Your favorite moment from this PAX?



  • GaryOakGaryOak Registered User regular
    The Protomen and Mega64.

    The forums for a comic with dickwolf rape, bestiality, and all sorts of brutal violence has the kind of rules you would find in a kindergarten class room.
  • vegeevegee Registered User regular
    1) Walking into the Mojang booth and seeing Notch when I totally didn't expect to see Notch, then having an exhibitor grab me out of a crowd of 50 people in the booth to play 1.8 when I probably would have had to wait awhile to play it.

    2) Both the QA and Make a Strip panels. Hilarious stuff.

    3) Getting to play TONS of amazing indie games at the PAX10 and talking with the game developers while I played their games.

    4) Paul and Storm. WOW, that was a great show. I had no idea who they were, hadn't heard a single thing thing they had ever done, and was by far one of the best times I've ever had at a concert (and I've been to a lot of concerts). The best part is that my g/f and I almost didn't go out to the main theater for the concerts. We were tired of waiting in lines and decided to head out and check out some games at the freeplay rooms. While passing the concert hall, we veered off just to see if the doors were open, and ended up walking in and getting a spot 15 feet from the stage. We stayed until after JoCo finished his set and had a great time.

    5) Randomly stumbling onto the Mega64 booth while they were in the middle of (what looked to be) one of the most intense dance parties I have ever seen.

    6) Getting to play Twisted Metal with my girlfriend who had never played a Twisted Metal game before. About halfway through the demo, someone over the headset mic starts laughing his ass off, saying that he can't believe he got the crane to work. I glance over at my g/f and see her car being swung around the level by a helicopter crane while she looked on with a sad expression on her face. I started laughing so hard, I almost couldn't finish the match.

    7) Waiting in line for a bathroom stall when a guy dressed up as Arthur from The Tick walks in and uses the urinal next to a bunch of other guys dressed normally. The absurdity of that scene cracked me up for some reason, since I was still getting used to the cosplaying (since this was my first convention ever).

    8) The giant, multicolored beanbags near the Kirby exhibit. We couldn't have stumbled upon them at a better time.

    9) Earning my first Skyrim Nord hat (I got another one later on at the Skyrim panel on Saturday). I asked one of the Bethesda exhibitors how long the line to play Skyrim was and how I could get one of the horned hats. He told me the line had just closed off, but if I went to the other side of the exhibit and told the two women sitting down a sad story, I could get a hat. I wasn't really sure what this meant and I thought it was somewhat of a joke, so I went over there and told them "I didn't get to see Wil Wheaton earlier today because the line filled up too fast." They responded with "Really? That's it? Life is more important than that." I walked away, feeling sad and dejected. Then a story from GAF came to mind about Chinese Bear Bile milkers and a mother bear breaking out of her cage to smother her cub and save it from that terrible life, before running headfirst into a wall and killing herself. After I had finished telling them that story, both of them looked like they were on the verge of tears and said "That story is good" to which I responded "Sorry..." D:

    10) Leaving the convention hall after the end of day three, thus ceasing the Firefall ad campaign bombardment.

    This was my first PAX and I had a great time. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to play the majority of the big games. Aside from Twisted Metal, I mainly played smaller, indie games. The lines were ridiculous and I didn't want to waste my day in line waiting for a game that I was only going to get 10-15 minutes with. Especially when that game would be out to buy in a month or two. But these lines were to be expected. I learned a lot this first go around and I'll be a little wiser about how I spend my time the next time I go.

  • yabukasigiyabukasigi Registered User regular
    My favorite moment was walking inside Friday morning and knowing I had 3 days of this. IV met so many amazing people. First my roomies . Had a great time chilling with you. And then my new friends from the Sega party which was fun. Worst moment is right now knowing I got to wait 1 year. ..... Lets buy and island to party on =D yes? No?

  • SwordMageSwordMage Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    For me, the best parts, in no particular order were:
    -The Lando Society
    -Having JoCo apologize if 'Good Morning, Tucson' offended (we laughed and told him no)
    -Buttoneering! (and cookie brigade, even though i only baked. now, if only i can find my patches)
    -Giving Wil Wheaton a squeaky D6 a friend made and watching his eyes light up when it squeaked
    -The friendliness of everyone who had a frog stuffed in their face and a picture requested

    Matev wrote:
    Winning the DM's challenge. Still in shock from that.

    I wish I took a photo of you when they announced it. You looked shell-shocked, and it made me smile.

    SwordMage on
    SwordMage, aka Willa
    twitter: SwordMage86
    XBL: SwordMagelet
  • GyladiaGyladia Registered User regular
    I think most of my favorite things this year were community things. It was my first triwizard year and my first buttoneer year.

    I loved when Paul & Storm had us all be toy aliens from Toy Story and we whispered "The Claw" up at the paramount ceiling.

  • mintyduckmintyduck Registered User regular
    The WildStar demo experience was my favorite. Not only was it fun to play, but the devs there were very engaging and obviously really excited to talk about their game.

  • YuritauYuritau CanadaRegistered User regular
    Paul and Storm's entire performance. I laughed my ass off.

    Meeting and drinking with a trio of cool people in Hufflepuff DA. (still jealous of seeing two of them submit a Geek Chic order.. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!)

  • tokyodovetokyodove Perth, WARegistered User regular
    also i loved watching mega64 dance in front of their booth. soooo good

  • ReparadocsReparadocs Registered User regular
    Yeah, Paul and Storm were easily the best part of my PAX experience. I hadn't heard of them before and was mainly there for JoCo, but they stole the show!

  • MarsDragonMarsDragon Registered User regular
    Finding out that Magical Drop V exists.

    Finding out firsthand that Sonic Generations at least isn't terrible. Also playing a ton of awesome indie games, Kirby: Mass Attack, and El Shaddai.

    Hanging out with a group of great people I had only known online previously and finding out they're just as great in person.

  • JediknightkarlJediknightkarl Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    My favorite moment was asking the Mega64 guys "Can i have some of those balls you have between your legs?" then seeing their extremely confused faces turn to that of recognition as they reached to the cooler of Bawls between their legs

    Jediknightkarl on
    damn...bit my tongue....i hate that.
  • Xenocide GeekXenocide Geek Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    i'm with the paul and storm crowd - first time seeing them, and it was just insanely awesome. the crowd interaction made that entire thing.

    i'm hoping to triwizard drinking tournament it up next year, as my involvement with the community this year was minimal compared to two years ago.

    edit: minibosses were also great, but in a diff sort of way. perfect way to cap off friday night for me, though. <3 minibosses

    Xenocide Geek on
    i wanted love, i needed love
    most of all, most of all
    someone said true love was dead
    but i'm bound to fall
    bound to fall for you
    oh what can i do
  • Airious24Airious24 Registered User regular
    My favorite moment would definitely be BEING on stage at the Gearbox Panel as Lilith. Plus sitting next to Duke Nukem was really entertaining. The devs were super nice and casual after the panel. They let me take photos with them and give them hugs. Also they complimented my costume A LOT! I was soo surprised and humbled! It would have been my best moment of PAX even without the free game.

    A close second was 2k letting me skip through the 2 hour line to see the Borderlands 2 demo because of my costume. A month of working on it, dying and cutting my OWN hair (not a wig) totally payed off.

    My first PAX was amazing for so many other reasons then just this. I don't think next year can top it. ^^

    Also @Mad Moxxi, I wish I could have found you. I heard you were walking around, and I never could find you to catch a photo with you.

  • MrZeebubMrZeebub Registered User regular
    I'd say it was the Acquisitions Inc. game, except, the next day I got the chance to meet Jerry and talk about it. Thanks, Jerry, for taking the time to converse.

