Less crowd pleaser, more like crowd control. SWEET!
Are these replicas made in usa, berlin, or china?
Are they recylable?
And do they run on biodiesel?
Isn't that the one that they wanted to put on the Expo floor? Which is pretty much impossible due to (a) weight limits on the floor structure itself and (b) no way to get something that big up to the Expo floor. Wonder where they're going to put it?
Are these replicas made in usa, berlin, or china?
Are they recylable?
And do they run on biodiesel?
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
All he or she would need would be a Cavalry uniform and a sabre.
It's probably being used early on to catch the pass forgers.
I know I would definitely second guess the wisdom in forging a pass to a con that greets you with a mobile death machine.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN