[Prime] Thank You, Enforcers



  • aweisbergaweisberg Registered User regular
    It was another great PAX. Good job people!

  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
    If the Enforcer calendar idea goes through, we should split it into two. One for people to purchase, and one featuring all the guys that are built like me that we'll threaten to put in your swag bag unless you give a donation.

    Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
    3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
    PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    Bwa hahaha!

    So I know this is a little off topic (sorry Moe!) but I'll keep it brief. It relates to the comment above. We had 'Hottie Scottie' the cookie brigadier, who us gals thought should have distributed wearing nothing but his underwear and a couple of cookie pasties. Then we had another brigadier who was a bit more... generously proportioned. We figured it'd be hilarious if we sent Mr. Hottie along a line and a few minutes later... the other guy. In the same outfit.

    And with that, we'd need to DOUBLE THANK our handsome, kilted enforcement team for not kicking us all out on the spot, hehehe!

    But seriously, should we move the calendar discussion to its own thread?

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • AaronCAaronC Enforcer - Lieutenant Portland OregonRegistered User regular
    Calender? I'm in. Thanks to everyone who made it a great event!

  • SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    AaronC wrote:
    Calender? I'm in. Thanks to everyone who made it a great event!


    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
  • KnightKnight Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    AaronC wrote:
    Calender? I'm in. Thanks to everyone who made it a great event!

    365 days of AirWolf.

    What, you'd buy it, don't look at me like that.

  • MoonVydeoMoonVydeo Lord Moon Enforcer at Large Istanbul (Not Constantinople)Registered User regular
    beta_angel wrote:
    If there are [E] who want to do a calender (or multiple calenders), I'm totally down to set up time and do some photo shoots.

    Just sayin'.

    Only if I get to be Mr. March. I'll wear my hat.

    Thank you to all the attendees, we are here for you. We're havin' fun when you're havin' fun.

  • The_ReflectionThe_Reflection Registered User regular
    I did know where else to put this, so i'm posting it here. Dear 98% of enforcers, you guys are awesome and I love you. Specific shoutouts to BigRed, Arco, Tr0tsky, The Classic Console salesman enforcer, All the freeplay enforcers, CM Punk enforcer (even if he didn't enforce this year), Drill Sargent enforcer, Pirate enforcer, and anyone else I can't remember right now

    Dear the enforcers who thought the idea of doing a flashmob on Mega64's booth at the very end of sunday and just standing there blocking us in, dead faced, and pushing everyone into each other. Another enforcer told me later you guys were doing it as a joke. You forgot the punchline. If when the hall had closed you had started cheering too and not just stood there looking pissed, kneeing my friends in the legs and yelling for us to get the fuck out, we would have got it. Otherwise you guys really did just kinda come off like dicks. Still love you guys, but maybe next year let people in on the joke, or it looks way too serious.

  • vespachicavespachica SeattleRegistered User regular
    Definitely special thanks to the Enforcers. PAX would be totally lame without you guys (and girls).


  • JonnyNeroJonnyNero Registered User regular
    I too will put my hat into the ring for posing for a calendar

  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
    I did know where else to put this, so i'm posting it here. Dear 98% of enforcers, you guys are awesome and I love you. Specific shoutouts to BigRed, Arco, Tr0tsky, The Classic Console salesman enforcer, All the freeplay enforcers, CM Punk enforcer (even if he didn't enforce this year), Drill Sargent enforcer, Pirate enforcer, and anyone else I can't remember right now

    Dear the enforcers who thought the idea of doing a flashmob on Mega64's booth at the very end of sunday and just standing there blocking us in, dead faced, and pushing everyone into each other. Another enforcer told me later you guys were doing it as a joke. You forgot the punchline. If when the hall had closed you had started cheering too and not just stood there looking pissed, kneeing my friends in the legs and yelling for us to get the fuck out, we would have got it. Otherwise you guys really did just kinda come off like dicks. Still love you guys, but maybe next year let people in on the joke, or it looks way too serious.

    The problem is that the joke requires some context to be funny (specifically Mega64's yearly dancing flash mob shenanigans). I can totally see how it could be seen as weird and unnerving without that.

    Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
    3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
    PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
  • TangoTango Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    The Classic Console salesman enforcer
    That's Krelborn, I believe...
    Drill Sargent enforcer
    Shaven-headed guy with blue or red (Prime or East) camo pants? That you always go HEY DRILL SERGEANT! at? That's me. ;-)
    Pirate enforcer
    Did he just have the hat, and a blonde goatee? Accalon. Boots, too, and a longer dark beard? ChromaticTheory.

    Tango on
  • TangoTango Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    (Sorry, double post.)

    Tango on
  • emimonsteremimonster Silicon ValleyRegistered User regular
    You're magical mystical, Tango. Somehow I saw you everywhere I went. Last year, too. Do you have mirror images? Doppelgangers? How can you be one man!?

  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    Little known fact, Tango isn't just one person, he's an army of clones. You never see too of them together though because if they touch, all of them will implode. So, to be safe, at PAX they keep a respectable distance from each other.


  • AlatheiaAlatheia Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    Little known fact, Tango isn't just one person, he's an army of clones. You never see too of them together though because if they touch, all of them will implode. So, to be safe, at PAX they keep a respectable distance from each other.

    It would not surprise me at all if this was in fact true.

    Alatheia on
  • AvianAvian #1 Runner Registered User regular
    Knight_ wrote:
    AaronC wrote:
    Calender? I'm in. Thanks to everyone who made it a great event!

