League of legends is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. In which you play the part of a summoner who can control a champion from a wide selection of characters.
Characters can be bought for cash monies, or by using an in game currency called Influence points (IP) that you get just from playing the game. Unlike other microtransaction nightmares, you can enjoy the game at the same level as the whole community pretty quickly regardless of whether or not you pay; the only real difference is how quickly you unlock new characters. Every Tuesday there is a rotation of 10 characters that are free to play for that week. Riot tries to make sure that there's 2 champions of various roles such as tanky, magicky, hitty etc.
The Tribunal allows any level 30 summoner to decide the fate of trolls and bigots for bonus IP! Help Riot weed out the foul from the murky at
While Riot doesn't officially support a Mac client for League of Legends, you can find more information here:
If you want to play some games with other PA'ers, please feel free to join us on Vent, the details of which are stickied in the Vent thread.
Folks there are very helpful and will always point you in the right direction and give advice, no matter how new you are to the game.
There's also a PA chat room on LoL. To join, click on the chat room pannel in the bottom right hand corner. Then click the speech bubble with the + next to it. Simply type in 'Penny Arcade' then click the gear in the top right of the newly opened window and select 'Autojoin on Startup.'
If you're going to spend money dollahs on champs. Please take the following advice, courtesy of Zoelef.
A useful list of terms used in game, courtesy of Cantido.
Thing heard in game or apply to things in game
b = back, fall back, they're coming for you
back = fall back, they're coming for you
care = be careful, they may be coming for you
oom = out of mana
lom = low on mana
focus = To target a player. Meaning that as a team you all will all focus on a specified hero to kill first.
top, mid, bottom = the lanes in LoL. With the flip camera option, the top and bottom may be switched for some people.
lane = the road like expanses that contain towers and lead to and from the bases
river = The river which cuts across the map diagonally
jungle = The mass of treeses and paths that exist between the lanes
neuts = neutrals
neutrals = The creep-enemies who live in the jungle
bp, pill, pilling = blue pilling, going back to base
base, basing = blue pilling, going back to base
shop,buy = To go back to base to go shopping
brush = The large grass in LoL which causes your hero to be hidden to people outside of the brush
grass = see brush
sigils = Temporary buffs granted to a player by defeating the Golem and the Elder Lizard. These buffs transfer to the killer in the event that the hero dies with the sigil.
buff = Typically a temporary increase to some stat(s)
passive = An ability which is not activated but helps a character. For example, Morgana's passive allows her to heal a small % of the damage her spells inflict. Passives usually apply only to the hero who has them.
aura = A 'passive' which applies not only to the hero who has it, but also to heroes within the given range for the aura. A shareable passive.
dd = direct damage ability. Typically DDs are unavoidable: Click ability, click target, profit. For example: Annie's Q fireball.
skillshot = an ability that fires a projectile that can be dodged. For example: Morgana's cage, Ashe's ultimate arrow
aoe = area of effect
pbaoe = point blank area of affect. The area of effect is centered around the caster such as Nunu's Ultimate or any aura.
backdoor= To attack the enemies towers and base without the cover of your creeps there
ult = ultimate ability. The R Ability.
unique = In LoL certain auras/passive are unique, meaning they do not stack.
last hit = Getting the very last hit, or killing blow.
AP = Ability Power. The stat which boosts the effectiveness of abilities.
miss, mia = Missing, missing in action. Commonly used to describe when a hero is missing from a lane and may indicate to the team that a gank may happen.
juke, juking = When being chased, juking is to fool your pursuers. Typically this happens in the jungle. A successful juke could range from eluding the enemy by exploiting line of sight, or could simply cause the enemy to mistarget a spell.
feed = A player who dies constantly feeds the other team (via the gold reward for killing someone). Being called a feeder is not a compliment. A player who is fed has a lot of kills.
gg = good game.
gj = good job.
ms = movement speed
baron, nashor, worm = the big worm like boss that gives a noticeable buff to the whole team when killed.
gl hf - good luck, have fun, usually an encouraging sportsmanlike phrase said before a game, sometimes sarcastically used "gl solo baron"
push - to gather up a creep wave and attempt to destroy an enemy tower "I'm going to push bottom"
d, defend - to sit at a tower and/or inhibitor and attempt to avoid confrontation while stopping the enemy from killing the objective "I'm gonna d mid"
gank - to go (often with more than one player) to try and kill an enemy, often by surprise "lets gank bottom"
tp - summoner spell telleport used to traverse the map "Ill tp back in"
heal - either the summoner spell, a champion ability, or the act of returning to base to regenerate HP and mana "you should heal"
harass - to annoy the enemy with small bursts of non lethal damage, often forcing them to go heal or be set up for a gangk.
bait - to deliberately appear in a position to be easily ganged so as to lure 1 or more players to be gangked by your team "go bait them in to the jungle"
Disable = A Disable is a debuff that usually prevents some kind of action on the player. Stuns, roots, silences are all examples of disables
Stun = A debuff which prevents any action by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
Root = A debuff which prevents any movement by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
Silence = A debuff which prevents any abilities being used by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
Farm = Farming involves the amassing of gold for player. This is usually best done by killing a lot of creeps and killing them very quickly. Certain Heroes like Ashe and Tristana are great farmers: The first has a +gold passive, and the latter has an AOE passive.
leash/pull - when someone other than the jungler attacks a jungle creep so that it comes towards them while the jungler attacks it; the leasher leaves the range so the jungle creep returns to the jungler; allowing several free hits/spells on the creep for the jungler.
Things heard outside of the game or apply to outside of the game
vent = Ventrilo. It is voice communication software used to coordinate as a team. LoL has its own vent server: See the sticky in the beta general for more information.
build = how a champion and its summoner is built. For champions this may includes the items one buys on a champion, and the order one gets a champion's skills. For summoners, this refers to their masteries and rune selections.
carry = A character who, if played properly, wins late game fights for a team. Typically these heroes are weak early game and require a lot of farming.
tank = Character with a lot of HP and likely armor/resistance. Whose job is to initiate battles with the enemy players/turrets as to draw damage onto himself.
dps = Damage per second. Also referes to characters who job it is to deal damage (As opposed to support and tanks)
burst = A large volume of damage done quickly and typically then very little sustained follow up damage.
support = Characters who job it is to support other characters: Healers, buffers, etc
runes = Refers to LoL's rune system, however this term is overloaded and some players also refer to sigils as runes
talents = A non-canon term for masteries
mastery, masteries = The talent-tree system of LoL
Dota = Defense of the the Ancients. A mod for War3 that virtually launched the moba genre
moba = multiplayer online battle arena
elo = The score a person has in the Ranking system.
leave, leaver = To quit a game before it is over.
raqequit = To quit a game in anger (Being killed, losing)
disc, dc = disconnect from a game.
Bearon = The Ultimate League of Legend Champion. A bear of nobility from Rabilov.
Coral = The color of Adjudicators elected in a fair democratic process. Penny then proceeded to invalidate the election and instead we got dodger blue.
adjudicator = Either an older beta tester, or a beta tester whose skill in game or feedback out of game have been noted.
skin = Items that give a Champion a new look (Costumes, clothes, etc)
champion = The particular character that you as the summoner control
hero = non-canon name for a champion
summoner = Your representation in the game. Essentially you are the puppet master of your selected Champion and you have your own summoner abilities along with the champion's abilities.
deny, denie s= Basically last hitting your own creep. This mechanic does not exist in LoL. In Dota this would prevent the other from earning the gold and experience for killing the creep.
Also, is stacking gunblade Nasus a thing? Just did a Nasus bot game and realized it's what I should have been doing all game...Only had one and cash for another at the end (with TriF and FoN and Boots5).
League of Legends
LoL’s Pro Circuit debut will feature two of the best casters in the business.
Rivington: An eight-year veteran on the competitive gaming scene who began with Counter-Strike 1.6 and is currently a Commentator at Riot Games.
FourCourtJester: Has been casting for over a year, and is now gaining a reputation for MOBA- style games. He has worked with GameReplays.org, Cyber Sports Net, Borderland Gaming and NationalESL.
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Pregame Show
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Pool Play - Counter Logic Gaming vs. Curse Gaming
12:30 PM - 3:00 PM Pool Play - Epik Gaming vs. Solo Mid
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM Pool Play - Counter Logic Gaming vs. Epik Gaming
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Pool Play - Counter Logic Gaming vs. Solo Mid
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Pregame Show
10:00 AM - 1:45 PM Finals
Someone mentioned it and I gave it a go. Regrowth pendant + pot and good leash on blue. Was bloody terrible. Had to port back before wraiths, barely kept up with the duo lane. I did get a good gank on their TF though but I would not recommend it at all.
Also our PA reddit team just got knocked out of the tourney. We played quite well but we got outplayed when it came down to it. No regrets as they were a good team and very nice, giving me good pointers after the match.
She's genuinely a beast right now, pretty unbeatable in lane. I'm tempted to say she's so broken it needs a hotfix.
I didn't have a great build for Teemo, somehow I ended up with like 3k HP and the other team was like, outraged that I wasn't as squishy as they thought.
nashor's tooth is probably not very useful on him, especially when you already have a malady and bloodrazor (attack speed caps at 2.5, and after a certain point it's more efficient to build damage than more attack speed)
i would recommend malady bloodrazor frozen mallet banshee's veil guardian angel and boots as an endgame teemo build
I would recommend... Rabadon's Deathcap, Deathfire Grasp, Void Staff, Rylai's Crysal Sceptre, Lichbane and Sorcerer's Boots!
(best endgame Teemo build)
I'm enjoying Teemo for this week, but I don't see myself purchasing him. The best part about him in my mind is the DoT, which people often forget when they estimate whether they can escape in time.
I've been trying various things on Anivia, and I feel that you really, really need some heavy mana. My typical caster build is a RoA but a Tear worked pretty well for much less, but left me incredibly squishy.
I'm dead serious."
I've been grabbing an early Mallet... but I dunno, the output from his passive isn't very good when all you've got is Mallet-level bonus attack damage.
Also his farm
It is awful
Stacking gunblades shouldn't be a thing on anyone, really.
The spellvamp (and lifesteal, I think?) is unique.
nope, it's the only remaining non-unique spellvamp
it's a weird choice for stacking because it's prohibitively expensive and doesn't provide any defensive stats
That's so bizarre; I would've swore they changed it a few patches ago.
i don't think so
they made the component, Hextech Revolver, into a unique item because it was too good
but the gunblade costs an additional 2500 gold to add 10% spellvamp, so stacking them just for the spellvamp isn't really a gamebreaking problem
it's pretty fun on akali
If you think your teammates are mouthbreathers, it is your duty to drag them kicking and screaming to victory. Gank their lanes, help them push their tower down quickly, take towers solo, whatever is necessary.
Winning your own lane is not sufficient.
As a noob, I like getting advice in-game. I don't like when someone's like "WTF srsly god ur terrible kill urself" and doesn't tell me how to do any better. I can't speak for everyone though.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
good guidelines to pushing a game of 5 cats vs 4 cats + you to victory
I loved tides of blood. It came out /caught on when I was getting sick of DoTA(hated the all stars versions) and looking back at it now, I'm still impressed with what they did with the mechanics, way minions/items
Worked, and the heroes. For some of the spells they had to do a lot of custom work.
I loved playing mostly as the blood Mage, and the pirate from what I remember. Im going to guess that custom map would play well today.
Any clue what happened to the creators and such? I posted on the forums here and there, but didn't get into the community like I did the original DoTA.
My wc3 playing days were mostly TD's and DoTA pre expansion and all ToB post expansion. The only bad thing about ToB was 2 hour games seemed common if inremember right if both teams were on the ball.
Whats some jungling ganking tips? I know I need to know the ability of my hero more. I have good map awareness using f1-f5 to quickly look at a lane and see enemy health. But I rarely get any kills. I'm thinking any time the enemy is pushing near the tower and I'm close I should go in.
But mostly I get no kills or just get enough hits to send them back to fountain. And now I'm a lvl lower than I would be had I stayed in the jungle.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
Don't let my pessimism ruin the game for you, I just have unrealistic goals.
Primarily, if you have a gap closer, only use it once they've gotten past you, NOT to initiate the fight. What you should instead do is circle behind them, then walk in and start the pain, using your dash or what have you after they've burned a flash or maybe landed a CC and are out of your melee range.
Aside from that, forcing an enemy back and/or to use a summoner spell is actually okay for a gank attempt. You relieve pressure for your ally, let them get some xp/last hits for free, maybe get some tower damage in, and in the best case you can circle back in in a minute and kill them now that their spells are down. If you time your ganks right, on top of that, you also lose very little xp since your camps are respawning. Hell, if you're actually behind, ask if one of your solos needs just relief and take their lane for a wave or two while they head back to the fountain.
Ask if there are any lanes getting pounded. You can even do this as a laner, just push your lane hard then make a quick trip over to someone else's lane to provide support.
It's not ruining anything. I think it's a valid point; there's enough variance in player skill that doing matches with pubbies can be way more frustrating than other games. Such is the curse of a teamwork-based game