Evolution 2011 is over!
Words for glorious Knob:
so, we're not the greatest players in the world
but we got some fucking talent (hi, biz)
and we got some fucking heart
and we got each other's backs like a gd family
of course we're a team
but are we an independent Team SE++
or can we get official sanction and be Team PA
not asking for money or support, just for the right to represent
Ono-san officially announces work has begun on a ssfiv ae rebalance patch at evo panel #EVO2K
Ssfiv ae balance patch coming in fall or winter, will be free!
@sethkillian (Follow him on twitter!
http://twitter.com/#!/sethkillian )
Have a list of announced changes:
Announced characters: Firebrand, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, and Strider Hiryu
Leaked characters: Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Nova, Rocket Raccoon, Frank West, Nemesis, Vergil (from Devil May Cry 3), Phoenix Wright
You can find leaked character art here:
Will add videos by request.
MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 HYPER GUIDEMike Ross and Gootecks Goofy Crosscounter.tvFrame Advantage: Bitchin' match archiveiPlayWinner.com: This shit is apparently boss hog, and is the home of Team sp00ky.SRK: arguably the best place for news on the FGC
Team sp00ky: The hardest working man in the business and the man streaming Evolution 2011iPlayWinner.com's justin.tv siteLevel-Up streams all season openings/finales for Wednesday Night Fights, slated to return June 29th0ffcast streams every other WNF as well as some stuff at UCI pretty often.Teevox (formerly Warp Prism) is boss as fuck for most of your streaming needs.
Xbox Live:
Sneak - PA The Sneak
Balefuego - Balefuego
Bizazedo - Bizazedo
Blankzilla - blankspace2471
Butters - Jon Butters
Annie/SaraLynn - damehasclass
HellaJeff - Efrenchlove
Folken Fanel - flashg03
Sars_Boy - sarsboy
Knob - Knobbonk
CorporateLogo - Corplogo
eryu90 - wangshire
Munkus Beaver - MunkusBeaver
No Great Name - OGSirToons
Radius - Kryzak Sul
Huntera - Verflutche
Vargas Prime - Vargas Prime
Bedigunz - Bedigunz
Angry - Angry von Doom
Phasen - Fhasen
Baroque And Roll - BaroqueSampson
SabreMau - SabreMau
Meiz - MeizMisguided
Vann Diras - Vann Diras
RabidDeathMoose - RabidDeathMoose
Ninjabear - DinoTeen
I Win Swordfights - Mister Spaceman
Evil Multifarious - Travysty
Kevin Crist - I Eat Brainmeat
Inquisitor - Sunabozu
Airking850 - Airking850
Nekx - chasr4president
JustinSane07 - JustinSane07
BobCustomGamer - Bobcustomgamer
doublehawk00 - doublehawk00
That Dave Fella - ThatDaveFella
Octopus Melody - dr radicalrobot
PS Triple:
Nogs - NogsMPLS
Butters: idontworkhere582
Folken Fanel - folken_pa
Kuribo's Shoe - kuribosshoe
Knob - KnobbonK
BahamutZERO - BahamZERO
QMM and DrIan - QuestionMarkMan
Houk - Fenikuman
SabreMau - Tresjin
Reynolds - RadSuit
Sillender - Sillender
TheStig - Stiggy_PA
Uriel - Jarofmoldymayo
Supposedly Glorious PC Arcade Edition:
SteamID - Nogs
GFWL - Ax52
SteamID - TheStig
GFWL - RacerStig
Uber BOB
Feel free to PM me gamertags and PSN names to add to the OP
Just got back from work. Looks like Stream 2 is on hiatus? They waiting till 6 to start the quarter finals?
i would like to play more SE++ers
no sound though
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
I do not play these games, but it looks like phoenix is broken as hell?
SFxT teasers for Ibuki and Kuma.
I am overjoyed. Kung-Fu Bear time.
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| Twitch.tv: CainLoveless
Phoenix is so, so broken.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
very much yes.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Phoenix is a character taken to an extreme. She has next to no health, but her damage is good. If she dies with 5 super bars, however, she comes back as Dark Phoenix. She is still utterly fragile, but her damage goes straight through the roof.
I wouldn't call her broken, I'd call her a concept taken to its utmost extreme.
Inq, I really like Marvel. And I don't really call things broken often. But Phoenix is broken. I'm so glad they're limiting her to one in-air action in UMvC3.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
the guy with phoenix won in roughly ten seconds.
PSN: Bizazedo
CFN: Bizazedo (I don't think I suck, add me).
however they are apparently nerfing here in ultimate mvc3 in november
can only throw on ball in the air, etc.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
I'll take your word for it over mine. To be honest, I don't really like Marvel much at all. I dabbled with it some when it came out but it just wasn't for me, so, you probably have a much better insight into things than I do.
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| Twitch.tv: CainLoveless
If you are lying to me, I will destroy you.
Cftds is damn good though
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
In a game with magneto, doom is okay but all he does that magneto doesn't do 30 times better is hidden missiles
He's by no means bad but if you're just wanting the most powerful unbeatable team its actually wolverine/akuma/phoenix
Some players like Clockwork make Doom look a lot better than he actually is.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
I disagree, because if you're running wolverine/akuma then you don't want to have to worry about saving meter for Phoenix
so the most powerful unbeatable team is wolverine/akuma/someone or Phoenix and two high health characters like I dont know, Wesker and whoever.
and I mean, I just enjoy watching this stuff, I have no frame of reference in actually playing the games.
which makes me the super nerd I guess.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
Daigo is playing. Qualified in losers.
Justin qualified pool 1 in winners.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
They only played up to top 8 last night. Top 8 will be played last tomorrow night.
Though it's pretty much assumed it'll be Daigo v. someone.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll