I believe the colo is in Georgia, but I'll confirm that with Digital. With the other multi we play, I get about 70ms from the West Coast, and so far I'm at the high end. Most of the other gents get sub 60ms.
PA Quake server status is up so people can tell at a glance if anyone's playing: http://status.finalack.com/
Bullio, feel free to add link and pic to the OP.
Done, thanks! Updated the server info part of the OP, as well as a couple other sections including a tutorial about source ports and launching them from Steam.
Did some map testing today for ideas for next week's rotation. Thanks to Helios for helping out and being patient with my constant map changing. I'll be on later tonight after the Yankees game testing maps, but will be happy to interrupt testing for fragging if people want to join me on the server. I still need votes regarding the maps currently in the rotation.
Question for those familiar with mapping: what do I need to compile a .map file into a .bsp file? I'm trying to do it in GTKRadiant 1.5, but it refuses to cooperate and actually build. Tried every menu option and none of them work.
EDIT: Downloaded Quark and it's giving me some BS about a leak. *sigh* I just want to test my little tiny map to see what it looks like textured.
Got it figured out. Long story short, a new Quake install from my retail disc and Worldcraft 3.3 + QuakeAdapter resulted in me being able to finally compile the map I made with GTKRadiant. I should probably just learn how to use Worldcraft 3.3 for mapping, but...eh. I messed around with it and it seems easy enough to use, but...eh.
I'm hopping on the server for a bit if anyone would care to join me.
Something's up with the gametracker status on the server saying "server not found." I'll look at it tomorrow. The server is definitely up and working though.
I couldn't help but feel like it was us 3 kids dueling it out, then papa toaster comes along from his route and tells us to knock it off by fragging everyone.
Still, fun matches all around. Thanks to everyone that came by. Glad to see it'll get random action.
RSP and I stayed well after everyone had left and explored some new maps. We appear to have the 3 replacement maps in place, so we need to get votes going for people's favorites from Tuesday. I can find out map names well enough, so if you can't remember and need to describe it that's fine. I also have a couple ideas for renovations to some maps, primarily Schloss. Redo some of the texture work (even if the existing ones fit the RTCW vibe), and get rid of some of the powerups. SacredB1 needs some light, so I'll probably modify that a bit to make it not so dark. People playing that with Darkplaces will weep at not being able to see anything.
It seems that Gametrackers didn't like that there was no hostname set for the Quake server and kept killing the listing. I set a hostname (Penny Arcade Quake) and bounced it . It's back up, and the status pic should now be working.
Please let me know if the listing goes down again and we can submit a ticket with them.
* NOTE: The gametrackers listing is simply a 3rd party status on the server to display how many people are on. It does not affect whether the server is actually up or down. If there is a problem displaying the pic, chances are the server is still up and connectable.
Those fuckers just killed the listing again. We'll be in touch with their support to figure out what the hell is going on. The server is definitely up and joinable.
Don't worry too much about the tracker. I think most people are launching the game from Steam, so it's just a matter of checking the Steam group to see who's playing.
It's fun times, but I think you all overrate my abilities - I have more knowledge of the maps at the moment, and that counts for a lot in Quake, especially in FFA with quad.
Silas, I think the map you're talking about is ztndm4.
My plans for decompiling .bsp's into .map's has come to a grinding halt. I keep getting a <map> "is not a IBSP file" error and Google is completely useless for finding a solution. I suspect that Quake 1 is not officially supported by Q3Map2. It seems I will not be "editing" (censoring/renovating) some of the maps that I wanted to fix up. I realize it's a frowned upon activity, but the maps would have only been used on the PA server and not distributed to the internet at large. I wanted to do it primarily as a learning experience anyway. Oh well.
Been working with packed tutorial in Worldcraft 3.3, and have found it pretty easy to get a grasp on. I think I'm just going to stick with it since everything is included in one package.
I'll be on the server around 6pm EST (assuming the game is over by then) if anyone's interested in joining me for some mid-day/early evening fragging. Been playing around with settings and want to test them out in matches.
I've also been reminded that Steam group chat also allows for voice chat, so if people are interested in voice chatting during matches just pop into group chat.
I got the ZTN maps we didn't already have (ztndm{1,2,5}) and put them on the server. I also got several 'efdm' maps which look quite promising, like efdm3 and efdm9.
Additionally, I was looking for a way to make the clock on my HUD bigger, and found that ezQuake actually has a quite configurable hud.
so how am i supposed to change my crosshair again? i keep moving the slider and it just stays the same.
I honestly don't know. I tried using the slider and the console command and the crosshair never changed. I did manage to resize it and change the color, though.
Put a note on the OP, the most dropdead simple way to play quake multi is with ezquake in my books.
Hell, you dont even need to own quake! And I am not talking about warez! Modern sourceports let you pay quake with only the demo files. The only stuff you dont get is the maps from ID software. And the episodes after 1 I guess. EZQuake automaticly downloads the files needed from Q1 Shareware.
so how am i supposed to change my crosshair again? i keep moving the slider and it just stays the same.
By default in ezQuake, your crosshair isn't one of the builtin ones, it's an image file. If you want to use the ones from the slider you can type the following into the console to disable the image:
/crosshairimage ""
You could also make your own TGA image to use as a crosshair and drop it into quake/qw/crosshairs, then set crosshairimage accordingly (default is "crossint").
Put a note on the OP, the most dropdead simple way to play quake multi is with ezquake in my books.
Hell, you dont even need to own quake! And I am not talking about warez! Modern sourceports let you pay quake with only the demo files. The only stuff you dont get is the maps from ID software. And the episodes after 1 I guess. EZQuake automaticly downloads the files needed from Q1 Shareware.
So yeah. EZQuake.
I know if you get nQuake it comes with a lot of free user-created content, I didn't know ezQuake alone worked though. Nice!
Assuming you're using nQuake, crossint.tga is the only crosshair image it comes with. If you make your own, it needs to go in (your quake install directory)\qw\crosshairs\. TGA format definitely works, PNG might also.
So for example if you make a file called mycrosshair.tga and drop it in yourquakedirectory\qw\crosshairs, then you'd type "crosshairimage mycrosshair" in console to use that.
The other crosshairs, that you get from setting e.g. "crosshair 3" in console, are only used if "crosshairimage" is not set (that is, set to ""). I don't really recommend using them anyway since they're 8x8 pixmaps and the low quality is really obvious in-game.
New map rotation for tomorrow is as follows: ZTNDM4 (the only map to get a vote), SpineV2 (did a dice roll of the remaining 4, this is the one that won), and TriDM3, P3A, and A2 for the new maps. This rotation will last for a week, but of course you can always manually change the map with the console commands in the OP.
EDIT: New rotation is now live. If you want to go check the maps out in preparation for tomorrow, go for it.
Any chance you cats want to mix it up with some quake 2 tonight? There was an earthquake in the midwest and I feel like it was a sign I should get off the fence, but I don't think Quake 1 is gonna bring me back.
DrakeEdgelord TrashBelow the ecliptic plane.Registered Userregular
Quick question, possibly answered already: if I go with the shareware version of Quake and a Source port, I won't have the id-created multiplayer maps. Is that going to cause problems for trying to do multiplayer with everyone else, or does that just mean more map downloads between rounds (TF2 sort of colors my experience in this regard).
Not that $10 is a lot, but why pay for what you can get for free (legally)?
My favorite musical instrument is the air-raid siren.
DrakeEdgelord TrashBelow the ecliptic plane.Registered Userregular
Beats me. I can't really remember a time without Quake.
You may as well give it a shot. If it doesn't work it's not like it'd take long to grab it off of Steam. You'd be able to connect to the server moments after your purchase.
Oh man. Tell me if that works, because I would love to play, and I'm not able to afford the full game at the moment, so even just having multiplayer with the shareware version would be great.
Quick question, possibly answered already: if I go with the shareware version of Quake and a Source port, I won't have the id-created multiplayer maps. Is that going to cause problems for trying to do multiplayer with everyone else, or does that just mean more map downloads between rounds (TF2 sort of colors my experience in this regard).
Not that $10 is a lot, but why pay for what you can get for free (legally)?
Just get nQuake, and tell the installer not to look for pak0.pak or whatever it is. We aren't running any id maps in our rotation so you'll be fine!
Done, thanks! Updated the server info part of the OP, as well as a couple other sections including a tutorial about source ports and launching them from Steam.
Did some map testing today for ideas for next week's rotation. Thanks to Helios for helping out and being patient with my constant map changing. I'll be on later tonight after the Yankees game testing maps, but will be happy to interrupt testing for fragging if people want to join me on the server. I still need votes regarding the maps currently in the rotation.
Needing them to post a picture on the Internet is hardly a noble cause but whatever.
