Update the OP saying I'm the best player. It's valuable info because you'll wonder "how come this undeinpirat guy is owning?" and then you can just say "Look at the se++ OP, he's the best player of this game!"
Black Box: losing a rocket is a big deal. Let's give it +15hp on hit to compensate
Liberty Launcher: losing a rocket is a big deal. Let's give it extra speed to compensate
Cow Mangler: an extra rocket, infinite ammo, quiet kills and the ability to charge a shot that disables buildings, minicrits, and ignites players is a big deal. Let's give it reduced damage against buildings and no crits.
Value, added.
rise against the tyranny of the valve corp
do not airblast gently into the night
and failing
Anyway between all that I didn't get to play very much tonight and that makes me sad
the biggest nerd?
oh my god i haven't had so much fun in tf2
on nucleus, fire a charged shot at the point just as a group arrives
POW they all get knocked into the abyss, on fire
infinite ammo, 5 shots, burns people
come the fuck on
Black Box: losing a rocket is a big deal. Let's give it +15hp on hit to compensate
Liberty Launcher: losing a rocket is a big deal. Let's give it extra speed to compensate
Cow Mangler: an extra rocket, infinite ammo, quiet kills and the ability to charge a shot that disables buildings, minicrits, and ignites players is a big deal. Let's give it reduced damage against buildings and no crits.
if I weren't so sure you were saying this sarcastically I'd feel compelled to go play pyro all night
Actually I think I will do that ANYWAY
Hello new thread
pyros: you can still reflect the giant glowy lasers, do so
not sure if you can reflect the super duper charged shot but it moves hella slow so why not try it out
e: Pretty sure you can reflect the super laser. Haven't tried it yet though.
Eh. I'd have to see. Neat idea though.
Edit: Honestly to make it balanced just make it 4 rockets. Blammo, whacky sidegrade.
like some kind of avian creature
perhaps it could be on fire for some reason
it's the same speed and you can reflect it
Anti please do not start getting super mad, I realize you don't like this update so far, but you're a cool lady and I want you to keep posting.
Bans aren't cool, yo.
Edit: I should probably say this is a preemptive thing.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
I think I am going to do the 2.50 roulette to try to get a strange scattergun.
Now who wants to trade their series 23 crate to me?
and all the world will be in flames
I am on tf2 as we speak
Because we are not friends apparently.
I know it.
I hope you get a scattergun or maybe even an unusual
STEAM: BioSpark // POKEMON: 0303 9578 6730
Basically lag.
Also the weapon is too good with no downside.
reflecting it should result in a full crit version