardless? Now, who to use from the free champs.
I switched and it immediately started updating. I was like "oh, it better not be fucking up my files" but I left it for several minutes and now both are ready to play.
come tell me why i'm horrible at this game and how i can get better, also will be in vent in case you want to verbally tell me how i can be better, other wise feel free to type in the chat on jtv
This is why GP/5 Quints aren't that great. At the end of the day, you only have 6 item slots. They would gain a lot more power if you had something like a dedicated ward slot or something along those lines.
As it is, by 15 minutes, all my slots are full. I'm usually running 3 Doran's (Or GP/10 Items), Boots, 1-2 parts of my first big item, and wards. Also, quite often the gold appears at the wrong time. That slush money just rarely ever makes the difference between getting an item or not getting an item. (Unless it's a health pot or a ward...)
Results may vary though depending on Gimmicky champ builds. (TF, GP, Ashe.) But usually gimmick builds require a competent team to carry you the distance before you can roll as you please.
I had another good match over the weekend. I think this weekend was full of games that were pretty even or tough wins.
Bottom lane: Galio (me) and Renekton vs Alistar and Cait.
Did NOT go well for us. We couldnt move from our tower at all. We asked for a lane switch since the other 2 lanes had range (TF and Ez), but no one came. Eventually Renekton went top and told Ez straight up to go bottom. So Ez came bottom and we did better, but it was still tough. We had some "ok" ganks with our TF and Amumu, but nothing special. Eventually late game, we blew them up due to good warding and surprise attacks with Amumu ulting, and myself ulting depending on where the enemies were and if our carries were close to dying.
Im not sure when this happened, or if it was always like this, but Bulwark is strong as HELL. +90 armor and +90 magic resist? Freaking strong as heck.
It still seems Galio Q is wierd. The hitbox is a lot smaller than the target recticle. You need to literaly hit the person straight on for it to hit.
And if ya dont play AP/tanky Galio, you are doing it wrong!! Chalice, Merc Treads, Abyss Scep, Aegis, Deathcap, Void Staff.
OnTheLastCastlelet's keep it haimish for the peripateticRegistered Userregular
edited July 2011
I am going to be king of the smurfs. I choose you, Mordekaiser, for pub stomping.
edit: And I'm seeing weird UI glitches on your stream, gareth. It keeps flickering. The map and your items and stuff.
So much has been kept in the dark about DoTA2, I'm really curious about it. Valve hasn't done strategy in a long, long ass time, to the point that they're basically amateurs in the genre. But no more so than Riot was when they started League of Legends.
I've kinda grown fond of the LoL style of art/humor/writing, that I'm not sure I could take DoTA2 entirely serious. I trust Valve to do absolutely bad-ass innovation and game design, I'm just not sure how well it'll hold up.
Part of me wants it to fail, because I don't want to make the switch, having just hit 30 last week. The other part of me wants it to be vastly successful.
I don't know how to feel. All I know is HoN and RoI can eat a bag.
I'm not sure why valve would need to know anything about "strategy" to help make dota 2, they have icefrog afterall. I just wonder what heroes they will be bringing into the game, as surely they are not going to port all 100+ of them. I would love something like, 30 of the oldest, most iconic heroes, and 30 of the newer ones, the 10 completely new heroes. And honestly, i want to see just the whole system, what they're burrowing from, HoN, and LoL, game modes, new items, the suspense is killing me!
edit: whoops, forgot there was another page, quoting that from a page ago...
in another news, I've probably lost more in the last 2 weeks then I have in the last 2 months. Surely this is because most of my games have been solo queues, and apprently solo queue is worse than ever. I called a noc out on diving a leona I had been zoning out like crazy with kaasadin, under her tower, killing her but also giving her a kill and 300 delicous gold, which i didn't want her top have, when I could of easily killed her myself and blinked out. I asked him why he would do that and he freaked out and went afk. I just sort of sat there in awe.
Minerva_SC on
"If a cherry pie filled cape is wrong, I don't want to be right.
I'm dead serious."
This is why GP/5 Quints aren't that great. At the end of the day, you only have 6 item slots. They would gain a lot more power if you had something like a dedicated ward slot or something along those lines.
As it is, by 15 minutes, all my slots are full. I'm usually running 3 Doran's (Or GP/10 Items), Boots, 1-2 parts of my first big item, and wards. Also, quite often the gold appears at the wrong time. That slush money just rarely ever makes the difference between getting an item or not getting an item. (Unless it's a health pot or a ward...)
Results may vary though depending on Gimmicky champ builds. (TF, GP, Ashe.) But usually gimmick builds require a competent team to carry you the distance before you can roll as you please.
I'm not saying they're optimal though, I'm saying that they're good enough for a person who just hit 20 to use on all his rune pages, as a cheaper alternative to flat hp or movespeed.
They are almost optimal on supports though.
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
I guess the equivalency argument doesn't make sense to me because you can't BUY an item that gives 6 only. I would rather be able to do more damage or survive longer so that I can get more kills.
KayWhat we need...Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered Userregular
Im not sure when this happened, or if it was always like this, but Bulwark is strong as HELL. +90 armor and +90 magic resist? Freaking strong as heck.
It still seems Galio Q is wierd. The hitbox is a lot smaller than the target recticle. You need to literaly hit the person straight on for it to hit.
And if ya dont play AP/tanky Galio, you are doing it wrong!! Chalice, Merc Treads, Abyss Scep, Aegis, Deathcap, Void Staff.
Bulwark is awesome. Other uses:
Slap it on yourself while laning, sit in the middle of creeps. Your health goes up pretty quickly.
Slap it on yourself if you need some extra burst - due to Galio's passive, upping your MagRes also ups your AP.
Q always seemed to have a pretty big AoE when I was using it. Not sure what happened to you.
Given that 50% of your MagRes is converted to AP, I just went super-tanky at the start, and picked up +AP items later on. Worked really well.
I should buy Galio. I -liked- playing Galio. But all I seem to play are tanky support or tanky DPS.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
OnTheLastCastlelet's keep it haimish for the peripateticRegistered Userregular
edited July 2011
You need to get better at last hitting w/ your autoattack, Gareth. I keep seeing you biff like every one.
edit: And you asked if you should suicide w/ Yi. No. You have no boots or escapes. Those tanky dps are made to chase and murder you if you go too far.
So much has been kept in the dark about DoTA2, I'm really curious about it. Valve hasn't done strategy in a long, long ass time, to the point that they're basically amateurs in the genre. But no more so than Riot was when they started League of Legends.
I've kinda grown fond of the LoL style of art/humor/writing, that I'm not sure I could take DoTA2 entirely serious. I trust Valve to do absolutely bad-ass innovation and game design, I'm just not sure how well it'll hold up.
Part of me wants it to fail, because I don't want to make the switch, having just hit 30 last week. The other part of me wants it to be vastly successful.
I don't know how to feel. All I know is HoN and RoI can eat a bag.
I'm not sure why valve would need to know anything about "strategy" to help make dota 2, they have icefrog afterall. I just wonder what heroes they will be bringing into the game, as surely they are not going to port all 100+ of them. I would love something like, 30 of the oldest, most iconic heroes, and 30 of the newer ones, the 10 completely new heroes. And honestly, i want to see just the whole system, what they're burrowing from, HoN, and LoL, game modes, new items, the suspense is killing me!
edit: whoops, forgot there was another page, quoting that from a page ago...
in another news, I've probably lost more in the last 2 weeks then I have in the last 2 months. Surely this is because most of my games have been solo queues, and apprently solo queue is worse than ever. I called a noc out on diving a leona I had been zoning out like crazy with kaasadin, under her tower, killing her but also giving her a kill and 300 delicous gold, which i didn't want her top have, when I could of easily killed her myself and blinked out. I asked him why he would do that and he freaked out and went afk. I just sort of sat there in awe.
I never bother giving negative feedback in solo queue. My main goal is just to keep my team from arguing and keep them focused on game objectives. So I'll point out shit like "QSS will save you from the next mord ult", or "next time we invade jungle let's go as 5" rather than "buy some MR" and "I don't understand why you'd go into their jungle with 5 MIA to try and steal red".
Solo QQ is like herding cats, telling people they made bad plays rarely helps.
yeah i'm astonished that people dont' like the sounds of these jungle changes
the entire goal is to make laning less passive, if it turns out it backfires they won't go through with them
Unfortunately riot got a mass reaction from the people in 800-1500 elo a strong majority dont know what riot is really talking about. Ganking works in that elo range a lot more often because there is always almost someone not playing passively. Riot is doing this change strictly for the higher elos, while everyone is reacting as if its some sort of dumbing down the game for newbies. Also I think the speed boost is most welcome on jungling champs because it will make jungle invasions much easier to do (and get out of). Pretty much at this point a couple of high elo players would have to come out with their own thread in support of the changes in order for riot to get any traction with the idea.
I actually see riot's point with this. Right now I can play aggressively in my lane till about 4 minutes and a varying amount of seconds (dependant on enemy jungle). Then have to play passively till i see the jungle in another lane. Then either super push so my lane resets before he can walk up to me or continue to play passively.
The game is a lot more fun when the enemy and your team both don't have jungles. As far as warding? How often do people go back before 4 minutes to buy a ward? I can count that on my hand and its usually because they died to an aggressive lane.
Yep Mres/AP Galio is the best. Bulwark is easily his best heal and with a few ap items helps his survivability much more than getting more armor/mr/heath. All galio needs is enough armor/mr/health to survive between the cooldowns of bulwark. Usually you can get that with a chalice, merc treads, and aegis.
Not quite sure what you mean about his Q splash. I find the tooltip right. Especially when i'm last hitting minions with Q while avoiding hitting full health minions.
Yep Mres/AP Galio is the best. Bulwark is easily his best heal and with a few ap items helps his survivability much more than getting more armor/mr/heath. All galio needs is enough armor/mr/health to survive between the cooldowns of bulwark. Usually you can get that with a chalice, merc treads, and aegis.
Not quite sure what you mean about his Q splash. I find the tooltip right. Especially when i'm last hitting minions with Q while avoiding hitting full health minions.
I dont know, but I was missing a lot with the Q even though I was pretty sure they were in the radius. It seems one of the tougher skill shots (maybe because of the slow speed, i dunno). But it hurts when it hits them
Few days ago I was top as Malzahar vs a TF. This TF just could NOT kill me at all. He got my to low hp, then tried to flash, stun, wild card, blah blah, ignite. I always had just enough hp left to quaff a heal potion and keep going. I always got around 4-5 hp pots when I went back, so I always had some heals for his harassing. It was just funny to keep watching him to try combo me and it never worked. Catalyst + hp pots = keep wasting your crap on me TF! Then our WW would come, and we would just combo ult him over and over.
I never even get boots as Malz until I finish my catalyst + deathcap. No need to really move around in lane as Malzahar. Just E things and autoattack works well enough. Deathcap at ~20 min always great.
(Note, I snipped his quote, so please don't take Draygo out of context. Read his whole post.)
1st - I disagree about not having Jungles being a more fun game. Because of the removal of jungle uncertainty, lanes are decided from the beginning of the game. You flat up know that your Ashe Sona lane isn't going to be able to handle the Blitz-Xin Zhao opponent unless you hug your tower all day long. Add a Fiddles Jungle though, and now you have a bit more leeway to push your lane and farm, knowing the safety that if things get out of hand, Fiddles can come in to help you out.
I'd much rather have to worry about a Jungle gank on me from time to time, and play passive that way, than go into a lane I know I'm flat out going to lose. (IE: Soraka / Vlad sustain lane.)
Riot is doing this change strictly for the higher elos,
That's a really, really bad basis to make changes however, from a business standpoint. Taking a look at the ELO breakdown, and 2400 being top rank, which only 1 person can have at a time.
Lets say anyone 1600 and up is considered "High" ELO. If they are doing this "strictly for the high ELOs," then they're making that change for a mere 2.8% of the LoL population. That is bad.
Now, I'm not saying that this change is necessarily bad, but I can assuredly say, they're not making this change for the high ELOs alone. They know better than that.
We can't really play together otherwise!
I don't get this 'smurf' thing. But you could make one on the EU-West servers.
I'll look into making a US account tonight, but don't I need stuff like a valid address to use?
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
just use 10minutemail or something
They're super cheap too, 500 ip.
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
in a lategame situation my problem is always a lack of itemslots instead of a lack of gold, and gold quints take time to provide a benefit as opposed to other quints which just take levels, or nothing.
Well, NA is a little less fucked than EU right now. :P
Can't use the one associated with my EU account?
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
you might be able to! I just assumed that I couldn't and made a shill email account
But in theory you'd just make an account after switching and loading the NA choice.
I also hope that means I can run into the jungle between waves and score some neutral minions.
I also hope it leads to more lane roaming, where people sort of take turns clearing the jungle and appearing in another lane.
Worst case scenario we are back to 2-1-2 or something else and that leads to fun aggressive play. Because I can't stream tournaments and thus absolutely don't care what the highest ELO does since that has no bearing on my enjoyment of the game.
the entire goal is to make laning less passive, if it turns out it backfires they won't go through with them
Your points are valid, but for an "any champ I just hit 20" rune page though, they're pretty good. Especially when Flat HP quints are 2k each as opposed to 500.