    The hat does the talking.
  • InitialdorInitialdor Seattle's Carl Registered User regular
    Watching Michelle Juett accept James Silva's proposal at the Ska Studios booth on Saturday. Brought tears to my eyes! (What? That shit was real!) I used to work with Michelle; and James Silva is the best programmer I've ever known. Best. Match. Ever. Congratulations!

    2018 West: Badges [x] TWDT [Rclaw TT] Cosplay: Still bald. Still single. Still lovin' it!
    "Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
  • GamingGoddessGamingGoddess Profesh Nerd Phoenix, AZRegistered User regular
    yabukasigi wrote:
    My favorite moment was walking inside Friday morning and knowing I had 3 days of this. IV met so many amazing people. First my roomies . Had a great time chilling with you. And then my new friends from the Sega party which was fun. Worst moment is right now knowing I got to wait 1 year. ..... Lets buy and island to party on =D yes? No?


    Time off[x] Fri-Mon Badges[x] Hotel[x] Plane tickets[x] Pre-Pax plans[TBA] Cosplay[in progress]
    "Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
  • harrysaxonharrysaxon Registered User regular
    First, some context; one of my friends had the opportunity, through a mutual friend, to sit down with Wil Wheaton last year over drinks. She asked him to suggest a name for our D&D group, which we of course use. Also, my wife is in business administration and is a huge admirer of what Robert Khoo has turned PA into. That said...

    1) Our entire D&D group getting to meet Wil Wheaton, and then him giving an extended, poetic blessing over my dice bag.

    2) Acquisitions Inc. Period.

    3) Watching my drunken wife making a bit of a fool of herself in front of her hero Khoo after a huge, alcohol-laced birthday meal.

    4) Watching my sober wife make amends to Khoo the next day and him being incredibly cool about it.

  • oyasumidesuoyasumidesu Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    ok so here i go

    1)dressing up as link, then meeting my dark link = bestest friends now (got millions of pics)

    2) making a crowd gafaw at the costume contest by only saying "HIYA!" and the interviewer being totally lost

    3) meeting all the musical guests and having them sign my link slingshot

    4)playing hacky sack with #4 (as link, making them all buckle in laughter when i only would say "HIYA")

    5) being a creeper in an elevator with enforcers and paul and storm while we are smooshed together in an elevator that wasnt moving for 2 minutes....THEN we realize no one pressed the [down button] it was epic. we all leave the elevator laughing and the ppl on the bottom floor were all like "what joke did we miss? o,0)

    5) figuring out the creepiest thing to be a fan of wil wheaton could say which was, "I LOVED you in criminal minds. i TOTALLY related to your character" (in creeper voice) his reply: "thats... thats actually quite disturbing"

    6) being photobombed by Wil wheaton then challenging him after words (as link) and his parry being "I HAVE A DICK CAPE! you cannot POSSIBLY WIN!"

    7) watching the VGO and seeing WIl wheaton jumping up and down nerding out *my respect went to 1 trillion after that*

    8)talking to JOCO about being link and having a dark link. then telling him we JUST MET ON SATURDAY and him being all like "I HAVE to have a picture NOW!!!"

    9) being creeper link (those who met me know what i mean Xp )

    10) all the people I met up with and we all became friends XD the best freaking pax evar! screw the swag! i like the people!!

    11) meeting the VGO XD they are awesome and we all got pictures together!

    thank you all who attended and thank you enforcers that i met and those who i didn't! you all ROCK!!

    oyasumidesu on
  • Cosmic HippoCosmic Hippo Registered User regular
    The Best part was that I got to give out all those Power Glove High Fives!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Matev wrote:
    also, never forget.


  • GamesharkGameshark Watch how I soar Registered User regular
    The Best part was that I got to give out all those Power Glove High Fives!
    Were you the enforcer in the Making the Strip queue line? If so, I wanted to Rock-Paper-Scissors battle you so badly. Sadly I never got the chance.

    Lord, there were so many things that happened this Prime that I'll never forgot. If I honestly had to pick one:
    Getting Mike and Jerry to make a call for me, and then having both of them sign my 4e Player's Strategy Guide. I'm never letting that book go out of my sight.

  • GamingGoddessGamingGoddess Profesh Nerd Phoenix, AZRegistered User regular
    It was also enjoyable watching @Yabukasigi interfere with that stuffed lamb's personal space while waiting for the halo 4 panel :P

    Time off[x] Fri-Mon Badges[x] Hotel[x] Plane tickets[x] Pre-Pax plans[TBA] Cosplay[in progress]
    "Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
  • MonkeyConQuesoMonkeyConQueso No more MH Claw Happy handsRegistered User regular
    edited August 2011
    PAX was my favorite part of PAX! But a little more specific, Friday night I won 2 raffle prizes from Kingston HyperX, which made my weekend. Wound up giving the 120GB SSD and Mouse to my buddy who couldn't stay for the raffle and gave me the other ticket. Kept the 8GB of RAM (wife now has 11GB of RAM) and the external HD enclosure.

    Outside of that, I really enjoyed the "Kris and Scott's Blamimation ALIVE!" panel. Gave me a good laugh.

    MonkeyConQueso on
    PSN : Aubvry ;; WiiU/XBL/Steam : MonkeyConQueso ;; 3DS FC : 4553-9982-3786
    Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    zerzhul wrote:
    Matev wrote:
    also, never forget.




  • lemongrenadeslemongrenades Registered User regular
    Probably breaking the Battlefield 3 co-op demo like four times in one go.

    Or getting engaged. That was cool too.

  • jukkakhanjukkakhan Registered User regular
    Two moments stand out for me:

    -Paul And Storm! I showed up for JoCo and was blown away by them. I had only heard Opening Band before from Rock Band, but they were incredibly witty and I was laughing the whole time. Their banter between themselves was great, but their interaction with the crowd was outstanding. I will not be able to read the words 'special sauce' on a menu without laughing for quite some time.

    -Ducking out of the expo hall for lunch and stumbling upon Bandland. R2D2 and C3PO were hanging around the Decide-o-tron area and posing for pictures when out of nowhere Darth Vader and company appear. It was a tense moment... until R2D2 starts driving around while playing the Imperial March! Vader even had to stiffle a laugh when he heard it. When I ducked out from that crowd, I see Jonathan Coulton with only 2 people in his line, so I hop over, and have him sign my DVD and chat him up a little. After that, I get ready to head out but notice Felicia Day has taken over Wil Wheaton's table with practical no line! She had just arrived and tweeted her location so I was able to get a autograph and a picture with her before her line exploded with people. It was the a very exciting 30 minutes for me, and it was just a matter of being at the right place at the right time.

  • AburnFlagsAburnFlags Registered User regular
    My favorite moment was a simple one, my friends and I were tired, they had just closed tabletop free play and we were all walking away defeated, about to go back to our hotel. When a very energetic man stopped us and asked us if we wanted to play a game, confused we sat down and played "Spot it" with a guy from New york until we were literally the last non-enforcers out the door. It was a ton of fun and really gave us all a good story. Thanks to whoever that guy was =)

  • Eticket109Eticket109 Registered User regular
    jukkakhan wrote:
    -Ducking out of the expo hall for lunch and stumbling upon Bandland. R2D2 and C3PO were hanging around the Decide-o-tron area and posing for pictures when out of nowhere Darth Vader and company appear. It was a tense moment... until R2D2 starts driving around while playing the Imperial March! Vader even had to stiffle a laugh when he heard it. When I ducked out from that crowd, I see Jonathan Coulton with only 2 people in his line, so I hop over, and have him sign my DVD and chat him up a little. After that, I get ready to head out but notice Felicia Day has taken over Wil Wheaton's table with practical no line! She had just arrived and tweeted her location so I was able to get a autograph and a picture with her before her line exploded with people. It was the a very exciting 30 minutes for me, and it was just a matter of being at the right place at the right time.