    365 days of AirWolf.

    What, you'd buy it, don't look at me like that.
    I would buy the shit out of that, also, I'm in for this calendar idea.

  • B for BusinessB for Business Registered User regular
    Avian wrote:
    Knight_ wrote:
    AaronC wrote:
    Calender? I'm in. Thanks to everyone who made it a great event!

    365 days of AirWolf.

    What, you'd buy it, don't look at me like that.
    I would buy the shit out of that, also, I'm in for this calendar idea.

    pretty sure i'd buy enough to cover the walls of my apartment.

    also, i want my picture taken!

    Xbox Live - Jaxon121906 10k
    PSN - B_for_Business
  • GeekyPrincessGeekyPrincess Registered User regular
    JonnyNero wrote:
    I too will put my hat into the ring for posing for a calendar

    Only if you bring the sheep. My daughters are googling sheep toys daily trying to find one, they are OBSESSED!

    As for the calendar, I'm glad my idea is taking off!

    Cookie Brigade Prime 2011 and 2012!
    Shipping cookies for Prime 2013
  • heelsheels Registered User regular
    I'm jumping in here too. <3 Enforcers, you guys rock.

    < devious1> heels: you are worst idea person ever


  • jclemyjclemy Registered User regular
    I could maybe help out with the Calendar if you guys are putting that together.

  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    MoonVydeo wrote:

    Only if I get to be Mr. March. I'll wear my hat.

    That's fine...but that's ALL you'll be wearing. :P

    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
    beta_angel wrote:
    MoonVydeo wrote:

    Only if I get to be Mr. March. I'll wear my hat.

    That's fine...but that's ALL you'll be wearing. :P


    Oh My!

    "we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    Seriously, though.

    If people want to do an [E] calender, we could make it happen. I kind of envision it being a goofy, nerdy take on the Fireman-style calender. Lots of shirts off with you guys flexing and being surrounded by computer parts/consoles. ;)

    Except for JonnyNero...who gets a sheep and his chiptune equipment.

    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    I request kilts. Of course, it shouldn't matter where the kilt is in the shot...

    And loads of enforcers aren't computery types: what about a different geeky theme for each month? Boardgames one month, consoles the next, star trek, computer parts, monty python...

    "Hey Mr. March! Check out THAT motherboard!!"

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    I think I would end up talking with the Enforcers who were interested to see:

    1) How many there are
    2) What are their interests and who else has those or something similar
    3) Figure out the base idea for the images after that.

    It wouldn't just be computers and consoles...that was a joke.

    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    August better be computers or else im going to cut a bitch.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • GrapesodaGrapesoda Registered User regular
    The enforcers were super awesome this year! It sucks that they had to deal with so much lameness this year :(

    Also, there was an enforcer with tri-forces on the side of his head who was really cool but i didn't get his name. Anyway thanks to him, i had someone to talk to while we waited in the Mega64 panel line.

  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    BigRed wrote:
    August better be computers or else im going to cut a bitch.

    So, that's 1 model for August...

    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • JonnyNeroJonnyNero Registered User regular
    beta_angel wrote:
    I think I would end up talking with the Enforcers who were interested to see:

    1) How many there are
    2) What are their interests and who else has those or something similar
    3) Figure out the base idea for the images after that.

    It wouldn't just be computers and consoles...that was a joke.

    I can let you know that a discussion is currently being had within the enforcers. We're trying to figure out the feasibility of it, so no guarantees, but you never know ;)

  • GeekyPrincessGeekyPrincess Registered User regular
    JonnyNero wrote:
    beta_angel wrote:
    I think I would end up talking with the Enforcers who were interested to see:

    1) How many there are
    2) What are their interests and who else has those or something similar
    3) Figure out the base idea for the images after that.

    It wouldn't just be computers and consoles...that was a joke.

    I can let you know that a discussion is currently being had within the enforcers. We're trying to figure out the feasibility of it, so no guarantees, but you never know ;)

    I can make it happen, I've done one before! I also have a fantastic photographer friend that would donate time.

    Cookie Brigade Prime 2011 and 2012!
    Shipping cookies for Prime 2013
  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited September 2011
    Let me know. I'm more than willing to spend the time and make it happen...especially if we can sell them and donate to Child's Play.

    Also: GeekyPrincess...

    <----photographer. :)

    beta_angel on
    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Let me know if you need an oiler.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    I don't think it's going to be that kind of calendar.


  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Let me know if you need an oiler.
    Yes, please.

    Oh, and what's this about a calendar?

    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • GeekyPrincessGeekyPrincess Registered User regular
    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    I don't think it's going to be that kind of calendar.

    Geek girls need eye candy too!!

    Cookie Brigade Prime 2011 and 2012!
    Shipping cookies for Prime 2013
  • beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    I don't think it's going to be that kind of calendar.

    Moe, you can come get oiled too.

    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
  • MoonVydeoMoonVydeo Lord Moon Enforcer at Large Istanbul (Not Constantinople)Registered User regular
    SmallLady wrote:
    beta_angel wrote:
    MoonVydeo wrote:

    Only if I get to be Mr. March. I'll wear my hat.

    That's fine...but that's ALL you'll be wearing. :P


    Oh My!

    Oh My! indeed....I'll have to bring a few hats. :P

  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    beta_angel wrote:
    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    I don't think it's going to be that kind of calendar.

    Moe, you can come get oiled too.

    He already has his pants off... like always.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
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