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
you can, at least i could make an eu account with the same e-mail address so i could assume it wouldn't be different the otehr way around
i think the difference here is that i'm of the opinion that if you aren't buying the absolute optimal stuff, it isn't worth spending IP on it
but i can totally see why people would feel otherwise, and gold quints do sound kinda funny to have on like, gangplank
Alt post you can get MPen quints
i guess leblanc probably does
They're not optimal for any champ, but they're useful on anyone, especially when you're still a newer player. Gold just isn't a problem in the long run and is a waste of quint spots imo.
Ugh, I need to download more files? Laaaame. Shouldn't it just be the same game regardless? Now, who to use from the free champs.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
They're really good when you think in gold equivilancy terms, like 20g = 1 ap (from Needlessly Large Rod), so at 20 minutes, you have 120 gold from a gold quint, or 6 ap, at 25 minutes 7.5 ap. A scaling AP quint only goes up to 7.7 ap. At 30 minutes you're beating the scaling quint in efficiency, assuming you can make use of the gold.
Flat hp isn't exacly optimal, since flat damage, armor pen, ap, or movement speed are much better in most cases. Flat hp is also a lot less useful in the case where you're doing doran's stacking, which is a decent opener on many characters, since the dorans provide the hp you need to trade blows.
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
I guess eventually I'll specialize more
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
I switched and it immediately started updating. I was like "oh, it better not be fucking up my files" but I left it for several minutes and now both are ready to play.
come tell me why i'm horrible at this game and how i can get better, also will be in vent in case you want to verbally tell me how i can be better, other wise feel free to type in the chat on jtv
This is why GP/5 Quints aren't that great. At the end of the day, you only have 6 item slots. They would gain a lot more power if you had something like a dedicated ward slot or something along those lines.
As it is, by 15 minutes, all my slots are full. I'm usually running 3 Doran's (Or GP/10 Items), Boots, 1-2 parts of my first big item, and wards. Also, quite often the gold appears at the wrong time. That slush money just rarely ever makes the difference between getting an item or not getting an item. (Unless it's a health pot or a ward...)
Results may vary though depending on Gimmicky champ builds. (TF, GP, Ashe.) But usually gimmick builds require a competent team to carry you the distance before you can roll as you please.
Bottom lane: Galio (me) and Renekton vs Alistar and Cait.
Did NOT go well for us. We couldnt move from our tower at all. We asked for a lane switch since the other 2 lanes had range (TF and Ez), but no one came. Eventually Renekton went top and told Ez straight up to go bottom. So Ez came bottom and we did better, but it was still tough. We had some "ok" ganks with our TF and Amumu, but nothing special. Eventually late game, we blew them up due to good warding and surprise attacks with Amumu ulting, and myself ulting depending on where the enemies were and if our carries were close to dying.
Im not sure when this happened, or if it was always like this, but Bulwark is strong as HELL. +90 armor and +90 magic resist? Freaking strong as heck.
It still seems Galio Q is wierd. The hitbox is a lot smaller than the target recticle. You need to literaly hit the person straight on for it to hit.
And if ya dont play AP/tanky Galio, you are doing it wrong!! Chalice, Merc Treads, Abyss Scep, Aegis, Deathcap, Void Staff.
edit: And I'm seeing weird UI glitches on your stream, gareth. It keeps flickering. The map and your items and stuff.
I'm not sure why valve would need to know anything about "strategy" to help make dota 2, they have icefrog afterall. I just wonder what heroes they will be bringing into the game, as surely they are not going to port all 100+ of them. I would love something like, 30 of the oldest, most iconic heroes, and 30 of the newer ones, the 10 completely new heroes. And honestly, i want to see just the whole system, what they're burrowing from, HoN, and LoL, game modes, new items, the suspense is killing me!
edit: whoops, forgot there was another page, quoting that from a page ago...
in another news, I've probably lost more in the last 2 weeks then I have in the last 2 months. Surely this is because most of my games have been solo queues, and apprently solo queue is worse than ever. I called a noc out on diving a leona I had been zoning out like crazy with kaasadin, under her tower, killing her but also giving her a kill and 300 delicous gold, which i didn't want her top have, when I could of easily killed her myself and blinked out. I asked him why he would do that and he freaked out and went afk. I just sort of sat there in awe.
I'm dead serious."
I'm not saying they're optimal though, I'm saying that they're good enough for a person who just hit 20 to use on all his rune pages, as a cheaper alternative to flat hp or movespeed.
They are almost optimal on supports though.
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
Bulwark is awesome. Other uses:
Slap it on yourself while laning, sit in the middle of creeps. Your health goes up pretty quickly.
Slap it on yourself if you need some extra burst - due to Galio's passive, upping your MagRes also ups your AP.
Q always seemed to have a pretty big AoE when I was using it. Not sure what happened to you.
