[D&D 4e] The End of the World is Nigh (and getting Nigher) (OOC)

Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
edited July 2011 in Critical Failures
The End of the World - a D&D 4e Adventure


Armageddon was coming. Everybody knew it. Every sign, every star portended it. Every psychic foresaw it. Every experiment verified it. The gods above and the spirits of the dead below confirmed it. It was coming, and soon. Within two years, some said. Some scoffed at that. “Maybe someday, but never so soon.”, they said. Others denied it entirely, denied it with a mad fervor born of desperation. Some accepted it as part of a great, natural cycle. Others accepted it as a righteous judgment on a fallen world. Madness was everywhere, and spreading. Most, though, just wanted to know how to survive it.

The dwarves began sealing themselves in their great underground fortresses, each warded by a million million interlocking runes. Proof against anything, they believed. The Grand Coven of Pel sacrificed a thousand children to conjure a great gleaming dome over their city. Rumors say the childrens’ parents offered them willingly. Ester, the fey city, tore itself from the ground and floated into the clouds, while the island of Gnosis, home of the Grand Temple of Ioun, sank beneath the waves. Bodies washed ashore on the nearby coast for days. Whether something went wrong, who can say?

Strange, terrible rumors are everywhere. A village disappeared, or just its inhabitants. A distant town is overrun by cannibals, or else turned cannibal itself. A vast herd of steppe elk invaded a city in the south, goring and trampling everyone in sight before stampeding en masse into the river to drown. A sudden peace developed between two Houses that had been feuding for generations, each suddenly concerned with other things. War broke out between ancient allies over a dusty, forgotten relic rumored to command protective powers.

The Circle Wood fossilized overnight, every branch, every leaf turned hard as stone. The Palace of the Bey of Niidur was engulfed in an opaque mist, with just the Bey, his viziers, and his thousand wives inside. Those brave few who venture into the mist invariably stumble out days later, having encountered nothing at all within the dense fog. The Council of Minds announced a grand stratagem for saving their city of Nouia, but what it was will remain a mystery. The Cult of Rebirth seized the council and burned them on a great pyre as enemies of the Holy Apocalypse.

Here, in the vast human city of Tobruk, skepticism reigns. The Congress of Merchants issues regular proclamations that even if some great “disturbance” is coming, it’s not imminent and there are plans in place to ensure that the city’s inhabitants are protected in any case. The dwarves to the north are paying for grain with nearly its weight in silver, and the Congress is thrilled to accommodate them. Ships heavy with wheat and oats set out nearly every hour. The Midsummer Festival is entering its sixth week now, the Congress having announced its continuation yet again. Food and drink are free and abundant, and games with prizes of gold and silver are held nearly every night. Even the Cult seems to join in, singing songs of jubilation around their bonfires each dusk. Every night the city is consumed in a desperate frenzy of feasting and music and debauchery.

Every day the End of Days draws nearer.

This is a 4e D&D adventure in a setting based loosely on a setting from another roleplaying system. You don’t need any knowledge of that setting to get along fine here, though, as it’s mostly going to be a Points of Light type setting in its particulars (deities, races, etc.).

I’m looking for a party of 4-6 players, as follows:

Level 3, standard point buy, standard level 3 equipment and gold. (I.e. – a level 2, 3, and 4 magic item, and 520 gp)

PHB 1-3 + Eberron classes and races only.

No essentials, no themes. Other non-setting specific supplements (the “Power” books, dragon magazine) should be fine as a source for supplementary material (powers, feats, etc.).

Everybody gets Versatile Expertise for free.

I'm not really concerned about alignment, and I'm not going to make it a requirement that you even list it. I think everybody can and should play their characters with more complexity than just "good" or "evil" (and that's usually what happens anyway, whatever people write on their sheets). So long as you can manufacture a reason for your character to work with the group and keep the adventure moving forward, his heart of hearts can be as dark and twisted as you like.

Post in this thread with: a link to your character on orokos or myth-weavers; a picture; and a paragraph about appearance/mannerisms. Background will be up to you to develop and reveal IC, as you learn more about the setting.

One or two submissions per player.

