It has been a while dudes
It has been a while since we got our rants on
I miss them
Let me get the ball rolling
almost got into a physical altercation with a gentleman who seemed to be the stunt double for the fucking hulk
theatre seat
basically we were saving a seat for my buddy who was running late
and this dude decides that
"this seat will be my seat"
when I told him I was saving it for a friend he picked up my jacket that was in the seat, threw it on the ground and
stomped on it
he stomped on it!
it was so ridiculous and mind blowing to me that the only thing I could muster up was laughter at how ridiculous this huge hulk of a man looked stomping on my tiny jacket in extreme rage
then declared he was ready to take me on over it
he actually asked if I "wanted to go outside"
I had never seen this guy before in my life!!
how fucking
roided out do you have to be to be ready to
throw down over a fucking MOVIE SEAT
sweet jebus
so basically I am hating on people who through a fucking shitfest for no goddamn reason at this moment
what are
you hating on?
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
was it The Smurfs?
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woman neither
it's a zone of mystery and horror.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Also, what if that nutjob ran into guy with gun nutjob. It's like an immovable moron meets an irresistible fucktard.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
No way does someone try to start a fight over a seat unless he got pissed off already earlier in the day
I was not about to start a fight over a goddamn theatre seat
It was not packed at all so we just kind of moved over
I told him he was being an incredulous jackass
and other people booed him
the end
Uh-oh I accidentally deleted my signature. Uh-oh!!
Well, now i'm curious.
Uh-oh I accidentally deleted my signature. Uh-oh!!
Well I'm not sure how serious Tasteicle was being with his implication, but steroids do make people irrationally angry and more prone to violence.
the one thing I hate most about working in admissions is entitled international students?
Oh sup dude no you can't just roll in here demanding that we waive all of our entrance fees for you, take the fucking TOEFL or IELTS and the GRE and also how about get your transcripts and then we'll talk. I'm sorry that you can't just put your name down on a piece of paper and get into grad school, but that is reality.
Shoulda had him forcibly removed
Sued him for damages to your jacket
Sheri Baldwin Photography | Facebook | Twitter | Etsy Shop | BUY ME STUFF (updated for 2014!)
not for students just for us
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people who block thoroughfares are the worst.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
and this one dude was like "could you please cut my bread so that the insides are exactly flat" and he made me do it over with new loaves three times
and then there's a kid who just mooches on samples all day in the mall
like literally does several runs of the food court just eating samples and buying nothing, does not answer questions about why he is doing so
so once I made an incredibly nasty whey protein smoothie and put it into sample cups and put them out when he came around
he gagged
and I removed the rest, satisfied with my petty revenge
then we got around then, looked in a window, took a turn, and they were right back in front of us! it was like a modern retelling of the tortoise and the hare.
also my left lip/chin area has been numb for a week and now it's starting to itch/feel weird and that's making me more annoyed.
At one point the caravan i was with parked curbside, allegedly near the area we were supposed to be (our managing staff didnt bother providing us with an exact street address either; convenient!). Fortunately a very nice young couple spotted us some change for the over-priced meters (to be used temporarily) and then directed us towards the theater. I had a feeling the spot my car was in was a no-parking zone (there wasn't a meter and I was next to a sign stating "no standing at all times."). But i needed to know where the place actually was before moving my car to an actual parking lot/garage. It only took five minutes to get there so I figure the car was fine right?
Wrong within that timeframe some cop must have been on my ass and there was a parking violation slip on my windshield. Thirty dollars, in 5-10 minutes. It's not the end of the world (and i found the situation humorous), but if the organization i'm working for right now doesn't help reimburse me in some way with this ticket, I might have to start a grievance or something because this situation is *exactly* why you rent a van when a group of 10 people need to go to a function that is not in the nearby area.
Fortunately the guy running the parking lot i moved to was incredibly friendly and helpful (the lot was small and packed requiring him to park and move cars around himself). I ended up tipping him three bucks as we were leaving. Probably the one bright moment of this rather wrangled event.
I am writing that book.
I work in admissions, too.
h5 Langly
Also, that story you told was messed up. That guy was a total dick.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
Also children whose parents don't supervise them and they do similar and often worse things.
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
have you recently, or ever, been near large amounts of radiation and/or dipped into toxic waste?
it's like, man I want to help you but when you act like everything should be waived just cause and your gpa is like a 2.nothing it's like, who the fuck do you think you are?
but you'll give me an i-20 right, conditional admission?
no! go away!
ours are usually around $200
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
also the patriarchy hasnt been burned down yet so that kind of put a damper on my day
For some reason this just made me think how much free food I could get from a mall food court or something if I just mocked up some kind of bogus survey and carried a clipboard around.
did you quote that into the batman thread or did someone else because that touched off my earlier rant that i alluded to
langly do you live in the television program Mr. Bean
... I'm going to stop ranting about work now for fear that I might never actually stop. ever.
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
tumblr is kind of a shitbox a lot of the time.