PAX Daily Commute from Puyallup

deadwing34deadwing34 Registered User regular
edited July 2011 in PAX Archive
Myself and 3 of my friends will be commuting to PAX everyday from Puyallup. We are trying to figure out the best way to do this every day since we won’t be staying downtown and have never been to PAX before. The way I see it is we have two options, take the Sounder Commuter train into the city or drive in and park in the parking garage at the convention center. What has everyone’s experience been with either of these options. I am not sure if the Sounder is operating all days of the convention and what hours it will operate. It would be nice to be able to stay as late as possible. That also brings up the question of how late the parking garage is open at the convention center. If we do park in the convention center about how early should we get there, will the traffic on I-5 be crazy and is there a chance of not having any space in the parking garage? I think you can buy parking passes for the garage in advance. I think this is everything, any advice would be great, thanks.

deadwing34 on


  • MetaverseNomadMetaverseNomad Registered User regular
    Well, I definitely don't recommend taking the train, they only run until about 6 PM. You could always take the 590 bus to/from the Tacoma dome station, and that runs until midnight, but if you don't want to run the risk of getting stuck and you think you'll want to stay close to or past midnight (concerts!), I'd recommend parking.

    You can park in the convention center parking lot, it closes at midnight, so if you want to stay later than that you'll just need to move your car before then, and there's usually plenty of street parking around downtown by then. Another parking option is the Benaroya Hall garage (my favorite!), but I doubt the convention center lot will be full if you get there early. I guess you could get an advance parking pass, but it has to be 30 days in advance and it's not worth it. Just get a ticket when you get to the garage, and you pay it on the way out.

    Hope that helps, good luck!

  • EvilBadmanEvilBadman DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN Registered User regular
    Oof. I'm in Puyallup and am just going to get a hotel, mainly because I'm up way too late at PAX and waking up too damn early. Godspeed.

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  • deadwing34deadwing34 Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Well, I definitely don't recommend taking the train, they only run until about 6 PM. You could always take the 590 bus to/from the Tacoma dome station, and that runs until midnight, but if you don't want to run the risk of getting stuck and you think you'll want to stay close to or past midnight (concerts!), I'd recommend parking.

    You can park in the convention center parking lot, it closes at midnight, so if you want to stay later than that you'll just need to move your car before then, and there's usually plenty of street parking around downtown by then. Another parking option is the Benaroya Hall garage (my favorite!), but I doubt the convention center lot will be full if you get there early. I guess you could get an advance parking pass, but it has to be 30 days in advance and it's not worth it. Just get a ticket when you get to the garage, and you pay it on the way out.

    Hope that helps, good luck!

    Why is the Benaroya Hall garage better? It seems to be cheaper? Do you still have to be out of it around midnight? Do you get off at the same convention center exit to get to this other parking garage? Sorry too many questions.

    deadwing34 on
  • TakatsumeTakatsume Registered User new member
    My friends and I have driven up from Sumner each day for the last of the two years up 167 and I-5 leaving about 6:30-7 and have never hit any traffic. Including stopping for some breakfast it has not taken more than an 1:15. We also have parked in the convention center Garage and stayed until the end of the concerts and did not have to move our car.

  • AlatheiaAlatheia Registered User regular
    You can still get out of the convention center garage after it closes, the machine that you get your ticket from that raises the bar to enter the garage stops working is all.

  • deadwing34deadwing34 Registered User regular
    Alatheia wrote:
    You can still get out of the convention center garage after it closes, the machine that you get your ticket from that raises the bar to enter the garage stops working is all.

    So are you saying that you lift it by hand or something?

  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    The bar to ENTER the garage is shut off. The exit is still available.


  • deadwing34deadwing34 Registered User regular
    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    The bar to ENTER the garage is shut off. The exit is still available.

    Oh right duh, as I slap my forehead.

  • susansusan Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    I've had great success taking the Link Light Rail from the Tukwilla Park & Ride up to PAX every year. Runs all day every day, gets you to a block away from the Convention, last train leaves Seattle just shy of 1am, saves on gas and mileage and Seattle-driving stress. Highly recommended for all Pierce County commuters.

    susan on
    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
  • chupamiubrechupamiubre Registered User regular
    Just drive in and park that gives you the option to leave when you want and if it's only for the 3 days of pax it will not cost that much.

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  • ClixClix This guy I know Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    The I-5 is pretty dead on the weekends in the downtown area. I transit from the Kitsap Peninsula every day of PAX. After trying different routes I think the best way of doing it from this side of the sound is to ferry accross in the morning, and then drive around and over the bridge on the way home.

    Getting into the parking garage is the tricky part. Parking fills up fast, especially on Saturday and Sunday. Nothing like driving around at two miles an hour looking for a space in a five block radius when a panel or event you want to go to is starting.

    Gotta get there early. This will be really tricky this year as I'll have a house full of guests that are attending too.

  • jmckeldenjmckelden Registered User regular
    I'll be driving up from Puyallup each day. I'm just giving myself 1.5 to 2 hours drive time (just in case!), but it shouldn't take much longer than an hour to get up there, especially over the weekend. I'm not worried at all. It's not that bad of a commute at all - I've done it plenty of times.

  • zenprimezenprime That Cat that ain't a Cat T-Town, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Driving from Lakewood each day. This will be my third year. Giving myself 1.5 hours for the commute though I shouldn't need it as long as I don't forget my pass at home again...

    Will be using the convention garage this year. Previous years I would park in a garage 3-4 blocks away, but their prices are the same as the convention center now.

    zenprime on
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  • Incubus JaxIncubus Jax Registered User new member
    Seriously, take the Light Rail.

    You're more likely to forego the late nights if you go early, so don't worry about the last train. At about 5 PM, ask yourself if you want to stay longer. If so, go get your car - this is typically a lull anyway. BUT, if you decide "screw it I'm too tired" at least you didn't waste the gas/time/money parking at the convention center.

    Took it last year for the first time, heck I made friends on the train before we even got to PAX! Ended up hanging out together all weekend. Loads of fun.

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  • susansusan Registered User regular
    Seriously, take the Light Rail.

    You're more likely to forego the late nights if you go early, so don't worry about the last train. At about 5 PM, ask yourself if you want to stay longer. If so, go get your car - this is typically a lull anyway. BUT, if you decide "screw it I'm too tired" at least you didn't waste the gas/time/money parking at the convention center.

    Took it last year for the first time, heck I made friends on the train before we even got to PAX! Ended up hanging out together all weekend. Loads of fun.


    Though I should mention that the last train leaves Westlake Center at 12:50am, so it's not like you can't do late night stuff and still save time/money with this option.

    2010 PAX DM Challenge Grand Champion
    2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
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