This will be Play by Post, but if it’s feasible, I’d like to arrange periodic ‘game nights’ where we can knock out a bunch of material over a couple hours with everyone on-line (if it doesn’t work out like that, then it’ll just be standard PbP and I’ll expect roughly one post per day from each player).

I’m looking to start next week at the earliest, assuming sufficient interest. And assuming I can figure out Maptools before then.

Full disclosure: I’m a relatively inexperienced DM, and have never tried to run a game online. There is a better than even chance that the campaign will end in a hilarious TPK.

Glorious Team!
Korren - Warlord @SkyCaptain
Metzger - Paladin @The Muffin Man
Aspen - Warden @wildwood
Unkirk - Fighter @jcpillars
Mazda - Wizard @Aegis
Kaz - Rogue @razorwired

Glorious Bench!
Dolo - Artificer (Anialos)
Jahl - Battlemind (Grog)
Saren -Monk (Z0re)
Damakos - Avenger (Anon the Felon)

I'll also contact people from the bench in the inevitable case of people disappearing during the campaign. If you're going to be away from the game for more than a couple of days, drop me a note. If someone disappears for more than, say, 5 days with no word, a piano will be dropped on their characters head. Gotta keep things moving. The end of the world waits for no man.

Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
Tiger Burning on


  • HylianbunnyHylianbunny Registered User regular
    I sure wouldn't mind getting into this, buddy. :P

    Gonna throw together something now.

  • SkyCaptainSkyCaptain IndianaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2011

    Character Summary
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Korren, level 3
    Human, Warlord
    Archer Warlord Optional Choice: Standard Warlord Armor Features
    Warlord: Battlefront Leader
    Commanding Presence: Bravura Presence
    Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Spear)
    Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Polearm)
    Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
    Background: Occupation - Mariner (Acrobatics class skill)

    Str 16, Con 10, Dex 15, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 9.

    Str 14, Con 10, Dex 15, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 9.

    AC: 20 Fort: 16 Reflex: 16 Will: 15
    HP: 32 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

    Intimidate +5, History +7, Athletics +6, Endurance +3, Heal +8, Acrobatics +5

    Arcana +2, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +3, Insight +3, Nature +3, Perception +3, Religion +2, Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery

    Human: Battle Awareness
    Level 1: Battering Shield
    Level 2: Polearm Momentum
    Feat User Choice: Versatile Expertise

    Bonus At-Will Power: Opening Shove
    Warlord at-will 1: Direct the Strike
    Warlord at-will 1: Wolf Pack Tactics
    Warlord encounter 1: Tactician's Invitation
    Warlord daily 1: Create a Target
    Warlord utility 2: Inspiring Fortitude
    Warlord encounter 3: Flattening Charge

    Adventurer's Kit, Identification Papers with Portrait, Jousting Shield Heavy Shield (heroic tier), Magic Chainmail +1, The Kraken's Fang +1, Floating Lantern (heroic tier), Journeybreads (20), Woodwind
    ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

    Appearance & Mannerisms
    • Korren is a human male with a muscular build, he stands just over six feet tall with eyes the color of deep tropical waters, and keeps his hair chocolate brown hair cropped short.
    • His armor is a patchwork blend of bronzed steel plate and chain. A half-tabard of golden brown cloth hangs down from his leather belt, emblazoned with the cruel visage of the capricious Goddess of Sea and Storms.
    • Korren's sigil is a stylized white kraken on a field of charcoal grey and black.
    • His chosen weapon is the Kraken's Fang, a three-tined spear shod with iron banding inscribed with waves, storm-clouds, and lightning bolts. He pairs this with a bronze heavy shield bearing a mountain-rams head.
    • He favors quick, decisive action over the ponderous plotting.
    • His first love was a young woman he grew up with. When she vanished from his life, he turned to the sea and mistrusts most women these days.
    • A drop of salt water is all it takes for Korren to identify the sea or ocean it comes from.


    SkyCaptain on
    The RPG Bestiary - Dangerous foes and legendary monsters for D&D 4th Edition
  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    I've got an artificer build I'd like to try, so I'm posting for interest.

  • AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    I'll be making a character for this! Apocalyptic gloom and doom ahoy!

  • AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    Any setting specific backgrounds (you mention Eberron races so would Eberron backgrounds be selectable) or just stick to Generic?

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    Just general, I think. I'll review them and might change my mind. But for now assume only general backgrounds.

    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
  • AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Dolo M. Gearmender, Warforged Artificer

    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Dolo M. Gearmender, level 3
    Warforged, Artificer
    Build: Battlesmith Artificer
    Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Spear)
    Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Staff)
    Background: Found Religion Among Others (+2 to Arcana)

    Str 12, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 11, Cha 8.

    Str 10, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 11, Cha 8.

    AC: 18 Fort: 17 Reflex: 17 Will: 15
    HP: 38 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9

    Arcana +13, History +10, Dungeoneering +6, Perception +6, Heal +6

    Acrobatics +1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Endurance +6, Insight +1, Intimidate +2, Nature +1, Religion +5, Stealth +1, Streetwise, Thievery +1, Athletics +2

    Artificer: Ritual Caster
    Level 1: Master Crafter
    Level 2: Potent Restorables
    Feat User Choice: Versatile Expertise

    Artificer at-will 1: Magic Weapon
    Artificer at-will 1: Static Shock
    Healing Infusion: Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula
    Artificer encounter 1: Burning Weapons
    Artificer daily 1: Life-Tapping Darts
    Artificer utility 2: Restorative Infusion
    Artificer encounter 3: Lightning Sphere

    Ritual Book, Defensive Staff +1, Distance Javelin +1, Healer's Brooch +1, Runic Leather Armor +1
    Brew Potion, Disenchant Magic Item, Enchant Magic Item, Make Whole
    ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

    Appearance & Mannerisms:
    Dolo is on the large end of the warforged spectrum, which belies his gentle nature. He is first and foremost an engineer, the skills of which have kept him running all this time. To this end, every inch of him is perfectly tuned and cleaned whenever he gets the chance. His iron body has been replaced in places with mithril plates and gears of his own making, one of his longterm goals to be completely re-forged in the metal. When he isn't taking care of his own machinations, he takes care of others. From healing their wounds, to fixing their machines, whatever is needed. All for the progress of civilization, even if that civilization is falling down around his head. It wouldn't be the first.


    Anialos on
  • AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular

    Mazda, Forgotten Illusionist

    Old enough to at least be your grandfather, if not further up your geneology, Mazda appears as a doddering old man with darkened, olive skin and a healthy growth of thin white hair covering his head and concealing his chin and neck. Not an overly tall man, if a tad bit bulky, he normally is found wandering about staring at whatever oddity might catch his attention at any given moment though concealing a sharp, keen intellect always aware of his surroundings even if not displayed as such directly. This detached personality even seems to present itself when his or another's life is on the line, his actions seeming to 'coincidentally' assisting in hampering the efforts of foes and monsters, though almost never directly harming them. Congenial when corralled long enough to draw a conversation from him, Mazda also displays a gentle side to him around children and those in need, often spontaneously creating amusing figments and pyrotechnics to lighten the mood and cheer up those needing some laughter in their life.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
  • interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    i might have to dig my changeling rogue idea out of storage for this

    you had me at "apocalyptic" and i haven't played a 4e pbp in months!

  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    edited July 2011
    Anialos wrote:

    Sorry, I should have been more explicit. PHB 1-3 + Eberron races and classes only. Other non-setting specific supplements are ok as a source for powers, feats, and items, but Race + Class needs to come from those 4 books. Thanks!

    Tiger Burning on
    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
  • SkyCaptainSkyCaptain IndianaRegistered User regular
    Updated my original post with my submission.

    The RPG Bestiary - Dangerous foes and legendary monsters for D&D 4th Edition
  • AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Crap, forgot those are forgotten realms. So sorry.

    Post above edited.

    Anialos on
  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    No problem.

    Looks good!

    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Are minotaurs ok?

    Or any monster races for that mater.

    Anon the Felon on
  • deadonthestreetdeadonthestreet Registered User regular
    Can we use builds from other campaign settings like arena fighter or dark pact warlock?

  • Z0reZ0re Registered User regular
    Hmm, I have a Hobgoblin Bard that'd be fun here but it looks like you're a bit leader heavy already.

    I'll probably have up a Half-Orc Monk or a Changeling Barbarian later.

  • GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    Are minotaurs ok?

    Or any monster races for that mater.

    IIRC Minotaurs are phb3, so probably yes?

    Might be interested, but if you want people to be online at the same time, I'm probably a no go.

    Will keep an eye on this though

  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    @Anon the Felon

    Minotaurs yep! (PHB 3)


    Hobgoblins nope! (Horcs and changelings are fine though)

    Can we use builds from other campaign settings like arena fighter or dark pact warlock?

    geh.. nnnn.. yes? But you're pushing me out of my comfort zone. Consequences could be dire.

    Might be interested, but if you want people to be online at the same time, I'm probably a no go.

    Don't let that be the only thing that stops you. "game night" is aspirational, not any kind of requirement. You're "over there" then?

    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
  • GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    Might be interested, but if you want people to be online at the same time, I'm probably a no go.

    Don't let that be the only thing that stops you. "game night" is aspirational, not any kind of requirement. You're "over there" then?

    Or 'over here' as we like to call it.

    If it's not a requirement I may put something up. For now I think I'll lurk

  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    You should play with me and Anialos Grog. I'll DM you all in one thread, and play with you all in another.

    Campaign question: I have a desire to play an evil character (think more like heartless, perhaps some kind of evil soul slaying paladin?), is that a good/bad idea?

    Anon the Felon on
  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    edited July 2011
    I'm not really concerned about alignment, and I'm not even going to make it a requirement that you list it. I expect everybody to play their characters with more complexity than just "good" or "evil" (and that's usually what happens anyway, whatever people write on their sheets). So long as you can manufacture a reason for your character to work with the group and keep the adventure moving forward, his heart of hearts can be as dark and twisted as you like.

    edit: In fact, I'mma put that in the OP. Thanks!

    edit again: I'll add the stipulation that it's incumbent on the "evil" character to find a reason why he's working with a bunch of "goods" and maintain the peace, rather than the other way around. E.g. - don't create a situation where the other characters have to stand around watching you eat babies or something.

    Tiger Burning on
    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
  • Z0reZ0re Registered User regular
    Saren, Half-Orc Monk


    Saren is huge, built like a boulder that decided to get up and start moving one day. He moves much quicker than anyone his size has a right to, displaying a casual grace and intensity rarely seen in all his movements. His clothing is always ill-fitting, his teeth far too large for his mouth and his eyes are an intense yellow that almost seem to gleam in the dark. And yet, despite this, people rarely seem to notice his presence as something wholly out of the ordinary. He just seems to blend into the background. This is aided in part by his quiet nature and unobtrusive grace, he rarely makes a sound loud enough for anyone to mark his passage. When in more intimate situations he becomes more animated and cheerful, but few people ever see him truly relax. He always appears on edge, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. Saren is fond of animals, cats especially, and will often take the time to feed or play with strays he finds.

    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Saren, level 3
    Half-Orc, Monk
    Monastic Tradition: Stone Fist
    Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Unarmed)
    Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Ki Focuses)

    Str 18, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

    Str 16, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

    AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 17 Will: 14
    HP: 35 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 8

    Stealth +10, Athletics +10, Perception +6, Thievery +10

    Acrobatics +6, Arcana +1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +4, Heal +1, History +1, Insight +1, Intimidate +2, Nature +1, Religion +1, Streetwise

    Feat User Choice: Versatile Expertise
    Level 1: Unarmored Agility
    Level 2: Superior Implement Training (Accurate Ki Focus)

    Monk at-will 1: Five Storms
    Monk at-will 1: Dragon's Tail
    Monk encounter 1: Drunken Monkey
    Monk daily 1: Spinning Leopard Maneuver
    Monk utility 2: Fighting Fury
    Monk encounter 3: Eternal Mountain

    Monk Unarmed Strike, Elusive Action Ki Focus +1, Amulet of Mental Resolve +1, Stoneskin Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Acrobat Boots (heroic tier)
    ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    edited July 2011
    Submitted thus far:

    Korren - Warlord (SkyCaptain)
    Dolo - Artificer (Anialos)


    Mazda - Wizard (Aegis)

    Saren -Monk (Z0re)

    Tiger Burning on
    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    Damakos, Tiefling Avenger.
    Archon of the chained-one, keeper of the abyss.

    Damakos has been a member of the cult for the great Chained-One since his arrival on the mortal plane. During his time in the cult, the other advocates of the abyssal god worked to alter his appearance more in line with what their god would have wanted. Through their ministrations, most of which were gravely painful, Damakos's horns now grow down the side of his face, projecting out under his chin like some sort of bone-beard. Damakos is often known to use this new tool to impale his offerings to the abyssal lord.

    Usually sparsely clad, Damakos wears strips of leather and tattered rags about his form. Unknown to many, the leather bits incorporated into his garb look to be well tended and crafted. In fact, they are the tattered flesh of each of his sacrifices. His grey skin is perpetually stained red from the elbow down, for he was a torturer in his youth for the cult, and the blood of that deed is infused into his skin.

    Minor Background info:
    Damakos was created from the infused hate of the cult of Tharizdun. He was raised by many of the denizens of the abyssal plane, constantly in peril from his first breath. He has operated as a torturer, sacrificer, and warrior in Tharizdun's forces. Despite his god's quietness and silence towards his followers, Damakos is plagued with nightmarish visions of Tharizdun's life. He channels this energy into his attacks, flaying flesh and culling souls. Hoping to bring enough strength to his lord so he may one day break the bonds that hold him and unleash a torrent of fear and destruction onto the mortal plane.

    He is with the party simply out of necessity. After "liberating" the remaining members of the Cult of Tharizdun of their mortal bonds, all in the name of his lord, he ventures out of the darkest corners of the city. Hoping to discover what this Armageddon is, and how he may use it as a weapon to help Tharizdun.

    Damakos has simple goals, free the souls of the unworthy. Those who aid him in this venture, even if they do so unwittingly are in no threat of his culling blade. Damakos prays each night that the coming doom will unleash such a torrent of spiritual power that his lord will be able to shatter the chains, and bring the final force of the abyss to the mortal plane. If his life becomes forfeit in the process, it matters not. Damakos knows that his lord will care for him and he will cleave his way though the nine hells. Drinking the blood of those who made his first breaths of existence filled with pain and agony.

    This character will be really fun. Five parts crazy, three parts rational, and 2 parts sociopath.

  • interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    oh i guess my old offline character builder is hella outdated at this point... and i dont have the $10 right now to sub for a month :(

    if i send someone the details of my character will they be a pal and make the sheet for me?

  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    oh i guess my old offline character builder is hella outdated at this point... and i dont have the $10 right now to sub for a month :(

    if i send someone the details of my character will they be a pal and make the sheet for me?

    If you just need a sheet online, you can use myth-weavers to make one. I've used it before and it's pretty handy. Or you can PM me the stuff and I can run it through the character builder (I just have a not quite up to date version of the offline builder). Either way.

    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
  • interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    oh i guess my old offline character builder is hella outdated at this point... and i dont have the $10 right now to sub for a month :(

    if i send someone the details of my character will they be a pal and make the sheet for me?

    If you just need a sheet online, you can use myth-weavers to make one. I've used it before and it's pretty handy. Or you can PM me the stuff and I can run it through the character builder (I just have a not quite up to date version of the offline builder). Either way.

    i got it figured out now, i sadly just can't delete that post (hurray new forum system)

    thanks though!

  • The Muffin ManThe Muffin Man Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    You little ladies look like you could use a strapping young Paladin!

    But just to clarify, Versatile Expertise is +1 to a weapon and implement of my choice? (My version of CB doesn't have it, so I had to houserule it in, so it's kind of sloppy).

    Also in a hilarious twist of fate, the only good picture I could find that wasn't WoW-related and wasn't BLONDE for my damned dude was...from the PA forums!

    Fantastic. The forum chokes on its' own cock (surprise!), eats my post, and then spits out 3 posts with 3 separate reply buttons, and I can't even get it to post the right one.
    Fuck this new forum so hard right now.
    So basically I lost my big-ass background/mannerisms. So if anyone cares that much, I'll edit them in later.


    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Traugot Metzger, level 3
    Half-Elf, Paladin
    Build: Protecting Paladin

    Str 16, Con 16, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 16.

    Str 16, Con 14, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14.

    AC: 21 Fort: 16 Reflex: 14 Will: 16
    HP: 48 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 12

    Religion +6, Endurance +7, Intimidate +9, Diplomacy +11

    Acrobatics -2, Arcana +1, Bluff +4, Dungeoneering +2, Heal +2, History +1, Insight +4, Nature +2, Perception +2, Stealth -2, Streetwise +4, Thievery -2, Athletics +2

    Level 1: Healing Hands
    Level 2: Toughness
    Feat User Choice: Versatile Expertise - Heavy Blade, Holy Symbol

    Dilettante: Earth Shield Strike
    Lay on Hands: Lay on Hands
    Paladin at-will 1: Forbidding Strike
    Paladin at-will 1: Virtuous Strike
    Paladin encounter 1: Dazzling Flare
    Paladin daily 1: Blood of the Mighty
    Paladin utility 2: Endure Pain
    Paladin encounter 3: Hold Fast

    Vigilant Blade Longsword +1, Stoneborn Plate Armor +1, Holy Symbol, Adventurer's Kit, Sunrod (4), Badge of the Berserker +1, Light Shield, Journeybreads (10), Holy Water (level 1) (3), Alchemist's Fire (level 1) (5), Fine Clothing

    The Muffin Man on
  • RazorwiredRazorwired Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Rogues, never leave home without 'em.

    My CB is acting up too, and I figured implements weren't really all that important for me.



    Physical Description
    Kaz has the kind of face most people always remember but can rarely describe. The pale skin and blue eyes frame high cheekbones and a generic easy smiling mouth well enough. The small nose and sunken eyes leave little doubt about his nature. His hair is often compared to what it would look like if someone decided to shake flour over a sapphire. Hints of deep blue accenting mid length white strands. At first glance it seems like he has the standard light frame of a Changeling. Closer inspection reveals a wiry, if small, build.

    Of course, this is assuming one meets Kaz and not Belle Carter, Murlo Stonecutter, or any other of the half dozen regular personas the Rogue adopts regularly, and countless other one shot faces he's used for various jobs about the city.

    Personality Description/Background
    A life on the streets can be a very bleak existence for some. At least Kaz has heard that. While he has no place to call his own he sees people every day that do. And for a Changeling, that's all you really need. Kaz has spent his entire life in the city, growing up by the docks as a young pickpocket he decided at a young age that one life wasn't enough for him. A child of his abilities could be whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted. As soon as he was old enough to assume adult shapes he established his first long term persona. A young stagehand that tragically met his end around the same time the director started to look for a few gold coins that had gone missing.

    Since then the young Rogue has dabbled in this and that. False facing his way into clergies, noble gatherings, and garrisons is still Kaz's favorite game. But the Changeling's lust for variety in his life soon brought him to more direct means of liberating wealth from the rich and powerful. At age 19 he would have had quite the reputation as a sneak thief, if he didn't know that reputations were the kind of thing that got thieves killed.

    Kaz hasn't had the opportunity to meet another Changeling, at least one that revealed himself. He's heard that usually his people try to find their one true place. He believes this to be a tremendous waste of a great gift. After all, why settle for being a merchant forever when he can be a courtier, dockhand, barkeep, and student within the span of a week?

    Everything Kaz does he sees as a great game. And every face he wears is just his invitation to play. He tends to adopt roles for as long as they're fun and then move onto the next thing. Lately, though, he has been wondering what the point of all his gallivanting is. He still finds all the confidence games, sneak thievery and pick pocketing fun, but while Belle has her customers and Murlo always gets the curtious nod when he walks into the counting house, Kaz has started to wonder what it would be like to have people to praise his less conventional works.

    Razorwired on
  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    edited July 2011

    No problem!

    @The Muffin Man @Razorwired

    Awesome, thanks!

    @Anon the Felon

    Frowning so hard at your character right now.

    But who am I to judge? This is where I nod sagely and say in a neutral tone, "Well, you've certainly chosen an interesting role-playing challenge for yourself." I'm willing to indulge you, but remember it'll be incumbent on you to convince the rest of the party to accept you. I.e. - to accept the extra-planar psychopath that wears human flesh and is permanently soaked in blood. If there is a problem, it'll be you that gets written out of the story, not them, and faster than you can say deus ex machina.

    Also the extra-planar origin would need to go. Tieflings are born blood-drenched and screaming, but only in the same sense that the rest of us are. (well except for the warforged, I suppose) Planar shenanigans are sort of implied in the armageddon thing, and I don't need anyone piping up with, "Well, back when I lived in the Abyss, blah blah blah.." You can be special, but not that special.

    Tiger Burning on
    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
  • RazorwiredRazorwired Registered User regular
    Just a minor correction. Misread the Cannith Goggles, didn't know they operated on Arcane powers. Swapped them out for some Burglar's Gloves. Sheet's updated in my last post.

  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    I understand if you don't like my character, I like him in concept but if you don't want to deal with a sociopathic murader of a silent God...as a fellow DM I get it.

  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    I understand if you don't like my character, I like him in concept but if you don't want to deal with a sociopathic murader of a silent God...as a fellow DM I get it.

    :) It's not that I don't like him. He's interesting. If he had a TV show I would watch it. Or a game show. And like I said, I'm willing to give it a try with that one stipulation. It's just tricky to play a character like that without derailing the group. Doesn't mean it can't be done, though.

    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    I don't mind adjustments to any background stuff, I mostly just posed that as the general idea I had behind the character beyond appearance. As you said in your OP, the background will reveal itself for each character as we learn about the story. I just wanted to give you a feel for the characters drive and cause, regardless of it fitting in super well (because background can easily be changed). I wanted you to be informed that if you picked Damakos, I'd be playing him as a sociopath soul collector for his god. He'd of course work with the group, but would be more more open to: "What you're not answering right away? Hmm, let me see if this little tool I have will help you...no? Ok, how about I start flaying the flesh from your skull? Got an answer now?"

    Granted, it might get adjusted once the group is revealed and everything starts getting organized. But the general feel of "soul collector" will always remain. Think classic Chaotic Neutral, he's along for the ride, but is a deviant, and will just as quickly kill a man as talk to him.

  • RazorwiredRazorwired Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    As a potential player in your campaign I think that Anon's character could be fun to play with. There's a distinct line between bad guy that joins the party for selfish reasons and moron that won't knock off the demon speak when we're in a temple of Bahamut. Just like there are players that can handle the Chaotic Neutral alignment and there are guys that think it means riding rocket skates through the dungeon and calling your spells "Candy volcano eruption boom!"

    Razorwired on
  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    Exactly, I think I am up the challenge of playing Chaotic Neutral honestly. It can bring some spicy stuff to any group, and create a fun dynamic. But, I'm not about to convince a DM to run with a player he's uncomfortable with. I just developed this guy and am now all a twitter about him, a guy who eats the hearts of those weaker then him and sends their spirits to the nine-hells to be devoured by his silent lord just screams "Oh god, so much fun."

  • AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    Dolo has no soul to reap! He'd have no problems with the character.

  • The Muffin ManThe Muffin Man Registered User regular
    edited July 2011
    Plus reaping a lawful good Paladin of Bahamuts soul...probably won't end well for you!

    That might come up, by the way ;-)

    The Muffin Man on
  • GrogGrog My sword is only steel in a useful shape.Registered User regular
    @Anon I'm thinking of making a tiefling, so rather than your character having a vessel 'created', he could have possessed a tiefling body. Make that body my character's brother or tribesmen or some shit and we've got a reason to be hanging out. Could even come from a tribe that believes that the state of the body affects the soul/afterlife, or some kind of belief in rising again after the apocalypse. Would mean my character is keeping an eye on his tribesmen's body for him.

    Or whatever.

  • Tiger BurningTiger Burning Dig if you will, the pictureRegistered User, SolidSaints Tube regular
    Well, I do hate fun, but the people have spoken, and they are pro-psychopath. I'll take submissions for a couple more days, pick out a team friday or saturday (through a combination of random number generation and rank prejudice), and will try to kick things off Sunday.

    Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
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