    Doh. We had to get food for my wife and left just after Wil did. We came back about 40 minutes later for Felicia but seeing the Vader / R2 stand-off would have been awesome.

    R2 was amazing and I loved that the guy running him just kind of stood back from the crowd. It really enhanced the magic of it.

  • TenaciousGGTenaciousGG Registered User regular
    So jealous of everyone who got the Borderlands 2 copy. We were going to go to the Gearbox panel, but my BF wanted that ridiculous Skyrim hat so we got in line at 1:30 (thinking we could do both) and finished the demo at 3:00 (the beginning of the GB panel). Found out a couple hours later about the free games, commenced kicking ourselves.

    As for actual highlights: Played Rift right next to Felicia Day. I didn't know she was there, so I looked at my BF and whispered "Hey, that chick looks kinda like Felicia Day, don't you think?" He glanced up for half a second, directed his eyes back to the screen, and nodded. I didn't know if he was confirming it, but the longer she was there and the more I heard her talking to her enforcer escort, the more I was assured that it was really her. Took a crappy creeper-pic on my phone to prove it to my friends :D

    The guy who was at the Mega64 Q&A freaking out at Eric the camera guy for holding the camera too close to his face. Most awkward, intense, hilarious moment ever. I'm hoping it'll show up on YouTube so I can show my sister, I just couldn't describe the intensity well enough.

    When we were told that the Kirby Mass Attack booth would run short of t-shirts literally right in front of me (after being in line for 45 minutes and being told that there were enough shirts for us when we first got in line), two of the people in front of me offered to give me their shirt if I wanted. Then one of their friends met up with them, who already had a shirt, and just let me have his right there, and it was even better since it was a medium (and all they were giving out at that point were Ls). PAX attendees are awesome!

    Playing Munchkin: Axe Cop twice and winning both games. Bought it for my sister. My friend won a set of Cthulu Dice from the SJ Games raffle and it was super fun to play back at the house and when we needed to kill time at the con.

    Doing the DnD dungeon crawl and doing 20 damage in one hit to the Beholder. Our GM was impressed. I actually felt like an asset to my team :D (still feel like a DnD noob). Then I won one of the rare prize items by rolling a 20! (Kinda regret not checking if there was a DnD promo event outside like last year, anyone know if there was one this year?)

    Friend found a MAD button on the floor (like, MAD Magazine/MAD TV) and didn't want it so he gave it to me. I used a sharpie to write "U" above and "?" below, making it something I actually wanted to display on my backpack.

    Oh and getting the Ico and Shadow of Colossus shirts because they're done so so well and it's kind of neat having a few limited run shirts...

    Oh my god, you have to post what these shirts look like. Ico is seriously my favorite game and Shadow is my sister's and we jizzed our pants when we heard about the HD collection that's coming out. I would have bought those shirts in a heartbeat if I knew they were there! T_T

  • recycledairrecycledair Registered User regular
    Oh my god, you have to post what these shirts look like. Ico is seriously my favorite game and Shadow is my sister's and we jizzed our pants when we heard about the HD collection that's coming out. I would have bought those shirts in a heartbeat if I knew they were there! T_T

    They're really really neat shirts. Sony only gave away a total of 500 of each t-shirt, Ico on Friday, Shadow of the Colossus on Saturday. These were the only "free swag" shirts we actively sought as we'd heard about them giving the shirts away on the PlayStation blog. So we were playing Ratchet and Clank when they announced the Ico shirts and the line started. We hopped in line and waited for about a half hour; well worth it in my opinion. The SotC line lined up really early and had a TON of people, so they ended up giving them out early because I think Enforcers were getting a bit freaked out over the large amount of people in line in that area for the shirts. Ended up only having to wait about 10 minutes for it. They're my favorite shirts, probably right after the two I picked up at Behemoth's booth.