But since I don't actually have a disc drive in my desktop I just installed from steam. But still, if I wanted to...
And testing was fun. I like seeing all the different maps.
Oh my god, bear is driving!
EDIT: Downloaded Quark and it's giving me some BS about a leak. *sigh* I just want to test my little tiny map to see what it looks like textured.
I'm hopping on the server for a bit if anyone would care to join me.
I am just toast's practice dummy otherwise.
He pretty much stomped all of us. I always enjoy seeing a master at work.
Still, fun matches all around. Thanks to everyone that came by. Glad to see it'll get random action.
RSP and I stayed well after everyone had left and explored some new maps. We appear to have the 3 replacement maps in place, so we need to get votes going for people's favorites from Tuesday. I can find out map names well enough, so if you can't remember and need to describe it that's fine. I also have a couple ideas for renovations to some maps, primarily Schloss. Redo some of the texture work (even if the existing ones fit the RTCW vibe), and get rid of some of the powerups. SacredB1 needs some light, so I'll probably modify that a bit to make it not so dark. People playing that with Darkplaces will weep at not being able to see anything.
Please let me know if the listing goes down again and we can submit a ticket with them.
* NOTE: The gametrackers listing is simply a 3rd party status on the server to display how many people are on. It does not affect whether the server is actually up or down. If there is a problem displaying the pic, chances are the server is still up and connectable.
Those fuckers just killed the listing again. We'll be in touch with their support to figure out what the hell is going on. The server is definitely up and joinable.
It's fun times, but I think you all overrate my abilities - I have more knowledge of the maps at the moment, and that counts for a lot in Quake, especially in FFA with quad.
Silas, I think the map you're talking about is ztndm4.
My plans for decompiling .bsp's into .map's has come to a grinding halt. I keep getting a <map> "is not a IBSP file" error and Google is completely useless for finding a solution. I suspect that Quake 1 is not officially supported by Q3Map2. It seems I will not be "editing" (censoring/renovating) some of the maps that I wanted to fix up. I realize it's a frowned upon activity, but the maps would have only been used on the PA server and not distributed to the internet at large. I wanted to do it primarily as a learning experience anyway. Oh well.
Been working with packed tutorial in Worldcraft 3.3, and have found it pretty easy to get a grasp on. I think I'm just going to stick with it since everything is included in one package.
I've also been reminded that Steam group chat also allows for voice chat, so if people are interested in voice chatting during matches just pop into group chat.
Additionally, I was looking for a way to make the clock on my HUD bigger, and found that ezQuake actually has a quite configurable hud.
Here's what I ended up with:
I honestly don't know. I tried using the slider and the console command and the crosshair never changed. I did manage to resize it and change the color, though.
Hell, you dont even need to own quake! And I am not talking about warez! Modern sourceports let you pay quake with only the demo files. The only stuff you dont get is the maps from ID software. And the episodes after 1 I guess. EZQuake automaticly downloads the files needed from Q1 Shareware.
So yeah. EZQuake.
By default in ezQuake, your crosshair isn't one of the builtin ones, it's an image file. If you want to use the ones from the slider you can type the following into the console to disable the image:
You could also make your own TGA image to use as a crosshair and drop it into quake/qw/crosshairs, then set crosshairimage accordingly (default is "crossint").
I know if you get nQuake it comes with a lot of free user-created content, I didn't know ezQuake alone worked though. Nice!
So for example if you make a file called mycrosshair.tga and drop it in yourquakedirectory\qw\crosshairs, then you'd type "crosshairimage mycrosshair" in console to use that.
The other crosshairs, that you get from setting e.g. "crosshair 3" in console, are only used if "crosshairimage" is not set (that is, set to ""). I don't really recommend using them anyway since they're 8x8 pixmaps and the low quality is really obvious in-game.
EDIT: New rotation is now live. If you want to go check the maps out in preparation for tomorrow, go for it.
Not that $10 is a lot, but why pay for what you can get for free (legally)?
You may as well give it a shot. If it doesn't work it's not like it'd take long to grab it off of Steam. You'd be able to connect to the server moments after your purchase.
Just get nQuake, and tell the installer not to look for pak0.pak or whatever it is. We aren't running any id maps in our rotation so you'll be fine!
Works fine. Will be there to get my ass kicked since I don't know the maps and haven't really played quake.
It's confirmed to work. We've had at least one person play with us this way.
Come frag with us!
... woof. Tonight reminded me why I never used to play games like this as a kid.