Given that 50% of your MagRes is converted to AP, I just went super-tanky at the start, and picked up +AP items later on. Worked really well.
I should buy Galio. I -liked- playing Galio. But all I seem to play are tanky support or tanky DPS.
3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
edit: And you asked if you should suicide w/ Yi. No. You have no boots or escapes. Those tanky dps are made to chase and murder you if you go too far.
I never bother giving negative feedback in solo queue. My main goal is just to keep my team from arguing and keep them focused on game objectives. So I'll point out shit like "QSS will save you from the next mord ult", or "next time we invade jungle let's go as 5" rather than "buy some MR" and "I don't understand why you'd go into their jungle with 5 MIA to try and steal red".
Solo QQ is like herding cats, telling people they made bad plays rarely helps.
Unfortunately riot got a mass reaction from the people in 800-1500 elo a strong majority dont know what riot is really talking about. Ganking works in that elo range a lot more often because there is always almost someone not playing passively. Riot is doing this change strictly for the higher elos, while everyone is reacting as if its some sort of dumbing down the game for newbies. Also I think the speed boost is most welcome on jungling champs because it will make jungle invasions much easier to do (and get out of). Pretty much at this point a couple of high elo players would have to come out with their own thread in support of the changes in order for riot to get any traction with the idea.
I actually see riot's point with this. Right now I can play aggressively in my lane till about 4 minutes and a varying amount of seconds (dependant on enemy jungle). Then have to play passively till i see the jungle in another lane. Then either super push so my lane resets before he can walk up to me or continue to play passively.
The game is a lot more fun when the enemy and your team both don't have jungles. As far as warding? How often do people go back before 4 minutes to buy a ward? I can count that on my hand and its usually because they died to an aggressive lane.
Yep Mres/AP Galio is the best. Bulwark is easily his best heal and with a few ap items helps his survivability much more than getting more armor/mr/heath. All galio needs is enough armor/mr/health to survive between the cooldowns of bulwark. Usually you can get that with a chalice, merc treads, and aegis.
Not quite sure what you mean about his Q splash. I find the tooltip right. Especially when i'm last hitting minions with Q while avoiding hitting full health minions.
I dont know, but I was missing a lot with the Q even though I was pretty sure they were in the radius. It seems one of the tougher skill shots (maybe because of the slow speed, i dunno). But it hurts when it hits them
Few days ago I was top as Malzahar vs a TF. This TF just could NOT kill me at all. He got my to low hp, then tried to flash, stun, wild card, blah blah, ignite. I always had just enough hp left to quaff a heal potion and keep going. I always got around 4-5 hp pots when I went back, so I always had some heals for his harassing. It was just funny to keep watching him to try combo me and it never worked. Catalyst + hp pots = keep wasting your crap on me TF! Then our WW would come, and we would just combo ult him over and over.
I never even get boots as Malz until I finish my catalyst + deathcap. No need to really move around in lane as Malzahar. Just E things and autoattack works well enough. Deathcap at ~20 min always great.
working on the auto attack thing i usually just tend to focus on last hitting with my q right now while i'm learning
1st - I disagree about not having Jungles being a more fun game. Because of the removal of jungle uncertainty, lanes are decided from the beginning of the game. You flat up know that your Ashe Sona lane isn't going to be able to handle the Blitz-Xin Zhao opponent unless you hug your tower all day long. Add a Fiddles Jungle though, and now you have a bit more leeway to push your lane and farm, knowing the safety that if things get out of hand, Fiddles can come in to help you out.
I'd much rather have to worry about a Jungle gank on me from time to time, and play passive that way, than go into a lane I know I'm flat out going to lose. (IE: Soraka / Vlad sustain lane.)
That's a really, really bad basis to make changes however, from a business standpoint. Taking a look at the ELO breakdown, and 2400 being top rank, which only 1 person can have at a time.
92125 - 1200 - 50%
45157 - 1300 - 24.5085%
18751 - 1400 - 10.126%
6499 - 1500 - 3.527%
2714 - 1600 - 1.4725%
1186 - 1700 - 0.6435%
552 - 1800 - 0.2995%
245 - 1900 - 0.1325%
89 - 2000 - 0.048%
32 - 2100 - 0.017%
12 - 2200 - 0.0065%
3 - 2300 - 0.0015%
1 - 2400 - 0.0005%
Lets say anyone 1600 and up is considered "High" ELO. If they are doing this "strictly for the high ELOs," then they're making that change for a mere 2.8% of the LoL population. That is bad.
Now, I'm not saying that this change is necessarily bad, but I can assuredly say, they're not making this change for the high ELOs alone. They know better than that.