    This is what they look like:
    On the back it just says "ICO" at the very top near the neck. Absolutely adore this shirt.

    Really awesome; this photo is actually from their blog we first heard about it on:

  • Mom2KatMom2Kat Registered User regular
    Probably The Tested Panel and the small meet and greet with the Tested guys and most of Giant Bomb. Even if I did have to do damage control when my Husband had to mention to Gary Whitta that I fall asleep listening to his voice. I listen to the podcast before I fall asleep and then the next night que it up to where I don't remember hearing and repeat untill I have heard the entire thing. Make a pod cast lat and entire week. Or when he had to say really loud while I was getting a Picture of Brad Shoemaker for my daughter, " Now you have heard his voice coming from his body, do you beleive it now?" Only cause Brad has this lovely resonant deep voice but is such a small guy.

    Oh and almost walking over Khoo when we were both not watching where we were going. thankfull Husband wasn't there that time to bug me as he was waiting for LoL:Dominon demo!

  • DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    Wow, those shirts are amazing. I had no idea about them.

  • SnipethewolfSnipethewolf Registered User regular
    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    zerzhul wrote:
    Matev wrote:
    also, never forget.




  • TenaciousGGTenaciousGG Registered User regular
    Yeah, now I'm really sad. I didn't know they were free swag shirts, those look amazing for free shirts. I have a friend who works at SONY Santa Monica, you'd think he would have known about this and told me! Me and my BF were on a swag hunt for one of the producers of ICO, who he's good friends with (only met her briefly during a studio tour)...maybe there is still hope for me. I've already got some rare ICO & Shadow postcards and a super artsy SoC poster that she had lying around!

  • CybitCybit Merch Underling RedmondRegistered User regular
    What do we do, and who do we fight for? :)

    Also: Real Men of Halo is something I'll never forget. Mostly because I am the terrible warthog driver.

    But always; the people. I met a random girl in the DM question panel line, and ended up talking to her for the entire time we were in line, then convincing her to ditch out early with me to go see Acquisitions Inc (her b/f is heavy into D&D, and she's trying to get into it, so I saw an opportunity to convert someone...) and talked to her for another two+ hours. Feeling like I've made a genuinely good group of friends to hang out with in Seattle more often now.

  • SonorkSonork CanadaRegistered User regular
    Two years ago I took a some pictures of a guy dressed as Captain Falcon (really good costume) and had regretted every day afterward of not posing with him. Found him at this years PAX and got some great pictures with him in various poses. So awesome! You Rock Captain Falcon guy! Never stop! :D

  • bigo2magsbigo2mags Registered User regular
    1.) Creating a T-Rex (named T.Rex) out of pipe cleaners and winning a button and a PAX 11 medal for it. I then attached the button to T.Rex's hand and used it as a shield to fight off rogue beach balls. --

    2.) Meeting Robert Khoo and thanking him for all the work that goes into PAX.

    3.) Make-a-Strip Panel: Fruit Fucker & Tycho -- "MAKE HIM GIVE A THUMBS UP!!!"

  • akTheraakThera akjak Registered User regular
    1) Finally having something to lay on the Black Altar, and having them think it was cool.

    2) Acquisitions Inc. I think the best moment of my whole PAX was seeing Paul & Storm opening it, and knowing there was so much AWESOME to come.

    Switch: SW-4133-1546-2720 (Thera)
    Twitch: akThera
    Steam: Thera
  • InfidelInfidel Heretic Registered User regular
    Drakmathus wrote:
    I got married on the 14th, PAX was the penultimate part of the honeymoon

    Were you the couple that I played Munchkin Cthulhu with at the Sheraton?

  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Rode in an elevator with Paul and Storm after their sound check before the Acquisitions Inc panel. They played some delicious elevator music just for me. Best elevator ride ever :D

    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
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